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The Yuletide Engagement & A Yuletide Seduction

Page 11

by Carole Mortimer

  No doubt he and Teresa were in love—that was only too easy to see after last night!—but how would the two of them fare being married to each other when their backgrounds were so different? Toby, as Patrick’s assistant, earned a very good wage, but he certainly couldn’t keep Teresa in the life to which she was accustomed…

  “I’m an interior designer.”

  Ellie looked up from pouring the coffee to find Teresa McGrath smiling at her ruefully.

  Had her thoughts been so obvious? Or was it just that Teresa had the same ability as Patrick to be able to read her thoughts in particular? After Ellie’s earlier remarks about Patrick, that was a disquieting thought.

  Ellie shook her head. “I didn’t mean—”

  “I know.” The other woman reached out to give Ellie’s hand a reassuring squeeze, giving a shake of her head as she chuckled huskily. “It’s only that I’ve already had all those particular conversations with Toby,” she admitted affectionately. “He has this terrible dread that people will think he’s only interested in me for my money.”

  In the same way that Gareth was interested in Sarah!

  “I know that he isn’t,” Ellie said firmly.

  “Of course he isn’t.” Teresa’s chuckle deepened. “If you only knew the trouble I had getting Toby to go out with me in the first place…!” She gave a shake of her head, dark hair silky on her shoulders. “He seemed to think that as Patrick’s sister I came under the heading of ‘untouchable.’’

  Ellie could well imagine that he had. In the same way she thought that Patrick was unobtainable to her…

  “But you obviously managed to charm him into submission?” Ellie returned lightly.

  “Not exactly.” Teresa smiled wistfully. “I told Patrick how I felt about Toby, and he—well, he arranged for me to be around rather a lot—redesigning the offices he has here, and some new ones he’s acquired in York.”

  York…? Hadn’t Patrick said something the other day about Toby being in York with another of his employees? Employee, indeed; his younger sister hardly came under that heading! And, no matter what Teresa might say to the contrary, the role of matchmaker that Patrick had adopted for himself was arrogance personified!

  “I see.” Ellie nodded.

  “Ellie—may I call you, Ellie?” Teresa paused politely.

  “Of course,” she instantly acknowledged.

  “Tess,” the other woman invited lightly. “The family always calls me Teresa, but I prefer friends to call me Tess. And I do hope the two of us are going to be friends, Ellie…?”

  For Toby’s sake they would have to be. Although Ellie had to admit the McGrath family were very difficult to dislike, having a warm charm that drew like a magnet.

  “Of course,” Ellie said again, wondering exactly where this conversation was leading.

  Tess nodded, her expression intent now. “I’m really not some little-rich-girl who saw something she wanted and instantly had her wish granted by an over-indulgent older brother. I love Toby very much, and those differences between us that you were thinking of earlier are totally unimportant.”

  “Now,” Ellie felt compelled to point out.

  Tess gave a definite shake of her head. “Ever. Yes, my parents are rich. Yes, my brother is successful, and also rich. But we were both brought up with the belief that we had to make our own way in the world, to earn our own living. We were never going to just sit around waiting to inherit. I know how awful that sounds—” Tess grimaced as Ellie gave a surprised choking noise “—but it’s exactly the way a lot of children of wealthy parents behave nowadays.”

  “I wouldn’t know.” Ellie laughed incredulously.

  Once again Tess reached out and squeezed her hand. “You don’t need to—the closeness you and Toby have makes you so much richer than a wealth of money could ever do. I hope you will allow me to become part of that closeness…?” She gave Ellie a wistful look.

  How could she resist this charming young woman? How could Toby have resisted her? Obviously he couldn’t!

  And if Toby and Tess’s marriage meant that she would have to see more of Patrick than was comfortable, then she would have to learn to live with that. Because she had no intention of taking anything away from the love Tess and Toby had found together.

  Ellie gave the other woman a warm smile. “I can’t wait to dance at your wedding,” she assured her—and instantly wished she hadn’t. That was exactly the remark she had made earlier—before coming out with her insulting remark about Patrick!

