Arrested Pleasure

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Arrested Pleasure Page 20

by Holli Winters

  His gaze narrowed as he eyed the key. "My neck is sore, and I thought you'd work me in. The sign still showed you open. I really need the help." He ran his hand up and down his neck as if to show her his pain.

  Part of Cassie wanted to help him. She needed any money she could get. But the other part of her told her this guy appeared to be trouble. She watched his gaze rove around the office. Her unease ratcheted up a notch. Assessing whether they were alone?

  "I don't think so. I'm tired and—like I said—I'm in the process of closing. I can work you into the schedule early tomorrow." She went back behind the desk and picked up a pen. "My appointments computer is shut down, but I can handwrite you in a scheduled time with myself as early as seven thirty."

  He didn't immediately respond, but still continued to look around. The quietness of Casa de Massage and his strange behavior rankled her nerves. Outside, the din of traffic going by echoed. Seconds passed.

  "Are you alone in here?" he finally asked.

  The words sounded menacing to Cassie. She chose to ignore his question. "I'm closing, and I'd like you to leave. Please. Sir."

  He responded by pulling his jacket closer and staring intently at her. Cassie gripped the key in her hand and felt a sudden urge to pick up the phone and dial 9-1-1.

  She was used to handling the vagrants who wandered over from the seedy parts of town, but usually she had others around to call on for help. Being alone in the spa with the only way to escape blocked by this man concerned her. Cassie started to edge toward the hallway entrance. Maybe if she surprised him by taking off down the hallway, it would give her enough of a start to escape him. She bumped against the wall.

  He continued to watch her and their gazes locked. Abruptly, he turned to the door and lifted his hand. Cassie froze at the click.

  The man had locked the security bolt on the door.

  No. This couldn't be happening. A scream rose as bile in her throat. Run. Run.

  Her body felt heavy from the uneasiness, but she had enough sense to turn. The hallway seemed long and endless, but if she ran . . . .

  She stumbled and grabbed the wall. Cassie heard a sound behind her, and without looking, started her dash to the back door. Heavy footsteps pounded behind her. He's after me. Oh my God. Get out of here! She had to get away .

  She'd only gone halfway when his hands grabbed her around the waist and threw her onto the floor hard, causing her to hit her head. He landed on top of her, his weight bearing down. His dark face repulsed her, and his breath smelled of too much garlic. Fear coursed through her body and for once in her life, she tasted terror in her mouth.

  "You ain't going nowhere bitch," he said. "We're gonna have some fun first."

  Chapter Fourteen

  Silence laced the darkened hallway for long moments while Cassie assessed what to do. The wind knocked out of her, she needed time to recover. The man continued to gaze at her with a grim, menacing smile across his face.

  Reality slammed into her. She was in danger and had to get out of here. She pushed at him, struggling to get away. "No . . . ."

  Her actions were futile as he proved to be an unmovable object. "Come on, sister, you'll enjoy this." He chuckled and bumped his groin against her hip.

  She flinched at his gruesome touch. Her skin crawled with unfathomable sensations. "Let me go," Cassie begged as she tried to shove him away.

  "Not until I tell you so, lady," he muttered, continuing to pin her legs beneath his.

  She struggled and tried to twist her body away from him. All she could do was roll onto on her stomach. Her breath came deep and hard. An instant flash of bucking him off like a bareback crossed her mind. Crazy, but right now she felt desperate.

  He leaned down and brazenly nuzzled the side of her neck. Cassie didn't bother to repress her shudder. A weird purr seemed to rumble from deep within his throat.

  Good God, did he get his rocks off pawing her? The thought scared her even more. Her mind raced with the knowledge that he hadn't killed her . . . yet.

  "Let me up, and I'll let you go. I won't call the authorities." She tried to sound brave, but her voice trembled and came out as a squeak.

  His chest rumbled against her back. "Sweetheart, I don't think you have a say in the matter." He pressed her down farther into the carpet that now felt like cement beneath her. Pain shot up her hip.

  "I have money in the safe. I can give you—"

  "Lady, I'll take everything you've got," he cackled as he brushed his hand down the side of her breast.

