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Forever Tattooed (Tattooed Billionaire Book 3)

Page 16

by Alicia Rae

  “These are very good,” Damien said appreciatively at my side.

  “I agree.” I continued to glance at more pictures.

  I wasn’t normally a spontaneous person, but I had a feeling this was the perfect place to get my tattoo. Plus, this was something I’d had several months to ponder over, again and again, and my decision was still unwavering. I wanted Damien’s band that he’d designed for me permanently inked on my body. It was time to make it a reality.

  I gazed over at Damien to see he was still staring at his scrapbook. “What do you think?” I asked, biting my lip. My pulse spiked.

  He’d already told me the tattoos were good. Nerves kept me from asking my real question here though, just as they had this morning.

  His eyes lifted, finding mine. He set his hand over the armrest to twine his fingers with mine where his thumb traced circles in my palm. “You want to get our tattoos today?” he asked, reading my mind.

  “I do.” I nodded. “Very much so.”

  Damien gently pulled our joined hands to his mouth where he brushed his lips along my hand before placing a soft kiss on it. His lips curved into that glorious smile of his. “Me, too, so I say we go for it.”

  “Do you have your designs?” I asked, hoping he’d brought his paper with him today.

  “Yes. After my girl stole them this morning, I returned them to my wallet.” He grinned.

  “I didn’t steal it.” I rolled my eyes. “I merely borrowed the drawings for a few minutes.”

  “Uh-huh,” he rumbled, all low and deep, teasing me. “I’m going to check to see what time they can work us in.”


  I watched as Damien went up to the counter to talk to the man. My phone buzzed, distracting me from their conversation. It was Iris.

  Iris: Hey you! How are you? I miss your face!

  I beamed at my phone. My fingers started to move quickly.

  Me: I’m fabulous! Damien whisked me away to one of his beach rentals for a couple of days to relax. And I miss your face more!

  I hit Send. Then, I instantly began to type again.


  I opened the Camera app on my iPhone, took a picture of my new stunning engagement ring, and sent it along with my text message while grinning the biggest grin.

  Iris: Totally jelly that you’re beachside for a few days. What the heck? You should have taken your bestie with you!

  Iris’s second reply came in the blink of an eye.

  Iris: OH MY GAWD! Congratulations, lady!!! I’m so, so very happy for you!!! I can’t wait to see it up close.

  That big grin of mine just kept getting bigger, if that were even possible at this point.

  Me: Thank you! I’m so unbelievably HAPPY! We’re also getting our bands tattooed today.

  Iris: You’ve got to be shitting me. I literally almost just fell off my stool. So, you’re actually going to get a tattoo? But you hate needles. LOL.

  Iris’s response made me chuckle anxiously. I’d told Iris of Damien’s and my intentions to get the tattooed bands, but I knew she’d thought I’d never see it through.

  Me: That, I do! I really want our bands though, so I’m going to suck it up and fight through the pain…or try to anyway. HA!

  Iris: You can do it!

  Damien returned to his seat when Iris’s next text came through.

  Iris: So, I was thinking you, Damien, Kate, Noah, Joshua, and I could go out on Friday night to Jeffrey’s Bar & Grill at, say, 7ish—IF I pass my final exam for my master’s degree? I should have my results sometime on Friday morning.

  I looked at Damien and said, “Iris wants to know if we can go out this Friday to celebrate her completing her master’s degree.”

  I didn’t add the fact that Iris hadn’t taken the exam yet. The girl was a hardworking overachiever when it came to school, so I knew she’d pass that test with flying colors. She’d probably even graduate at the top of her class.

  “Sure, as long as you’re feeling up to it.”

  “I am,” I reassured him before texting Iris.

  Me: That sounds perfect! Can’t wait to see you. And GOOD LUCK on your exam!!! Make sure you text me and let me know how it went! ♥

  Iris: I will, and I’m excited to see you, too! Good luck with the tat! ♥

  Me: Thanks!

  I tucked my phone back into my pocket.

