Otherlife Awakening: The Selfless Hero Trilogy

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Otherlife Awakening: The Selfless Hero Trilogy Page 16

by William D. Arand

  “Promises. Sweet, sweet promises, sir,” Sophia called at him as they pounded down the road.

  Runner felt better at her responses as of late. When he’d first met her, she had been flippant, playful. Then her job took her over and she became the very image of a guard captain. Whatever mental transformation she was working through seemed like it had passed.

  “We shall speak of this later, bonded,” Satomi growled at him. Her voice actually rumbled.

  “Yes, dear.”

  The guard ahead of them took a turn, and they slid to a halt in front of a large home. Larger even than Leto’s, it screamed of overindulgence.

  “Damn, I bet I could host an entire platoon of Norwood’s Own here.” Runner looked at the opulent home and felt a mild distaste. His own home wasn’t even this large.

  “Bonded, I meant to ask, did you name them that?”

  “Huh? Norwood’s Own? No, they named themselves that.”

  The front door to the mansion opened and a beautiful young woman stepped out. Curly blonde hair, blue eyes, and a buxom build.

  She was dressed in fine silks and in a style that enhanced her curves and figure.

  “Are you the ruler of the city-state of Vix?” Runner asked, not even attempting to hide the anger in his voice.

  “I am that. You are Lord Norwood? I put myself at your mercy. I’m sure we can work out an accommodation. I’d be willing to… do whatever it takes to—”

  “Yeah, no. Why did you close the gate on me?”

  “A mistake, to be sure. I gave—”

  “She lies,” Satomi said simply.

  “You ordered it closed?” Runner asked.

  “Of course not, I—”


  Runner nodded his head, considering his options.

  Nadine would tell me to spare her, despite her ways.

  He popped open his inventory and retrieved a newly fashioned Banishing Blade. He built them in groups and used them as needed.

  “You wished to remain in control of your city. To remain independent.”

  The beautiful governor said nothing, lifting her chin. If she said nothing, she couldn’t be called a liar, after all.

  “A lack of an answer will indicate a selfish answer to my question,” Runner said aloud, and spun the blade in his palm.

  “You wanted to remain independent for the sake of your citizens?”

  “Of course. They feared for their businesses and goods. That you would strip them of their livelihood.”

  “A lie and also truth.”

  “You wanted to remain independent to remain in control? Yes or no.”

  “Of course not.”


  “Aaaaand I’m tired of this. I’m sure your replacement will understand.” Runner blinked in front of the woman and buried his blade up to the hilt in her.

  Releasing the hilt, Runner turned to face the nearby guard. The woman doubled over the weapon with a groan and then vanished.

  “Get me the second-in-command or whoever would be in charge now that she’s dead. Go.” Runner flicked his fingers at the man.

  The guard who’d escorted them took off at a dead sprint.

  Runner turned and entered the mansion, his eyes taking in the rich surroundings with a touch of annoyance.

  “You’re going to leave me here, aren’t you,” Sophia said aloud. It wasn’t a question.

  Runner took in a slow deep breath, his hands flexing at his sides. He didn’t like it. Everyone was being sent away from his side.

  Lady Fate was preparing him. Setting him up.

  When she’s not trying to bed me…

  “Yeah, I am. I doubt whoever comes will be strong of mind or will. More likely a yes man. I imagine Vix will require as much effort as Letoville. I’ll leave you the rest of Norwood’s Own and Boxy as well. Vixen and I will head back on foot.” Runner hadn’t thought of it till she said it, but it was his best and really only option.

  “I understand, sir. Faye, Hannah, Satomi, and Srit will be able to keep an eye on you until I return. My second-in-command will be fine while I’m on detached duty.”

  Runner felt his face turn into a grimace.

  “Consider me a wretched woman, but it warms my heart to see my departure cause you distress.”

  “Wouldn’t have you any other way, Grace. Alright. I’m leaving now. Going to go see Sparky. Going to send our Half-Orc friend to Norwood to update everyone there. Take charge of the city, Grace. Get it ready. Same instructions as Belle.

