Arrested Pleasure

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Arrested Pleasure Page 22

by Holli Winters

  A hollow moan bubbled from Cassie's lips. "He was going to . . . ." Her body rumbled with more shivers.

  "We can talk about it later. You need medical attention and a good night's sleep."

  "He came in here, and he attacked me."

  "I know."

  She stilled for a moment. "You know who he is, don't you?"

  He hesitated, not sure whether he wanted to tell her the whole story. At least not yet. "He showed up at the station one day and made accusations about Casa de Massage being a front for prostitution. Then he disappeared."

  She stared at him for several long moments. "Why did he come here?" she finally asked.

  "Later, sweetheart." He tried to soothe her. "We'll talk when you're better."

  Agitated, she shifted away from him. A mixture of anger, frustration, and shock crossed her face. "No. Tell me. Why did he try to kill me? Should I know him?"

  Gabe shook his head, sensing her aggravation. Damn Isaiah. "We can discuss this at the hospital tomorrow. You need medical attention—"

  "No. I want to know . Now."

  He frowned as he considered her request. Should he tell her the truth? That greed and impatience had led to a man being hired to attack her. Why he went beyond a simple threat or robbery became a question Gabe even wondered himself. Of course, when you hire a man off the streets, you get what you pay for.

  After a long moment, while Cassie's tear-stained face stared beseechingly at him, seeking the truth, he sighed and shook his head. "Isaiah Winkler hired the guy to drive you out of business."

  Her gasp echoed in the room. "Isaiah hired him? Because of the damn contract?"

  Gabe couldn't lie. Too many untruths had splintered them apart already. "Yes.

  The part where you couldn't have illicit behavior on the premises."

  He expected her to yell, cry, or whatever, but the news seemed to drive Cassie into silence while she stared at the wall. Who could blame her? She almost died tonight.

  The stillness in the room was shattered with voices arguing in the hallway. Dani.

  The red-haired spitfire had gotten past the officers guarding the front.

  They both turned as she rushed into the room and skidded to a stop. She stared at Cassie, a mixture of terror and relief filling her face. "Cassie! Oh, my God."

  Gabe put his hand on her arm. "She's pretty shook up, and they'll be taking her to the hospital for an examination. Why don't we let her rest for now?"

  Dani gazed at her friend with a deep concern. "Honey, are you all right? I mean—" She glanced at Gabe, a plea in her expression.

  "She didn't get raped."

  Her eyes closed as relief washed over her.

  A sob rose from Cassie's throat. "He didn't have time. I knew I had to get away."

  Her head dropped to her chest. "Then I saw the knife and I . . . ." Tears fell down her cheeks, and she closed her eyes tightly, as if she willed them to stop.

  "You can tell us later, Cassie," Gabe murmured gently. "The paramedics are here to take you."

  She nodded without lifting her head.

  "Excuse us." The second team of paramedics stepped past Gabe and Dani.

  With a heavy heart, Gabe watched as the medics lifted her onto the gurney for the trip to the hospital. He cursed silently, knowing he should've been here to prevent this. It would haunt him the rest of his life.

  * * * * *

  Cassie took another peek in the mirror at her face. Except for the small bandage on her cheek and the bruises on her face, she didn't look like she'd been beaten and nearly lost her life.

  She gently brushed her finger over the small, flesh-colored bandage. The doctors told her that except for a small scar, the cut would soon be gone. Lucky for her, the wound hadn't penetrated too deep.

  She shuddered and closed her eyes. Too bad she couldn't say the same about her attacker. Oh, he was alive, but after surgery late last night, one of the nurses had informed her he remained in serious condition due to a deep puncture wound in his stomach.

  Cassie stared at her reflection, her hair finally tamed into normalcy. Dani stopped by briefly earlier with a change of clothing, but didn't stay long. Cassie's parents had left an hour ago in order to make a charity function in Newport. They wanted to stay with her, but she'd told them Dani would take her home and stay with her. Or at least she assumed, but she didn't tell them this. They already worried about her, and she needed to ease their mind.