  A remark Tess remembered all too well if her teasing smile was anything to go by. “So you said.” She nodded.

  Ellie felt the colour warm her cheeks. “I really wish you hadn’t overheard those remarks.” She grimaced.

  Tess chuckled, grey eyes warm with humour. “I wouldn’t worry about it, Ellie; I’m sure Patrick has had much worse said to his face!”

  “But not from his future—I’m not quite sure what the relationship is between the brother and sister of the bride and groom!” Ellie frowned.

  “Neither am I.” Tess grinned. “But, as I said, don’t worry about it; if need be, Patrick is perfectly capable of standing up for himself.”

  “And do I need to?”

  Ellie swung round guiltily at the sound of Patrick’s voice behind her, the colour in her cheeks fiery-red now as she saw the narrow-eyed way he was looking at her.

  “I heard the two of you talking and decided not to disturb you by knocking on the door.” He shrugged, coming fully into the kitchen to close the door behind him.

  Not to disturb her! Patrick disturbed Ellie every time she so much as looked at him! Did no one in this family ever knock?

  She stood up abruptly. “We were just having a cup of coffee. Would you like one?” she invited awkwardly.

  “No, thanks,” he dismissed. “What I would really like—”

  “Toby is much better today,” Tess cut in brightly. “He was asleep earlier, but I’m sure he will want to see you.” She stood up, a slight figure in fitted denims and a thick black sweater.

  Patrick’s gaze hadn’t wavered from Ellie’s stricken face. “You go up; I’ll join you in a moment,” he told his sister slowly.

  “Oh, but—”

  “I’ll come upstairs once I’ve spoken to Ellie,” Patrick told Tess firmly.

  Tess gave Ellie a sympathetic glance before leaving the kitchen, both women knowing that when Patrick spoke in that tone of voice there was no point in arguing with him.

  The very air seemed to crackle with tension once Ellie and Patrick had been left alone in the kitchen. Ellie busied herself clearing the used cups from the table to put them in the dishwasher. At least that way she didn’t have to look at Patrick!

  But she was very aware of him standing behind her, of every magnetic inch of him, his dark hair, that aristocratic face, the business suit, white shirt and grey tie that in no way detracted from the powerful body beneath.

  Was it always going to be like this? Ellie wondered in dismay. Would she still feel this complete awareness of him, this love for him, in all the years to come? Years when he would probably marry and have children of his own? She hoped not!

  “What’s going on, Ellie?”

  She drew in a controlling breath before turning to face him, a brightly meaningless smile curving her lips. “I have no idea what you mean.” She kept her tone deliberately light. “I like Tess, by the way,” she added—before he could tell her exactly what he had meant by that earlier remark! “I’m sure she and Toby are going to be very happy together.”

  “No doubt.” He nodded uninterestedly, eyes still narrowed as he looked at her searchingly. “Look, I’m sorry you had to find out about the two of them in the way that you did—”

  “Don’t be silly, Patrick,” she said derisively. “In fact, I have no idea what the big secret was in the first place,” she continued hardly, her head back challengingly. “Toby is twenty-six and I’m twenty-seven; it’s well past time one of us moved on.�

  She couldn’t pretend—to herself, at least—that it wouldn’t be a little strange, no longer having Toby’s less than peaceful presence around the house—that she wouldn’t miss the way he never shut a door behind him, left the bathroom in a shocking mess every morning and more often than not forgot to put his washing in the wash-basket, but she had never been under any illusion that the status quo would continue indefinitely. Her brother was a handsome young man, for goodness’ sake; Ellie had never doubted that he would eventually find someone he loved and wanted to marry.

  The fact that the woman Toby loved was the sister of the man Ellie had been stupid enough to fall in love with herself was just something she would have to learn to live with!


  “Patrick,” she cut in firmly, blue eyes flashing a warning now. “I’m aware that you’ve been acting as—as some sort of ambassador for Toby and Tess this last ten days or so, but there really was no need!”