  “I expect to see you two weeks before their majesties arrive. I’ll send Hanners to collect you if you don’t show up. After I send her to collect Belle. So she’ll be especially angry.”

  “So kind of you, sir. Remind me to thank you privately.”

  “Think nothing of it. As to the other thing, I’ll talk to one of the goddesses when I get a minute. I’ll update you when next we meet.”

  “Good, thank you. As I said, I’ve gained a measure of insight into your plans. Almost like I can hear your inner thoughts about what you’re talking about. Like… being able to read the context of it.”

  Runner had chosen to make his departure now, while his spine felt the strongest. With those words, he realized Sophia probably knew more about the situation and what his plans were than he’d like.

  And his fears as well.

  When he’d been surrounded by everyone, he’d felt bolstered. Even with his grief over Nadine, it hadn’t been too much for him.

  Everyone was leaving. By his hand, no less.

  Feeling doubt creep in, he put himself into action.

  He pulled Sophia to him and hugged her tightly.

  Sophia’s wings mimicked her arms and wrapped around Runner.

  “Seriously, the wings are kinda kinky,” Runner whispered, feeling quite enclosed in the feathered embrace.

  “You like them quite a bit, don’t you? I’ll be sure to practice then. So I can make full use of them.” Sophia grinned at him, and then surprised him by pressing her lips to his, stealing a kiss.

  The picture of artistic fantasy itself pulled back from him and gave him a smile.

  “Off with you, you rotten watermelon. Get out of my house. I could send you by catapult if you like, sir.” Sophia’s wings slid back into place behind her as she released him.

  “No, I already got a great handful of Vixen on the way in. Loved it. Real soft. She wouldn’t let me do it again, though, I’m sure.”

  Satomi made a harrumph-like noise, her ears flattening atop her head. Runner laughed and gave one of her ears a light scratch as he passed her, leaving before he changed his mind.

  “Why so angry, Vixen?” Runner asked the Kitsune as they reached the road.

  “Because nothing you said was a lie.”

  03:51 am Sovereign Earth time


  Runner sat upright in his bedroll, panting, cold sweat popping up all over his skin.

  “Be at ease, my bonded. I am here.” Satomi’s voice cut through the fog like a supernova. Her foxfire lit up in her palm in front of him, while her other hand pressed into the middle of his back.

  His mind cleared in a fraction of a second.

  Satomi’s influence over him grew by the day. It was almost frightening.

  Runner’s head dipped down, pressing into Satomi’s shoulder.

  “God I love you. Thank you. Ever since you’ve entered my life my sleep has gotten easier. I’m not sure if it’s you, your race, or being my familiar, but you fix things. My mind clears so easily,” Runner mumbled into the small woman’s shoulder.

  “Of course, bonded. I live to assist and strengthen you. Despite being a shameless man, you are a good man. My goal is to put you upon a throne. Not of skulls, but of loyal citizens. I will make you the greatest king this plane has seen. You shall rule forever, and I shall be by your side.”

  “I don’t deserve such loyalty from you, Vixen. I yanked you from your life and brought you here. I’m unworthy in many

  “You will not disparage yourself in my presence again, lest I punish you.”

  Runner chuckled and nodded his head a little, still holding Satomi.

  “Okay. You and Lady Death are going to be best buddies.”

  “You have said something similar previously. I take it she is an intellectual of worth?”

  “And then some. I call her my chancellor for a reason. Alright. I’m going to make use of the morning,” Runner said, pulling his head from Satomi’s shoulder. “Going to go make a call to a goddess.”

  “I will return to our bed. If possible, rejoin me and rest. Sleep is needed.” Satomi extinguished her foxfire by closing her hand, plunging their surroundings into darkness, save for the golden reflections of her eyes.

  Those bright points of light watched him, the pupils expanding rapidly, the shining slits growing.

  “Your eyes are awesome in the dark.” Runner stood up and lightly rubbed Satomi’s ears. “See you soon.”

