Otherlife Awakening: The Selfless Hero Trilogy

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Otherlife Awakening: The Selfless Hero Trilogy Page 12

by William D. Arand

  “Bonded. Stop that. You do not even know if they are sensitive. You are bothering the poor girl.” Satomi gave him a look that said he should know better.

  “She doesn’t mind, do you, Grace?” Runner gently unfolded her right wing and extended it, trailing his fingertip along a feather’s edge.

  Sophia said not a word, her posture ramrod straight as ever while Runner fiddled with her wings.

  “It’s so soft.” Runner folded her wing back up and ran a finger along the joint where the wing met her spine. “Realistically, this is so not correct on a physiological level. Neat nonetheless.”

  “Bonded. Come, you said you wished to depart. Leave Sophia be and let us begin,” Satomi said from beside him, forcibly moving his hand from the wings.

  “Fine, fine. Grace, your duty is to track down the guard and get them situated. Belle’s going to set up a meeting for us with the underground. I’m going to… wander around? Not a lot I can do, I guess.”

  “Understood, sir.” Turning on her heel, Sophia departed.

  Isabelle scampered after her.

  “You promised me, my lord. Tonight,” she said over her shoulder.

  “Now that they have left I have a question. You smell different. Like a shrine.” Satomi poked his chest with one finger. Those gold eyes that peered into him like spotlights watched him.

  “Ah, yeah. Grace was actually pretty messed up. Fingers and toes missing, teeth pulled out. I took her to my private plane and healed her. Kinda became a demigod in the process. Blew up my own temple. You know, usual stuff.” Runner shrugged his shoulders at her.

  “I have only been with you a matter of days and already I fear for any type of normalcy. At least you are attractive and a good man. Though an idiot. Suppose that makes me a divine familiar.” Satomi sighed and went back to her windowsill.

  “She smells of you. Whatever you did in healing her marked her profoundly,” Satomi concluded.

  7:14 pm Sovereign Earth time


  Runner had to be thankful even if he didn’t like the circumstances. Isabelle had managed to set up a meeting with the Norwood movement. Unfortunately, they would only meet with him and Isabelle.

  As such, Satomi and Sophia remained out gathering more information about Leto and Letoville.

  They had been escorted to a warehouse and then left alone, having been instructed not to speak and to wait.

  With security such as this, Runner could only wonder at how hard this Leto had cracked down on perceived “dissidents.”

  The far side door opened and three people walked in. Each wore a mask disguising their face and clothing that looked far too bulky for them.

  Not one of them had the look of a fighter. Each one truly felt like a disgruntled peasant to Runner. Perhaps asked to pay too much in tax and wishing for the lower taxes of Norwood.

  Admittedly that had been part of his plan to begin with, but these weren’t the type of people to stage a coup.

  He could be wrong of course, but he wouldn’t bet on it.

  “You wanted to meet. What do you want?” the mask on the left asked.

  “To discuss how we go about bringing Letoville into Norwood,” Runner said simply.

  “That’s a lofty thing to say. Especially when we don’t know you,” middle mask said acidly.

  “And?” Runner asked. He really wasn’t in the mood for this. Part of him wanted to blow the town up with cannons and run it over with tanks.

  “Uh, huh?” right mask asked.

  “And what? You didn’t say anything worth a damn. I’m here to assist you or to do it on my own. You can be a part of it, or not. This is a waste of time.”

  Runner stood up and beckoned to Isabelle.

  “Wait,” left mask hurriedly pleaded.

  “Why? I honestly can’t even tell you why I thought this would be a good idea now.” Runner shook his head and kept walking for the exit. “I bet you don’t even have any relevant information anyways. By the look of it, you’re all a bunch of talkers who sit around complaining about something rather than doing something.”

  Runner dismissively waved his hand at them over his shoulder.

  “Leto is a Vampire. He can dominate anyone with his mind and turn them over to his side with a thought!” someone nearly yelled at him.

  Runner paused, his hand holding onto the doorknob.