  Damien shifted his attention to me and said, “Nick, the guy, will be ready for us in about twenty minutes. Do you want to go first, or would you like me to?”

  “You can go first,” I blurted out without missing a beat. That would give me more time to…prepare myself. Suddenly, the thought of a needle dragging along my skin was making me sweat bullets.

  Damien’s hand curled around mine. He reassuringly squeezed it. “You okay over there?”

  “Uh-huh.” I wasn’t.

  He laughed softly. “Are you sure? Because your face is getting paler by the second.”

  I blew out a breath. I wanted this more than anything. I could do this. “Yes, I’m positive.”

  He tugged on my hand. “Come here.”

  I moved from my seat to sit at an angle on his lap. Damien brushed my hair over to one side and pulled me close to stroke his hand up and down my shoulder blade. All my fears over the needle vanished into thin air as I sank into his touch.

  All too soon, Nick finished with his client, and it was our turn. Damien tapped the side of my thigh, cuing me to rise. I stood to my feet, and the two of us made our way around the front desk. We each took our seat, and Damien and Nick discussed each of the bands in detail. Nick nodded his head here and there while listening closely to Damien’s precise vision for our tattoos.

  When they finished talking, Nick prepped his station before positioning Damien on top of a black leather bench. Damien stretched his legs out in front of him so that Nick could begin to clean and shave Damien’s right ankle. I positioned myself to Damien’s opposite side. Nick powered up his tattoo gun, and I inwardly cringed at the sound of it once again.

  Nick delicately connected the needle with Damien’s skin. All the while, my heart sped up as Damien kept his eyes locked on mine. Those precious grays of his never even flinched as they bore into mine with nothing other than love and devotion, as if he was silently conveying his feelings to me about how much this tattoo meant to him.

  I briefly glanced down at his ankle to see Nick drawing every line and curve of the tattoo, bringing the line to a sharp point before swooping back down and rising once again to make another point. On the outside of his leg, the design swirled inside itself before fading out at the center. The band of black ink was beyond sexy and masculine.

  When it was finished, I looked at Damien and smiled lovingly. “It’s perfect.”

  Damien admired his new artwork before returning his gaze to me. “It is,” he agreed softly.

  Nick cleaned Damien’s ankle, dried it, and wrapped it while giving him care instructions. Then, Damien rose from the bench and came to stand at my side while Nick sterilized and readied his station for me.

  “All right, Raelyn, it’s your turn,” Nick said once he was finished with his task, redirecting my attention to him.

  I froze on the spot. My heart constricted and flip-flopped in my chest. Then, it stopped beating altogether.

  “Raelyn”—Damien rubbed me back to life, massaging my arms—“are you ready?”

  I had no words, so I nodded.

  “Are you sure you want a tattoo?” Nick asked on a chuckle, tilting his head toward Damien. “Not that your man over here can back out now.”

  I truly wanted this, minus the pain part of it.

  “Yes,” I squeaked, exhaling a huge breath of air.

  I inched my way toward the bench. My legs gave way, and I collapsed on the firm leather. I used the palms of my hands to scoot backward toward the headrest, lifting the numb lower half of my body.

  “Don’t be shy.” Nick winked. “It will be quick and
, uh, fairly painless.” He gently grasped my right ankle and brought it toward the edge of the chair.

  Fairly painless is better than painful, I tried to tell myself.

  Nick prepped my ankle by cleaning and shaving it, as he had with Damien. The process went all too quickly for my liking, and soon, I heard the distinct sound of the needled gun.

  Damien lowered into the chair next to me and grabbed my hand. I sucked in a deep breath and held it as the small machine neared my flesh.

  The first initial prick of my skin felt exactly like a bee sting—except it never ended. I forced myself to remain utterly still as Nick began to outline the band. Then, he began to shade the inside.

  My particular design was called a filigree. The actual pattern was negative space, and the area around the design was shaded with black ink, therefore creating the image. It was beautiful and feminine while also having the same swirl on the outside of my leg to match Damien’s.

