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Good Luck Kid (Irish Bastards Saga Book 1)

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by S. A. Mecham

  “Is this your first time dining with us, sir?” The busboy asks me trying to make polite conversation with me. I am slowly trailing about five feet behind him doing my best to really get a good feel for this place.

  “Yes…I hear the lobster is fantastic.” I answer. I fucking hope they serve lobster. I think about my statement while remaining cool.

  “Yes, we are very famous in this county for our lobster, sir. You will be very pleased. The chef has it flown in fresh daily, straight from Maine,” he goes on to add, but my attention is on the ‘employees only’ door that we are nearing on the right side of the gallery. Even the door plaque is gold-plated. This place is a goldmine bursting at the seams with all kinds of riches. Normally I wouldn’t get this excited about a job because of the penitential for injury. It seems people hate it when you take their shit, and I don’t blame them I would shoot a motherfucker like me if the roles were reversed. I’m excited this time simply because this is going to be easy as shit job, a really quick grab and nab kind of deal. I just need to get inside and plant myself here for a few hours so I can watch things for a bit. Then later tonight I will come back and handle shit.

  “Sir? Sir, do you want to have a drink at the bar while your table is being set up?” The busboy asks me for what appears to be several times now and I realize that we are inside a darkened area which looks like an olden day French eatery. I only know this because of my education from The Streets University. I joke to myself. I can only assume this is what an olden day French eatery looks like.

  “Yes I will have a drink while I wait, thank you,” I say to him as I take a sit at the bar. He smiles and quickly disappears.

  “Good evening, sir my name is Dwight and I will be your bartender for this evening. What may I make you to start with, sir?” Dwight the bartender asks. There isn’t any name tag on him, too fancy a place I’m assuming. I’m pretty sure that the suit he has on is more expensive than mine, the tips must kill around here.

  “Whiskey sour please, thank you,” I say thankful that I have brought with me some extra twenties. By the looks of things I’m going to need it for just the bartender Dwight who looks to me like he makes way more money than I do.

  “Yes, of course, sir one whiskey sour coming up,” Dwight says as he quickly assembles a perfect whiskey sour before my eyes, before placing it in front of me. I grab it up and slowly sip it; it will be a very long night I need to take things very easy. At least I know not to pay upfront. This is the kind of place where you run a tab all night. “How is that treating you sir?” He adds with a smile.

  “Very good, indeed thank you, Dwight,” I say back to him. “So tell me Dwight. Does it get pretty busy around here on Saturday nights?” I ask hoping for some much-needed distractions later tonight.

  “Oh yes, sir this place is really busy on the weekends, as you can imagine. This is the only fine dining, casino and bingo location in this county. People come here from all over the area to enjoy themselves. You should have a great time tonight, sir. Maybe you will even meet a lady.” He says while adding a wink at the end. I chuckle a bit before drinking again from my glass. The whiskey is fine, smooth and goes down like fresh air and I feel I have been holding my breath. I start daydreaming for a moment about living like this all the time. The suit, the personal bartender, the promise of fine ladies dressed in beautiful gowns and me right in the middle of it all.

  I am three sips into my second whiskey sour when I spot this insanely gorgeous raven-haired lady. She looks completely out of place by the way she is dressed. But even under her blue jeans, brown tee-shirt and pulled back hair this girl is the most beautiful lady I’ve ever seen. Fuck, I want to just eat her up, forget about the fucking lobster, I want her. She is adorable. She is standing in the entryway of the bar with a confused look on her face and it’s all I can do to keep my ass in my seat. All of my body is starting to react to this girl and now I’m wondering what the fuck Dwight put in my drink for me to be slipping like this. I almost never drink and this is a good example of why I don’t. Losing focus on a girl during a job is not my style. Fuck it, this job will be easy as fuck either way. I might as well have some fun while I’m here, right? I convince myself while leaving my seat heading straight towards this girl I don’t know at all, but I want to at least hear her voice and, maybe smell her. What the fuck? Did I just think about smelling her? Damn!

  She looks in my direction as a huge grin rolls across her face she says, “Oh good, a waiter. Can you please help me find my friend please?” She asks me mistaking me for a waiter. Shit and I was hoping the huge smile was for me but she’s just in need of assistance.

