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Forever Tattooed (Tattooed Billionaire Book 3)

Page 6

by Alicia Rae

  I shifted back to grasp her legs and drape them over mine. I gripped her hips and thrust deep to hit her sweet spot, knowing exactly what pleased her.

  We were both close, so I increased my momentum and the power of my drives. Raelyn cried out when she came, and I followed her over the edge, groaning, as I filled her with my release.

  My arms cradled the sides of her face as I lowered my chest to hers, bracing most of my weight on my side. Our bodies were slick with sweat, and I felt her heartbeat along mine.

  I pressed my nose into the crook of her neck, counting the beats. She set her hand on the back of my head and caressed my hair, causing me to close my eyes. I could lay with her here, like this, for eternity.

  Raelyn was the first to break the silence after several minutes. “I’m going back to work tomorrow,” she said, completely out of the blue, while still playing with my hair.

  I lifted a fraction to gaze at her, unable to mask my concern. “Are you sure you’re up for it?” I asked, searching her face. “Everything is under control at the office. I’ve hired Cale to help Ashton with the accounts to balance out the workload. I don’t want you to rush your recovery.”

  “You don’t think I’m ready?”

  The hurt in her eyes hit me square in the chest.

  I didn’t want to upset her or rock her confidence, so I answered, “It’s not that.” I shook my head. “I just want you to focus on healing without any unnecessary stress.”

  “I can’t sit here, all day, every day, doing absolutely nothing anymore.” Her expression was strained as she tenderly stroked my face. “I have to take back control of my life, Damien. I need to spread my wings and fly.”

  I recalled my hectic schedule tomorrow. “I’m going to be out of town, in Orlando, for part of the day tomorrow for a meeting with a client. What if you overdo it, and I can’t get to you?” I asked. I’d have a fucking heart attack if something happened to Raelyn, and I couldn’t get to her. The thought alone got my heart pumping.

  “Damien, I’ll be fine. If I feel myself becoming drained, I can leave early,” Raelyn countered, her eyes soft. “You can’t keep watch of me all the time or put me in bubble wrap. I’m a big girl.”

  I let out a long breath, wondering if I was being a tad overprotective of her.

  No, not really.

  Well, maybe.

  Fuck that. No, I’m not.

  Raelyn had been through the wringer. Being a cancer survivor didn’t mean the battle was over. She still had her struggles. I fucking loved her beyond words, and I’d be overprotective all I wanted.

  Still, the last thing I wanted to do was keep her cooped up. However, my fears of her having any type of setback in her recovery process were proving hard to die.

  “I love you, Raelyn. I only want what’s best for you.” I closed the small gap between us and pressed my lips to hers, accepting that I’d have to compromise on this.

  “I love you, too.” She smiled tenderly. “And I’m positive, this will be a step forward in the right direction.”

  She kissed my cheek before snuggling into me. I laid my head on the pillow and pulled her closer. The long workday had caught up with me, and I was in desperate need of some shut-eye.

  I’d nearly drifted off to sleep when she asked, “Are you going to tell me what happened tonight? You looked…so angry.”

  I contemplated not telling her anything about my second conversation with Annabelle. This was the exact kind of stress Raelyn didn’t need. However, I recognized the determination in her voice and quickly realized she wouldn’t give in until she had some kind of answer.

  I didn’t want to risk a fight with her or upset her, so I made sure my response was short. “It’s just Annabelle fucking with my head.” It was the truth. I ran my hand up and down her side in hopes of comforting her. “I don’t want you to worry. I’ll take care of it.” I kissed her hair. “Now, let’s get some sleep.”

  As I dozed off into a restless sleep, I had no fucking clue what to do about Annabelle. I refused to allow her into my life. Hell would freeze over first, and even then, I’d never forgive her. I’d willingly take my hatred for her to my grave.

  The only confusion I had was about Raelyn—what she’d think of me when she learned about my past and if she’d still love me in the end.