  Cassie didn't think she wanted to be alone in her apartment tonight, as it would be too close to where the attack happened. She shivered and wrapped her arms around her middle. Maybe go to a hotel? She flicked a glance at the phone by the side of the bed. Perhaps one of the nurses would be able to suggest a decent one nearby.

  Her gaze landed on the paper left earlier by a police officer. The report detailed the charges pending against the attacker, now identified in the report as Henry Solomon. The man had an arm length of past criminal charges in California, with a reputation as a badass hired "enforcer." Damn Isaiah. Why did greed motivate people to inflict pain? She would make sure he got charges brought against him and sent to prison.

  She glanced at the report again, a name catching her eye. Detective Gabriel Banks. She knew what it said after having read the document ten times. But seeing Gabe's name again caused her heart to trip.

  Cassie hadn't seen Gabe since late last night. He'd been at her side during the ride to the hospital and when they brought into her room. She'd been in shock and couldn't respond much to him, but he'd held her hand gently and soothed her tears as she tried to make sense of all that happened during her ordeal.

  "Are you ready to go home now?"

  The friendly voice of a nurse interrupted her trail of thoughts.

  Cassie turned to smile at her. "Yes, I am. Is Dani here?"

  The pretty nurse's blue eyes twinkled. "No, but someone else is here to take you home." She turned around and left the room.

  Cassie frowned. She'd expected Dani. Maybe her parents changed their mind about attending the charity function, or maybe it was Tim or Annie. Shrugging, she grabbed the plastic bag that held the minuscule contents of her stay at the hospital.

  "Hello, Cassie. Are you ready?"

  Startled, she whipped around to face the last person she expected. "Gabe, what are you doing here?"

  His expression appeared uncertain . "To take you home. I asked Dani if it would be all right."

  She did? What was her friend up to? Cassie stared at Gabe. He glanced around the room before settling his eyes on her again. His demeanor appeared apprehensive.

  She noticed the weary lines around his face indicating he'd likely slept little in the past twenty-four hours.

  Despite her initial misgivings, Cassie wanted to reach out and smooth away the tired lines of his face. Deep down, she still cared for him. Would this be her chance to talk it out?

  She realized he awaited an answer. "Sure. Thank you for taking over from Dani."

  "How are you feeling?"

  "Much better. I got several hours of sleep." The doctor had given her a shot to calm her nerves and help her get over the shock.

  He nodded. "Good. I was worried about you last night."

  She chewed her lip as she contemplated her options. He'd comforted her, and she appreciated him for doing so. His calmness after the horror had turned out to be a blessing. Yet, there was still the matter of his not coming clean with her from the start.

  Could they mend what had been ripped apart?

  She shook her thoughts out of her head and decided she'd worry about it later.

  "Let's go. I'm ready to get out of here."

  Casa de Massage was but a short distance away and the ride even shorter. The front of the building looked the same from outside. Hard to believe she'd been attacked and nearly died last night.

  "Did Dani and Lola open up today?" The place looked deserted inside, as only the single security light shone from what she could tell.

  "About elev
en, but no one seemed to be in the mood to do much, so they closed up at one. We spent most of the day cleaning up and calming the neighbors who worried about you."

  She frowned at Gabe's words. "We?"

  He glanced at her before negotiating the back alley to her place. "Yeah, Dani, Lola, and the rest of your employees, as well as a few neighbors. Didn't take us long to clean up. Mostly things overturned and . . . blood . . . ."

  She squeezed her eyes shut at the mention of blood. Her hands had been covered in blood after she'd stabbed her attacker. Sticky and slippery. Something she never wanted to experience again.

  "But I figured the ladies needed me to be there. The investigation ended around nine this morning, but I stayed around to help Dani and Lola."

  "I . . . ." She didn't know what to say.

  "Here we are. You want me to carry you up?"

  She stared at the back door. Suddenly she seemed alone. She should've taken up Annie's suggestion to stay with them for a few days. Despite the fact she did feel better, the first night alone would scare her. Maybe she'd call a hotel after all and spend the next couple of days in its safe sanctuary. Slowly she climbed out of the car.