  “Sorry, I’m not a waiter. I don’t work here but I’d be very happy to help you if I can.” I reply back hoping she’ll take me up on the offer. She rolls her eyes a little while cracking the most adorable grin like she’s a little embarrassed by her mistake. I want her even more now. She’s tiny like maybe five foot two or three at the most. She’s wearing her hair in a tight ponytail, my fucking weakness, and now I’m imagining holding on to that ponytail while I’m riding her fine ass tail from behind.

  “I’m sorry I thought you were a waiter here.” She says while she looks me up and down and I do the same.

  “It’s understandable given my jazzy attire and all.” I joke trying to make her feel at ease. She smiles before looking away; scanning the place it seems to me. “I can help you maybe. You said you are looking for your friend?” I ask. I can feel that I have a half grin on my face. It’s too late to correct it but this girl is pushing my buttons.

  “Well…hmm…I guess you might be able to help me. My friend Carla and I were playing bingo down the hallway there,” she explains while turning to point behind her towards the hallway, “I got up to go to the restroom and I come back to a note on the table where she’d been sitting saying some shit about how I should get a drink in the back bar, on her, because she’s going to have one too with some guy before she leaves with him.” She finishes. I am stunned and pause for the right words. Her eyes continue to wander the crowd. I’m pretty sure that she can see by now that her friend isn’t back here, so she must not want to make eye contact with me.

  “I will get you that drink…shit, I’ll get you a bottle of wine if it will make you smile for me again.” I say. Shit that was stupid, man. I’m thinking no one would fall for that shit but it isn’t a line at all. I really want to see her smile again and it’s worth more than a bottle of wine to me. She shrugs her shoulders up a bit while scrunching up her cute button nose. This lady is exactly my physical dream girl. She’s got a round butt, curvy thighs, and, well, I can’t tell what size breast from the way she’s covered up. But I do notice that she’s fucking wearing a green, shamrock design on her brown, tee shirt and now I know I’m a goner.

  “Fine, fuck it! This dumb bitch left my ass but that doesn’t mean I can’t have fun.” She roars. I love her style. She looks me dead in the eye and continues, “You will buy me a whole bottle of wine…for simply smiling, huh?” She says through pressed lips like she’s trying intentionally not to smile. She’s a little stubborn-shit, I fucking love it.

  “That’s right, beautiful. One smile is all I need and you get one bottle of wine on me. I’m Luck, by the way, and you are?” I ask. I arch my thick light-brown brows up with a huge closed mouth smile on my face. I can see myself sucking on her thick, full lips for hours… amongst other parts of hers. I settle for a handshake as she takes my extended hand. Her hands are soft as fuck and she’s tan making my Irish white skin look even paler than usual.

  “I’m Ava, nice to meet you Luck. You said Luck, right? I’m sure there’s a good story behind that name, huh?” She smirks but she is still holding back that cute smile. Her huge brown eyes study my face and I somehow resist my urge to lick those lips, that neck, and her tongue.

  “That’s right, Luck is my nickname and there is a story behind it indeed. Why don’t we get a table and that bottle of wine and I will tell that story,”
I add while winking at her. Out pops that cute smile from her gorgeous face. “Oh yes! There’s that smile, fuck girl, you’re beyond beautiful, Ava. Please come join me for that wine.” I say while placing my palms together like I’m praying, I add my pushed out bottom lip to the mix hoping to sway her. Her smile grows deeper rolling into laughter and I know am golden. I offer my hand to which she takes and we enter the bar area together.

  “Ok, where’s your table Luck. Wait…I’m not dressed for this fancy of a place, shit.” She stammers as she stops. I gently tug her hand leading her towards the bar.

  My table has to be available by now, I hope, but to be sure I wave over to Dwight. He spots me immediately before pointing me towards a prime spot in one of the private booths in the corner. I change directions leading Ava over towards the corner. I notice him bringing my drink over to the table which arrives at the same time as we do.

  “Sir your drink,” Dwight places my drink on the table as we both go to slide into the booth, her first. “What else can I get you two?” He asks. I stop and lean towards Dwight to whisper hoping Ava won’t hear me.

