Arrested Pleasure

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Arrested Pleasure Page 21

by Holli Winters

  "What are you doing?"

  "The man I hired to—" Isaiah glanced at Chaz. "I hired a man to, uh . . . to prove to her it was unsafe to live in the area. I thought this would be my last chance."

  Gabe lunged to his feet and grabbed Isaiah by the front of his shirt. "You hired a frigging man to hurt Cassie? What the hell do you think you're doing?"

  Sweat rolled down Winkler's face. "I know. Stupid. But maybe he chickened out."

  Gabe let go of Isaiah and started dialing Cassie's number. She hadn't answered earlier and now a steady trickle of dread ran down his spine.

  * * * * *

  Cassie slowly opened her eyes as pain continued to reverberate up her body.

  Confused, she glanced around. Where was she? Catching site of a table, she realized she was in one of the therapy rooms. She must have fainted.

  Heavy breathing behind her alerted her she wasn't alone. Her body tensed as fresh memories washed over her. The attack on her and falling to the floor.

  The terror.

  She made an attempt to edge away, testing her agility, but couldn't budge. He'd bound her wrists to a table leg, leaving her unable to move her arms.

  "Finally awake are you?" The words were sneered near her ear.

  She twisted her head to stare at him, as though to ingrain his image into her brain. Not that it would matter. A chill went up her spine. She suspected when he was done doing whatever he intended to do, he wouldn't leave her behind as a witness.

  "Please, let me go. Take the money and just . . . leave," she pleaded.

  He lifted the knife, and she watched in horror as he ran the tip across his thick arm. He was taunting her.

  "I'm not after the money. Although . . ." A sick grin crossed his face. "I'll consider that a bonus once the job is done."

  The job? What did he mean? Wasn't money the reason he chose her? "I don't understand. If it's only the money you want, you can have every stinking dime."

  He rose over her and brought his face closer to hers. She reared back as far as she could, but the back of her head hit the wall. A sickly, sweaty smell penetrated from him, and she almost gagged.

  "Lady, you ain't supposed to understand." He brought the knife closer to her face and pressed the icy-cold tip against her cheek. "Just feel." He smiled and leaned even closer. "After we're done, you won't care."

  Terror gripped her, and she flinched as he barely pierced her cheek with the tip of the blade. It hurt, but she dare not cry out. This is how he wanted her to suffer. To feel the pain. To cry out. A tiny trickle of wetness dribbled down her face. Tears . . . or blood.

  He pulled the knife away and his eyes stared at her vacantly. "Just do what I say, and perhaps things won't be so bad after all." He laughed and the sinister sound echoed off the walls of the room.

  The room reverberated into silence, with only the tick-tock of a clock heard. She wondered if anyone would find her, though she'd sent everyone home. Maybe Dani would return in hopes of convincing her again to go out tonight.

  The stillness was shattered by the shrill ring of the phone in the reception area.

  Although they were several yards away from the source, the sound echoed, mocking Cassie and reminding her she couldn't scream for help .

  No one would be able to help her or save her. Only she could do that.

  "Somebody sure is anxious to reach you," he remarked, his eyes staring unflinching at her, while each ring reverberated in tortured finality. "You shouldn't be in here by yourself . . . Cassie."

  The awareness he even knew her name caught her by surprise, and she gasped.

  "You know who I am?" She stared at him, unease trickling down her spine. Had this been planned? She'd never seen him before except for the other night, and now she suspected if Lola hadn't been there, he'd have attacked her then. What was he after? Her

  . . . or something else? Her mind filled with possible answers, but none that made sense.

  The phone stopped ringing and stillness hung in tense clouds over the room. Her attacker's eyes narrowed as he continued to stare at her. "Who cares? It's unimportant now . . ." He bent over her menacingly and grabbed her by the shoulders. "What matters is I get to have you." Without warning, he shoved his lips down onto hers.

  She struggled against the sudden force of his actions and tossed her head to the side, away from his. He held on tighter and, without use of her hands, her defense was ineffectual.

  "No!" She tried to scream. Somehow, she'd stop him.