  She paused and turned to Gabe. She had to make him understand. "First off, I want to thank you for bringing me home, but I've already monopolized your time. I bet you have other things to do than hang around an invalid."

  "Cassie, I'm not leaving you."

  She stared at him in surprise. "You're not?"

  "I have meatballs cooking in a crock-pot I found upstairs. I figured you wouldn't mind me using it."

  Her mouth gaped opened. "You're cooking?"

  A slow smile spread across his face. "Yep. The food I prepared is not much. Just frozen meatballs mixed with my super-secret sauce." He leaned closer and whispered.

  "And if you're real good, I'll give you the recipe. When you're a bachelor, you learn to improvise with whatever's on hand."

  A lump formed in her throat. His kindness was almost too much to bear. "A man of many talents."

  "True. And then some." Gabe waggled his eyebrows as he held the door open for her.

  Warmth tingled through her body as he helped her up the stairs. She didn't feel shaky, despite the pain inflicted by the man last night. More an aftereffect of the shock she'd had. Entering her little apartment, a sweet, tangy smell greeted her. On the counter sat the makings of a salad.

  "You probably need to rest. Did you want to get into something more comfortable before we have dinner?"

  "No. I'm fine." She couldn't stand another moment in bed. "I'll sit in the chair. Do you need me to do something?"

  "Don't worry. I have everything under control." His words were mild, but he watched her like a hawk.

  "This is my kitchen. I'm being a bad hostess letting you wait on me."

  "Sweetheart, you've been through a lot." He led her to the chair. "Just sit and let me take care of you."

  "Well . . . okay."

  "Good. It'll only take a few minutes to get this ready." He opened her cupboards and started rummaging for plates.

  Cassie's gaze followed Gabe as he bustled around her kitchen setting the table.

  He seemed so at home here. He took care of her, almost as if they were . . . a committed couple. Where before that idea scared her, the thought of being tied to Gabe now thrilled her. She could visualize them cooking together every night as they laughed and chattered about their daily activities. Growing old as a couple. Was this something he wanted also? A future together?

  "How's your head?"

  She lifted her head to gaze to him, her mind still reeling. Where did her wayward ideas about a future with Gabe come from? "Oh. I'm fine. Tired from the meds, but okay." She toyed with the placemat on the table. Shyness was foreign to Cassie's makeup, but suddenly she had a bad case of it.

  He gazed at her for a long moment. "Cassie—"

  The placemats were perfect. She couldn't avoid him forever. She glanced up.


  "Did you want me to call someone else to stay with you tonight?"

  She frowned at his offer. "What do you mean?" He didn't make any sense. On one hand he volunteered to take her home, and the next moment he couldn't wait to get away from her.

  He checked the meatballs before responding, and she sensed his hesitation.

  Unlike the Gabe she'd fallen in love with, the one who was confident and masterful.

  Love? She shook her head. No. She didn't love Gabe Banks. Her meds were messing with her brain.

  "Your brother or a . . . a . . . friend, perhaps?" Gabe persisted.

  Cassie returned her attention to him. Clearly she was confused after the events of last night. She couldn't be in love. "Dani, you mean?"

  "No, I mean the new guy."

  New guy? "What are you talking about? I haven't been with a guy since . . . ." She paused, but the implication seemed clear. Since Gabe left.

  Now he turned to face her fully and frowned. "The other morning when I stopped by . . . ."

  "When you dropped off the donuts?"

  He nodded. "You were sleeping, and I checked on you in the bedroom . . . ." He stopped and ran a hand through his hair. He appeared uncomfortable.

  Cassie was confused. What did he mean? Her mind flickered back to that morning she'd woken up with a hangover and Dani beside her.

  Her eyes widened. "You saw me in bed with Dani?"

  "Dani? I thought you . . . ." He stopped and sent her a puzzled look. "You mean—


  "That was Dani." She laughed. "I let her stay over so she wouldn't drive home drunk. I'm not seeing anyone. I couldn't. Not after . . . ."

