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A Couple of Forevers (This Time Forever Book 2)

Page 9

by Adrienne Williams

  Renee’s legs were wrapped around Elliott. She made small circles with her hips, taking each of his thrusts as he gave them to her. The more contact that Elliott made with Renee’s swollen clit, and the more his deep strokes rubbed her G-spot, she felt as if he were taking her to another dimension. He felt it, too. He took another lick and suckle of her nipples, this time, making Renee cry out his name in unrestrained passion. “Elliott, aahh, Elliott, feels sooooo good. Ohhhhh, yes, yes.” He was so deep inside of her, feeling her sweet, velvety sheath gripping him tightly.

  They were the only ones in the world, riding wave after wave of passion, taking their time to make sure that they gave and received illicit pleasure to the fullest extent imaginable.

  With each kiss, each lick, each stroke, each sigh, and each pulse, Elliott’s and Renee’s cries of ecstasy grew louder and louder, her head moving from side to side on the plush pillows. “Aahh, aahh, aaah, Elliott, yesssss. Ohhhhh, you’re making me come. Her words and her writhing, shuddering body made Elliott lose what little control he had left.

  “Aaaahhhh, Renee, so good, baby. Mmmmmm, yes, aaahhh yes, aahhh yes, aaahhh yes, I’m coming, Renee, coming soooo good.”

  As they were coming, their sounds filled the suite, their bed rocked and creaked until an exhausted Elliott and Renee were completely spent.

  Elliott remained on top of Renee for long moments. They were kissing, sighing, moaning, catching their breath, drifting back to Earth. The sheets were crumpled and damp and their bodies were covered with a combination of perspiration and love juices.

  Elliott rolled off Renee’s body, both of them feeling very loved and very satiated. Renee was nestled in Elliott’s arms. He said, “I love you, Mrs. James.”

  Renee smiled up at Elliott and said, “I love you too, Mr. James. And I love my note that you sent. I love everything about this day, but I love you the most.” She raised herself up a bit so that she could look into his eyes. “You know, you really should tell me where we’re going tomorrow. I packed exactly as you told me, so I’m guessing somewhere warm, maybe the Caribbean?”

  He decided to tease her for just a bit longer. “Okay, I’ll give you an easy hint. It’s some place that you’ve always wanted to go.”

  She squealed and said, “You mean Hawaii? We’re going to Hawaii aren’t we?”

  Elliott chuckled at her enthusiasm and said, “Yes. Hawaii. For two weeks. I hope you don’t mind spending two weeks with me there.”

  She climbed on top of him, kissed him full on the lips and said, “I’d be happy to spend anywhere with you. We could stay here and I would be totally happy because I’m with you.

  He teased and said, “Well, if you want, I could cancel and we could . . . “

  She laughed and said, “Don’t you even think about it.” She showered him with kisses. The kisses lead to touching, touching lead to moaning and the moaning lead them to pleasuring each other for the rest of the night until they fell asleep, blissfully exhausted.


  Chapter 7

  After they spent the night in sheer ecstasy, Renee was loathe to leave their bed. When she opened her eyes, Elliott was raised up on one arm, head resting in his hand.

  “Good morning,” he said, looking so very sexy with his disheveled hair and the slight stubble that had grown out on his handsome face.

  Renee shifted a bit and said, “Mmmmm, good morning.” She felt the sexy soreness between her legs and nipple sensitivity that a woman gets after a night of exquisite lovemaking. “What time is it? Don’t we have to get up now so we can get to the airport on time?” She was already sitting up and getting ready to get out of bed.

  Elliott said, “Slight change of plans. I booked the room until noon and rescheduled our plane for 2:00. That way, we can sleep in a bit longer and get something for breakfast. I figured after a long day yesterday and a night that I intend for us to repeat in the very near future, we should rest a bit. Do you feel okay? I really want you to start taking it easy. Now that the wedding is done, you won’t have so much to do.”