  “One bottle of the house wine…” I say but I’m hopeful it’s less than sixty bucks because I’m running out of pocket money.

  “Of course sir, very good choice and it’s on special tonight,” he quietly says before winking at me like he’s onto my money situation. Fuck. Even my brand new pal Dwight has to help me out; that’s how fucking broke I am. I nod at him before sliding into the booth next to gorgeous Ava, the lady I’m dying to touch.

  “Hello again…I hope I can make your night a little better Ava.” I say. She gives me this look like she could smack the shit out of me. “What’s up? Do you want a different table? Why the long face, Ava?” I ask. I unintentionally lick my lips together which makes her eyes shoot up.

  “I don’t know if we are both on the same page here or not. I mean…” She starts before pausing for what feels like an entity. I feel so off tonight, it has to be the booze, normally I can run game all night but fuck I can’t think of anything clever to say to her. “I don’t want you to think that I’m some slut or something. I don’t normally go out and have drinks with total strangers that I’ve just met, ok.” She finishes just as Dwight returns with our bottle of wine. He has a white linen napkin on his extended arm before displaying the house wine on the napkin and his forearm. I watch Ava’s reaction to him. She’s new to this shit, I can tell, as she leans in towards the table watching him pour the wine into our glasses. Her eyes dance at the sight of the blush colored, cheap-ass wine. I feel kind of shitty for not having more money to really shower her with some more things, just to see her light up of course that’s all. Dwight leaves the bottle on the table before heading back behind the bar.

  “I’m pretty sure that we are on the same page Ava and no I don’t think that you are a slut. Far from it,” I respond to her earlier statement. She smiles before looking away. I grab both glasses handing one to her before I raise mine to toast, “Thank you, beautiful Ava, for letting this ugly Irish bastard buy you a drink. I hope it goes down smoothly.” I say before tipping my glass to hers. She shakes her head with a wide smile while tipping mine back. I lift the glass to my mouth waiting before I drink until she drinks first. She starts sipping while I take a sip I make sure it’s just a little but she keeps going until the entire glass is empty.

  “More please,” she says to me as she winks at me sporting a cute grin. I can’t resist her adorable smile. “This place is really nice. Do you like it here? You must come here a lot huh?” She seems nervous to me as she fires off questions from nowhere.

  “You want more, then I will give you more.” I leer back at her while pouring her another glass of wine filling her glass. I notice she sits up a bit in her seat just as I reach over her and now her breast size is apparent to me as my arm brushes against one of her boobs. She doesn’t say anything. Maybe she didn’t feel it or maybe she liked it? I smile before I down my drink from before. “Hold on wait for me,” I say to her stopping her from downing another glass on her own. Fuck if I’m not careful she’s going to get fucking drunk. I grab myself another full glass before drinking it. “I need to step up my game if I’m going to drink with you I guess,” I joke.

  “Man, that stuff is so good! I don’t drink wine. Actually, I hardly drink come to think of it. Maybe a beer here or there. This wine is amazing though I think I could drink the whole bottle on my own.” Ava says. She bats her eyes a little at me and I lean towards her. I can smell her. She smells like fresh laundry soap, the expensive kind. I can see that she’s not wearing any makeup or if she is it’s damn impossible to detect. Fuck, she’s a natural beauty, far too sweet and perfect for the likes of me. I don’t know what the fuck I’m doing right now. “So…are you going to tell me how you got your nickname, Luck?” She reminds me. I’m too busy watching her every move to answer right away, as she rolls her tiny fingers up and down the wineglass stem I start imagining her finger on me rolling up and down my skin.