  Patrick’s mouth tightened now, a nerve pulsing in his jaw. “Is that really what you think has been happening this last week?”

  “Of course,” she dismissed scathingly, desperately hoping that none of the aching love she felt for him showed in her face or eyes. “Not that I don’t appreciate the fact that you came to the company dinner with me. It’s nice to finally know that it was actually an attempt on your part to further family relations.”

  Patrick took a step towards her. “You think that’s the only reason I agreed to accompany you to that dinner?” he murmured huskily.

  Ellie stood her ground, even though every particle of her cried out for her to move away from her complete physical awareness of him. “Of course,” she said again. “Oh, I’m aware there was also a curiosity on your part to meet your cousin’s fiancée on neutral territory, but other than that—” she shrugged “—it must have been quite a chore for you.”

  His eyes suddenly glittered silver. “Exactly what is going on, Ellie?” he rasped. “Last night—”

  She gave a dismissive laugh. “Last night I think the two of us may have got a little carried away by the roles we’ve been playing—”

  “Last night I didn’t think we were playing any roles. I thought we went out to dinner together for no other reason than I asked you and you accepted!” Patrick insisted harshly.

  And she shouldn’t have done! Shouldn’t ever have allowed herself the luxury of believing there was any future in a relationship between Patrick and herself. In fact, now that she was aware of the reason behind Patrick’s attentions, she knew very well that there wasn’t a future in it!

  She forced another rueful laugh. “Then you thought wrong,” she bit out derisively.

  He took another step towards her, so close now Ellie could feel the heat of his body against her sensitised skin. “I didn’t imagine your response to me last night.” He spoke gruffly now.

  “Or your own to me,” she came back, with a defensive arch of her brows. “I’m not denying there’s an attraction between us—it would be silly to even try. As I said, I think we both got a little carried away with the moment. But it really wouldn’t do—in the circumstances,” she continued, determined though Patrick would have interrupted once again, “for the two of us to indulge in a meaningless affair.”

  Patrick’s mouth tightened. “Meaningless…?” he repeated softly. Dangerously, to Ellie’s ears.

  But what did he expect from her? What did he want from her? She had already had one disastrous relationship this last year—and a relationship with Patrick promised to be even more catastrophic than that had turned out to be!

  She shook her head. “Patrick, I think, for Tess and Toby’s sake, that we shouldn’t pursue this attraction. After all,” she continued brightly, “once the two of them are married, the two of us will be related too. Which could prove a little embarrassing if we’ve been silly enough to indulge in an affair.”

  Patrick looked down at her searchingly, the silver gaze seeming to see deep into her soul.

  Ellie stood that probing gaze for as long as she could—precisely thirty seconds!—before giving a lightly dismissive laugh. “Patrick, isn’t it already bad enough that I find going to work extremely uncomfortable, in case I have to see or speak to Gareth, without having that same discomfort concerning any necessity to see Toby’s future in-laws?” She arched dark brows at him.

  “You do care for him after all? Is that it?” Patrick rasped.

  Care for Gareth? Absolutely not. Ellie could see him for exactly what he was now—and the knowledge was extremely unpleasant. As well as embarrassing.

  But wasn’t Patrick’s suggestion giving her the perfect let-out for what promised to be an even more unacceptable situation…?

  “I’m not sure what I feel any more.” She shrugged, though actually claiming to feel anything but contempt for Gareth was lodging in her throat and staying there. “About anything,” she added firmly.

  “I see.” Patrick’s expression became unreadable and he moved away from her.

  Did he? Somehow Ellie doubted that very much. But it was better this way, she told herself firmly. For all of them.

  Except…the thought of not knowing when she would see Patrick again gave her a feeling of heaviness in her chest. She rushed into awkward speech. “Of course, I understand there’s still a problem concerning Sarah’s engagement to Gareth. And if there’s anything more I can do to help—”

  “Like winning Davies back yourself, for example?” Patrick rasped scathingly.

