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Nicholas Raven and the Wizards' Web (The Complete Epic Fantasy)

Page 65

by Thomas J. Prestopnik

  He found Ramsey in the midst of conversation with a group of men keeping warm by a fire. A few soldiers still slept in nearby tents, but many were waking with the change of the guard, unable to find restful sleep. Ramsey handed Eucádus a cup of hot cider and a beef biscuit, inviting him to join the discussion. The two of them would be leading one of the armies south with Captain Silas.

  “Some of the men were wondering where we might expect to encounter Drogin’s troops,” Ramsey said. He warmed his hands over the flames as wisps of fog evaporated in the gush of heat.

  “And will King Justin get here in time to aid us?” a voice asked among the crowd.

  Eucádus heard the apprehension in that voice which matched the uncertainty reflected in many of the soldiers’ faces. He wished he had the right words to bolster their spirits and calm any lingering fears, but commanding an army was a new experience for him. Though he and others in the Clearings had prepared for this moment for years, now that it was upon him, he wondered if he could live up to others’ expectations.

  “I will not pretend that I know fully what to expect in combat, nor can I foresee the time of King Justin’s arrival,” he said in a calm, steady voice. “But after meeting and talking with so many of you these last few days, I’m confident that we can face and defeat any challenge Drogin sends our way. We fight for freedom, both for your people in Rhiál and for my countrymen in the Northern Mountains. And because we know this cause is just, and because we know this fight was brought to us by tyrants, we shall seize unwavering strength from that knowledge to use in battle against even the most determined foe.” Eucádus scanned the brave faces gathered around him. “I believe such strength is inside each and every one of you gathered on this field, and it will allow our forces to hold their ground when the time comes. And mark my words–when the enemy senses your resolve, they will realize only too late that we fight from a position of power and with a sense of honor that they will never experience nor understand. So in the end, they will never defeat us. It will be you who shall stand atop the hill of victory when the day is finally done, and all of Laparia will know of your triumph.”

  In the still of a gray morning shrouded in mist, the small group of men gathered around the crackling fire spoke not a word after Eucádus had finished, as if the faint echo of his words still lingering in their minds was too precious to dispel with a boisterous cheer or some clumsy remarks. Several men gathered around the other bonfires nearby also looked on, having heard his stirring address. By their appreciative expressions, Eucádus guessed he had found the right words to provide them at least a bit of hope and courage to face the long march ahead. He gently slapped Ramsey on the shoulder as he walked past, disappearing through the fog to seek out a moment of solitude as the men whispered among themselves.

  Eucádus stopped at several other fires over the next hour to speak with more soldiers as the sun climbed above the lake behind a veil of iron gray clouds. But as the early morning wore on and the landscape grew lighter, the fog began to burn off, revealing the faded greens and browns of a dying autumn landscape. All across the south and west fields near King Basil’s estate, the gathered troops were acutely aware that the march to the great battle was about to begin. On a strengthening breeze, tiny patches of blue peeked out from the cloud masses above. The billowing fog upon Lake LaShear and blanketing the adjacent lands began to disperse like a frosty breath in wintertime air.

  When most first heard the chorus of voices rippling across the field, they assumed that the gathered companies were eager to begin their marches north and south as this had been a moment long waited for. But when a forest of tall ship masts was suddenly revealed upon the lake in the fading mist, each one boldly flying the flag of Maranac, a temporary, leaden hush gripped the gathered armies. And to the south upon a distant ridge and across the grassy field before it, a horde of stony faces awaited silent and still, thousands upon thousands of the enemy clearly revealed as the last wisps of fog were swept away by the awakening breeze or melted in the morning light. It was as if King Drogin’s vast army had sprung up from the ground during the night like a field of mushrooms after a pounding rain. Upon cooling lake waters and across the hardened land, the opposition had arrived at King Basil’s doorstep. The enemy was prepared to end this bitter conflict and reabsorb the kingdom of Rhiál, whether by force or by surrender, into its turbulent dominion beyond the distant shore.






  CHAPTERS 40 - 85


  Copyright © 2017 & 2015 by Thomas J. Prestopnik

  All rights reserved.

  Nicholas Raven and the Wizards’ Web - Volume 2

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the author. The only exception is by a book reviewer who may quote short excerpts of this literary work in a review.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or events is entirely coincidental.