  Vampire? Huh. I bet my charisma is higher. Bigger, too

  “Does he plan on holding a meeting anytime soon?”

  “No. He’s been quiet. Either he’s planning something or limiting exposure,” explained right mask.

  Runner let that sink into his mind as he thought about his options.

  The simplest and most direct route would be to kill him. There was the possibility of backlash with that.

  He could work at discrediting Leto and then launch a bid for leadership, but that took time he didn’t want to spend.

  Let’s ask Satomi about disguising me to look like someone else. Maybe I can bury Leto without even trying.

  Runner pulled the door open and stepped out into the night without another word.

  “Thank you for arranging that, Belle. I’m afraid they’ll be of little to no use.”

  “Of course, my lord. Any plans brewing in that head of yours? Hopefully no idiot plans.” Isabelle glided up beside him, matching him pace for pace as her green eyes swept the streets for problems.

  “Eh. Not really. We can kill him, discredit him, vanish him, all of those work. Honestly, the simplest answers are usually the best ones. The problem here is this Leto person isn’t actually doing anything wrong. He’s just in my way.”

  Isabelle reached up to tuck an errant lock of her hair behind a long tipped ear.

  “Does that mean you won’t be taking over Letoville?”

  “No, I plan on taking it over. Anyone that employs torture on my people cannot be left alive. The problem is that in the vast majority of his governing choices, it seems he’s taking the best road for Letoville. Everyone always believes they’re the good guy.”

  Isabelle fell silent, her mind probably chewing on what he’d said.

  “I’m leaning towards killing him and his entire cabinet. A waste of resources to be sure, but it leaves me without having to contend with any holdouts. It may seem like we have all the time in the world, but getting this place put to rights by the time the other majesties arrive will be a stretch.”

  “Who would manage this place in that void then? To bring it into lockstep with Norwood in such a time frame? Someone has to take charge, my lord.”

  “And therein is the problem. I’d create a power vacuum if I killed everyone. The least problematic answer would be for Runner Norwood to appear at the gates right at the same moment that Leto is nowhere to be found. Perhaps dropping a few key rumors that he fled with the treasury when he discovered I was on my way.”

  Isabelle nodded her head, following along with his thoughts.

  They turned at an intersection and began the trek back towards their inn.

  “That means I need an assassin while I ask for parley at the gates with the rest of the guard. Unfortunately, we don’t really have one. I mean, don’t get me wrong, Belle, you’re impressive, but this isn’t the woods,” Runner apologized.

  “None taken, and you’re right, my lord. What about Satomi? Can she pretend to be you?”

  Runner laughed and then turned that idea over in his head.

  “I bet she could at that. She could exit with Grace and ‘arrive’ day after tomorrow. You and I could take care of Leto tomorrow night.”

  “There we are then. Let’s hurry back and get them moving. The gates close later than most cities’, but they still close.” Isabelle started into a light jog.

  Runner felt his eyes move on their own accord to her swaying hips as she moved with her peculiar elven grace.

  Giving himself a light shake of his head he matched her pace and set off for the inn. He pinged the inn once with the Rendezvous/R
etreat warning.

  Runner and Isabelle arrived nearly on top of Sophia and Satomi. Without anyone saying a word, all four converged on the inn room.

  “Grace, report on the guards?”

  “All accounted for, all are bunked but ready.”

  “Good. Vixen, are you able to make yourself look like me?”

  “Easily, bonded.”

  “Alright. Time for the plan of the day.” Runner blew out a breath before continuing.

  “Vixen, Grace, I need you to leave. Tonight. Take the guards with you. Go out far enough that you won’t be discovered and wait. The day after tomorrow, arrive early in the morning. Pose as me coming to parley with Leto. Sounds like they had spies in our ranks anyways, so they may already be expecting it. Belle and I will drop some rumors into the streets tomorrow. Go ahead and drop my disguise—I’ll Blink or Stealth from the scene if I get spotted. Besides, it might help the rumor mill anyways if I’m spotted in town. Rumors abound that I’m sneaking around before announcing my presence.”

