Otherlife Awakening: The Selfless Hero Trilogy

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Otherlife Awakening: The Selfless Hero Trilogy Page 15

by William D. Arand

  “I sent a representative to you previously so that we could hold a proper discussion.”

  The hairs on the back of Runner’s neck felt like they were standing on end.

  “They reek of fear, bonded. Something is amiss.”

  “Yeah, kinda feeling the same thing. Grace, we did send an emissary, didn’t we?”

  “Yes, sir. The instructions were clear as was the information declared within.”

  “Can you get me an aerial view, Grace? I’m curious as to what’s going on behind the walls.”

  “Sir.” Grace saluted and spread her wings. With a single downbeat, she launched herself into the air and began moving over the top of the city.

  “I’m going to need to get an entire company of her. Forget Letoville, I’ll start offering bonuses to those willing to change race.” Runner watched Sophia’s graceful form as she glided through the air.

  “Bonded, is it that easy to change a race for you?”

  “Yeah. Honestly, it’s a simple button click. Why? Want to be a Sunless? A little taller perhaps? A succubus?” Runner asked. Sophia had moved from one end of the city of Vix to the other.

  “I am content with my form. I ask as I do not believe even the divine have that power.”

  Quick on the uptake, as always.

  “Oh? Interesting.”

  “Bonded,” Satomi said dangerously.

  Runner sighed and scratched at his cheek.

  Suddenly the sex demon doesn’t seem so bad.

  “Yeah, I know. It’s part and parcel to me and me alone. Suffice it to say, I’m unique.”

  Sophia had turned around and was on her way back.

  “Does anyone yet realize you are equal to a divine, bonded? That you could destroy this world as easily as they might an anthill given time?”

  “No. Well, other than the Triumvirate. I get the impression they’re well aware of me.”

  Sophia landed before him, her wings shuddering and folding up behind her.

  “They are clearing the streets, sir. Everyone is being forced into their homes. All ships have been forced to disembark their people and then push off into the harbor. To my eyes, it looks like they’re moving to siege conditions.” She said the last bit with the tiniest frown threatening her lips.

  Runner sighed and leaned his head back, staring up into the sky.

  “Seriously? They seemed amenable to this with their correspondence previous to the emissary. Were they stalling? Placating me?”

  Runner growled and balled his hands up into fists.

  “I grow tired of this. I have things to do. I grow tired of being away from home. There are greater and more foul things afoot than some fat bastard of a governor wanting to keep his city for himself!” Runner shouted aloud.

  Looking to the gates, he found they were rapidly closing.

  All he could see in his mind’s eye was spending days, weeks, trying to break them down.


  Time he didn’t want to spend. Time that would require putting others at risk.

  Possibly another death. Like Nadine.


  Losing control of his temper, Runner felt his heart skip a beat as he threw his hand forward, willing the entire city to suffer his mood. That they all might know fear and realize the futility of refusing him.

  A black fog rolled over the city, appearing from the ground itself. It smothered the entire length and breadth of Vix.

  Panting, Runner dropped to his knees as screams of fear poured from the throats of every denizen in Vix. The gates boomed shut, locking everyone inside with the black roiling mass that writhed like a living thing.

  “Bonded, what have you done? The stench. Fear, absolute stark naked terror,” Satomi murmured, pressing her hand to her nose.

  Sophia looked upon the city with an unshaken look to her face. To Runner’s eyes she looked like a statue of judgment.

  “If you do that in my bar, I’m going to toss you out, Norwood. Don’t care if you paid for it or not. That black mist looks like it’d leave a mess.”

  Runner said nothing; he felt drained. Looking up at his status bars, he found his divine power to be empty. Drained to zero. His stamina and mana bars were also empty.

  “Sophia.” Runner stayed in his kneeling position, looking up to his winged captain.

  Sophia’s head turned, and she looked into his upturned face.

  “Have a catapult built for me. Large enough to toss a corpse.”

  Sophia saluted once more and moved off to the remaining members of Norwood’s Own.