  About halfway through, my flesh began to burn like wildfire. My mind was concentrating solely on the pain. I had to fight like crazy not to twitch or move. Damien’s hand curled tighter around mine, and I redirected my attention to him.

  Damien smiled. “Almost there, gorgeous. It’s looking even more perfect than I imagined it would,” he said appreciatively after taking a quick glance at my leg. The pad of his index finger began to draw a figure eight on my palm.

  I focused solely on his handsome grays and his touch. It was a heady combination, and it quickly distracted me from the needle wreaking havoc on my ankle. The warmth of his caress spread from my hand and up to my heart.

  His effect on me never ceased to amaze me. He could calm me with the faintest touch, make me swoon with that smile of his, or make me laugh with so little effort, and I loved him for it. He was my anchor that kept me centered.

  My new tattoo was finished in no time. I leaned forward, as did Damien, to take in the full impact of the tattoo. It was so beautiful. The curvy filigree design within the shaded band and its meaning were nearly enough to bring me to tears. It was a tattoo that I’d cherish till the end of time.

  I peered over at Damien, who was admiring my new ink, too. “I love it,” I whispered, attempting to keep my emotions in check.

  “Me, too.” His broad body gravitated toward me. He kissed me on the lips and slightly pulled back, releasing a mischievous grin. “And it means that you’re one step closer to being mine.”

  The look of pure happiness and satisfaction on his face confirmed that he really did love it, too. It made my heart soar.

  I redirected my gaze to Nick as he cleaned up my ankle and wrapped it while giving me care instructions. Afterward, we went to the counter to pay for our tattoos. Damien immediately pulled out his debit card. I suppressed the urge to offer to pay for mine because Damien would never let it fly. I compromised with my equally stubborn man, and he didn’t even know it.

  Damien signed his name and then took his receipt. Then, hand in hand, we walked outside together where I immediately brought our movements to a halt. Bystanders passed us by on the sidewalk.

  Damien’s brows rose in question. “What’s wrong? Did you forget something inside?”

  “No.” I shook my head. My hands went to his chest as I walked into him and reached up on my toes to lightly brush my lips along his. “Thank you for my tattoo.”

  One of his hands gathered at the small of my back, firmly holding me in place, while the other went to my nape. “You’re welcome.” He took in a breath before taking my lips.

  I kissed him back and then smiled against his mouth, utterly happy and blessed beyond words. This alone time with him was exactly what I’d needed to regroup.

  He hugged me closely before pulling back. “Come on, let’s go take a walk on the beach before we have to head back to the beach house.”



  About fifteen minutes into the stroll on the beach with Raelyn, my phone buzzed in my pocket. I went on immediate alert when I heard Suzanne’s distinct ringtone. It was only two in the afternoon.

  I pulled my cell phone out of my pocket to accept the call. “Hello, Suzanne. What is it?” I asked, not bothering to mask my worry.

  “Damien, oh thank goodness you answered!” Suzanne’s tone was frantic. “William has gone missing. He literally walked out the front doors of school. I’ve been driving around, searching everywhere for him, for over an hour, so I’m afraid you won’t have the opportunity to have a one-on-one with him this afternoon.”

  “Where are you?” I asked, determined to get to the point so that valuable time wasn’t lost. I listened intently to her precise directions and then said, “Raelyn and I will be there in thirty to help you look for him. Keep your phone close.”

  “Thank you so much, Damien.” She exhaled in relief, and her voice trembled when she added, “I didn’t know who else to call.”

  “Keep searching. We’re on our way,” I told Suzanne before hanging up my phone.

  “What’s wrong?” Raelyn asked, her tone heavy with concern.

  My expression matched hers as I glanced at her. “William left school property, and he’s missing.”

  “We have to go look for him!” Raelyn cried. She grabbed my hand and yanked on me with more strength than I’d realized she possessed in that tiny little body of hers. “Let’s hurry!”

  Raelyn and I nearly sprinted back to my car where we both hopped inside and put on our seat belts. I wasted no time in getting us on the road as quickly as possible. Raelyn set her hand over my thigh as I shifted gears and sped through traffic, weaving in and out of cars. My mind was on a one-track mission to find William.

