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A Couple of Forevers (This Time Forever Book 2)

Page 13

by Adrienne Williams

  Kayla stood up and placed Noelle back in her crib. “I’m just tired. Mik has been talking marriage and kids again. He feels like I’m putting him off, that I don’t want to marry him. I just want to get settled in with this management position that I’ve been put into. I need to focus on that right now. I mean, Mom, he knows how hard it is to work for something and to want to prove yourself. He knows it takes concentration and that I have to show how determined I am. He’s acting like he doesn’t get it at all. Like I should just forget about how hard I worked to get through school. This company has given me the chance to manage major clients, and Mik doesn’t want me to do it. I don’t feel like I have his support.” Kayla was very upset and near tears at this point.

  Renee listened to everything that Kayla said. She put her arms around her and said, “Kay, I know how much you love Mik and I believe he loves you, too. I also believe that you have to do what is right for you. I think the both of you really, really have to make the time to talk to and listen to each other.”

  “Yeah, I know,” Kayla sighed. “It’s easier said than done, though. He’s just really distant and isn’t trying to hear me. Our schedules don’t help either. We hardly see each other, but since I do have this week off, I do plan on getting some time with him so we can talk.”

  Later that evening, after Renee and Elliott had settled in after seeing Kayla and the twins off, Renee told Elliott about her conversation with Kayla. “She’s just really not ready for the things that Mik wants. I don’t want to see him as the bad guy for wanting to get married and have kids, but I can’t let him off the hook either, because he knows that Kayla is an independent person. She hasn’t told him that she doesn’t want the same things that he wants, she just isn’t ready for them now.”

  Elliott was thoughtful for a moment, mulling over Kayla’s situation. “Well, let me just start off by saying, I have no problem as seeing him as the bad guy. I mean, come on, it is like you said. He knows that she’s an independent person. She’s also young and wants to make her own mark in the professional world before marrying and having kids. They’ve been over this time after time. He’s pressuring her and I don’t like it, Renee.”

  Renee sighed. “I know. I don’t like it either. She’s really hurt and confused by Mik’s change in attitude. She’s planning on talking to him since she has some time off. Maybe they can work this out, but we’ll just have to wait and see.”

  Elliott agreed. He sighed and said, “I know I’m not supposed to get in the middle of what is going on over there with them, but I am only interested in Kay getting out. It sounds to me like he is trying to force her into his way of thinking. She’s usually so happy and outgoing. Lately though, she has been so quiet and secretive, at least until today.”

  “Well, she knows that she is not alone, no matter what happens,” Renee said. “Once she knows what it is she needs to do, she will be OK. It’s just the figuring out what to do that can sometimes be the hard part. But once she knows, everything else will fall into place.”

  Later that evening, after dinner, Renee and Elliott were in bed. “So, let’s see here. I’ve won one of the biggest cases in California, we’re all alone in this big house, we’ve had an excellent dinner, and now I’m in bed about to undress the most beautiful woman on the planet. This must be what it feels like to be a rock star.” He placed his hands in Renee’s hair, releasing her waist-length locs.

  Dressed in a simple, but sexy thin-strapped, cream-colored nightie, Renee straddled Elliott, running her fingers through her hair to further free it from the up-do that Elliott had released. “You should be very proud of yourself winning that case. And while I do agree that dinner was excellent, and we are alone in this big house, I really have to ask you this: where in this big house is this beautiful woman you are about to undress?” Renee’s full mouth slightly twitched and there was a gleam in her eyes.

  Elliott’s eyes darkened. He reached up to gently trace his fingers along Renee’s jawline and over to her full, plush bottom lip. He continued his seductive touch down the column of her throat. He felt and heard her breath hitch as she adjusted herself on his lap so that she could feel more of his rapidly hardening erection against the ache that was intensifying between her legs.