  No. Her body screamed inside, but nothing came out of her throat. Her stomached ached at the realization he planned to assault her. She took a deep breath, trying to think straight. This couldn't be happening to her.

  Cassie reached for all the strength she had, and with a mighty thrust, she managed to shake him off her back. He toppled over onto his side, cursing as he hit the wall. She scrambled to her feet and ran toward the door, bent on escape. Come on, come on. Get out of here.

  Just as she reached for the doorknob, he grabbed her leg and heaved her backwards.

  "You're not going anywhere, bitch!"

  "You bastard! Leave me alone." She pulled, but he gripped even harder. She cursed in a language that would make her mother's hair curl. Her leg radiated pain, but that didn't matter. She needed to get to safety. Fast.

  "Not so fast," he snarled. His hand gripped her leg in a powerful hold, twisting it at an angle.

  A sting shot up her leg, causing her to gasp. Tears started running down her cheeks and sheer, black fear swept through her. He is going to kill me. "No," she screamed as she tugged with a fierce determination.

  He muttered another curse and dragged her back down on the hard carpet.

  "Goddamn bitch, shut up."

  "No . . . ." Tears ran down her face.

  He pounced on top of her and held her down.

  For several minutes, the only sounds were their breathing. She didn't want to, but she stole a glance at his face. Trickles of blood ran down it in a scary, eerie way. She must've caused the scratches in their struggle. How she wished she'd poked his eyes out.

  They lay on the floor for several, long moments. She breathed in quick, shallow breaths, her mind racing. What now? Stronger and bigger than her, he held all the cards. She wanted desperately to close her eyes, but she knew to do so would give her enemy an opportunity. Why did he come in here? Why her? She didn't keep much money on the premises for security reasons, and she'd gone to the bank two hours before. She sensed he wanted something else and the knowledge sent a spiral of panic twisting her insides. "What do you want?" she gasped.

  He grinned, an awful sick expression on his face. The man was crazed. " You.

  Only you." His dark eyes blazed at her and then he dragged her body closer to his.

  Ohmygod, he plans to rape me. She always thought herself safe here, even when she worked alone. Her father's words mocked her. He'd told her several times how its closeness to Burnside Avenue made this an unsafe living. Her reply to him came back to haunt her. Crime could happen anywhere. Did she spend her last nine lives living on the edge of danger?

  "Leave me alone. I—"

  "You don't have a choice, bitch." His eyes got a strange, glassy expression.

  Cassie's eyes stared at the silver blade he waved it in front of her face. In the distance, the phone began to ring. But Cassie didn't move to answer. Her attention focused on the knife he brandished in his hand.

  She was right the first time. He intended to kill her.

  * * * * *


  Gabe glanced up at Chaz's curse. "I agree, but the asshole hasn't tangled with us yet." He slammed the phone down. "Damn. Cassie's not picking up her phone at either work or on her cell. Where the hell is she?" He wanted to warn her about Isaiah and hoped she'd at least agree to meet with him and hear his explanation about his role in the investigation.

  Chaz lifted his head from perusing the report on his computer screen. "P
ossibly she's out with the new boyfriend."

  Gabe scowled at his coworker. "Like hell I hope not." He punched in her home phone number. It rang ten times. Nothing. Where was she? Uneasiness about why she didn't answer punched him in the gut. After finding out Isaiah Winkler's motives, Chaz had called the man in on the pretext of questioning him in regard to some complaints they received on property he owned. Winkler grumbled about the lateness but told them he'd be here by six.

  Chaz all of a sudden grunted. "Well, look here."

  "What's up?" Gabe asked.

  "Says here"—he pointed to his screen—"that Isaiah Winkler was arrested three years ago for intimidating one of his tenants." Chaz shook his head, disbelief blooming across his face. "Unfortunately the lady didn't press charges, and the case was dropped.

  Sounds like he's a nutcase. Tried to hire someone to harass the lady, but the perp ratted on Winkler. Because no actual crime occurred, he got off with probation."

  A chill coursed up Gabe's spine. The guy hired a thug? Getting men to make false complaints was one thing, but to hire someone to harm a vulnerable woman made him a rat's asshole. If Winkler tried this tactic with Cassie, he'd kill him personally.