  As she slept peacefully beside me, I held her tightly, praying she’d see my true colors when the day arrived. Not the monster my family had made me out to be.



  As I readied myself for my first day of work, I couldn’t help but feel nervous. There were so many reasons as to why I was anxious. My job was intense and fast-paced, and it involved heavy calculations with numbers that required the utmost accuracy. At times, it was stressful, and I prayed I would be up to the challenge.

  I faced the mirror and ran my hands down the length of my black-and-white-striped pencil dress as I exhaled a deep breath.

  Beneath the newfound changes within myself, I was still me—Raelyn Jennings, CEO of Jennings Accounting Services. I could do this. It was who I was meant to be, who I already was. I only needed to retrain myself to stay focused on each individual task at hand, as they came at me. Like Iris had said, this should be as easy as remembering how to ride a bicycle.

  I retrieved my pale rose lip balm and opened it to apply a thin layer to my mouth before replacing the top. Then, I set it on the counter and rubbed my lips together while staring at my reflection.

  Time to go.

  I spun on my heels to turn toward the door. In the mirror, I saw the slight bump in my hair from my surgical scar, and it halted my exit. I ran my fingers over the hump in an effort to make it less noticeable. I’d hoped the cowlick would flatten over time, but I was having no such luck thus far.

  Instead of moping about over the situation, as I’d done in the past, I stood tall. I was a cancer survivor, one who was seeking to reclaim her life and career. There was no time to feel down about a hairdo malfunction.

  I gazed forward and marched out of the master bath. I continued through the bedroom and all the way to the kitchen, planning to prepare myself a quick breakfast.

  My eyes widened with surprise at the sight of Damien standing before the stove, wearing only a pair of gray Nike shorts.

  He glanced over his shoulder and said, “I hope you fancy an omelet with your man this morning before you have to head out.”

  “I’d love one.” I beamed, especially thankful for his company.

  His face split into a handsome grin. “I’m glad to hear it.”

  It was a relief to see him in good spirits after last night when he hadn’t taken the news of me returning to the office as well as I’d hoped.

  I pulled out a barstool to sit down at the kitchen island where I noted two place settings were already laid out before me.

  Damien went about finishing his task as I took full advantage of admiring his bare upper torso. Every muscle in his back and arms flexed with each of his movements, enhancing the stunning curves of his tattoos.

  He lifted the pan from the stove and came to stand at my right. When he tipped the pan, the delicious-looking omelet slid onto my plate.

  “Thank you,” I told him.

  “You’re welcome.”

  He went back to the stove, grabbed a second pan off the burner, and filled his own plate with an omelet as the toaster dinged. Then, he set about adding butter and jelly to two slices of toast before grabbing a tray of bacon that was off to the side.

  Usually, I did most of the cooking for the two of us, so this was a pleasant treat.

  Impressed, I added, “Wow, you even multitasked.”

  Damien brought the bacon and toast over to me and set the dish in the middle of us. That grin of his that I adored to no end widened as his disheveled, unruly morning hair fell onto his forehead. “And I didn’t even burn anything.”

  “Double win.” I winked. I managed to take a slice of bacon from the tray, and I bit off a small ch
unk of it as he lowered himself onto the stool next to me. “Mmm, I could get used to this.”

  “Oh, don’t get too used to it though.” He snatched the half-eaten slice of bacon from my hand and sank his teeth into it.

  “Hey, that was my bacon!” I rested one hand on Damien’s shoulder and leaned over, fully prepared to take back what was mine.

  “Not anymore.” He smirked deviously, moving his arm out of my reach.

  “Give it back!”

  “Not until you kiss me.” His words dangled between us as his grays sparkled with mischief. He clearly thought he had me.

  There was nothing I loved more than kissing Damien, only my stubborn streak surfaced at his playful demand. I couldn’t let him win so easily. My gaze briefly landed on the tray placed in between our plates. There was plenty more bacon on it, and I was confident that I could reach the platter and snatch my prize before Damien could intercede.

  Well, maybe.

