Unplanned Love (Savage Love)
Page 6
“Bryce, do you know if anyone got the film or the sim card from Carrie?” she turned and asked.
“I don’t think so, but I’m sure it will be ok until the morning,” he replied.
“Yeah, you’re right. It’s not like she’s going anywhere,” she said giving him a final pat on the arm. “Good night Big Brother.”
“Sweet sleep you two,” he called as he walked away.
“That was fun,” said Alyssa as she got ready for bed.
“It was!” agreed Seanna as she walked into the bathroom. When she was done Alyssa was already comfy in bed.
Seanna got in her own bed and thought about the day. Though it was a wonderful day, something niggled at the back of her mind. Not being able to go to sleep she got back up and put on some clothes. As she was leaving, Alyssa called sleepily to her, “Where are you going?”
“I’m going to go and get the film. I just have a feeling I should,” she answered. “I’ll sleep better knowing that I’ve got it.”
It only took her a few minutes to get to Kevin’s cabana. She almost turned around when she saw that the lights were off. This is silly. They are already asleep. No sooner had that thought come, her mind then registered the low voices coming from the open window. Quietly she walked up the stairs and to the window. She didn’t know why she didn’t just make herself known, but that niggling feeling was back. Enough moonlight was streaming in the window that she could clearly see two people in bed together. She stood there long enough to know that they were not sleeping. Suddenly her stomach felt hollow and her throat so tight she couldn’t breathe. horrified, she forgot all about the film and quickly stumbled down the stairs and headed for her own cabana. She was crying so hard that she didn’t see Bryce until he caught her right before she would have crashed into him.
“Sea, what’s wrong,” he asked with concern, holding her close.
“Get me out of here,” she said grabbing him by the shirt. Bryce turned around keeping his hold on Seanna with one arm and led her back to his Cabana. He got her inside sitting on the couch and calmed down enough to understand what she was saying. “I couldn’t sleep, I kept thinking about that stupid film…I can’t help it I just never liked his cousin…oh, God…I hope she’s not his cousin…”
“What happened Sea?” he asked gently he still had his arm around her shoulder sitting next to her.
“Bryce, they were having sex…” she sobbed into his shirt.
“Are you sure…” he had to ask.
“I stood there like an idiot not wanting to believe it, but they weren’t covered…yeah, I’m sure. I feel sick. I’ll never be able to get that picture out of my mind,” she continued to cry.
Bryce was at a loss as to what to say, so he just sat quietly and let her cry it out. Finally she heaved a heavy sigh and sat up. She took one look at his soaked shirt and giggled, which worried him even more. He’d never heard Seanna giggle before.
“I’ve soaked your shirt,” she stated.
“That’s ok,” he said shaking his head.
“I’m pretty sure some of that is snot…”
“In that case why don’t I put on a clean one,” he said. He grabbed a box of Kleenex off of the table and tossed it to her before he took off his messy shirt.
“Where were you going?” she asked from the couch.
“…I’m changing my shirt?” he said confused.
“I’m not delirious, just humiliated.” She said with a snort. “I meant, when I almost mowed you over. Where were you going?”
“I kept thinking about the pictures. I figured you must have mentioned it for a reason. If you were having second thoughts about it, then maybe I should just go get them,” he answered as he came back in a dry t-shirt.
“I just can’t figure it out. If she’s not his cousin and they have some kind of relationship, what’s he been doing with me? And why bring her here. Unless the whole ‘wedding surprise’ was just a ploy to get her here for a free tropical vacation,” she said wearily.
“What do you mean ‘wedding surprise’? Didn’t you two plan that together?” he asked with a frown.
“No,” she said with a frown. “I didn’t know a thing about it until I saw her on the beach!”
“He told Leal and I that you knew all about it. That’s why Daffyd decided to let her stay, because he thought you were in on it.”
“That jerk. How could I be so stupid,” she said jumping up from the couch. “He’s up to something. Why couldn’t I have just trusted my gut feeling about him? I knew he wasn’t being honest, but I wanted to believe he really liked me.”
“Well, sometimes we get fooled.”
“Would you have been?” she demanded.
“I’m studying to be a lawyer and I’ve been around Daffyd too much, so no, probably not,” he answered truthfully. “So, Sea, what do you want to do about it?”
“I think I want to confront him about it all, quietly without causing a scene. Tomorrow morning before they come for breakfast, I’m going over to talk to both of them and to get the film and the sim card. Then I am telling them to leave,” she said firmly.
“I’m going with you,” he said.
“I made this mess, I need to take care of it,” she stated.
“I’ll stay outside then. But you’ll know I’m there for moral support,” he suggested.
“Ok, deal.”
“Now, I’ll walk you back to your cabana. In the morning, you stop and get me on your way to see them. What time do you want to head over?” he asked.
“I certainly don’t want to catch them in bed again…let’s say about eight. That gives us time before everyone meets for breakfast. Maybe you could talk to the manager about getting a boat to get them out of here,” she asked.
“Ok, let’s get you to bed.” He helped her to her feet and she gave him a big hug.
“Thanks, Bryce,” she whispered into his chest.