  Runner walked off a hundred yards or so and lifted his head to the night sky.

  “Dark Angel, I request the pleasure of your company.”

  Ernsta materialized a few feet from him, the moon providing him just enough light to see her moderately well by.

  “Angel, please make our conversation private before you say anything,” Runner said quickly, even as Ernsta’s eyes began to widen and her mouth settled into a firm grim line.

  “Who took you?” Ernsta growled, her death’s cowl covering her features in pure blackness, her eyes bursting into blue flame.

  Chapter 9 - Pressing Forward -

  03:54 am Sovereign Earth time


  “Ernsta.” Runner said it firmly to get her attention.

  The blue fires that were Ernsta’s eyes dimmed for a second, before going out. The hood crawled back from her face to slink into her shoulders.

  “My Dark Angel, did you do as I asked?” Runner gave her a small smile, hoping his endearment and tone would disarm her.

  “I—yes, Runner, I did.” Ernsta’s tone sounded hurt, but she was willing to listen.

  “Angel, you silly, silly thing. Nothing has changed. If anything, you should be excited. Here, hold out your hand. I want to test something while I explain,” Runner replied. Then he held out his hand, palm extended towards her.

  “As you wish.” Ernsta held up her hand, and Runner felt a very similar sensation to the one he had felt with Brunhild. It was darker, a little more intimate, cold, an experience you could only share with one person.

  Like dying and being collected by the reaper.

  “Grace was hurt. She came out of a situation in a bad way. I retreated to my plane. There I asked everyone to pray to me. To empower me. At which point I healed her. I spent all that power back into healing her,” Runner explained.

  Ernsta’s eyes were focused on his hand, her mind processing what he was saying.

  “You healed her?” Ernsta finally asked, her eyes moving from her hand, which had been creeping closer to his. After a few seconds her palm pressed firmly into his.

  “I healed her. Healed her and ascended from it. I’ve been named a demigod I guess? I walk the line between mortal and divine.” Runner lightly curled his fingers into Ernsta’s, feeling the depth of the attraction. Even without having Brunhild there to compare it to, it was eerily similar in the extreme nature of it.

  She was right. I’m matched equally to Ernsta and Brunhild.

  “You’re not claimed by anyone, you ascended,” Ernsta said. Runner nodded his head at that.

  “You’re a divine unbound by the rules we all normally must adhere to.” Ernsta had taken a step closer to him. Runner nodded his head. His other hand came up to lightly rest on her midsection, keeping her from closing the distance between them.

  “And what you’re feeling right now is what Brighteyes described to me as ‘a natural attraction and affinity.’ Our divine portfolios line up well. I kinda understand it? Not completely though.”

  “It’s almost like a compulsion. I want to get closer. There’s a smell to you.” Ernsta hesitated, taking in a deep breath.

  “Brunhild said it smelled like grass and sunshine.”

  “Yes. That, and shadows. The promise of an intimate death. Unstoppable fate. You’d think that the light aspect of you would repel me. Or even Brunhild. You said she felt the same?”

  “Yeah, apparently it fills her gaps.”

  “That feels like an accurate description. You wished to speak? Beyond this, that is.”

  Runner blinked. Ernsta had taken two more steps towards him. His hand resting on her midsection did nothing to deter her.

  Ernsta was a strong divine. There was little one could do to actually stop her.

  Death isn’t something you can put the brakes on.

  “I think I may have turned Grace into my champion. I wanted to know if you could confirm that, and if you could, teach me what I need to know about that,” Runner confided in her.

  “And you wanted to ask me about this? Me personally? Not my sisters?”

  “You’ll give me the truth straight and true. Good and bad. Minxy would color it. That and I’m not sure I could stop her. I mean, could you imagine her being pressured by this feeling? Brighteyes would shield me from negative things. She’s too kindhearted at times.”

  Ernsta released his hand from her own. Then her hands came up to press into his shoulders. What little distance remained between them could only be under a foot.