  Gabe whooped and pulled her upward out of the chair. "I thought—" His arms wrapped around her in a tight hug. "Oh, hell. Never mind. Will you ever forgive me?"

  She should be the one asking forgiveness. After doing a lot of thinking, she'd realized he'd only been doing his job and couldn't come clean about the investigation without jeopardizing his job. In the end, he'd protected her from a killer and stood by her side in the aftermath. "You don't have to apologize. I understand."

  "I'm sorry for not telling you the truth about those allegations. I wanted to, but the whole business threw me for a loop, especially after I met you and realized you couldn't be involved. Your honesty with me and willingness to help people like Olivia and her daughter showed the real you." His hazel eyes pleaded with her. "I promise never to withhold the truth from you again."

  "Oh, Gabe." She tugged one of her hands out of his tight hold and brushed his face with her fingers. "You didn't have any idea if they were telling the truth. God, I would've thought the same thing. Isaiah is—"

  "Out of control? A jackass?"

  She smiled. "Yeah. To both of them."

  He chuckled. "Any idea what you're going to do about staying here? I can't see you wanting to rent from him after what has happened, and I don't want anything to happen to you ever again."

  Cassie shivered despite the warm closeness of Gabe. "I know, but Daddy has come up with a solution. I told him I didn't want to move, so he's proposed buying the property and letting me pay him off."

  "Sounds like an excellent plan." He placed a kiss on her cheek. "How are you going to be with your father as your landlord?"

  She smiled as she snuggled into his arms. "Fine. He agreed to stick his nose out of my business, except now he's going to install security cameras and alarms, as well as beef up the locks."

  "Good for him. I hope you take him up on the offer," Gabe murmured as he trailed little kisses down her jaw. "I have another suggestion he might like."

  She closed her eyes to savor the rush of desire coursing coursed through her.

  "What is that?"

  "You marry a cop, and then you'd have onsite protection 24/7."

  Her eyes flew open. "Marry?" She hadn't gotten that far yet in her newfound love for him.

  His face was now even with hers, he smiled. "I love you Cassandra Nichols.
  Hearing you cry out in pain about killed me last night. I will not let anyone hurt you again. Never."

  Her heart began to pump. Gabe loved her and wanted them to marry! "I . . . don't know what to say," she told him. Marriage would be a big step for them. "We've only known each other a short time."

  "Maybe. But it's like we've been together for a lifetime." He kissed her softly on the mouth. "Didn't you sense it at the wedding reception?"

  "I know, but it still seems so soon."

  "Can you love me, despite me being a cop? Can you see us together forever? Just say yes. We can work out the logistics later." He didn't wait for her answer as his lips claimed hers in a deep kiss.

  For several long minutes, only the tick-tock of the kitchen clock filled the silence as they exchanged deep drugging kisses. He loved her! Cassie's heart soared, and the darkness that had been her day became lighter.

  "You didn't answer me," he suddenly asked her, pulling away and cradling her in his arms.

  "Mmm . . . What?" she asked him, now suspicious.

  He laughed and reached around to cradle her bottom. "If you'll marry me.

  Somehow I don't think your father will appreciate me if we lived in sin together."

  The man was persistent. Cassie tossed her hair over her shoulder in mock protest. "Well tough cookies for him."

  Gabe's mouth opened, as if he wanted to protest her response.

  She laughed and placed her fingers on his lips. "I have one request."

  He gave her a long, considering look. "What's your request?"

  "You'll cook me a meal at least once a week."

  He smiled and gave her another long, body-tingling kiss. "I'll cook for you every night of the week if it means you're in my life."

  Minutes passed and the sizzling desire of flames rose between them. Nights they'd spent apart left an ache inside her that she wanted to soothe. Cassie tugged at his waistband. She needed more than mere kisses. Hot skin seared her fingertips as she slid her hand in his pants.

  "Cassie, I don't think you're ready after everything that's happened," he protested, grabbing her hand.


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