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A Couple of Forevers (This Time Forever Book 2)

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by Adrienne Williams

  © All rights reserved. This is a work of fiction. Names of characters, places, and events are fictitious and any resemblance to actual events, persons living or deceased, is purely coincidental. All rights reserved. No parts of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any manner or by any means, electronic or otherwise without written permission from the author.

  This book contains explicit sex and is intended for mature audiences only.


  Table of contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17


  Chapter 1

  Renee, Elliott and E looked at Liza in astonishment. Before saying anything, Renee gave Elliott a quick glance and then said, “What do you mean when am I due? I am looking into the possibility of opening up a salon or two but no date . . . “

  Liza cut her off, “Renee, please. I knew the minute I saw you. You’re not showing yet at all, but you know that I know.” E clapped Elliott on the back and said, “She’s never wrong about these things, man. What’s up?”

  Renee looked at Elliott and neither of them could keep from smiling. “Okay. Yes, Oh Wise One, it’s true.” Both ladies started to squeal and jump up and down.

  “Okay, okay you two, settle down. Baby, be careful,” Elliott said to Renee. “Why don’t you go into the house while we bring in the bags and then we’ll head out for dinner?”

  Liza had a million and one questions, and E teasingly said, “Didn’t waste much time, huh? Congratulations.” He gave Renee a hug and went back to removing luggage as Liza and Renee walked into the house.

  Liza followed her into kitchen and sat at the bar, still beaming from the news.” Liza asked again, “So, when are you due?” Renee went over to the refrigerator and got them both a bottled water.

  “I think May or June. We’re going to the doctor’s office tomorrow for a sonogram. Liza, I’m so glad you’re here.” Liza stood up and gave her very best friend a hug.

  “I’m always going to be here, babe. Anytime you need me, and even when you think you don’t.” Renee’s eyes started to mist over and Liza smiled and said, “Oh, boy. Are you already starting with the hormone shifts?”

  They were still laughing when Elliott and E came in with the luggage. “So, are you two sure you don’t mind us staying here? We could stay at a hotel close by . . . “

  Renee was looking at Liza as if she had just sprouted another head. “You most certainly will not. There is plenty of room here and you even have your own bathroom and everything else you need and want.” She stood up to show Liza and E to their room.

  E said, “This place is really nice. You been here long?”

  Elliott replied, “Only about a couple of years. These houses around here really go fast. Maybe you want to look at something out here?”

  E glanced over at Liza who looked hopeful that he would say he would, but instead he said, “I don’t know man, California? Too much to think about right now.”

  Elliott shrugged and told him to at least give it some thought.

  Renee said, “Okay, we’ll be waiting up front, if you two want to freshen up before we head out.”

  When Elliott and Renee got to the living room and sat on the couch, Renee leaned over and kissed him softly on the lips. “Thank you,” she said.

  He said, “I love you, baby, and you’re welcome.”

  When Liza and E walked into the living room, Elliott and Renee were basically having a full-blown make-out session.

  Liza said, “Um, before you two get naked, would you mind taking us somewhere to eat, please?”

  Elliott stood up and took Renee’s hand as she stood up from the couch. Renee said, “Sorry. I was just telling Elliott thanks for getting you two out here.”

  E said, “So that’s how people say ‘thanks’ these days? Liza, I’m going to start giving you a lot more reasons to be thankful.”

  Liza draped her slim arms around E’s neck, kissed him and said, “You already do, baby.” She then turned her attention back to Elliott and Renee and said, “Let’s go so we can get back here and these two can finish what they started.” Renee led the way to the garage with Elliott close behind.


  At dinner, Renee explained that they were only ones who know about the pregnancy. “I wanted to wait until after the sonogram.”

  Liza said, “Oh, okay. But what about the wedding though? How are you going to manage that?”

  Elliott told them that he had already arranged for a judge to perform a civil ceremony and that they would tell everyone about it later.

  Liza shook her head, “No. That’s not going to work.”

  Elliott smiled and said, “What?”

  Renee and E knew better than to say anything. Once the wheels started turning in Liza’s head, there was really no turning back.

  “I understand about not wanting to have some huge society-type circus, but come on now. We can do something more special than a judge’s chamber.” Liza outlined how they may have to move the date out in order to give her and Renee time to locate a small wedding venue, find a dress, contact a caterer, etc.

  Renee said, “See, Liza, that’s exactly what we want to avoid. I don’t want to do all that. Besides, we want to do it as soon as possible, not move dates out.”

  Liza smiled at her and said, “Not to worry, I can take care of it for you. Kayla, and Elliott’s mom maybe can make some calls, too. You might not have to move any dates out.”

  Sensing Renee’s hesitation, E said, “Liza, just let her think about it, okay?”

  Renee looked over at Elliott who said, “If you’re able to make all that happen, say within the next couple of weeks, then okay. The sooner, the better.”

  Liza nodded in agreement and said to Renee, “You should call your dad and let him know. I mean, he and Sharon will want to be here, too.”

  Renee, feeling somewhat defeated, said, “Okay.”