“Hey, what are brothers for,” he whispered back into her hair.
Chapter 9
The Reckoning
Bryce was up bright and early. First he went to see Trisha and Leal; he recounted the circumstances from the night before. Leal said he could make his way to Kevin’s cabana shortly after eight. Both men agreed that there might be some kind of trouble from the pair before they got them off of the island. Trisha decided to go to Sally’s to pray while the boys took care of business. Next, Bryce found the manager and told them that two of their guests where there on false pretences and would be leaving first thing this morning. Because they prided themselves on their guest privacy and security, he was more than happy to secure transportation for the two off of the island. He also suggested having a few of the male staff to be in the area of Kevin’s cabana before eight.
At seven-forty five on the nose, Seanna arrived at Bryce’s cabana. She had dark glasses on and her hair pulled back in a tight pony tail. Looking tired but determined she wanted to go right away. Bryce was able to stall a few minutes, giving Leal time, by telling her what the resort manager had to say. By the time they arrived Bryce noticed a male staff member pushing a cleaning cart in front of one of the empty cabanas down the beach, and another with a fishing pole was within shouting distance, and Leal trailing a ways behind them. Seanna was too set on her task to notice any of it.
“Wait here,” she said to Bryce when they got to the cabana. They could hear a blow dryer running so she knew that the occupants had to be awake. Bryce waited around the corner as Seanna knocked loudly at the door. As soon as Kevin let her in, Bryce moved to a spot right outside of an open window and motioned, down the trail, for Leal to join him.
“Good morning beautiful,” Kevin drawled moving to embrace Seanna.
“Don’t,” she said coldly and took a step back folding her arms in front of her.
“What now?” he asked frowning.
“Go get Carrie,” she said motioning to the bathroom with her head.
“What’s this all about,” he asked.
sp; “What I have to say, needs to be said to both of you,” she bit out between clenched teeth.
“Carrie,” he yelled now that the bathroom was quiet.
“What do you need?” she yelled back.
“We have company, get dressed and get out here,” he said watching Seanna.
“Um…can you hand me something…” she said peeking her head out.
Seanna raised her eyebrows at Kevin’s look of embarrassment when he realized what it must look like to have his ‘cousin’ in his bathroom with no clothes. “I was still sleeping when she got up.”
Seanna turned to look out of the window while he rummaged through the bags on the floor and threw something into the bathroom. Just as the bathroom door opened again, Seanna notice that Bryce was standing right outside the window. Feeling her courage rise, she turned and saw a look pass between the other two.
“What’s up?” asked Carrie regaining some of her attitude.
“I’m here to get the sim card and the film,” said Seanna.
“I had planned on bringing them to breakfast, you didn’t need to make the trip over,” she said sullenly.
“What’s your problem, Sea?” Kevin asked angrily.
“No problem, Kev,” she said calmly. “Well, there won’t be. Because you’re cousin is going to hand over the film and the sim card and then you two are packing up. There is a boat waiting for you at the dock. You’re both going to leave the island, right away, this morning.”
“What’s she talking about Kevin?” Carrie asked as she dug through her camera bag.
“I told you, she’s jealous of you. She can hang out with her lover-boy and excuse it because she pretends that he’s her brother, but she has a problem with me hanging out with my own flesh and blood,” he sneered. “Give her the film and she’ll get over it.”
As soon as Seanna had the film and sim card in the pocket of her shorts she looked Kevin right in the eye. “Speaking of flesh…I came by last night and saw a little more than I wanted to. Cousins?” she said looking at him with disgust.
“What are you talking about?” he asked calmly.
“You make me sick. Which one is it, are you sleeping with your cousin, or have you been lying about Carrie being related, since the first day we met?” she asked.
“Well, honey, I guess that would be a ‘no’ to your first question and a ‘yes’ to the second one!” he laughed. “Did you seriously think I’d be interested in someone like you. You are the most boring woman I have ever met, who puts more passion into eating then into lovemaking, a simple-minded repressed religious freak.”
“Then…why?” she asked trying not to let what he had just said get to her.
“It’s simple really. I overheard your conversation in the café about a rich relative and we hatched a plan to get some of the money. Then when I found out that he wasn’t a part of your family until the ‘I-do’s’, we decided to go along with the photographer thing.”
“What could you possibly get out of it?” she said amazed.
“A vacation, not to mention that Carrie and I haven’t spent a night apart since she moved in with me in September.”
“You two live together…you mean after you took me out, you’d go home…” she said incredulously.
“…to me,” Carrie cut her off with a smirk.
“He kissed me…bought me gifts…he tried to get me to sleep with him,” Seanna said to Carrie in shock.
“I guess Kevin forgot to tell you that he’s on the drama team. My man can act,” said Carrie with a smile. “And you sucked it right up. When he’d get home we’d laugh about your holier-than-thou attitude and your eating habits. You kept us quiet entertained.”
“Well, the entertainment is over. You’re leaving.” Seanna said firmly as she turned to leave.