  Ellie drew in a sharp breath at what she guessed was a deliberate insult. “Somehow I don’t think so,” she came back evenly; if she lost her temper she might just say things she would be better keeping to herself! Totally damning things, like how could she even think of looking at another man when she was desperately in love with Patrick?

  “Then I think we’ve probably imposed on your good nature enough already,” Patrick assured her distantly, every haughty inch the successful businessman he was.

  That heaviness in Ellie’s chest instantly got heavier. Well, she had wanted to distance herself from this man, to keep her pride intact, and it appeared she had succeeded. Only too well!

  But there was nothing more she could say or do now, without backing down from the stand she had made concerning any sort of a relationship between Patrick and herself.

  She glanced at her wristwatch. “If you’ll excuse me? I really have to be going now. Toby is so much better, and I promised George I would try to get into the office before lunch,” she explained briskly.

  Patrick nodded tersely. “Teresa will probably want to stay with Toby for most of the day anyway.”

  “Of course,” she accepted evenly, reluctant to go even after claiming that she had to. Reluctant to part from Patrick not knowing when she would see him again.

  Oh, she knew she would see him again some time, at Toby and Tess’s engagement and at their wedding, but they would be occasions crowded with lots of other people, when Patrick wouldn’t even need to speak to her if he didn’t want to. And after today she accepted he probably wouldn’t want to.

  Patrick gave her another searching glance before nodding abruptly. “I’ll go up and see Toby now.”

  “Yes.” Ellie looked up at him, hoping all the aching longing she felt in her heart for him to hold her, to kiss her, wasn’t evident in her eyes.

  “I’ll say goodbye, then.” He turned sharply on his heels and left the room, his back stiff with disapproval.

  Proving to Ellie she was a better actress than she would have given herself credit for!

  Not that that helped in the least now that she was left alone with her feelings. Part of her wanted to run after Patrick, to tell him that she had made a mistake, that it hadn’t been an act on her part at all, that she wanted him with a desperation that made her shake with longing, in any sort of relationship he cared to choose.

  But she did none of those things. Slowly she collected her coat from the closet, able to hear the murmur of v
oices upstairs—Tess’s lightly teasing one, Patrick deep baritone—as she let herself out of the house.

  It was beginning already, she realised as she drove numbly through the busy streets, totally immune to the Christmas gaiety in the shops around her. Toby was moving away to become a part of the McGrath family, to be enveloped in their warmth.

  Something that, after today, Ellie knew she would never be…


  “IT’S official, sis,” Toby announced happily as he came into the house Friday evening, throwing his outer coat over a chair as usual. “Tess and I went out and bought the ring at lunchtime today,” he explained brightly as Ellie turned from cooking their evening meal to give him a questioning look.

  She had been expecting it, had thought she had prepared herself for it, but as the sinking feeling increased in her stomach Ellie knew that she hadn’t been ready for it at all.

  It was all happening so quickly now that the decision had been made. Toby had dined with Thomas and Anne McGrath the previous evening, in order to ask Tess’s father’s permission for the two of them to marry. In view of Patrick’s favourable opinion of Toby, Ellie had known there would be no objection to the request, and there hadn’t been. The McGraths were absolutely thrilled for their daughter, welcoming Toby into their family as if he were another son. Which, indeed, he would be.

  Whereas Ellie still hadn’t quite come to terms with the fact that she wasn’t so much losing a brother as gaining the McGrath family. One member of the McGrath family in particular!

  As she had expected, after their last conversation she had heard nothing from Patrick since they’d parted so abruptly on Wednesday morning. It had been a very long three days!

  “The engagement party is going to be at the McGraths’ on Christmas Eve,” Toby continued chattily, as he uncorked the bottle of champagne he had brought in with him and took three glasses out of the cupboard.

  The engagement party…!

  Ellie was filled with a mass of contradictions at the thought of seeing Patrick again. Happiness, because she ached to see him, and despair, because seeing him again would do nothing to alleviate that ache. Besides, he might actually be at the party with someone!


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