  Once they got home and said their good-nights to Liza and E, Renee and Elliott went into their bedroom.

  “You okay?” Elliott asked her.

  “Yeah, I’m fine,” Renee sighed.

  He pulled her close and said, “You know, we could just go ahead with the plans that we already made.” He knew that she was feeling somewhat overwhelmed at Liza’s plans.

  “I know. I just don’t want her to feel disappointed though. I mean they came all this way, and she really does love doing this sort of thing, and she’s really good at it. I’m just looking forward to being your wife, having our baby and living our lives.”

  He kissed her and said, “Me too. We’ll talk to her tomorrow after the appointment, okay?”

  She agreed and was turning around to get sleepwear from a drawer.

  “Speaking of which, what time do we need to be there?”

  “Two o’clock. The appointment doesn’t start until 2:20, but I have to fill out paperwork, so they said to come in 20 minutes early.” She found the sleepwear she was looking for and turned to go into the bathroom to brush her teeth, wash her face, and take care of her hair.

  After Elliott finished brushing his teeth, he got into bed. Renee took a little longer, but joined him shortly. She snuggled herself close to Elliott’s warm, st
rong body and placed her arm over his stomach.

  She looked up at him and kissed his lips. “Thanks again for getting them here. It’s so good to see them,” she said.

  He pulled her closer so that he could kiss her deeper. He positioned himself so that he was laying on his stomach, while Renee repositioned herself so that her back was against the headboard. He said, “I know. And she’s so excited to see you, too. That’s probably why she’s in wedding planner overdrive.” He rolled onto his back, taking her with him.

  She smiled down at him and asked, “Elliott, whatever are you doing?”

  He laughed softly and said, “Renee, why did you put this on?” He slipped her sleepwear over her head. He continued, “Since we don’t have to be up too early in the morning, and since you still have me worked up from earlier, I just thought we could unwind.” He took her hardened nipple into his warm mouth.

  She moaned softly as his lips sucked and teased her nipple to an even harder state.

  “Mmmm, Elliott, but what if Liza and E hear us? And remember, we said no more until wedding night”

  He tugged at her panties and she stood on her knees so that he could remove them.

  He said, “Well, if they do, so what? But they won’t. And if they do, I don’t care. That whole waiting until the wedding night thing was your idea.”

  She was sitting on top of him again, his hardened erection massaging her sensitive clit and making her wetter and wetter as he sucked on her other nipple. He adjusted himself so that his sex was touching her opening.

  “Aaah, baby, you feel so good,” he said as he slowly entered her.

  Renee moaned softly and said “Ohhh yes, Elliott, feels so good.” He started slowly and continued with a slow pace that was intense. Renee’s walls gripped him tightly.

  He switched positions with her, and now he was on top of her, splaying her legs wide and entering her slow and deep. Renee’s back arched as Elliott licked and sucked her nipples.

  He said, “I wanna do this to you all night. You feel so good, so hot.”

  Renee was writhing and softly moaning his name while her nails lightly traced his back and buttocks. He was slowly entering and almost withdrawing himself from her wet tightness. Each stroke took Renee higher and higher. As far as she was concerned right now, nothing else existed. Only she and Elliott, their bodies and the unspeakable pleasure that they were giving to each other. His strokes were getting more intense, not quite going all the way into her, taking her very close to the edge of madness.

  After several more times like this, Renee said in a voice that was something between ecstasy and pleading, “Elliott, please, I can’t . . . “

  She didn’t need to say anything else. Elliott withdrew out of her one last time and went back into her so deep and so good that she lost the ability to form coherent words or thoughts. The only sounds that were made were that of the squeaking bed and the sounds that are made during white-hot orgasms.


  Meanwhile, a few steps down the hallway, Liza and Joe were unpacking their bags and getting ready for bed.

  Liza said, “I’m so glad you and Elliott arranged all of this. Thank you, honey.” Even though Liza was considered tall by most at 5 feet 10 inches, she had to stand on tiptoes to meet Joe’s lips for a sweet, soft kiss.

  Joe was pulling her closer to his body, but Liza pulled away and said “It’s been such a long day. Don’t you want to get some sleep?”

  He groaned softly as he looked into her dark, almond-shaped eyes. “Mmmm, I was a little tired when we got back, but now, I feel real good.”

  She laughed and said, “Well, since you feel so good, I’m going to let you finish unpacking while I go get in the shower.” She gave him another quick peck on the lips and disappeared into the bathroom.

  Joe quickly finished unpacking their things. He went into the kitchen to get a couple of bottles of water from the refrigerator and then returned to the bedroom. He took his clothes off and went into the bathroom where Liza was already in the shower, lathering up. She didn’t see him when he walked in, as her back was to him. He stood there for a few minutes, his eyes raking over her slender frame. Her creamy brown complexion glistened from the water and the soft lighting in the bathroom enhanced her beauty. Her hair had grown out and she had it secured on top of her head in a messy ponytail. A few tendrils had fallen down around the nape of her neck. When Joe first met Elizabeth Herrera, she was a 22-year-old young woman who had a love for interior design. She loved shapes, colors, and textures and putting them all together to create something beautiful and unique. She was pretty then, but now, at 41, she was downright stunning - grown woman sexy. Joe brought himself out of his thoughts, walked over to the shower, undressed, and got in with her.