  “Elliott,” she moaned, as he moved his hand down her décolletage, his other hand massaging the back of her neck. His hand continued down toward her breasts at a maddeningly slow pace. He made her feel so good when he took his time with her like this. When he finally did take her left breast into his slightly calloused hand, he gave it a gentle but firm squeeze, purposefully avoiding her nipple. He wanted to prolong her need for him as long as they could both hold out.

  Renee grabbed the hem of the nightie and pulled it over her head. The cool air touched her skin, causing goose bumps to form, and her nipples to tighten into peaks. While Elliott continued his slow seductive touch over her body, Renee caressed Elliott’s hard pecs and abdominals. He raised his hips so that she could slide his underwear down a bit. She continued to moan and work herself against his straining shaft, which in turn caused a deep, low growl in Elliott’s throat.

  He raised himself up so that Renee was now sitting on his lap, and they were facing each other. “So beautiful. So sexy,” Elliott said huskily. He slipped his fingers inside of Renee’s ever dampening panties to tease her slick folds. He felt her body give a slight tremor before she pressed her chest firmly against his. The agitation of their bodies slowly moving together further stimulated her nipples and sent waves of pleasure straight to her core.

  With one single move, he positioned them so that their positions were reversed and he was now lying on top of Renee. Her eyes fluttered open and she found that he was looking at her darkly, intently. He asked, “Does that feel good to you, baby?”

  Renee sighed softly. “Mmmm, yes. Ohhhhhh, feels so good, Elliott. Please don’t stop.” She shifted in an attempt to get his hardness in line with her aching center.

  He gave her a sexy, cocky grin. His erection was as throbbing and aching as her clit. The friction of their bodies rubbing together had caused them to become slick and sweaty. Elliott slid Renee’s panties over her hips and down her thighs. After he removed them, he stepped out of his underwear. He kissed his way back up her calves and thighs, nibbling his teeth and swirling his tongue along the smooth and sensitive areas of her skin. When he reached the apex of her thighs, he was intoxicated by her warm, delicate scent. He licked and suckled her swollen lips, letting his tongue work its way into her sweet, creamy nectar.

  Renee’s mind was free of thought, only allowing her body to feel the electric sensations that Elliott’s talented tongue gave to her. Elliott replaced his tongue with his fingers inside of her slick, wet tightness. He found the spot that sent her into pleasure overload and massaged it with his index finger in a come here motion. While he was doing this, Renee was moaning, almost sobbing, as she rode his hand.

  Elliott was beyond hard at this point, but he enjoyed getting his wife off so much that he just had to do it. As if massaging her G-spot were not enough, he brought his lips and tongue to her clit. “Ooooooh, Elliott,” Renee moaned her approval. Looking up, he saw her rubbing her nipples.

  “No, baby, not yet.” He knew that if she continued to rub her nipples while he licked and fingered her, she would go over the edge and he wouldn’t be able to finish her off the way he intended.

  “Please, Elliott,” Renee pleaded, almost sobbing. “Need to come sooo bad. Please let me come.”

  “I got you, baby. Just let me do this for you.” He continued to lick and finger Renee, her hips rising to meet the pleasure that he was giving to her. Elliott gave a few more licks to her weeping slit before concentrating his tongue on her sensitized nub. Renee’s felt her orgasm unfurl from her lower stomach, down to her pleasure center and legs and then she felt the warmth spreading all over her body.

  Elliott slowed his sensual assault, allowing her body to recover for a brief period of time. Propping him
self up on his arm, he stroked his other hand over her abdomen, periodically dipping his fingers into her sopping wet core. His eyes took in her shapely, glistening form. He kissed her, allowing her to taste her own sweet juiciness that had drenched his lips. He had lulled her into a very relaxed, almost asleep-like state.

  But he was not finished with her. Not. Yet.

  Elliott moved himself so that he was on top of Renee. He slid his arm under her back and nudged them both so that they were now completely on their bed. Her eyes were still hazily post-orgasmic.