  “And what are we to do when Leto agrees, bonded?” Satomi looked mildly annoyed to Runner’s eyes. Her fingers twitched once, and Runner saw the disguise icon fade from his interface.

  “He won’t be arriving. I’ll be taking care of him and planting evidence to make it look like he fled. I’m sorry, Vixen, I’ve been a poor bond mate to you so far. I promise I’m not trying to distance myself from you. It’s the opposite, I have a desperate need for you and thus I must make use of you.”

  The Kitsune blinked and looked at him anew. After a heavy second or two she nodded her head. “So be it. I expect more of your time soon. We must make plans accordingly for our future. Your guard captain has stated my equipment is subpar at best as well.”

  “Ah, yeah. That’s a need. Any other questions? Vixen? Grace?”

  Sophia shook her head in response, and Satomi merely stared at him.

  “Right, then. Get it done.”

  Sophia gave a sharp salute and then left after he returned it. Satomi patted him once on the shoulder and then departed as well.

  “She’s an odd one, my lord,” Isabelle said after the sounds of departing footsteps died out.

  “Who, Vixen? She’s smart and she’s adapting quickly. She was ripped from her life and shoved into this one without warning or choice.” Runner waved Isabelle’s comment off.

  Runner lay down in his nest between the beds and let out a soft groan.

  “Today felt like it wouldn’t end. Not to mention I have this anxious feeling in my chest. My heart beats too heavily and my mind cannot stop wandering. I worry for everyone.”

  Runner pressed the heels of his hands into his eyes, doing his best to relax. Finally he let his arms drop to his sides as he cleared his thoughts.

  A sudden weight settled over his hips, and Runner opened his eyes to find Isabelle sitting on him.

  “What exactly are you up to, Belle?” Runner asked, not quite caring for the sudden turn of events.

  “I’m going to talk, and you’re going to listen. First things first. Thana is well aware of me and my desires. Not only that, but she has grudgingly given me the okay to tell you that I am ‘approved’ by her. Taking me along on this trip gave me the leverage I needed. Ah ah!”

  Isabelle pressed her hand to his mouth. He had taken a breath to argue with her.

  “I talk, you listen. With that being said, I’m a grown woman who can make my own choices. I understand your problem. I even get that you’re not exactly happy with the situation you put yourself in. I truly get it.” With her free hand, she jabbed him in the sternum roughly.

  “The problem is I don’t give a damn. You’re going to let me in, and you’re going to like it. I’ve already been added to your nightmare watch rotation, so get used to the situation. If you have any arguments, I’ll listen to them in the morning. Now…” Isabelle grinned down at him.

  Runner surrendered once again, wondering at the stupidity of his actions. He was sure fate would screw him over later in payment for this.

  “Time for that promised night, my lord.”

  “You win. I surrender, little tree mouse,” Runner said as she pulled her hand from his mouth.

  “I know.”

  11:46 am Sovereign Earth time


  Runner had to admit he hadn’t even felt awkward waking up next to Isabelle the next morning. His sense of shame at his lifestyle didn’t really exist anymore.

  Throughout the morning, Isabelle wouldn’t quite make eye contact with him, and when she did she’d turn as scarlet as a tomato.

  Watching her across the table they were sitting at, he had to hold back a chuckle as she looked away from him quickly.

  Little tree mouse indeed.

  They’d spent the morning wandering about the streets, spreading rumors of Norwood’s imminent arrival. That Leto was concerned and looked worried. That some said he had cleared his bank account out completely.

  In a little under eight hours they’d be slipping off to watch Leto’s manor. To watch and wait for Leto.

  This was actually dinner rather than lunch. The meal after this would be rations at best and probably from a rooftop.

  They had settled on the place more for the location than anything else. The prices were outrageous, and he doubted the fare would be anything special.

  Runner looked from Isabelle’s red cheeks to the crowd milling around outside of the enclosed patio they sat at.

