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Unwanted Desire

Page 12

by Skye Turner

  She gasps and her eyes fill with tears as she listens to Senator Bellaforte. “I’m sorry that you ended things with Ty because you thought we’d think you were making a mistake.”

  His eyes take in his beautiful, delicate daughter. “You look like your mother, but you are so like me. I thought you were like me. I never meant to pressure you, AnnaBeth. I never thought that you were doing everything for me. You’re a beautiful, smart, and loving woman. I’m proud of you for the woman you are, not the woman you think I want you to be.

  “If Ty is what you want, then we’ll give him a chance. He might not be who we’d have chosen for you, but that doesn’t matter. You’re an adult and a smart one… you’re more like your sister than you know. If you choose Ty, then we’ll respect that.

  “We love you and we respect your decision.”

  He turns his gaze to me. “I know you don’t care for me, son. I know you think we’re a bunch of rich snobs and I admit that we can be.”

  I shake my head to disagree with him, but he chuckles and holds his hand out to stem my denial. “No, you do and you’re right. You’ve been around us enough over the past few years. Coming here today to approach us… that took backbone. It took guts and telling us that you love AnnaBeth and you will stand by her whether we agree with the relationship or not… I admire that. I admire you and I’m happy to see you care for my daughter enough to stand up to a stodgy old politician.” He smiles. “I’m not averse to admitting when I’m wrong, son. And I was wrong about you. Just don’t get used to hearing it. I’m not often wrong.”

  I laugh uneasily.

  What’s happening!? Is Senator Bellaforte giving me his blessing to date his daughter?!

  Son of a bitch… I never would have seen that one coming.

  Holding my hand out to him, I nod. “Thank you, Sir.”

  He laughs and clasps my hand. “You’re welcome.” He gestures for AnnaBeth to come closer. She races around the table and hugs him. He kisses the top of her head. As she pulls back, the look on her face is pure joy.

  Well how ’bout that?! We just went public and it went… well.

  Damn… what a surreal fucking day.



  I’m so happy right now. I can’t even stand it. Ty and I just told my parents about everything and they… accepted it.

  I can’t believe it.

  I wasn’t certain how that would go.

  I can’t believe I’m watching my father and Ty talking across the table.

  After we dropped our bomb a bit ago, Daddy and Momma asked us if we had time to join them for a quick brunch before Daddy had to get back to his office.

  Ty said he had a little time before he had to leave to ready himself for his shift tonight… with Tifanie.

  What is she going to say? Is she going to be as accepting as our parents were?

  Grandma Clarabelle leans over and taps my hand with the back of her tea spoon. I glance at her. She’s wearing a “cat that ate the canary” smile as she looks at me. I feel a blush travel up my chest and into my cheeks.

  She chuckles. “I told you you needed that man…”

  I blush harder. Glancing across the table as Ty and my daddy continue to talk about golf, I shake my head in disbelief and ask Grandma, “How did you know?”

  She laughs outright and everyone looks at her. She waves them away as she continues to chuckle. Looking right at me, she says, “I have eyes, child. I know what I see. I’m old, not stupid.”

  I cough on the sparkling water I just took a sip of. “I never thought you were stupid. But… no one else knew.”

  She nods at my mother who is casually listening to Daddy and Ty’s conversation. “Your mother had her suspicions. You two weren’t as covert as you thought you were.”

  My mouth drops open. “Are you serious?”

  Grandma’s eyes light up as she nods. “Yes, indeed. Child, when you two were near each other… the chemistry was almost visible in the air. Then your hackles were so raised at my party and the way he kept goading you…like poking an anthill with a stick…He knew you’d blow. He wanted you to blow.

  “That man was watching you like a hawk. You think I didn’t notice how much he was drinking to keep himself from pulling you away from that weasel? The look on both of your faces was one of pure unwanted, but unmistakable desire.”

  Her eyes clear as she watches Ty across the table. He catches her looking and smiles at her before turning his attention back to Daddy. She smiles again and looks at me. “You hurt him.”