  “Angel, I think it best if you get no closer. Please focus. It’s hard enough for me at this minimal distance. Champion? Give me the lowdown?”

  “It’s easy enough to tell. I can check, would you allow me?” Ernsta whispered, her breath coming slow, even, deep.

  “Of course. What do I need to do? Anything?”

  “A trickle of energy on my part. It’ll show me the path of your own power. If she is your champion, there will be a link that ties you to her and vice versa.”

  “Alright. Please do so. I promised Grace I’d figure it out. Especially since it wasn’t by her own choice.”

  Ernsta did nothing visible but he felt a small tendril of power enter the middle of his chest.

  It tickled at him. Pushed a little and ultimately slithered along his skin as if it couldn’t find purchase.

  Runner tried to mentally envision himself opening up to her and allowing her free entry to search out what she could to find his champion. If he had one.

  Tentatively, the little wisp of power found that opening and entered. Then the tendril rapidly expanded and became a raging torrent of energy. It washed through him like a flood. He felt like he’d touched a live wire, and his teeth clacked together audibly.

  His hands pressed into Ernsta’s hips when it felt like his knees would give out under the unrelenting energy flowing through him.

  As the burning energy abruptly cut off, he sagged against the goddess. Standing there panting into Ernsta’s shoulder, he couldn’t even begin to put a thought together.

  It felt like he’d gone through an orgy where he had been the only man on deck and had been expected to perform for everyone.

  And failed miserably.

  “What… what the fuck…?” Runner’s fingers were clawing into Ernsta, and his knees trembled.

  “I’m so sorry, my little lamb. Though I think I understand a few things now.” Ernsta pressed her cheek to the top of his head, her arms wrapping protectively around him.

  “When I tried to identify your champion, I used only a small fraction of the power pool I share with my sisters. I wanted to go slowly in case something went wrong.”

  Runner nodded his head, unwilling to trust himself. He felt pretty scrambled and worn out.

  “For a second, it felt like you welcomed me. Exactly as I am. I wanted you. I violated your soul and spirit. I’m sorry, I lost control of myself.” Ernsta sounded embarrassed, ashamed, and yearning at the same time if it were possible.

“Yeah, no worries. It really is damn near a compulsion. I welcomed you in, completely, that part is true. I don’t regret it either as it does reflect how I feel for you. How about that champion question? Maybe we got an answer despite me getting lit up like a lightning bolt,” Runner said, trying to deflect the conversation.

  Not to mention Ernsta was holding on to him in a very intimate manner. A subject change would be good. Immediately so.

  “She’s your champion. The link is still forming, but she holds all of your champion powers. I’ll prepare something for you with all that you need to know.”

  “Got it. Thank you, Angel. Anything else I should know? The morning comes soon and I could use an hour or two more of sleep.”

  “Don’t call Amelia,” Ernsta said gravely.

  “Yeah, trying to avoid that. She’s already as sexually charged as a high school prom after-party. I don’t like the idea of calling on her with this compulsion lying on me.”

  “I love my sister, and I don’t think she’d attack you, but it may be too much for her. It may harm her, in truth.”

  “You’re a good older sister, my Dark Angel. Okay, you’ll need to go poof because I can’t let go.”

  Ernsta said nothing, her arms tightening slowly around him.

  Runner closed his eyes and calmed his heart and mind. The tingling sensation had taken over the moment he came back to himself after Ernsta had fried him.

  Rather than fight it, he let the tingling, the vertigo, and the heavy feeling inside his head roll through him.

  “Hard,” Ernsta said finally.

  “I know it is. Take your time, going to relax right here until you go. Tired. Your power was intense. You didn’t just break my divine cherry, you exploded it and smashed the remains with a hammer.”

  Ernsta made an annoyed sound, then started to laugh softly against Runner’s ear.

  “Sorry. I’ll be gentler with you next time, my little lamb,” Ernsta whispered into his ear.

  “Seriously, Angel. Take it easy on me. I only became legal this week and you already wrecked me.”


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