  Once back in Sarasota, we drove straight to William’s school and began to scan the area. We traveled down the main roads as well as the alleys, eyeing both sides of the street. There wasn’t a single road in the area left unsearched.

  Minutes turned into hours, and with each one, I grew more anxious, knowing William was wandering around the town on his own. I tried to think hard of all the local areas where kids might hang out. There was a burger joint nearby where kids always went after school, but William was nowhere to be seen. Several museums were close by, but all of them had entrance fees.

  “Isn’t there a popular skate park somewhere around here?” Raelyn asked, breaking the silence.

  I racked my brain, recalling there was one. “Yes, I believe there is one off Adams Street.”

  “Yes, that’s it!” Raelyn snapped her fingers. “Payne Skate Park. Let’s check there!”

  I turned around in an empty parking lot and headed toward Adams Street. Within a few miles, Payne Skate Park came into view, so I pulled into the parking lot. I went to the backside of the building and parked the car. Raelyn and I got out of the vehicle. The skating area was enclosed with a metal fence, so we walked along the sidewalk while perusing the area. I was surprised to see so many people inside the park at this time of day.

  It wasn’t long before I spotted William. He was on a green-and-black skateboard where he alternated going up and down two large ramps, doing impressive tricks along the way.

  “Wow, he’s good,” Raelyn murmured at my side.

  “He is,” I agreed, pulling my phone out of my pocket to call Suzanne.

  She answered on the second ring, “Hello?”

  “I found him,” I told her. “He’s at Payne Skate Park off Adams Street.”

  “A skate park? Huh. What on earth is he doing there?” Suzanne wondered aloud, more to herself than me. “I’m clear across town. I’ll be there as soon as I can.”

  “Okay.” I hung up my phone and pivoted to see William performing a flip in the air with his board. My brows rose, impressed by his skills. I would have landed on my ass and busted my shit.

  I continued to watch William as he went over to a group of three boys, all appearing to be his age. The four teens chatted among themselves, laughing. It seemed harmless, minus the fact that it was during school hours.

>   A short, boxy guy came out of nowhere and opened a gate to the left of Raelyn and me. I quickly caught the gate before it closed, so we could enter the enclosed park. Raelyn came inside with me but remained by the fence.

  William caught wind of me. His eyes went wide, all deer-caught-in-the-headlights kind of look. The guys around him still continued to talk, but William’s focus was locked on me.

  He passed the green-and-black skateboard in his hand to a boy to his left while staring at me.

  I tucked my hands into my pockets when I paused in front of him. All chatter came to a rapid halt at my presence.

  “So, guys, skipping school to skateboard, are we?” I drawled, somewhat keeping it cool. It didn’t hurt to let a little intimidation pass through my voice.

  All four heads glanced at me.

  “We, uh…”

  “I’m just…”

  Two of the boys failed to gather a good excuse.

  “We should get going,” the taller one finally said. He looked at my nephew. “We gotta bounce. It was nice meeting you, dude. Maybe we’ll see you around another time.”

  “Cool.” William smiled as the other three teens scrambled.

  I gazed at my nephew and cocked my head to the right, where the park was empty. “Walk with me.” My voice was kind yet firm, leaving no room for argument.

  William nodded his agreement, so I began to walk along the path. I gave him a few minutes of silence to allow him to gather his thoughts. It was obvious that something was on his mind by the way he nervously fidgeted at my side.

  I truly felt bad for the kid. He’d been through so much, things I knew all too well from my own past. It fucking killed me to know he shared some of those traumatic experiences. No one should be forced to endure an abusive parent. It left permanent scars, far beneath the skin.

  “I didn’t mean to ditch school today,” William said with shame in his tone. “I-I needed some time to clear my head. I was on the verge of breaking. I couldn’t breathe. Everyone around me was happy. And, some days, I can’t pretend to share that feeling. Sometimes, I just want to be angry and hurt and sad.”


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