  "You bitch!" He leaped on top of her and red-hot twinges coursed up her arm. An excruciating pain stung her in the shoulder. "You'll do the fuck what I tell you." His hand delivered a hard slap across her face and she fell to the floor again, only to discover he used that position to lie on top of her.

  For long moments, they both breathed hard, neither moving.

  She tried to buck him off while she tugged at the restraints. Their struggle had jarred the twine slightly loose, and she jiggled it to check if she'd be able to unravel the rope. If she worked the cord just a bit, she might be able to free her hands.

  The touch of his hands on her breasts brought her back to reality as he tugged at the material on her shirt. The man began to unbutton her blouse, but the tiny buttons were too hard for his big hands to manage. He muttered loudly, cursing. She tried turning her body to impede him, but that brought another slap across her face. Pain radiated throughout her jaw. It hurt like hell, and tears stung her eyes. The wetness from the earlier cut continued to ooze, as the moisture ran unchecked down her cheek.

  "Goddamn bitch. I'll give you what you really want." He grabbed her mane of hair and pulled hard. His face mocked her.

  The sting of pain caused her to flinch, yet she didn't scream. She had no strength to do so anymore. She closed her eyes to ward off seeing his derisive expression. Please, please, she pleaded . Let my hands get free. She thought about Gabe and concentrated. She needed him. Forget what happened between them before. He'd protect her from this bastard.

  Abruptly her body was jerked forward and her attacker glared at her. "Look at me, you whore! I want your eyes open so you can watch me fucking you." He started ripping at the buttons, destroying her shirt.

  Cassie began sobbing in earnest. His eyes got a glazed, maniacal expression. He was insane. She had to escape. She started working feverishly on the rope. By sitting her up, he'd inadvertently allowed her more movement.

  He palmed one of her breasts through her bra. "Eh . . . such a pretty thing. Too bad I can't keep you."

  She wanted to pull away, but she didn't dare do so. He was using both his hands.

  Somewhere, he'd discarded the knife. Set it down.

  "I can't wait to see what's under this lacy stuff," he sneered, looking down at his hands as he worked her buttons free.

  Then she spotted it. On the floor to the right of her lay his knife. The blade appeared terrifying with its sharp, steel edge.

  "Not much more. Then we'll get rid of the rest of the clothes." He tweaked her breast.

  Cassie moaned as another wave of fear gripped her. A chant rose inside, voicing what she wanted desperately right now.

  Gabe, where are you? I need you.

  She no longer cared he'd betrayed her by not telling her the truth about his investigation. All she wanted was to see him again and tell him . . .

  The tattered remains of her shirt being pulled apart jarred her thoughts back to reality. He stared hungrily at her breasts. The gruesome stare forced another shudder out of her, but she had to concentrate on her goal. One more . . . tug . . . He palmed the flesh of her breast through the thin material of her bra. Just as the rope pulled away from her hands, an abrupt noise outside the room permeated her consciousness.

  Someone had entered the building. Dani? Lola? She knew without a doubt that her attacker would kill them also. No time to think what would be the best course of action. Her hands shook, but adrenaline handed her strength. Like in a slow motion video, she dived for the knife.r />
  "What the hell?"

  He must've realized what she intended to do and snarled as he also lunged for the weapon. Frantically, she fought with him, the silvery blade glinting against the faint light in the room. The sharpness bit into her hands.

  "No, no." Then she screamed with all her might.

  The blade plunged downward, the sound of metal hitting flesh reverberating throughout the room. Her screams rocked the walls of the spa as blackness hit her and she descended into unconsciousness.

  Chapter Fifteen

  The bloodcurdling scream sent a dagger of fear pulsing through Gabe's chest.

  " Cassie!" He beat at the door with furious hands. "Dammit, where's Dani?" he shouted at Chaz. "We need to get inside now." Helplessness had overwhelmed him from the moment Isaiah Winkler admitted he'd hired a man to attack Cassie and scare her into selling her spa.

  "Ms. Jerlison said she's about ten minutes away, so she should be here any moment."