  Renee laid back down and rested her head in her hand. She gave him a soft kiss on his sexy lips and said, “Thank you so much for doing that. And yes, the baby and I are fine. I actually feel a lot better. Seems like things are settling down a bit. You and I are going to take it easy these next two weeks. You work so hard and I just want you to be with me and we’ll do whatever we want, whenever we want.”

  Since it was rather early when they woke up, they did fall back to sleep for a couple of hours. When they woke up, they ordered sizeable breakfast that consisted of bacon, sausage, scrambled eggs, biscuits and jelly, oatmeal with raisins, and orange juice. Having not eaten the night before, they practically inhaled their food. Renee said, “Oh my god, this is so good. I shouldn’t be eating this much, but I’m so hungry.”

  Elliott, working on his second helping, said, “Yeah, this is pretty good, and you should make sure you’re getting enough to eat. I know you don’t want to gain a lot of weight, but you don’t have to worry about that.”

  After she finished taking a sip of the fresh-squeezed juice, she said, “Not to worry. I’ll make sure to take extra care of our little one. But I do have to be careful about what I eat. This breakfast is great, but if I eat too many like this, I’ll gain a lot of weight really fast. And it would be hard to lose. And it wouldn’t be good for the baby or me. Besides, I want to make my tall, sexy husband proud when we go out.”

  Elliott leaned over and kissed her before gathering their breakfast dishes and taking them to the kitchen. “I’m always proud of you, you know that.”

  After finishing breakfast, instead of taking the short nap that they had planned, they got into a warm shower where they lathered each other, touching, rubbing, fondling, moaning and sighing in sheer pleasure. It was a session that ended with Renee’s legs wrapped around Elliott as he held her against the tile while he drove in and out of her, their passionate sounds overtaking their suite, until they both came.


  After their five hour flight to Oahu, Elliott and Renee were quite tired. Even though the ride on the plane that Elliott had chartered was very luxurious and relaxing, it was still nice to finally land and be on their way to their honeymoon spot. A car was waiting for them upon their arrival and they rode a short distance to their destination. There was still just enough daylight left for them to take in the beautiful, lush scenery and the gorgeous sunset.

  Once they arrived to their cottage, Renee and Elliott got out of the car and went inside. It was small, intimate, and exquisite. Upon entering the open floor plan, a full-size kitchen complete with island and four barstools with padded wine-colored seat cushions sat in a row. One end of the island was a storage place for wine. The kitchen itself was a cook’s paradise with stainless steel state-of-the art appliances and every dish, pot, pan, plate, utensil, etc. was available. Elliott had arranged for the refrigerator to be fully stocked with their favorite things. Just off the kitchen was a full size laundry room and from there a garage. Coming back through the kitchen, the living area had a wall-mounted, flat-screen TV which faced beautiful cream-color leather sofa with a matching recliner to one side. French doors lead outside to a small, fragrant lawn with two loungers. The en suite bedroom had a California King Size bed that had been dressed with beautiful Earth-tone linens and pillows. There were two sets of French doors. One set led to the patio, and the other led to the bathroom. The dark hardwood floors added to the warmth and intimacy of their temporary love nest.

  After Elliott finished bringing in their luggage, Renee placed her arms around his neck and kissed his lips. “This place is fantastic, baby. Thank you so much.”

  He pulled her body so that she was flush against him. He kissed her deeply, eliciting a soft moan from her. She placed her hands under his shirt so that she could feel his warm, smooth skin. He smiled and said, “I’m glad you like it. And I was serious earlier. I want you to relax and have fun. I’ve arranged for housekeep
ing to come every other day, and we have access to someone who can cook for us when we’re here.”

  Renee hugged him and said, “You get no argument from me. Just don’t be surprised when I get too spoiled, okay? A girl could get used to this, you know?”

  He walked into the kitchen to get them some water and she sat on one of the barstools. Elliott said, “You know you can have whatever you want, whenever you want. If you want someone to help out at home, we can do that.”

  She laughed and said, “I’ll be fine. Though, I gotta tell you, it might be nice to have someone during the end of the pregnancy and for a while after I have the baby. We’ll see. She stood up and said, “I’m going to unpack our things and then maybe we can get something to eat before we go to bed.”