  Placing himself on top of her, he lined up his long, thick, hard cock with her slick folds. She spread her legs more for him so that he could feel the slippery heat that he was responsible for creating in her. He bit and sucked her neck, taking his time about moving down to her chest. He kissed and nibbled the soft flesh of her breasts. He swirled his tongue around her areolae, and teased the tip of her nipple with his tongue, causing Renee to hiss and arch her back, urging him to take more of it. He gave the other side equal attention.

  Elliott continued his sensuous torture for a few minutes more. Feeling Renee’s willing body writhing in rhythm with his and hearing her gasps, sighs, and moans further fueled his desire to completely own her. He reached his hand between their slickened bodies and placed the reddened head of his cock at her soaking wet entrance, completely filling her tight channel.

  Renee gasped as the full and pleasurable sensation took over her senses. Her body moved wetly and easily with Elliott’s. The moist sound that came from her core as his cock slid almost all the way out and partly back in added another layer of sensuality for them to enjoy. “Oh, Elliott, ah, ah, ahhhh.”

  Elliott was beginning to become undone by the sensations that Renee’s body gave him. Watching her lovely facial features transform to those of complete ecstasy, hearing her gasp and moan his name in a soft, lustful voice that he knew was meant only for him, feeling her soft breasts with their hardened nipples pressing into his chest, her hips and core pulsing and circling to meet his thrusts and draw him in, made him lose complete control.

  Her walls clamped hard on his throbbing member, completely surrounding him with her juices. “Fuuuuck, baby. Ahhhhhh, Renee, so fucking goood.” His body tensed and his hips pressed hard against her as he filled her to the hilt with his cock and his cum.

  As he continued to let his seed fill her up, he took her nipple and sucked on it, triggering from her another orgasm. She cried out his name, her back arching, as she shook and shuddered her way through her orgasm.

  Elliott stayed on top of Renee for long moments afterwards. He was still inside of her and they continued to kiss and lazily fuck each other until they had recovered.

  When Elliott rolled off Renee, he pulled her close to his body and she snuggled close to him, laying her head on his chest. “Renee,” Elliott said, “I don’t know what or how you do it, but you always leave me breathless. I can never get enough of you. I always want more. I will always want more of you.”

  Renee felt totally soothed and relaxed. She looked up at him, eyelids feeling heavy and said, “Me either. That was beyond amazing. It just gets better and better.” Renee continued, “I also know that you have been taking it easy on me when it comes to us making love. I think you have been feeling like you had to be extra careful with me because things got kind of crazy when it came time for me to have Noah and Noelle.”

  Elliott drew in a deep breath. Renee was right to a certain extent. He didn’t want to do anything that would cause her body physical pain. But that was only part of it. He said, “Baby, when I walked in and saw you on the floor like that, I was so scared. Everything felt like it was slipping away from me and I was helpless to help you. I guess I felt guilty that I didn’t get to you sooner. I wanted to know that you were okay. I didn’t want to make you feel that I was rushing you. I should’ve done more so that things didn’t get so out of hand with you and the babies.

  From the time Renee met Elliott, she had never seen him afraid of anything. He was always confident and competent in all of his dealings. He had been so good to her while she was recuperating and she never doubted that he was going to be a great father to the babies. She also had a feeling that he had been struggling because he had not been immediately there when she went into labor. “Oh, Elliott. Please don’t feel that way. I’m sorry you felt that way. You did so much to help us through everything. I can only imagine how everything must’ve felt for you. But please always know that you can talk to me. I never want you to feel like you have to hold anything back from me. Just like you want all of me, I want all of you.”

  They talked for a while longer, making plans for activities for things to do with the kids, Liza and E’s upcoming visit, and other things. “I am going to have to start looking for potential salon spaces soon,” Renee said. “Genie and I have been keeping with the social media department and apparently the top question has been when are we going to open salons here. Our investors are really anxious for us to move forward with it, too. So, I was thinking since you have some time off, it may be a good time to at least get started.”