  “I’ll steal that one, too.” He hummed, failing to stifle his amusement.

  I narrowed my eyes at him as he grabbed the bottom of my chair and pulled me closer to him. The legs of the stool skidded across the tiled floor.

  “Now”—his expression shimmered with victory—“how about that kiss?”

  I was about to protest, I really was, but then his mouth captured mine for a scorching kiss, and all else was forgotten.

  What bacon?

  His lips were tender, warm, loving, and filled with a passionate determination to devour me, right here in the kitchen. He gripped my nape and drew me toward his body as he supported my lower half, keeping me from melting into a puddle of raw lust on the floor.

  My arms automatically found their way around his broad shoulders, and I held on for dear life while matching his ardent fervor. All my nerves this morning about work ceased to exist. The only thing that mattered was this man kissing me senseless, and I loved every second of it.

  When he finally tore his mouth away from mine, I was dizzy with lust and gasping for air. I nearly swayed off my seat, feeling my stomach swirl with butterflies.

  “Wow,” I breathed, shaking my head with awe. I continued to speak my inner thoughts aloud, “The things you do to me.”

  “I want a good-morning kiss just like that every day,” he whispered with his face still near mine.

  As I fought to steady myself, still recovering from his potent kiss, Damien slightly shifted back in his chair and brought his arm out from behind himself. He popped the remainder of my bacon into his mouth and slowly chewed it.

  That boyish grin of his made an appearance. “Delicious.”

  My inner sass kicked into full gear. I bent forward at the waist and placed my hands in front of me, as if to balance myself on his thighs. Then, I sucker-punched him, somewhat lightly, right in the gut.

  “Argh,” he grunted, hunching over on a laugh.

  “That’s what you get for messing with a woman and her bacon.” I gave him my sweetest smile and blindly reached to the side to snatch a piece of bacon off the tray.

  He placed his hand over his stomach and rubbed it. “I’m wounded.”

  “As you should be.” I gave it my best to conceal my mirth.

  The playful laughter and smiles plastered on each of our faces made my heart skip an uneven beat as we returned to our meals.

  I loved spending time with Damien, especially like this. We were both stubborn and driven by our careers, yet we could mess around and have a bit of fun. It lightened the constant stresses in our lives.

  “Thank you for breakfast,” I said to him when I was nearly finished with my food.

  “You’re most welcome. I couldn’t let you skip off to work without eating something first.” Damien pushed his plate away and glanced over at me. “Are you sure you aren’t having second thoughts about going into work today? Because it would be okay if you changed your mind.”

  Truthfully, there had been many ups and downs with my mixed feelings about going into the office for the first time in what seemed like forever. Those reservations about returning had escalated last night when Damien told me that he didn’t feel I was ready.

  Today, he was backing me up one hundred percent though. It gave me a true sense of belief in myself, and I was ready to tackle any obstacle presented in my path.

  “No, I’m ready,” I sincerely told him, rising from my chair.

  Damien twisted his stool, and I came to stand in between his legs.

  “Thank you.”

  His hands glided up my sides. “For what?”

  “For making me believe in myself.” I lowered my head to press my lips to his cheek and then his lips. “And for loving me, wholeheartedly, the way that you do. Whenever I feel myself drifting, you are my anchor. You always keep me steady.”

  Damien stood to his full height without a single word. One palm went to my lower back to bring me close while the other lifted my chin, so I could look him straight in the eyes.

  “That should be my line, gorgeous girl of mine.” His thumb brushed along my cheek.

  Emotions of adoring pure love for me poured out of those grays of his so powerfully that I felt them all the way to the depths of my soul.

  “You’re going to be extraordinary today.” The strength and conviction delivered with his statement left no room for doubt to creep into my mind.

  Tears prickled the corners of my eyes. I fought to push them back as I reached up onto my toes and kissed him one last time. “I love you.”

  “And I love you.”

  I smiled, holding on to his words, and I forced myself to leave. It was time to reclaim my career.