  "We don't have time." His eyes scanned the front of the building for any opening besides the glass door to get inside. Figures that Cassie had installed tempered glass on her door and windows to prevent break-ins.

  Something had gone wrong with Isaiah's plan to scare Cassie. Gabe sensed it. An attack was one thing, but most crimes were usually done with swiftness and a quick escape to avoid capture. Repeated phone calls had gone unanswered, and as far as he knew, none of the other employees stayed this late. A soft light inside the shop was the only indication there might be someone inside.

  Then came the terrifying screams from within the spa.

  "Dammit, we have to get in. I'm breaking the door down." He started to bash his leg at the glass. Was she lying on the floor hurt? He'd never forgive himself if something happened to her.

  "Gabe—Stop!" Chaz grabbed him to pull him back.

  "Leave me alone. We got to get inside. Something is wrong. Cassie could be hurt, or—" She might be dead. His gut wrenched at the thought. He shouldn't have returned her key the other morning.

  Ramming his leg against the glass didn't get him anywhere. Not a single crack in the impregnable glass. Quickly, he checked for something else to use to smash in the door. Gabe grabbed a nearby officer's baton. All his mind cared about was his need to rescue Cassie. He'd personally kill Isaiah Winkler if harm came to her. Damn him.

  The impenetrable glass barely cracked as he beat against the window.

  "Oh, my God!" Dani flew up to him and seized his arm, her face ashen. "What's happening? Where's Cassie? I got the call she might be in trouble and to get here."

  Gabe's gaze latched onto the keys in her hand. He snatched them and stared down at the array of several keys. "Dammit, Dani, which one?" He held them up. "We have to get in there right away. We think she's being attacked."

  Dani's breath caught and tears glistened in her eyes. "The big one with the yellow mark."

  Gabe snagged the one she indicated and inserted the key into the lock.

  "Is she all right? Please—"

  "Get away, ma'am." Chaz pulled her backward as Gabe crashed through the opened door.

  Once inside, he turned the lights on. The room blazed to life, stark . . . and empty.

  A chair lay overturned, and the scattered papers in the hallway indicated a possible struggle. Breathing hard, he reached for his gun, ready to fire. At this point, he didn't know what he'd find.

  Aware his fellow officers followed behind him with their own guns drawn, he moved further in. "Cassie," he yelled out, not caring if the attacker had a gun. He needed to make sure where she would be. The silence that greeted him mocked him. He hadn't mistaken the screams. Somebody was in trouble.

  A moan and then a strangled cry rippled through the stillness. Without thinking, Gabe ran down the hallway to the first therapy room.

  "Be careful," Chaz called out behind him.

  Gabe ignored his partner's advice as he broke open the door. The sight beyond the door caused his stomach to lurch.

  The stench of blood hung heavy in the room, a red pool spreading across the floor. In the sea of blood lay Cassie and an unidentified male.

  "Gabe . . . ." Cassie's faint voice rose to him. She lay prone on the floor with the man lying on top of her. Her eyes flickered open, and she moaned again.

  She was alive. He dropped to his knees and touched her face. "Sweetheart, we're here." He glanced at the male and then tried to push him off her. That's when he spotted the knife protruding from the man's stomach.

  "Is he dead?" Her voice quivered as she asked the question. Tears rolled down her blood-splattered face. Bruises and faint swelling on her cheekbone and forehead showed the brutality of the attack. The bastard had cut her face.

  "He had knife. He was going to kill me—"A sob gurgled upward from her throat.

  "Shh . . ." He smoothed his hand down her hair and she closed her eyes. "It's all right. Are you in pain?" Despite the anger toward Isaiah and this man, he had to remain calm for Cassie's sake. He didn't want to traumatize her anymore than she was already.

  Gently, he rolled the man over onto his back.

  Frank Schwartzman's face stared up at him. The man who'd made accusations against Cassie's business. Immediate regret filled Gabe with the realization that if they'd caught up with Schwartzman, Cassie wouldn't be laying here hurt.