  The black cloud had begun to dissipate, the outer edges burning off like the morning fog.

  “Satomi, help me.” Runner held up his hand to the Kitsune.

  She immediately grasped his hand within her own and pulled him to his feet.

  “Where do you wish me, bonded?” Satomi quietly asked him.

  “Get me to the side, out of the way and if possible out of sight. I’m spent.”

  Satomi’s ears twitched at that, and she tilted her head to the side. Then she pulled his arm around her shoulders, wrapped her arm around his waist, and guided him off the road and to the side into a stand of trees.

  “Thank you, Vixen. Remind me to pay you back later,” Runner grunted, taking a seat under a tree.

  “Of course, my bonded,” Satomi replied, taking a seat next to him.

  “Now, tell me what you did back there. Spare no details. Then tell me what your goddess discussed with you. You will explain everything to me, and you will not hide things from me going forward.”

  Runner rested his head on the tree.

  “It’s hard. There’s so much going on. So much to explain.” Runner wanted to talk to people about it, about his harem, the divine, Srit, and the Omega. He could easily see himself talking with Lobu about things as time went on, but for now he was still a stranger.

  “And we shall be together for all time. I will be closer to you than a wife. We shall outlive any children you have. Any children they have. That is simply the truth. Share with me. I will carry part of your burden, for it is also mine.”

  Runner closed his eyes.

  “Sure, why not?”

  Runner spent the next three hours giving the Kitsune the entire history of his adventures, from waking up in the game to now.

  Satomi let him ramble along for most of it. She asked questions here and there. Mostly for clarification or to understand how things were related.

  Eventually, Runner felt like he’d talked himself dry. There was nothing else to say.

  On the road, Sophia was overseeing the construction of the catapult he’d requested.

  “I now understand. To summarize, your people are almost extinct and you must protect and save them, even as they would wish you dead.

  “You also strive to protect all those who inhabit your lands. Even as you expand your borders to protect others who know not yet the peril they are in.

  “To that end, you have enlisted the aid of an intelligence as vast and mighty as the universe. That also sees you as its mate.

  “In addition, you constructed a pantheon of supreme women to rule over your lands, who now also view you as a mate.

  “To top this, you lead a harem of strong, independent, intelligent women who you do not have the confidence in to believe they all want to be with you. Even if they must settle for only a part of you.”

  “I guess that’s about everything. Yeah. About not having confidence—”

  “You do not have confidence in them. If you did, you would not struggle against the wishes of their own hearts. You say Thana manages them and you suspect she ensures that no one enters your circle that she cannot account for.

  “I would say you have given them a reason to fear for their own security. Your own insecurity drives them to try and seek shelter in each other. You must address this with them. They are grown women, let them make their choices for themselves.”

  “That… that makes sense. Thanks, Vixen.”
br />   Satomi snickered at his remark, reaching up to pat him on the head.

  “You are a good man. Stupid, but good. In time, you will understand your benefits, even if you do not see them in yourself. Now, what is the catapult for?”

  “I’m going to fucking launch myself into the city with it. Then I’m going to go kill the mayor and use his head for a soccer ball. After that I’m going to hold an election immediately. They can vote for the sword, or for me. I’m tired of this shit.”

  Satomi hung her head, her shoulders slumping.

  “An idiot plan. My first. Isabelle warned me. I did not take her seriously. I now understand.”

  “Don’t worry, you’re coming with me. Be sure to hold tight. I can promise to bite or not bite depending on your preference.” Runner waggled his eyebrows at her. “Can’t expect to be closer than my nonexistent wife without joining me on these type of things, now can you?”

  Satomi pressed her hands to her face.

  “I hate you.”

  “See, this is normally where I tell them, ‘No you don’t, you love me,’ but that’s a bit premature. But hey, you’ll be with me longer than anyone else. I figure eventually we’ll get to the point where you petition Thana to join the harem, or if you take too long, whichever goddess is leading it,” Runner said with a smirk.