  With a sigh, I nod. “I did. I hurt us both.” I stare at him and my heart swells as the sunlight glints off of his auburn waves. It looks like burnished gold in the sun. Looking away from him, I sigh.

  “I hurt us both. And for what?! Because I thought he’d be shunned and I would disappoint Daddy… that was so stupid.” I nod across the table. “Look at them. I never thought I would see that. I never thought I’d see Daddy and Ty having a conversation like that. I hurt both of us and I took months away where it could have been like this.”

  Grandma chuckles. “Doesn’t matter what could have been. What matters is what is. And what is… right now is what is.” She reaches over and covers my hand with her wrinkled one. “You can’t go backwards, child. Only forward.

  “Embrace this second chance you’ve been given. There will be times you two fight. You’re very different and that’s going to cause some disagreements. You’ll have some outright terrible fights. Just make sure you always make up. Respect each other and learn that both of you will have to compromise. You’re a strong woman.”

  I blink at her.

  I’ve never thought of myself as strong.

  She continues as she sees my look of disbelief. “No, you are. It took strength to come here today. To walk into this house where your prim and proper parents live and present them with a man they never expected you to be with. Hold on to that strength. You will need it. The road is going to get bumpy and the real test of the strength of your relationship and love is going to be from how you both navigate the road.

  “It’s going to be messy, child. Real life isn’t a fairy tale, but that doesn’t mean you can’t get your happily ever after.” She pats my hand and tries to stand. I stand and help her. She takes my arm as she addresses the table. “I’m heading in. I’m not as young as I once was and these old bones are calling out for a rest.” She turns to me and says, “Help me to my sitting room, child.”

  With a nod and a smile, I do as she asks. As we pass where Ty and Daddy are sitting, he looks up at me and smiles. I smile back and help Grandma into the house.

  After getting her settled into her chair, I reach into my pocket and sigh as I unlock my phone. After opening a new text, I scroll through my contacts, find my sister’s name, and select it.


  Are you around? Do you have time to meet with me before your shift tonight? I have something I’d like to talk to you about.

  Momma and Daddy are fine. So is Grandma. This is about me and I need to talk to you.

  Please text me back if you’ll have time to meet up.

  If not… we can meet up when you have a minute.

  It’s important though.”

  I re-read the text three times and before I can change my mind, I hit “Send.”

  I wait a few minutes just to see if she’s going to text back and when she doesn’t, I head back outside to sit with my parents and Ty for a few more minutes before he has to leave.

  As I approach the table, my cell buzzes in my hand. Looking down, I see Tifanie has sent a response. I stop to open it.


  I’m around. I’m just cleaning up my house. This sounds serious. I don’t have to leave until 5PM. Come on by.”

  I text back a quick, “I’ll head that way in a bit. See you in about an hour.” And sit with Ty.

  He looks over and leans into me. “Everything ok, princess?”

  I nod and smile. “I think s
o. Um, can you come with me to Tifanie’s? I texted her that I needed to talk to her and she said to come over.” I’m so nervous about the meeting. I’m picking at my nails under the table.

  My mother says calmly, “I think that’s a good idea to talk to her as soon as possible.” She looks at both of us. I didn’t realize she could hear me. She smiles. “I’m almost certain your sister had her suspicions as well.”

  Ty coughs and I blush as I ask, “You knew, Momma?”

  She laughs and it’s musical sounding. “I didn’t know for certain, but I suspected.”

  Daddy glances at her. “You did?”

  She laughs again and pats his hand. “Yes, dear. I pay very close attention to our children.” She smiles at Ty and me again. “Both of them.”

  Ty glances at me and then back at both of my parents. He holds his hand out to me to help me up as he stands. Then, he shakes Daddy’s hand and smiles at Momma. “Thank you for your acceptance today. It means more than you know. I’m sorry to leave so quickly…” He looks at me. “But, it appears we have somewhere else we need to be before I work tonight.”

  Within minutes, we’re heading to Tifanie’s. My car is at my apartment in Baton Rouge, so Ty says we’ll head straight to Tifanie’s and then he’ll drop me at my place on his way to work.

