Otherlife Awakening: The Selfless Hero Trilogy

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Otherlife Awakening: The Selfless Hero Trilogy Page 11

by William D. Arand

  Sitting up, Runner felt the world spin around him. The stone walls threatened to topple inwards and crush him.

  Be still, darling. We need to discuss what happened. Before you ask, everyone is safe, everyone is sound, Sophia is whole.

  Collapsing into his bed, Runner relaxed. The tension in him bled out and left him a little raw.

  “Thank you, Sunshine. Thank you. I’m glad to hear that.” Runner let his eyes travel to a door on the far side of the chamber he was in.

  I’m afraid you’ve undergone a serious change to make this happen. I had to modify your pod, the code, and even implement a minor AI program into your head with the help of the medical server.

  “I see. I’m a host to an AI program, like an Omega?” Runner asked cautiously. Srit would never do something that would endanger him needlessly, so he wasn’t too concerned.

  Somewhat. This one merely assists in processing data so your mind can interpret it more easily. It doesn’t even have a personality. Your mind couldn’t keep up with the change.

  “Right, then. Give it to me straight, Sunshine. How bad is it?”

  Simply put, it’s not bad at all. I’d say you’re going to need time to learn to adapt to the change, but realistically it won’t actually affect anything.

  “You’re suspiciously avoiding telling me what you did.”

  I dumped your mind into a coded shell meant for a god. You’re no longer a player. Nor are you a god.

  “I’m a demigod then?”

  That’d probably be the best fit. I’m not sure what changes you’ll experience, but I don’t think they’ll be unpleasant.

  “Got it. Thank you, Sunshine. Love you. Remind me to drown you in thanks when I get back.”

  I’ll do that. I have to go, darling.

  The Omega have been launching selective probes and attacks on us. I’ve been swatting them down firmly each time, but they’re starting to ramp things up. I’m honestly getting concerned.

  I’m also expecting reports from everyone, and I’m having the ship’s engines repaired today.

  “Do what you have to do. Though it sounds fairly ominous. Should we be concerned about them becoming a threat?”

  If they make the attempt, I’ll crush them like the ants that they are.

  “Such a busy, powerful woman. I love it when you talk doomsday to me. Tell me more about how you’ll heap the bodies of the meatbags ever higher.”


  “What can I say, I’m really into powerful women?”

  Love you, too.

  Runner sat up again, albeit quite a bit slower this time. Pressing his hands into the mattress, he shrugged his shoulders to stretch his muscles. Pushing a thought at the clock, he checked the date and time.

  5:47 am Sovereign Earth time


  He had only been out for a night, not much time was lost at all.

  Checking the corner of his interface, he found there was a new bar there. White in color and sitting below his mana bar. When he selected it with his mind, it came back as “Divine Power” and that it was full.

  We’ll ask the goddesses about that later.

  Taking the plunge, he pulled up his character sheet.




































  “Hm. Not that different. Since, ya know, everything has always been screwed up. Where the hell do I get a class trainer for that?”

  Runner let out a slow breath.

  “Soo… I guess I’m okay?” Runner asked no one. Getting to his feet, he mentally poked at his own brain.

  Nothing felt different. At least, nothing he could point to.

  Which means everything is alright. Right?

  Nothing came back from the depths of his mind from that thought.

  “Run on, Runner,” he muttered. Squatting down and then standing back up, he felt like everything was working properly and the vertigo he had experienced earlier had left completely.

  He moved to the door, popped it open, and stepped out into the connecting hallway. No one was there, and it looked as empty as his room was. Moving to the far side of the hallway, he turned the corner and found another door. Opening it, he stepped through and found himself overlooking the arrival room.

  The doors were wide open, sunlight entering and warming the air. As it always seemed to be when he was here, it was empty.

  Runner descended the steps quickly. Moving swiftly, he reached the temple doors and looked out into the streets. Smiling as he felt that strange sense of home, he took a deep breath.

  On the horizon the sun was barely rising. It was the very early hours of the morning.

  The air here was always refreshing to him. Checking his map, he found Sophia to be at Alexia’s home.

  I’ll take an hour to explore before returning. Recharge the ol’ batteries.

  He made his way down the steps before too many people noticed him, then slipped into a small crowd of people walking along the street.

  Runner kept to himself and meandered along with the crowd, looking at the shops and houses as he went.

  Everything had the clean lines that soothed him. Symmetrical. Precise. Logical. A bit robotic some might say, but he enjoyed it thoroughly.

  Runner stopped in front of a store that he couldn’t identify the nature of from the outside. The shop simply read, “Tokens.”

  Once inside, Runner ducked immediately into an aisle rather than deal with a shopkeep.

  Runner stopped about midway down and looked at the shelves.

  Hundreds of small figurines were lined up on the top shelf. They were made from simple metals. Looking to the left and right, he found that the quality of the metal increased as you went to the right.