  “Oh yeah, I owe you a story don’t I?” I say. I slide closer to her, close enough that our legs are now touching. Stop thinking about her hips that are now pressed alongside yours, I try to reclaim my focus but I fail miserably. I have completely forgotten why I came here tonight. She puts one of her hands on her thigh letting it rest against my leg for a moment. I take the opportunity by scooping up her hand in mine placing it in my lap. “I actually never drink either. I mean never. I haven’t ever been to this place before tonight. I don’t really like it here because there are too many people. I’m a private person. I would rather be alone with you but I understand that’s not in the cards for us. I don’t want to come off pushy I’m just putting that out there. I have, to be honest, right?” I blurt out. I have lost my cool completely. I might be in this sleek suit but I’m poser all the way. I don’t want to act with her. “Oh, and when I was a little boy I couldn’t say my name correctly I kept calling myself luck instead of Luke. I guess my family just got tired of correcting me and so the name stuck.” I add. Her face changes from sweet smiles to a confused look and then to what can only be described as “what the fuck” and I’m starting to worry if I’ve blown it.

  “Ok, we can go somewhere more private. We can go to my place but you’ll have to drive I think I might not be able to drive anymore.” She burst out. I quickly signal Dwight for my ticket for fear of losing this perfect moment which only comes along once in any man’s life if he is lucky.

  Chapter Four

  I am not sure what I’m thinking right now as I head out of this really fancy bar with some gorgeous blue-eyed hunk. He is wearing a Versace suit and Rolex watch but I don’t think he has been wealthy for very long by the way he acts. I shouldn’t have drunk that wine so damn quickly. My head feels like it’s underwater. I hope he can’t tell just how fucked up I am right now. I hope I don’t do anything stupid. Like take a stranger home, right? Shit, what am I thinking? I freeze.

  “Ava…Ava are you ok?” His rough voice rumbles. Instantly I’m reminded by what struck me the most about him from the beginning; his fucking voice. I love it. Between his blue eyes which I could stare at for the rest of life, I swear, and that voice, I’m a happy girl. I wonder if he noticed the shamrock on my shirt. I don’t want to say anything about it. “Hey girl you ok there?” He asks again.

  “Hey Luck…hey there with your fine-ass!” I let slip. Shit! I’m starting to trip. “I might be a little bit drunk, Luck. I think.” I add. My mind starts floating through different thoughts like how I want to feel his hands on my bare skin or how I want to listen to his breathing while he sleeps. What the fuck is wrong with me? He puts one hand on my back and another on my arm and the pressure of his touch makes the hairs on my arms stand up. I notice his face is now right in mine. “You’re so pretty,” I say to him without thinking.

  “I’m pretty huh? You think I’m pretty Ava?” He says before chuckling a bit and out pops two heart-stopping dimples that I hadn’t seen be
fore now. Shit, he’s killing me. I want him really bad, but maybe I shouldn’t go home with him feeling this way. He would not survive the night with me. I’ll tear him apart; it’s been too long since I’ve been with anyone.

  “Yes you are—shit I mean you’re handsome, not pretty.” I correct myself. Why the fuck did I say that he is pretty for?

  “Aw…I am fine with being called pretty. I’ll be whatever you want me to be,” he says. I feel his hands move around to my lower back as he leans down placing his lips to mine, kissing me. I lean up against him opening my mouth as he eases his tongue inside. The friction between our tongues starts making my body heat up. Goosebumps rise on my arms and my heart starts pounding. If I’m not careful I just might start moaning right here in front of this place. I can smell his cologne, I think it is Armani. I want to lick his neck to taste it. I start melting into his arms and I am lucky he is strong as he holds me up while we continue kissing.

  He pulls away from my lips and I involuntarily sigh. What is happening to me? Am I so horny that my body is taking charge of me? “Hey…ah…maybe,” he starts. Then he chuckles, “let’s take this somewhere more private baby. Point me towards your car I’ll have us to your place in a flash and then…” he leers while leaning closer to my face by the second. “I want to taste you. I want to fuck you. I to lick every fucking inch of your sexy ass-fuck body, Ava!” He adds before kissing me once more. My mind turns off as I lose myself in him. Each word he says makes me hotter for him. Every place he touches on my body drives me mad. “Is that all good with you? Will you let me?” He finishes. He cups my face in the palms of his hands making it apparent how much larger he is than me. He has to be at least six foot two maybe more but he is leaning over to get to me. I’m dying I think as my heart is racing now and I think I might be sweating a bit too. I’m fighting the urge to scream out YES fuck yes, in response to his question. I simply nod. “Good!” He says. I point my finger over towards my Dodge Neon.


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