  Many looked afraid, some hopeful, but the overwhelming majority of them looked lost.

  “They don’t know what to do or think.” Runner set his chin down in his hand as he watched. He gestured with his free hand at a group of people moving about in small circles.

  “No. You’re right, Runner. They don’t.” Isabelle followed the direction of his finger, her eyes tracking an individual only to hop to another.

  “Oh? Runner in private, my lord in public?”

  Isabelle only grunted at him.

  “You’re a silly thing, Belle. For what it’s worth, I do love you. In my own twisted, loving way too many women kind of way. My little tree mouse.”

  Isabelle glanced at him only to immediately look back to the crowd as her cheeks blazed.

  “I figure after this we retire to our room for the evening. Head back out later tonight. We’ll not be back until early morning I imagine. And then it might be off to the walls to watch for Vixen. I’d prefer to get out if we can but… no idea.”

  “I agree.” Isabelle chewed at her lip before her eyes dropped to the table. “Sorry, I know I’m making this weird. Last night was terribly awkward as well.”

  Runner found her sudden lack of confidence in regards to their lovemaking endearing.

  “We’ll get used to it. Don’t worry, you’ll get another chance to practice right after we eat.” Runner gave her a wolfish grin over the table.

  Isabelle finally looked up at him and then grinned back. Her confidence could be the equal to Katarina’s when she wanted it to be.

  Chapter 7 - Laws of Attraction -

  4:04 am Sovereign Earth time


  Runner sighed, resting his chin on his knees as he watched the manor. As far as he could tell, Leto wasn’t home. The only person they’d seen was a Gnome scurrying around in the study much earlier in the evening.

  When they’d asked people in the street previously about what he looked like, they had always described him as tall, handsome, broad of shoulder, and extremely pale. With brown hair that was cut short and dark eyes.

  No such person had come home so far.

  “Something isn’t right.” Isabelle sat next to him, her hands folded in her lap.

  “I would agree. We’re missing something here, and our time grows short. We could go get the Gnome and find out what he knows,” Runner said. He had considered doing that very thing numerous times already but had been worried about alerting Leto to their actions.

  At this juncture, the time to act was now
, or never.

  “You’re determined to have Letoville?” Isabelle asked him.

  “I need all of Vix. Belle, have you considered what’s going on in the mainland?” Runner decided he might as well make the point for her if she hadn’t realized it yet.

  “A bit. The elven homeland isn’t exactly mine anymore.”

  “True. Last I heard from Sunshine was that Rike and Rannulf were in the process of burning each other’s cities down. The civilian casualties are mounting and quickly. It’s well beyond a million already. That kind of destruction doesn’t limit itself to the boundaries that it starts in.”

  “I… I had no idea.”

  “Mm. On top of that, Lambart is using whatever he has left of his forces to carve chunks out of either party, so long as it strengthens himself. To me, it sounds a lot like the end of the world over there. To that end, I must prepare us. Refugees have already been flooding in to us and it has only been weeks since we opened our gates.”

  Runner stood up—he’d decided he was going to capture the Gnome.

  “Tirtius is more or less consolidated. There’s only two ports that can reach the mainland from either Vix or Tirtius. We will own one, and Basile the other.” Runner began swapping his gear around to achieve a full complement of Brainwash capabilities.

  “If I could have it, my wet dream, shooting star wish, five-way blow job in my favor would be taking Norman’s Port. Holding that and turning it into a fortress would honestly provide us with a lock on our defenses. Our Gibraltar as it were.”

  Isabelle stood up and raised her arms above her head, stretching herself out.

  Runner took the few seconds she spent doing so to admire her without shame.

  Catching him watching her, she gave him a coy smile and then gestured at the house.

  “I take it we’re collecting the knee-high?”

  “Might as well. I say we interrogate him and find out what we can. Gnomes are notorious for being casters, and quite good ones, so be sure to get your resistance potions ready. In case we screw up.”


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