  Elliott knew this conversation was going to happen sooner or later. He had hoped it would be later. He really liked the idea of Renee being at home with the babies, being his housewife. He selfishly loved the idea of him being able to give his family the most lavish lifestyle they deserved because he could well-afford to do so. It wasn’t just that he could do it. He wanted to do it for them. He also knew that Renee had worked very hard to build a successful business. She wouldn’t just want to walk away from all of it. He decided to table that discussion for another time. “Mmmmm, you know, I had such a perfect night with you.” He kissed her deeply, letting his hands wander over her pliable body, stopping at her center, where his middle finger lightly teased her still sensitive clit. She gasped softly. Elliott gave a low chuckle and said, “I think we should get some rest. I intend to take full advantage of this time off and make up for lost time.” He kissed her again and they drifted off to sleep.

  Chapter 13

  Now that the twins were older, Renee and Kim took them on outings at various times during the week. Since the weather was so warm and beautiful, they usually went to one of the nearby scenic parks where they would spread blankets and let Noah and Noelle crawl around and play. They were both able to stand and were getting close to taking their first steps. The case that Elliott had succeeded in winning was still very much a hot topic. Even though Elliott was already well-known in the legal and business world, his latest win had boosted his popularity and had increased interest in his firm. His increased visibility had garnered him increased clients, requests for interviews, and offers to make guest appearances on various news programs as a legal adviser. He was even being questioned as to whether or not he would consider running for governor.

  “So, things are really busy for you two, huh? I saw Elliott’s interview last night. Is he going to consider running for governor? He would certainly have a lot of supporters. Robert and I are ready to help in any way that we can if he decides to do it.”

  Renee and Kim placed the twins in their double stroller. They were getting sleepy and it was time for them to go home.

  As they were walking the short distance to their houses, Renee said, “He really hasn’t decided. Right now he is leaning towards not doing it. He enjoys his practice so much, and with the exception of this case, he has been able to keep himself out of the limelight. But, he is very, very passionate when it comes to injustices and I know he would love the chance to be in a better position to see that people are treated fairly. I don’t know what he will decide, though. Not to mention that I am going to start looking at places for my salons. I really have to get moving on that since it is all over social media that the salons and products are going to be available here. Channel 4 has even contacted me about coming on their morning program to discuss the salon services and products.”

  Kim went inside with Renee watched her put the twins in
their crib. Kim asked, “Both of you are going to be so busy, Renee. All of this is really going to increase both Elliott’s and your visibility. Are you ready for that?”

  Renee sighed audibly. She transferred the green smoothie that she had prepared for them into glasses. “Yeah, I know, and that’s the main reason he hasn’t committed himself to saying yes. We want to be able to spend time with the kids, have a social life, a personal life, and all that good stuff. He hasn’t come right out and said it, but I can feel that he’s really concerned about how much time and work will be involved with me setting up the salon, and I am concerned about the fish bowel we’ll be in if he decides to run. Both of us are used to a limited amount of publicity, but nothing like what could happen if he runs for office. I just don’t know. Whatever he decides though, I will stand beside his decision. He would do the same for me.”

  Kim nodded in agreement. “You and Elliott are smart, successful people. I know that you guys will make the right decision.”

  They talked for a while longer, and after they finished their drinks, Renee walked Kim to the door. “Liza and Joe are looking forward to seeing you and Robert when they get here.” Liza and Joe were scheduled to spend a few days visiting.

  “Me too,” Kim said. “I know Liza has to be ecstatic about Joe surprising her with that house. It’s absolutely beautiful, and I can’t wait to see the inside of it.”

  “She is ecstatic,” Renee agreed. “It will be so nice for them to have a home here and in New York. Joe is such a great guy and he’s head-over-heels in love with Liza. All she has to do is bat those pretty eyes at him, and he’ll give her the moon.”

  Kim chuckled and said, “I think each of us really hit the jackpot with our husbands. They’re gorgeous, smart, sexy . . . I could go on and on. But, they got pretty lucky when they got us, too.”


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