  She was getting ready to lather herself again when he took the bottle of body wash from her, squeezed some of the contents into his hands and started to lather her.

  She smiled up at him and said seductively, “What? You don’t think I can get clean on my own?”

  As he was applying the soap to her breasts, making her moan in response, he said, “Oh, I know you can get clean by yourself, but I thought maybe we’d get a little bit dirty together.” Now it was her turn to take the bottle and apply some soap to his dark brown skin. She started with his chest and worked her way down to his ripped abdomen, stopping just short of touching his hard, veined erection. He smiled wickedly at her, pulled her close and their lips parted for a hot, wet, fiery kiss that caused her to sway.

  He went back to touching her, teasing her nipples lightly with his lips and tongue and then sliding his fingers into her wetness, finding her clit and rubbing it gently.

  “Si, Joe,” Liza said softly as his fingers became more persistent. She moved her legs apart slightly so that Joe could slide his finger into her tight little opening.

  He was stroking his finger in and out of her, making sure he covered her clit with her juice. She wrapped her slender fingers around his throbbing shaft and began stroking it in an upward motion, moving to the tip where precum was forming. She slid her thumb over the slippery tip, making Joe thrust his hips forward. She put her arms around his neck, bringing him closer to her, crushing her hardened nipples against his chest. She pressed her hips to his, feeling his erection pulse between them. He reached behind her, turned off the water, and carried her into the bedroom.

  They were kissing feverishly as he placed her on the bed, their bodies still wet. He stopped long enough to look into her dark eyes and said, “Still tired, baby?” His body totally covered hers, except for her legs, which were wrapped around him. She softly moaned his name and Joe took that as his answer.

  He kissed his way down her body, stopping first at her full, firm breasts, taking his time to lick, tease, and suck each nipple as she softly moaned his name. He worked his way down to her flat stomach. Then, he found his way to her soft mound. Her lips were wet, glistening, open. His warm breath heightened her arousal. He licked the length of her throbbing sex and then tongued her opening, sending shivers of pleasure throughout her whole body. He moved up to her aching clit and circled it with his tongue.

  “Joe,” she sighed breathlessly. He continued licking her, taking in all of her juices.

  “Mmmm, baby, you taste so good,” he said. His erection was beyond hard. He moved back up so that he was lying on top of her. She was writhing her hips against him, still breathless and wanting from his oral manipulation.

  “Ahhh, feels so good, baby,” he said as he entered her slowly.

  Liza sucked in a sharp intake of air through her teeth and said, “Joe, si, ohhhh, se siente tan bueno”

  He kept his sex deep inside of her as she writhed and moaned, her walls gripping him so good and so tight, working each other into a sweaty, slippery sweetness until they both came.

  Once Liza and Joe returned from the world of ecstasy that they had created, Liza looked at him and said, “Thank you, again.”

  He chuckled and said, “No, honey,
I’m the one who should be thanking you. He kissed her softly and rolled onto his back.

  She got on top of him and he raised an eyebrow and said, “Ready for more, already?”

  She laughed and said, “Settle down. I just want to ask you something. Did Renee seem okay to you when we were talking about wedding plans? I mean, I know she really doesn’t want to waste any time, but I was just thinking that they should have something really nice. I know I can get a bit excited about things, but I was just thinking they deserve something nicer than just a judge’s chamber. Something elegant, but not over-the-top”

  And this was another reason why Joe loved Liza so much. She had the ability to come across as a tough businesswoman, because she was, after all, a tough businesswoman. However, she was also a deeply caring person and when she loved someone, she would do everything that she could to make sure that person knew it. He knew that she tried to keep her feelings to herself, not letting others know when she felt hurt, but Joe knew how deeply Liza felt things.

  “Well, she’s probably feeling a little overwhelmed about everything. She moved across the country, found out she’s pregnant, and now getting married. It’s a lot to deal with.”

  Liza nodded in agreement and Joe continued, “Maybe it’s best to just let her think about it and see what she wants to do.”

  Liza sighed and said, “I know. You’re right. I’ll talk to her tomorrow. But I hope she’ll let me do this for her. I’d take care of everything”

  Joe said, “I know, and she and Elliott know it, too. Just see what she says and take it from there. Don’t they have a doctor’s appointment tomorrow?”

  Liza moved back to her side of the bed and said, “Yes, and they’re very excited about it. Oh. I hope they didn’t hear us. Joe, do you think they know what we were doing in here?”

  He laughed and said, “I don’t think you have to worry about that. Besides, I’m pretty sure they’ve figured out that we’ve had sex a few times.”

  She wouldn’t let it go. “I mean, this is a big house, but things can still be heard, you know?”

  Joe said, “Put it to you like this. They either have the creakiest bed in California, or something was going on to make the bed creak.”


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