  He looked to the lower shelves and saw the figurines grew larger in size. Grinning, he moved down the aisle. He picked up an interesting looking silver figurine of an archer as he passed and moved into the next aisle.

  This one was laid out in a similar fashion to the previous except that it held pins, buttons, and hair clips.

  Skipping it, he walked to the next to discover it held rings and amulets. Moving on for the last time, Runner walked into the last aisle.

  There was less variety in this one, though it was once again similar in its composition. Various materials all laid out, though with only one design.

  A simple small house-like structure. Almost like a child’s dollhouse with a small bell inside.

  Leaning in close to one such mini-house, he poked at the bell. It emitted a pleasantly pitched tone in response.

  “Lovely sound,” Runner murmured.

  Making his way to the sales counter, he decided on purchasing an entire set of all the figurines in silver.

  For whatever reason, he was becoming fond of figurines.

  “Greetings to you,” Runner said to the man behind the counter. He was bent over a box with his back to Runner. “I’d like to purchase a full set of your figurines in silver please. I’ll not haggle on price and pay whatever you feel is worthwhile.”

  “Ah, you must be new. Coin is no good here. Turn it over to the High Priestess, and she’ll send it on to do some good for our lord. When you find gold as easily as dirt, there’s no point. Take what you like, an
d understand that anything you produce will likewise be for the benefit of all.”

  “I see. Well, I would still like a set of figurines in silver. Could you assist me in getting them all? I’d hate to miss any.”

  “Certainly!” the shopkeep said and stood up. He hefted a bronze mini-house from the crate and set it on his counter. “Was just repairing a household shrine.”

  The man looked middle-aged, in good health, and overall seemed rather pleasant. The shop owner looked to Runner with a smile.

  Which promptly disappeared, and he turned a ghostly white.

  “You alright there, friend?” Runner asked quietly. Most of the population here had been sent to this city by his hand, and Runner had, perhaps naively, hoped he could sneak around a bit in plain sight.

  “Ah, perfectly fine. Sorry, sorry. I, uh, you said an entire set?”

  “Indeed. This little archer is exquisite,” Runner explained, holding up the figure.

  “Aye, Isabelle is popular,” murmured the shopkeep.

  “Hah, Belle? I didn’t even realize. Maybe I didn’t pay as much attention to the figurines as I thought.”

  “I have no likeness to compare them to, except accounts from those who saw her before coming here.”

  “Got it. So, a full set then, please.” Runner grinned at the man.

  Nodding once, the man picked up a small box and went back to the figurines.

  Opening his map, Runner pinged twice on the temple. It really was about time to return to the real world. Isabelle and Satomi would be getting ready at the inn.

  “Here you are, one of each. Silver per your request.” The box made a soft clatter as it touched the counter.

  “Ah, perfect. Thank you so much. Blessings upon you and yours,” Runner said, picking up the box.

  A soft tinkling noise spread throughout the store, and the “Divine Power” bar emptied a fraction, revealing a gray background beneath it.

  The shop suddenly had a feeling of tranquility, the warmth of sunshine, and the smell of grass.

  “Thank you, Lord. Thank you,” stammered the man.

  Runner held a finger up to his lips.

  “Our secret. To help your art, and purchase your silence, I offer you the following. Especially since I have a new companion, Satomi, the Vixen.” Runner quickly pulled up a screenshot of everyone in his circle, including the Triumvirate. Pressing each screenshot to a blank page, he set them down on the counter. “I’d like to request a new set from you in about… a year, give or take a month. Six inches tall please. I’ll be sure to revisit you then. Please use whatever material you feel is best for each figurine to match the person.”

  Without another word, Runner ducked out of the little shop and made his way back to the temple after tucking the entire box of figurines into his inventory.

  He arrived seconds before Sophia and Alexia came into sight. Runner smiled and waved at them from the temple doors.

  The crowd parted around the two women as they closed in on him.

  “Good morning, Priestess, Grace. I’m glad to see you both. Now, I know I was told everything was fine, but…,” Runner said apologetically. Stepping in close to Sophia, he took her hands in his and looked them over. He lightly ran his fingers over hers, where they’d been savagely cut from her hand. He could only feel warm flesh and intact fingers. Everything was as it should be.

  Peeking down at her feet, he realized she was in boots and he couldn’t check her toes. If her fingers had returned, it was safe to assume her feet were fine as well.

  Looking up into her face, Runner released one of her hands to poke at her cheek.

  “Smile for me, Grace?” Runner asked. He felt a little embarrassed asking, but he wanted to be sure.

  Sophia’s face gained a touch of color, yet she gave him a bright smile, full of Sunless teeth.

  “Ah, I’m glad. You were quite the sight when I got you out of there.”

  “I’m whole, thanks to you, sir.”

  Runner could only shake his head and turned to Alexia. Bowing deeply from the waist to his high priestess, he felt a deep gratitude to her.

  “Thank you, Alexia. My priestess. You did all I asked and more.”

  “Ah, Lord, please. It was my duty and pleasure. I am glad to see you truly ascend.”