  Chapter Seventeen


  AnnaBeth is quiet on the drive to Tifanie’s. I can tell she’s stressing about the meeting because she’s picking at the hem on her light yellow summer dress and I can hear her expel sighs frequently.

  I’m a little nervous, too.

  I don’t know why you would be! I mean, you only lied to her face about you and AnnaBeth!

  Shit! I never expected that AB and I would be together again.

  Doesn’t matter! When she asked, you should have been honest. She’s your best friend and the woman you count on to create the perfect team.

  Our entire relationship, both personal and professional, is based on trust and I LIED to her…

  I’m in love with her sister… the sister that she doesn’t get along with… the sister that she thinks I hate…


  This is not going to be good.

  It’s your own fault, Ty!

  We pull up at Tifanie’s house and I park in front of the door. AnnaBeth is pale and she’s picking at her nails as she stares at the pretty little house. She turns to me and says, “I don’t want her to be mad at you. All of this is my fault.” She expels a large puff of air, squeezes her eyes shut, and leans her head back on the headrest. “Shit! I should have come here alone to explain to her what’s going on… what’s been going on.”

  Reaching over, I take her hand and gently pull it. Her eyes open and she looks at me. “Hey, that’s crap. We need to do this together. We faced your parents earlier… Tif will be a piece of cake. She might be upset that she wasn’t in the loop, but she loves us. Both of us. It’ll be ok.”

  Lord, I hope I’m right about this.

  The door opens and Tif is standing there. The look of complete and utter confusion on her face as she sees my truck with AnnaBeth and me in the cab, does not bode well for me.

  Her mouth opens and closes as she shuts her eyes tightly and then reopens them to focus on us. She frowns.

  Taking a deep breath, I squeeze AB’s hand and open my door.

  Tif watches me with the frown still between her brows. AnnaBeth opens her own door and we both head to the small porch.

  Tif looks between the two of us. “What the hell is going on?”

  Before I can answer, AnnaBeth says, “Can we go inside to talk? We’ll explain everything, but I’ll be more comfortable if we do it inside.”

  With an uneasy glance at me, she turns on her heel and pushes the door open. “Sure. Come on,” she calls over her shoulder.

  Taking a deep breath, I take AnnaBeth’s hand and let her walk in before me. As I clear the door, I close it.

  Well, this is about to get real interesting.

  As the door closes behind us, Tifanie whirls on us. “What the hell is this? Ty? AnnaBeth?”

  AnnaBeth jumps. I take her hand and Tifanie zeroes in on it. She mutters, “I knew it! I fucking knew it!” She turns on me. “How long? How long has this been going on, Ty?” She points at me. “I asked you! I asked you point blank if something was going on between you two…” She flops back onto the couch and hits the cushions before glaring at me again. “You lied to me! You lied to me, Ty!”

  I nod. “I know. I did and I’m sorry. But when you asked…” I glance at AnnaBeth. She’s pale. Looking back at Tif, I say quickly, “When you asked… there wasn’t anything going on. It had ended.”

  Tif’s eyes bug out of her head as she looks rapidly back from me to AnnaBeth. “Ended? It had ended?” She closes her eyes again and mutters, “What in the ever-living hell?!”

  AnnaBeth speaks up. “Tifanie. I’m sorry. He wanted to tell you. To tell everyone… but I wouldn’t let him. I didn’t want anyone to know.” She shrugs helplessly. “All of this is my fault.”

  Tifanie glares at us. “You’re fucking engaged, AnnaBeth!”

  She shakes her head adamantly. “I’m not.” Tifanie’s mouth pops open, but no sound emerges. “I’m not engaged. I ended it. Yesterday. I couldn’t marry Stanton. Not… not when I was in love with Ty.”

  I feel for Tifanie. She looks flabbergasted right now. She finally finds her voice. “Wait. Stop talking.” She holds her hand up to ward us off. “Let me talk… You and Ty. You’re in love? When? How? When did this start? And were stringing Ty along while you were engaged, AnnaBeth?! What the fuck is wrong with you? You’re both… I can’t even.”