“We aren’t going anywhere. You can have the photos, call it a gift. But we are staying out the rest of the vacation. I haven’t put up with you for the past few months just to cut it all short. It’s not like you can make us leave without telling everyone what a fool you’ve been,” said Kevin. “There is no way you’ll let your family know that the man of your dreams can’t stand the sight of you.”
“That’s enough!” said Bryce angrily as he stormed in the door.
“Well, if it isn’t the big brother coming to the rescue,” sneered Kevin.
“Get your things. You two are out of here. Seanna go out to the porch,” Bryce said between clenched teeth.
No sooner had Bryce gotten the words out and Kevin pulled back his arm and hit Bryce square on the jaw. Catching him off guard, the sucker punch knocked Bryce back out the door, giving Leal access to the inside of the cabana. As Seanna and Carrie stood in shock, Leal quickly put Kevin in a submission hold, with one arm twisted in an unnatural way across Kevin’s own back, and was speaking calmly into his ear.
“You have ten minutes to pack up and get to your boat. There are two men outside to make sure you do. When you get back to Wisconsin, you will not contact Seanna or come near her again. Understood?”
“Don’t hurt him!” squealed Carrie. “We’ll go. Come on Kevin they aren’t worth it!”
Leal turned Kevin loose and shoved him towards Carrie. Bryce was rubbing his jaw when Seanna walked out the door. Leal followed behind them and stopped to talk to the two burly staff members. Carrie slammed the door behind them as soon as they had got off of the veranda.
Chapter 10
“What was that?” asked Seanna staring at Leal.
“Didn’t we ever mention that Leal met Trisha when he was working as Daffyd’s body guard?” laughed Bryce.
“Um…no,” she said amazed.
“And he was a marine before that,” Bryce said slapping Leal on the back as the hero caught up with them.
“Man, I hate fights,” said Bryce. “They don’t solve anything.”
“I never start them, but I am willing to stop them,” chuckled Leal as he crooked his arm around Bryce’s neck.
“What were you doing there and where did those other guys come from?” asked Seanna still trying to figure it all out.
“Bryce told Trisha and I what happened and asked for some backup,” shrugged Leal.
“Family sticks together,” Bryce explained with a shrug when she looked up at him in appreciation.
“Bryce…your jaw is turning purple,” said Seanna wrinkling her eyes.
“Let’s get some ice on that before breakfast,” Leal said.
“What are you going to tell everyone when those two don’t show up,” Bryce asked Seanna.
“The truth,” she said. “Remember what Sally said about family. ‘Home is where you can act the worst and still be loved the most.’ I was stupid…but you all will still love me.”
“Speaking of Grandma, I better go let her and Trisha know that it’s all settled. They’re praying at Grandma’s. Seanna you make sure Bryce gets an ice pack on his face.” He went on ahead of them to clue the two prayer warriors in.
“You don’t believe all that crap he said back there, do you?”Bryce asked Seanna.
“Most of it, well…some of it…maybe,” she said her voice catching.
“Don’t listen to that guy, Sea. You are so much better than them, too good for a guy like that. Promise me that you won’t let anyone one else dictate how you are supposed to feel about yourself,” said Bryce as he stopped walking. Seanna stood looking at the ground, so Bryce gently lifted her head by her chin and looked into her eyes. “Promise?”
Seanna looked into those eyes and wondered how she ever thought that Kevin had beautiful eyes. Bryce’s brown eyes were full of love and kindness. Something she had never seen in Kevin’s. While Bryce waited for her answer, something warm crept into her broken heart and threatened to bring tears to her eyes again.
Lowering her eyes, she said, “I’ll really try.”
When Bryce pulled her into an embrace she held on to his waist like she was clutching a life preserver. Bryce, too, felt s
omething well up inside of him. He had a strong desire to comfort and protect Seanna in a way that was new to him. Before either one could even begin to consider the new emotions they were experiencing, Bryce pulled away. What was I thinking, she’s vulnerable right now and the way to protect her isn’t to cross that brother-sister line. Seanna felt embarrassed for clinging to him and bewildered by her new feelings toward Bryce.
“Sorry…I think we better get that ice,” she said turning away and heading towards the dining area.
She had secured some ice and had Bryce sitting at one of the tables when Alyssa found them.
“What happened?” Alyssa asked her eyes wide.
“It’s a long story. Can you help him with this while I go check on something?” she asked Alyssa indicating the ice bag. “I’ll fill you in when I tell the rest of the family what happened. That way I’ll only have to live through it one more time.”
“Where are you going, Sea,” said Bryce warily, worried that she was leaving because she felt uncomfortable with him now.
“I’m just going to spy on the boat, from a distance, to make sure they are leaving.” she said. She felt like she needed some space from Bryce to give her mind a minute to process what had just happened.
When she was satisfied that her ex-pretend-boyfriend and his girlfriend-cousin had boarded the boat, Seanna returned to find her family all gathered for breakfast. The group was so large with the added guests from the day before that they occupied several tables. Seanna had second thoughts when she realized that there were several people here that really didn’t need to know what had transpired. But then she got up her courage and told them all she had something to tell them. When she had everyone’s attention, she explained what had happened starting with the day they met and ending with Leal’s subduing Kevin.