  As I came to the front doors of Jennings Accounting Services, a wave of anxiety washed over me. My pulse cranked up a few notches, enhancing the air coming and going from my lungs.

  The uneasiness sent me back in time to when I was a young girl, living with my foster parents. I’d been raised with the bare minimum of essentials—ample, old raggedy clothes to keep me covered, small plates of food to keep my stomach from growling painfully, and just enough parental control to keep Social Services at bay. There was no love and no support, only hurtful comments, saying I’d never achieve anything in life.

  I’d been powerless to change my circumstances. I was a child, lost in the system, after my biological mother had given me up.

  Standing here, in this moment, I redirected my attention from my childhood to stare at the door.

  Jennings Accounting Services.

  That was my name, Jennings, on the front door. It made me stand tall as I was silently reminded that I had indeed become the independent woman I’d always dreamed of when I was a young girl.

  Success wasn’t built on a fat bank account with commas in the total figure; it was made on having a job that one truly loved wholeheartedly. And this accounting firm was my passion. There was nothing more rewarding than helping someone take control over their finances, teaching them how to manage and invest their money wisely—no matter the amount—and watching them achieve their goals.

  That was what I was here for—to help others.

  Even if there were slight differences in myself from before my surgery to now, nothing would stop me from assisting my clients.

  I grasped the door handle, opened it, and breezed into the office with grace and confidence, knowing I had a job awaiting me.

  Kate, my secretary, was the first to spot me. “Raelyn!” She leaped from her chair, came around her desk, and barreled straight for me. “Oh my gosh, Raelyn! I can’t believe you’re here!” She threw her arms around me, nearly knocking me off my feet.

  I regained my balance as I smiled and hugged her with equal force. “Kate, it’s so lovely to see you.”

  I’d missed this woman so much. She had a special talent for taking any stressful or ordinary day and making it remarkably fun with her positive energy.

  She drew back, eyes sparkling. “I had no idea you were coming into the o
ffice today. What are you doing here? Are you here to visit or work?”

  “I’m here to work,” I began to explain. I saw Tim Beckett, my assistant, and Cale round the corner. “I didn’t tell anyone of my return in case I ended up not feeling up to the challenge.”

  With his mouth gaping wide, Tim’s tall, lanky body sauntered over to me. “There she is!” Tim gushed with excitement ringing loud and clear in his voice, matching the twinkle in his big brown eyes. “Gosh, I’m so happy to see you! And you’re really back? For good?”

  “I am.”

  “Yay!” Kate bounced on the balls of her feet and clapped her hands.

  Cale came up to my right side and paused. A look of uncertainty passed over his face before he smiled genuinely. “It’s really great to see you, Rae. You look very well.”

  “Thank you.” I gave him a reserved smile, noting he’d used his old nickname for me.

  A quietness settled over us, as if we were unsure of what to say next. I was feeling a bit uncomfortable, so my eyes wandered around the room.

  It was bittersweet to see an old best friend, whom I’d always looked up to like a big brother, when the wound of his betrayal had left a scar. It might have healed over, but the reminder was still there. I hadn’t spoken to him since our falling-out, except once when he’d apologized to me at Damien’s charity, A Voice for Kids.

  Ashton presented himself at the perfect moment, saving me from the current state of awkwardness. His fitted gray suit on his tall form made him look like the powerful, successful businessman that he was. He carried himself with self-assurance, and the smile on his face was natural and unpretentious. It was admirable.

  Ashton paused in front of me and extended his hand. “Raelyn, it’s a pleasure to see you.” His bright eyes regarded my face, and his smile broadened. “You look great.”

  “Thank you.” I shook his hand.

  He briefly assessed Cale, Kate, and Tim before gesturing over his shoulder. “Can I walk you to your office, so we can have a moment to talk in private?”

  “Sure.” I nodded.

  I could have sworn Cale stiffened beside me at Ashton’s question. I chanced a quick glance at Cale to see his face was completely impassive though. I let out a breath, wondering if it was my imagination.


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