  AnnaBeth is shaking her head frantically. “No, I wasn’t involved with Ty while I was engaged to Stanton. I ended things with Ty… the morning Stanton proposed.”

  Tif sputters, “I’m so confused…”

  I take pity on her and sit beside her. She glares at me. “You lied to me! To my face! You fucking lied to my face, Ty! I asked you if you’d tell me if there was anything to tell and you said you would. You lied to me! I never would have thought you would lie to me, Ty.” Her voice trails off and I can hear the hurt in it.

  Taking her hand, I implore her to listen. “Tif, it’s not like that… I did lie to you, yes. But not because… hell, I don’t know why I lied… Ok, that’s a lie. I didn’t tell you because I didn’t know what your reaction would be. I was afraid of what you’d think…”

  Jerking her hand back, she jumps up and stalks to the other side of the room. She whirls as she gets to the window. “You’re my best friend, Ty. And on top of that, we’re partners! I trust you with my life! My fucking life! Why would you think you couldn’t tell me anything?! You know me better than that!” She turns away from me and stares at the wall as she mutters, “I knew it! It’s so obvious!”

  I call her name, “Tif?” She looks at me and the hurt and accusation in her eyes kills me.

  This is what I was afraid of. Her looking at me like that.

  This is exactly what I was afraid of.

  “I’m sorry. I know I should have told you. Back when it started… six months ago. I should have told you.”

  She screams at me. “Six months ago? Are you kidding me?” Her livid gaze swivels to AnnaBeth. “The girl he was so happy with… That was you?”

  AnnaBeth nods. “It was. We were seeing each other for a few months, then I ended it. Because I was stupid. Then, Stanton proposed and Daddy and Momma looked so happy. I was railroaded into the engagement. I should have stood up for myself, but I didn’t.” She looks at me and smiles sadly before she looks back at Tif. “It was my fault, Tifanie. All of it. I hurt him and I hurt myself. I was miserable with Stanton.”

  Tifanie laughs. “Of course you were. He’s a slimy bottom feeder with a pretty title.”

  I chuckle. “Tif.” She looks at me. “AnnaBeth and I both made mistakes. She ended it, but I was so hurt, I just let her go. I could have fought for her. I co
uld have tried to make her understand what she meant to me. But, I didn’t. Instead, I convinced myself I hated her and slept my way through half the state. I lied to you and acted in a disgusting way to try to forget her.

  “It didn’t work though.”

  Tifanie looks from me to AB repeatedly. Then, she does something unexpected. She laughs. Once she starts, she can’t stop and soon she’s doubled over holding on to the side of the couch as she laughs hysterically.

  I blink in confusion. AnnaBeth looks at me in bafflement. She mouths, “Is she ok?”

  I shake my head and shrug as we watch Tif lose it because the truth is, I have no idea.



  Tifanie is laughing hysterically in the living room as Ty and I stand here and stare at her.

  Shit! Did we make her crack?

  I have no idea what she’s thinking. I hope and pray that my selfish actions don’t cause irreversible harm to their relationship.

  Finally, she stops laughing long enough to look at us. She wipes her eyes and takes a deep breath.

  Ty and I exchange uneasy looks.

  Tifanie chuckles again and says, “Well, ok then. How about that shit? My best friend is in love with my sister.”

  Is she talking to us or to herself?!

  I look back at Ty and my face must show just how uncomfortable I am right now. He squeezes my hand in reassurance.

  Tifanie looks back at the two of us again. “So, what now? Are you like a couple? Are you going public?”

  I nod. “We are. We just left the mansion. We had brunch with Momma, Daddy, and Grandma.”

  I laugh as Tifanie’s chin practically hits her chest. “Wha–What? Are you kidding me? You told Richmond and Rosalind that you were dating Ty?!” She claps her hands and mutters, “I miss all the good shit! Damn, I’d have loved to see their faces.”

  I giggle as I remember. “Yeah, they were… surprised, to say the least. Then… they were fine.”

  Tifanie gasps. “They were fine? With you dating Ty? Are you shitting me?”

  Ty guffaws. “Nope.” He grins. “You know my charm is legendary.”


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