  Visit Thomas J. Prestopnik’s website at

  Cover Art: iStock

  (for individually published volumes)

  Cover Artist: Kelly McGrogan

  Cover Layout: Ryan McGrogan

  Maps: Thomas J. Prestopnik

  Nicholas Raven and the Wizards’ Web

  Nicholas Raven, a young gristmill accountant, just wanted a little adventure in his life. But he gets more than he bargained for when tumultuous winds of the past sweep him away on a journey he’ll never forget.

  Invisible webs are being spun over the lands of Laparia; webs of war, deceit, revenge and manipulation, all by two corrupt wizards with different objectives. When Nicholas becomes an inconvenience to their plans which pass by his very doorstep, he finds himself unwittingly ensnared in their vindictive schemes.

  After being accused of crimes he didn’t commit, Nicholas reluctantly flees home. But whether by chance or fate, his personal problems collide with the turbulent state of affairs around him, and he soon finds himself on a journey to the far corners of Laparia.

  Against a backdrop of war, kidnapping, mistaken identity and newfound love, Nicholas becomes embroiled in a rescue mission along the shores of a sprawling sea, takes part in a quest to reforge a magic key that could tip the balance of power in a growing war, and is ultimately drawn into the center of the tangled web of intrigue that has plagued his life from the very start.

  For every reader in search

  of an exciting adventure.

  I hope you find one

  inside these pages.





  Chapter 40

  The Gathering

  Chapter 41

  Words of Warning

  Chapter 42

  The Arrival

  Chapter 43

  Breakfast with the Enemy

  Chapter 44

  Dark Discussions

  Chapter 45

  Bell, Fire and Horses

  Chapter 46

  A Wizard’s Revenge

  Chapter 47

  A Shift in Power



  Chapter 48

  The Road West

  Chapter 49

  Cashua Forest

  Chapter 50

  Some Friendly Assistance

  Chapter 51

  The Guide

  Chapter 52

  Trees and Footsteps

  Chapter 53

  On Gray Hawk Mountain

  Chapter 54

  To the Shores of Wolf Lake

  Chapter 55

  The Wizard Frist

nbsp; Chapter 56

  Metal and Fire

  Chapter 57

  Unfinished Business

  Chapter 58

  A New Recruit

  Chapter 59

  A Seaside Chat

  Chapter 60

  The Bretic and the Hara Nor

  Chapter 61

  A Change of Command

  Chapter 62

  On Karg Island

  Chapter 63

  Friends and Foes



  Chapter 64

  A Brief Parley

  Chapter 65

  A Clash of Swords

  Chapter 66

  The Second Wave

  Chapter 67

  Lamentations for the Departed

  Chapter 68

  The Lines of Succession

  Chapter 69

  The Many Roads Home

  Chapter 70

  On the Eve of Vast Possibilities

  Chapter 71

  Fire and Stone

  Chapter 72

  A Pair of Kings

  Chapter 73

  Key Developments

  Chapter 74

  The Second Army

  Chapter 75

  vin Éska

  Chapter 76

  The Chase

  Chapter 77

  The Long Road to Spring



  Chapter 78

  An Invitation to Dinner

  Chapter 79

  Setting the Table

  Chapter 80

  Beside Murky Waters

  Chapter 81

  The Confession

  Chapter 82

  The Last Step

  Chapter 83

  Some Much Needed Rest

  Chapter 84

  Growing Suspicions

  Chapter 85

  An Uneasy Truce


  Map One

  The Lands of Laparia

  Map Two

  The Kingdom of Arrondale

  Map Three

  The County of Litchfield

  Map Four

  The Village of Kanesbury

  Each map follows twice.

  First as a two-page spread, and then on a single page.





  ~ CHAPTERS 40 - 85 ~




  The Gathering

  A patchwork of gray clouds plastered the sky shortly after midnight. It was the next to last day of Mid Autumn. The glow of the veiled Bear Moon, still a few days from full as it dipped in the west, added an eerie sheen to the chilled Kanesbury landscape. In the dim light, Dooley Kramer tried to find the correct key to unlock the main storage building of Ned Adams’ gristmill. The rattling key ring echoed loudly in the dead silence.

  “Why didn’t you select the right key before you left your house?” Zachary Farnsworth muttered. He stood with his back against the building, emitting a weary sigh.

  “Be thankful that I have the keys,” Dooley replied. “How about a bit more light?”

  “No! Not until we’re inside. Someone might spot us.”