  Elliott agreed and followed her into the bedroom to help with the unpacking. When they finished, they ordered grilled chicken salads with oil and vinegar dressing and wheat rolls. After they finished eating, they were sitting on the sofa looking through brochures of things to do the following day. There were so many things that they could do and see, that it became a bit much to think about, and they were very tired.

  Elliott chuckled, pulled Renee to her feet, walked her into the bedroom and said, “We don’t have to decide right now. We’re going to be here for two weeks. We might even decide to just stay in. Get some rest. And I want to be perfectly clear here. By rest, I mean us naked, in bed, just doing all kinds of stuff to each other.”

  Renee laughed softly and said, “I’m glad you cleared that up for me.” She yawned and sat on the bed.

  Elliott said, “It’s been a long day. Let’s turn in early and get some sleep. We’ll figure out tomorrow when it gets here. You look so sleepy. Sexy, but sleepy.”

  After they showered together, they got into the exquisitely comfortable bed and drifted to sleep.


  The next morning, Renee was awake before Elliott. She was in the kitchen making some hot tea and looking through brochures to get ideas as to what she and Elliott could do that day. She did see that there was a yoga studio within walking distance and that the next class would be at 9:30 that morning. She had 30 minutes to spare before the class started, so she turned the television on, leaving the volume low as not to awaken Elliott. After 15 minutes of watching TV and finishing her hot drink, she finished writing Elliott a note to let him know that she was at the yoga studio. However, before she finished the note, Elliott had awakened.

  She stood on her toes and kissed him. “Good morning, baby. I didn’t mean to wake you up. I was just leaving you a note to let you know that I’m going to the yoga studio.”

  Elliott pulled her close to him, kissed her deeply and said, “You should’ve woke me when you got up. Where is this yoga studio you speak of?”

  “It’s just right up the walkway. A couple of doors away. It’s a whole workout facility. Wanna come with me? I know you probably don’t want to do yoga, but there are treadmills and weights and some other things there.”

  He pulled her into a kiss and said, “Tell you what, I’ll do yoga with you today, but tomorrow we sleep in, okay? After yoga today, if you feel up to it, we could do a little sightseeing, get some dinner and spend the rest of the evening here.”

  Renee teased, “You sure you can handle yoga? I mean it’s different from what you usually do for workout. The only equipment is a yoga mat and maybe some blocks. The rest is up to you.”

  Elliott kissed her neck and said, “What? You don’t think I can do all of that pose-holding and bending and stretching? I may not look as good as you do when I’m doing it, but I think I can hold my own.”

  Renee laughed and said, “Okay, we better get moving then. The class starts in about 15 minutes.”

  After the hour-long yoga session, Renee felt limber and relaxed, while Elliott felt somewhat sore. On their short walk back to their vacation home, Elliott said, “You make that look really easy and sexy. I couldn’t even keep up with half of it.”

  Renee laughed and said, “I’m by no means an expert. There are still so many positions and poses that I just can’t do and won’t even attempt to do until after the baby is born. You just have to keep at it. It really does get easier.”

  After they ate lunch and took a shower together, Renee contacted the concierge to see what activities were scheduled for the day. As she was ending the phone call, Elliott was finishing getting dressed. She said, “There is a tour of the island that starts in 45 minutes.”

  “Sounds great,” Elliott said. “How long does it last?”

  Renee went into the bedroom and took out a pretty coral-color sleeveless dress that stopped just above the knee and a pair of brown sandals. “The concierge says we should be back here at six. After that, we could go out for dinner. I got the name of what sounds like a really good seafood place that is close by, if that’s okay with you.”

  Elliott zipped the back of Renee’s dress and said, “Sounds good. But after a full day out exploring and then dinner, what are we going to do with the rest of the evening?”

  He looked so good in black Bermuda shorts that looked as if they had been tailored specifically for him and a close-fitting white T-shirt that hugged the musculature of his physique in a most enticing way.