  "Where the hell is the guy?" Gabe muttered as he glanced at the clock. The sooner he nailed the guy, the faster they'd be able to close the case.

  "I'm wondering if you shouldn't let me handle things. You're apt to go for his throat," Chaz said.

  True, but Gabe had enough control to want to stick around and get Winkler to admit he was setting up Cassie. "I'm okay." He swallowed his now lukewarm coffee in an attempt to calm his jangled nerves. Between worrying about Cassie and his anger over Isaiah Winkler, he was a mess. He grimaced at his cup. Of course, drinking coffee wasn't going to help. His head shot up when someone knocked on the door.

  Marci poked her face in and smiled at them. "Mr. Winkler is here per your request."

  Chaz nodded curtly. "Great, bring him in." He motioned for Gabe to keep his cool. The worst thing to happen would be for Isaiah Winkler to walk out in anger or get tipped off before they cornered him.

  A scowling overweight man in his late fifties walked in. He mumbled something to Marci about this being an inconvenience and taxpayer dollars not being put to use properly.

  Both detectives exchanged glances. Definitely not a pleasant man. "Sit down, Mr.

  Winkler." Chaz pointed to a nearby chair. After some more under the breath mumbling, the man sat down.

  Gabe took a deep breath. "I'm Gabe Banks and this is my partner, Chaz Rush.

  Can we get you something? Coffee?"

  "That crap you call coffee? No, thank you." Isaiah glared at them both. "I want you to know I delayed my business dinner at the Marriott for this. I'd be eating a nice, juicy steak right now instead of being in a dingy police department."

  "I'm sorry we interrupted your evening plans, but this is important. It's about a building you own on Front Street," Gabe replied.

  Isaiah eyed them, assessing what they wanted. He finally nodded. "So I was told on the phone earlier by one of your guys." He gazed shifted from Gabe to Chaz.

  "Hopefully this won't take long. I gather the police department has some complaints on Casa de Massage?"

  Isaiah leaned forward, his voice lowering. "I keep my buildings clean of immoral behavior, and I knew it'd only be a matter of time before she got busted. Glad someone finally got the goods on her." He glanced toward the doorway. Was he afraid someone was out in the hallway listening? "I hope the police department runs her out of the city."

  He sat back in his chair, a satisfied smile on his face.

  Gabe controlled the urge to smash the bastard's face. Instead, he doodled a little on his notepad, pretending to take a few notes. "Tell us about the building you own.

  How did you end up buying it?"

  "Oh." Isaiah glanced back and forth between Chaz and Gabe. "The old guy who owned the building got sick, and his family advised him to sell off his assets. I bought it to . . . uh . . . help the family out." He frowned as he paused. "I don't see how this—"

  "Weren't you friends with the man's nephew?" Gabe had checked over the building contract. Isaiah got a good damned deal on prime real estate.

  "Sheridan? Uh, yeah, we knew each other."

  "He's not your partner then?"

  Isaiah's face flushed and his eyes dilated. A man who'd appeared confident before was now flustered. "Look now, I'm not about to discuss my business practices with you." His voice rose. "I'm here as a Good Samaritan because someone registered a complaint against her spa. If this is true, then I want you to shut the place down for good."

  "We never told you we had a complaint against the spa," Gabe pointed out. "We only told you we needed you to come in and discuss some allegations regarding a building you own."

  Isaiah's ruddy cheeks paled. He glanced at Chaz. "I may have misunderstood you."

  "I don't think so." Chaz's eyes narrowed. "Tell us about your relationship with Sheridan. Did he give you some inside information to purchase the building?"

  "None of your business," Isaiah retorted.

  "We can bring Sheridan in and talk to him. My understanding is the two of you are on the outs with each other."

  Isaiah's face contorted at Chaz's words.

  At that moment, Gabe could've hugged Chaz. He'd gone for the jugular.

  "Well?" Chaz asked, as he reached for the phone. "Shall I contact Sheridan?"

  Winkler stared at Chaz for a long, drawn-out moment. Then his eyes dropped.