  "How is he?" Chaz spoke behind him. The other officers were already working on securing the scene and setting things up for evidence. In the background, the sounds of sirens grew louder. The paramedics would be here soon.

  Gabe felt for a pulse. "He's alive, but just barely."

  " Please. Please get him off me." Cassie shuddered as she stared at the knife sticking out of the man's stomach.

  "Sweetheart—Cassie—it would probably be better if you tried to slide out from underneath him. Can you manage to do that? Are you aware of any broken bones?"

  Gabe scanned her body while he assessed her condition. Other than cuts and bruises, she didn't appear to have any life-threatening injuries.

  "I . . . think . . . I'm okay." Her voice came out in sobs and shuddered gasps.

  The loud drone of people outside shouting, including a female's sharp voice, barely penetrated his focus on Cassie. Dani most likely. He didn't blame her for her anger when it came to Cassie's wellbeing.

  "Good, babe. Just look at me."

  She lifted her head, and their eyes met. He wanted to tell her he'd take care of her the rest of their lives. A smile quivered at the ends of her mouth, and then she nodded.

  She knew without him saying the words.

  With Chaz's help, they raised Schwartzman's prone form ever so slightly. Cassie inched slowly away, her gaze never leaving Gabe's.

  The tattered remains of her blouse lay loose around her shoulders. Her bra was drenched in blood. Gabe's hands fisted at the realization the guy had nearly raped her.

  If Frank Schwartzman hadn't been unconscious already, he'd knocked the shit out of him.

  Cassie's sobs filled the room as she finally crawled out from underneath Schwartzman. Her tears rolled down her face in earnest. Gabe grabbed a nearby sheet and wrapped Cassie tightly within the folds.

  Sirens wailed loudly and then stopped.

  "Paramedics are here. Let them take care of him. Not that he deserves anything special," Chaz muttered beside Gabe.

  Gabe didn't bother to answer. On his knees, he still held her in his arms. Gently, he touched her shoulder. "Are you okay? Can I get you anything?"

  She shook her head while she worked at getting her sobs under control.

  "Sweetheart, I need to get you out of here. Can you move?"

  "Get me out . . . now," she begged, burrowing tighter within his embrace. She glanced at Schwartzman's prone body, then away.

  Paramedics entered the room, and Chaz updated them. The attacker continued to lay on the floor motionless. At this point, Gabe didn't care less if the other man lived or died.

  "Come on. We'll move you into the other room," he quietly
told her.

  Her eyes flickered to the paramedics attending to Schwartzman before letting Gabe help her to her feet.

  "He planned to kill me." The words were stark and emotionless.

  A ripple of rage vibrated through Gabe. If the guy lived, he'd be the first one to nail him—and Isaiah Winkler—to the wall.

  "We arrived in time. You'll be okay."

  She raised her arms and draped them around his neck. "Please, take me out of here. Now." Her body trembled.

  Gabe gently lifted her into his arms and maneuvered past officers and paramedics who swarmed the room. He motioned with his head for a female paramedic to follow him. First things first. Cassie needed to be checked over. He didn't think the guy had time to rape her, but his gut clenched with the knowledge they could've been too late. He laid her on the table in an adjoining room and brushed the hair away from her face. Her eyes were closed. He leaned over to whisper in her ear. "One of the paramedics has to check you over to assess your condition."

  Cassie nodded, her eyelids flickering open. As much as he hated to leave her side, Gabe moved to let the female paramedic examine her. He only half listened as she asked Cassie a few brief questions. His mind whirled with the realization of what might have happened if they hadn't gotten to her in time.

  "She needs to go to the hospital to get the cuts and bruises checked out," the paramedic briskly told him. "Plus, she's in shock and needs a tranquilizer to calm her down."

  Gabe nodded. Indeed, Cassie's white face and the shivers racking her body signaled she required medical attention. "Bring the stretcher in once the other ambulance gets here." He turned back to Cassie and leaned over. Her dull eyes met his.

  God, he wanted to protect her, but this would be one time he'd let others take over for him. "It'll be all right, babe."


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