  “I loathe you.”

  “The sweetest words from your lovely lips. Now, gonna go check on my flight. I don’t have any baggage to check, so I figure I’ll get processed quick.” Runner patted the top of Satomi’s head.

  “Thanks for the talk. It helped.” Runner stood up and strolled over to the catapult, which looked near to completion.

  “How are we?” Runner called out, coming to a stop beside the base of the siege weapon. The firing spoon looked like it was about the right size for him.

  Taking a second, Runner switched himself over to his “turret” configuration.

  “Well, sir. I’m sure we can fire you within the hour,” Sophia said, coming to stand behind him.

  “Aww, Grace. I love you. You know me so well. Where have you been my whole life?”

  “Being raised to be an obedient wife in the Sunless court, remember?”

  “Well there’s the answer then. Be my wife.” Runner wrapped an arm around her waist. Her wings fluttered softly as his forearm brushed against their feathers.

  “If that is your order, sir. Your harem is already quite numerous and deep.” Sophia looked at him without a hint of emotion.

  Runner shrugged his shoulders, looking to the catapult again.

  “Yes. Unfortunately, I’ve not been the best of men to those who care for me. I plan on correcting that when we gather everyone together. People deserve to know where I stand, rather than me hiding.” Runner grunted.

  Satomi had been right. He’d been running from it, pretending that he was trying not to hurt anyone, when he really didn’t want to be hurt himself.

  Shaking himself from his reverie, Runner looked to Sophia again and gave her a smile.

  “Things will be conclusively decided. Also, I fear I may have inadvertently harmed you.”

  Runner had been thinking on what Satomi had told him. That Sophia smelled of him. During his rehash to the Kitsune his mind stumbled over what he thought was the answer.

  “I’m not aware of anything you have ever done to harm me, sir.”

  “Remember when I blew up that building?” Runner asked, cautious of those who might overhear.

  “Yes. I do.”

  “I think I might have forced you into a similar situation to our friends Sarge and Two-Shoes.”

  Sophia blinked and looked down and to the side, digesting what he had said. She didn’t make an attempt to move from his side or to remove his arm from around her waist.

  Runner was fairly certain he’d made her his personal champion. During his ascension he had drowned her in every bit of divine power he could scrape together. He wasn’t sure what all went into a champion selection, but he was fairly certain it had a lot to do with infusing someone with your personal power. He’d have to ask one of the goddesses next time he summoned one.

  And explain to them where they fall with me as well. Being responsible sucks.

  “I understand. I think. I admit, I’m more cognizant of your feelings and desires before you voice them since the incident. I thought it strange but assumed I was simply more aware of you.”

  “I’ll summon up a divine later so that we can figure this out. I’m sorry, Grace. I only wanted to heal you.”

  Sophia’s wings rapidly spread out and enfolded him, drawing him closer to her.

  “And you did. For that I am grateful. I also know that I said things when I was… incoherent. Things that I wish I hadn’t ever admitted. I know this as I checked the log. You’ve been very kind in pretending to have not heard them.” Sophia leaned in and kissed his cheek. “You will get in the catapult now and fling yourself like the rotten watermelon you are. Try not to hit a building.”

  Sophia smiled at him, acting so far from her normal reserved personality that he couldn’t even smile back at her.

  As quickly as she had spread them, her wings refolded themselves and she left him there.

  “You sure pick up a lot of strong women. You made out of a catnip that only women can smell or something?” Lobu asked. He had stepped up beside Runner to watch Sophia leave.

  “No idea. But I’m done. I think I’m going to keep the ones I have and let them know where it lays. I have a plan to solve most of the problem.”

  “So kind of you. Only taking, what is it, seven women?”

  “Seven?” Runner did a mental count. “Four for sure. The other three are question marks.”

  “Seven. Like I said, generous of you.”

  “Gotta leave some for you, Lobu. Did I mention my entire guard is female?”

  “You’re a scumbag.”

  “I am.”