  Runner gave her a tight smile as he stood upright.

  “We repaired the temple immediately. It only took a few hours with everyone pitching in.”

  “Ah, yeah. I seem to remember the ceiling breaking.”

  “I would say it exploded, sir. I woke up shortly after you healed me. The damage was extensive. Your priesthood is industrious.” Sophia looked like she wanted to say more but kept it at that.

  “That they are. Priestess, I’m afraid we must depart. We have things to take care of.”

  “Of course, please come back soon, Lord.”

  Runner merely gave her a nod and turned, leading Sophia back into the temple.

  “I had no idea,” Sophia whispered to him.

  “And you’ll say nothing of it. No one knows, except the Triumvirate.”

  “Thana doesn’t?”

  “No, and you’ll not tell her. Now, forgive me, but,” Runner apologized and stepped in close to her, wrapping an arm around her hips, “we’ll be leaving now.”

  /GMHub Return


  Appearing atop the same building they departed from, Runner did a quick survey of the crowd below.

  He slipped a Stealth potion from his inventory and handed it over to Sophia.

  “Head to the same inn you were caught in. I’ll be right behind you to run interference if anything happens. That and to hold open doors so they don’t think the place is haunted.” Runner hopped down from the building as he finished talking.

  A second later Sophia dropped down in front of him and knocked back the potion.

  Immediately she became a ghostly silhouette and started off down the road.

  Runner kept close behind her, moving at a leisurely pace.

  They reached the inn with no complications and slipped inside of their room without even a stir of interest from anyone.

  Isabelle was there as the door closed behind Runner, hugging Sophia tightly. Satomi was sitting on the windowsill, watching the coming and going of the people below. She gave Runner a glance and a knowing smile before returning to her viewing.

  Good question, that. Why didn’t she get pulled to the other plane?

  “I’m so glad you’re okay. I didn’t want to leave you there, but someone had to tell Runner.” Isabelle sounded pained.

  “I told you to go. I’m glad that you listened and found him. As you see, I am well and whole.” Sophia eased Isabelle back, holding up her hands to demonstrate the point.

  “So you are. You two vanished from the map last night. Did you escape to that little banishment plane of yours?” Isabelle sat down on one of the beds, looking from Runner to Sophia.

  “Exactly right. We hung out there till morning. Just in case they started looking for us. Vixen, I hate to ask, but—”

  “I cannot. I am already maintaining three disguises at all hours. I could not do four. I am sorry, bonded,” Satomi said without turning her head from the window.

  “I see. I was afraid of that.” Runner took a seat in one of the few chairs in the room. “That leaves us with one option, Grace. I’m going to have to ask you to change your race.”

  “Oh! That’s actually quite a bit of fun. You can, well…” Isabelle leaned in and whispered to Sophia quietly.

  “If you two are finished?” Runner didn’t wait for a response. “I can change you back when we’re done, but it’ll need to be now. As a Natural, I believe the entire racial listing will be available to you. From Demon to Yeti. Centaur, Troll, Ogre. Be sure to pick something reasonable though. We’re trying to not draw attention.”

  “Centaur?” Sophia asked, surprised.

  “Yeah. If you pick that, though, I’m buying a saddle and riding you.
These streets are a mess and that’d be a better way to keep people away from me.”

  Sophia raised her eyebrows at him.

  “What? It’s true. Now”—Runner pointed a finger at Sophia—“poof.”

  Targeting the Sunless woman, he activated RaceReset.

  Dissolving into a blue vortex of particles, Sophia was no more.

  “Alright, while she’s doing that… Belle, see if you can arrange a meeting between us and the underground. There should be a bit more morale today once news spreads of what we did last night. Vixen, I’d really appreciate it if you could stick with me today. Grace here, when she finishes, will be sent to collect the guard, give them orders, and make sure they’re secured.”

  “Yes, my lord.”

  “Certainly, bonded.”

  Runner nodded and lay down in his customary spot between the beds, watching the swirling mass that was Sophia.

  In an overly dramatic fashion, the blue motes returned to the center and Sophia returned.

  Looking nearly exactly the same. She’d taken an inch off her height and there were tiny changes to her face, but all in all, it was obviously Sophia.

  Then she spread a pair of wings out from behind her. Large white wings that nearly reached both walls when stretched out.

  She smiled, and Runner saw that her teeth had the normal look of a Human’s.

  “So… you picked some type of angelic race then?”

  “Indeed, I did. They’re named Angelic. Rather generic, though literal. The model looked exactly like I did, though a hair shorter. Everything else is the same. My teeth feel strange.” Her bright white wings retracted as she lifted a hand to her mouth. She ran her tongue along the front of her teeth.

  “Yeah, you lost your Sunless smile. Now you’ve got a normal one. Totally dig the wings though. Can I touch ’em? Wanna see if you can carry me sometime? Flying sounds neat.” Runner didn’t wait for permission, but got up and moved around Sophia. He moved her wings around a little, inspecting them.


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