  Renee, taking full notice of her husband’s devilishly handsome face, naughty grin, and gorgeous body, slid the strap of her sandals onto her ankles, stood up from where she had been sitting on the bed and walked over to him. She placed her arms around his neck, as his hands caught her hips and pulled her close to him. A smile tugged at the corners of her lips and she said, “I was hoping that when we get back here, that we could do some exploring on our own. You know, explore the tub or shower, the recliner, the bed . . . “

  Elliott breathed in her fresh scent, closed his eyes and brought his lips to hers in a smoldering kiss that had them pressing their bodies close together. Renee said, “If you keep doing that, we won’t get very much sightseeing done.”

  “Well,” Elliott said, “Even if we miss today, we’re going to be here for two weeks. I wouldn’t be too upset if we, for some reason or another, missed out on today’s tour.”

  Renee laughed and said, “I see where you’re going with all of this, and I really do like the way you think. But I would like to just put another idea out there. After we get in some sightseeing today, and maybe little bit of shopping in the next couple of days, maybe we could just hang around here, doing whatever we want, whenever we want, and however we want for the rest of the time.”

  Elliott considered her proposition for a brief moment, raised his brow and said, “So, just to make sure I understand exactly what you’re saying, you mean basically we get out for a couple of days and then spend the rest of the time holed up here in this house, just the two of us, having our way with each other at any given time?”

  Renee replied innocently, “Well, it’s just a thought. We don’t have to do that. If you would like to spend more time out . . . “

  “Oh no,” he said. “It appears that you’ve given this some thought and I have to say, you have some really great ideas.”

  Renee laughed and looked at the clock and said, “We’d better get going. The tour bus should be there in a bit.

  Chapter 8

  Renee’s and Elliott’s time in Hawaii seemed to have flown by. They were able to get in some sightseeing and shopping. They made some friends with whom they exchanged numbers and email addresses so that they could stay in touch. But the majority of their time together was spent in the beautiful love nest that Elliott had obtained for them.

  Once they were back at their home in LA, they were both exhausted. When they walked into the living room, Renee noticed immediately that everything was different. The dark microfiber sofa and loveseats had been replaced with buttery-soft, pearl-colored leather furniture that contrasted beautifully with the dark hardwood floor. French doors replaced the sliding glass door that lead out to the courtyard. A runner and accent rug, both with exquisitely det
ailed scroll patterns added to the finishing touches of the open concept living and dining area.

  Renee turned to Elliott with big, astonished eyes and said, “When did you do all of this?” She walked over to the French doors, her eyes taking in every detail of her newly decorated home.

  Elliott walked over to her and slid his hand around her ribcage, just underneath her breasts. “It’s just a little welcome home gift,” he said as he nuzzled her neck. “Do you like it?”

  Renee turned to him and said, “I love it, it’s beautiful, but when did you have a chance to do all of this?”

  He said “I mentioned to Liza that the place needed a bit of a change, and well, you know with her, all you have to do is put an idea out there and she runs with it.”

  He took her hand and led her into their bedroom. Renee’s eyes immediately went to the new bed that Elliott ordered. It was a queen-size bed with an adjustable pillow-top mattress. The headboard and footboard were finished in mahogany. A lightweight taupe and brown comforter, along with an assortment of plush pillows completed the bed.

  Renee took immediate refuge in their new bed, with Elliott right alongside of her. “This is the same bed we had in Hawaii,” she said. She leaned over and kissed his neck and said “Thank you for all of this, baby. I know it must’ve all taken a lot of trouble with coordinating, not to mention cost.”

  Elliott looked at her, his eyes darkened with love and desire. He kissed her full lips and said, “Nothing is ever too much trouble for you, baby.” Before he allowed himself to get swept away by the feel of her soft breasts pressing into him, and the soft moan that escaped from her when he kissed her, he said, “And please stop worrying about finances. We have enough money to take us through several lifetimes. I only want you to have everything you need and want and to concentrate on having a healthy baby, OK?”


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