  Runner watched as Sophia locked the firing mechanism in place for the catapult. Everything was in order and ready.

  “Right, then. Looks like my flight is ready, bags are packed. Things to do, people to kill. Skulls for the skull throne, blood for the blood god. That kinda stuff,” Runner said while climbing into the firing spoon.

  Satomi appeared beside the catapult with a nonplussed look on her face. She started to lift herself in next to him, though there was little room for that. Reaching around her, Runner pulled her into him, holding onto her tightly.

  “Man, it’s a bit late to find out if x and y axis movement counts as z axis movement. Sure hope not.” Runner pressed his teeth together tightly

  “What?” Satomi asked, startled. “You don’t even know if this will work?”

  “Nope, we might go splat. Or thud. Maybe splat, then thud. Lots of sharp breaking noises maybe as our bones turn to pudding? Or who knows, maybe we go flying right into the wall. Or over the city and into the bay.”

  “Runner, my idiotic bonded, this is too—”

  “Fire me!” Runner shouted, locking his arms around Satomi.

  Sophia heeded his word and flipped the release lever.

  Runner felt his stomach press into his spine as he was flung into the air.

  Satomi screamed and dug her nails into him as they flew. As a stone tossed from a sling would fly.

  Runner did his best to gauge the spot they would land. The air tore at his eyes and Runner was forced to squint through the sudden tears and pressure.

  They easily passed over the wall and began the descending part of the toss.

  Going to hit the road.

  Runner targeted the area that was rushing towards them. A cobbled road that looked quite solid. And made of stone. And unmoving.

  Splat indeed.

  Runner called forth a pillar of water in front of him and Satomi. It was about eight feet deep from the angle they were approaching at and tall enough for them to hit the top of it.

  Runner cast a low-grade air spell on one side of Satomi’s back long
enough that the airflow forced her to spin around, putting Runner’s back towards the water.

  They slapped into the water with an ugly smack, and their momentum was spent rapidly into the water. As soon as it was clear that they were no longer moving, Runner dismissed the column.

  Splashing down like a waterfall, the column lost its stability. Runner and Satomi found themselves soaked to the bone, alive, and deposited on the road.

  Runner had taken the full brunt of the hit on himself, but only lost half of his health bar.

  “Whew, that was a bit of a trip. I bet I could turn that into a ride. Maybe use an air cannon next time and set up the landing pad elsewhere.” Runner targeted himself and cast Regeneration.

  “I hate you. You, you, you…” Satomi flared at him. Her gold eyes blazed with anger.

  “Tremendous asshole?”


  “Stupid fucker?”

  “In addition to that!”

  “Devilishly sexy man?”

  Satomi glared at him and then slapped him. No sooner had the sound faded than she lightly patted the cheek she’d struck.

  “Thank you for putting yourself first, idiot.” Satomi grumped, her clothes and fur-like hair dripping wet.

  “Now that’s a fine how do you do. Time to kill someone. You there, meatbag.” Runner pointed at a guard nearby, who stared at him.

  “I am Runner Norwood. You will take me to the governor. If you fail to do so, I will carve your ears from your head and proceed to sauté them in a pan. Are we clear?”

  Meatbag nodded his head and immediately scurried off. Runner started off after the man, needing to keep himself at nearly a jogging pace to match him.

  “Your charm never seems to fail,” Satomi chided him, moving alongside of him.

  “I could have easily hit him with a Brainwash for the same thing. This way I keep a cooldown that I wouldn’t have.”

  The sound of boots hitting the stones behind him made Runner check his rear.

  Sophia had landed behind him, and was now keeping pace.

  “Shit. Why didn’t I turn us into Angelics?”

  “Because you wanted to feel up the Kitsune, sir. Truth be told, I want to feel her up, too.”

  “Good point, Grace. Was totally worth it. Remind me to get you into the catapult with me next time. You can slow us down next time. Spend a little more time in the air. Has nothing to do with wanting to put my hands on you,” Runner said over his shoulder.


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