  "Okay. Sheridan asked me to buy the property so he'd get his hands on his uncle's money," he finally said. "He told me his uncle was ill and needed to get rid of some real estate. I offered to buy the whole block. I did nothing illegally."

  "But the property came with some attached conditions I'm sure Sheridan didn't mention." Gabe pulled out the documents from the real estate company. "One of which is the rent stays the same while Cassie—Cassandra Nichols is a tenant." He opened to page six. "And also she conducts herself in a manner that is not immoral or unethical."

  "Where the hell did you get the copy?" Isaiah jumped to his feet, his fists raised.

  "None of your damn business how I run my company. I'm willing to bet you got that dishonestly." He glared at both of them. "I'm going to file a complaint with the city."

  Gabe ignored his threats. "For what? This is public knowledge, and we didn't do anything wrong to get it."

  Isaiah's face turned pasty white. "The hell you did. Give the paper to me." He reached out a hand to grab the paper off the desk, but Gabe moved the file away. Chaz shifted closer, ready to pounce in case Isaiah got even nastier.

  "Just sit down, and we'll discuss this some more." Gabe was ready to punch the guy. He got a sick feeling Isaiah would do anything to get his own way.

  Isaiah grumbled, but then plopped back down into his seat and glared at them. "I still think it's unethical and immoral to steal what's private." His gaze flickered back and forth between Gabe and Chaz. "I have nothing to hide."

  Oh, yeah, right, Gabe thought , you're not fooling me. He glanced at Chaz, who gave him a slight smirk. Yeah, Chaz thought the same thing. Clearing his throat, he continued his questioning. "Are you not in the process of trying to sell those properties to a firm that has plans to build parking garages?"

  Isaiah's lips thinned as he listened to Gabe's words. "It's none of your business what I've planned for the buildings. Whether I sell or not isn't the point. I just want to know if Ms. Nichols has been arrested for running a whorehouse. Seems like you guys should be investigating her instead of draggin' an innocent taxpayer in here."

  "Or maybe she's being set up in order to run her out of business." Gabe heard the sharp gasp emitted from Winkler's throat. Gotcha, he thought and smiled to himself. The bastard had sent those men in here to file false complaints. "It's hard to investigate anything when we can't find those men who contacted us in the first place to say they'd been propositioned by Ms. Nich
ols or her staff. Imagine that? Can't build a case without evidence." Gabe sat back and waited for Isaiah's reaction.

  It didn't take long. "What are you implying, Detective Banks?" He scowled at Gabe. "That I hired those men? Well, you have no proof. Why, I should get your ass fired."

  "What makes you think we don't have the proof?" He picked up the folder. "And I only said it's hard when you can't find them. But I got lucky . . . ." He let his words trail off.

  Take the bait, sucker, he silently urged Isaiah .

  The other man's face blanched, and Gabe watched him visibly gulp. "I only want to do whatever I can with the property I own. That damn old man tacked on those goddamn conditions, and Sheridan didn't bother to tell me." Isaiah shook his head.

  "She's one stubborn lady."

  After standing by for a long time without a word, Chaz finally spoke. "But setting her up for a charge of prostitution is a serious offense."

  The other man stared a long time at Chaz before he asked simply, "You have evidence?"

  Chaz nodded.

  A whoosh seemed to reverberate through Isaiah's body and his face reflected defeat. "I didn't mean things to go this far. I guess I got reckless." He closed his eyes.

  "My wife suggested I offer to relocate the business or work around them to build new businesses. I guess my wife was right after all."

  Relief flooded through Gabe. Cassie was innocent. Maybe now they could start all over. If she accepted his apologies. "What you did is serious, but I'm sure it can be fixed." He wrote down some notes. "Are you willing to sign a confession? Since we didn't ever press charges against Ms. Nichols, she may not want to do anything, but she should be made aware."

  Isaiah nodded wearily, looking older than his fifty-something years. "I understand—" Suddenly, his eyes widened. "Oh. What time is it?"

  "Nearly seven," Chaz replied.

  "Oh, no." Isaiah stood up. "We have to stop him." He glanced at the phone and leaned over to pick the receiver up, but Gabe stopped him. What the fuck did he mean?


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