  “There isn’t a soul awake in the entire village,” he whispered. “Besides, who’d see us here by the river?”

  “I want no mistakes with this meeting,” Farnsworth softly spoke, his ghostly breath rising. “We’ve given Caldurian enough reasons to question our usefulness. Let’s not add another to the list by announcing our presence here.”

  “I suppose.” Dooley exhaled sharply as he fumbled with the keys. “I’ll be glad when this night is over. First it was facing Adelaide and him at the swamps earlier, and now this. When will it all end so I can get my due?”

  “Soon,” Farnsworth said, eyeing him in the shadows.

  “I hope so,” he replied distractedly. “I can’t wait–ah, here we go! Door opened.”

  “About time. Get inside. The others should be here soon.”

  They entered in darkness. Only after making their way to a windowless area did they dare light any oil lamps. The storage room was partially filled with flour sacks intended for the local market. Dooley had already delivered the final out-of-town shipments for the year. He sat on a small crate and folded his arms, nervously awaiting the start of the meeting as Farnsworth paced about. Dooley had purposely avoided most of their meetings with the wizard, but today it couldn’t be helped. Matters were moving on several fronts and information needed to be shared. And though he was only a small cog in a great machine, he would have to make his own report to earn his promised compensation. A part of him wished he had simply given Farnsworth the key to the Spirit Box years ago and severed all ties with the man–or had never stolen the dreadful object in the first place–but he realized it was too late to turn back now.

  “So we don’t mention the swamp?” Dooley asked after a prolonged silence.

  Farnsworth, who had been thinking in a corner of the room, turned and bolted toward him. “No! A thousand times no! Do we even need to discuss that anymore? Caldurian is never to know anything about it. He doesn’t like loose ends, and our two guests there are just that. When the wizard departs Kanesbury, we’ll find a permanent solution.” He shook his head, wishing he had left Dooley on the swamp island as well. “Speak as little as you must tonight. Who knows if we’ll be given any last assignments before Caldurian leaves us to enjoy the village. But we’re close now. Let’s not panic.”

  “All right,” he replied, cloaking himself with a thin veneer of confidence. “I can get through this.” His heart beat rapidly and his breathing felt constricted.

  Shortly after, when he heard the shuffle of feet outside, he knew he had no choice in the matter. The meeting was about to begin. Dooley Kramer envisioned a long and tortuous night ahead.

  Everyone arrived within the half hour. Dooley guided them inside the storage room as Farnsworth greeted each visitor in the dull light. Caldurian took a seat on a chair Dooley had brought in from Ned’s office. Also present were Madeline and Mune who each sat on a low pile of flour sacks. A fourth arrival stood silently in the corner shadows, his arms folded, carefully observing the goings-on. Farnsworth stood at attention between Dooley and Mune, directly across from the wizard.

  “Not the most luxurious accommodations, but they will suffice for our purposes,” Caldurian said, straightening the folds of his black cloak.

  “They are secure and out of the way,” Farnsworth replied, not certain if the wizard’s dark eyes were showing disappointment.

  “This will do fine,” he continued. “It’s good to have all of us here at one time. It’s rare that our schedules allow it. We’ll discuss Vellan’s business before my own as that is the main reason for this gathering. Mune, you may as well start the proceedings. Bring us up to date on what’s happened.”

  “Certainly,” he said, uncomfortably eyeing Farnsworth and Dooley. “Everything?”

  The wizard nodded. “Yes, Mune. There can be no secrets among us now. We’re too far into this to limit information.”

  “Very well,” he said, caressing his goatee. “I had met with Madeline at the Plum Orchard Inn over a month ago. She told me about the war council, the information compliments of her old friend in the Citadel kitchen, Dell Hawks. I sent the specifics to you through Gavin.” Suddenly there was the fluttering of wings above in the darkness. Mune looked up in the shadowy rafters, spotting a pair of black eyes reflecting the light of the oil lamps. “Oh, there you are. I thought you were going to be a no-show.”

  “Not on your life, Mr. Mune,” the crow sharply replied.

  Mune addressed the wizard. “Did you make use of that bit of intelligence?”

  “Yes,” he said, glancing at Dooley. “We were able to get a pair of ears and eyes into the war council, but we’ll discuss that later. Continue.”

  “All ri
ght,” Mune replied. “But there is another piece of news that I didn’t send along with Gavin, only because Madeline and I were unsure of the outcome.”


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