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Rock Me : Wicked

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by Arabella Quinn

  Rock Me : Wicked

  Rock Me

  by Arabella Quinn

  Published by Arabella Quinn, 2013.

  This is a work of fiction. Similarities to real people, places, or events are entirely coincidental.


  First edition. February 20, 2013.

  Copyright © 2013 Arabella Quinn.

  Written by Arabella Quinn.

  This book is dedicated to Adam Levine - one smokin' hot rocker. And my own personal fantasy.

  Rock Me : Wicked

  Chapter One

  Alex sits on the edge of my bed, strumming his guitar slowly. I lie snuggled under the covers watching his fingers gently caressing the strings. His other hand runs up and down the neck of the guitar, pressing the strings and lovingly coaxing out the seductive melody. Each stroke of his fingers sends a jolt of desire straight to my aching core.

  He watches me, staring straight into my soul. He quietly sings the words to the song, but I barely listen to them. I don't have to; I know they are meant just for me.

  My body burns for his touch. I want to feel his sinfully wicked fingers gliding all over me, enticing sweet music from my yearning body. My pussy is already slickened with the hot juices of my feverish desire. It throbs with anticipation.

  I had been mesmerized by his fingers expertly working the guitar, but when my eyes are compelled to meet his own, my stomach flutters. The intensity of his stare is fierce. There is no doubt that he will take me. I almost gasp at this knowledge.

  His voice is sultry and sexy as he sings the words, telling me that I am his. My hands slip inside my pajamas; I cannot wait any longer, the torture is too exquisite. I moan softly as my fingers slide against my desperate and swollen clit. He notices my moan and my flushed face, but he keeps strumming his guitar. His voice never wavers.

  I try to hold back, but it is impossible. The need I feel is palpable. I twist under the bed sheets as my fingers press deeper. The jolts of desire I feel are gathering and deepening into a concentrated mass of white-hot lust.

  He has stopped playing the guitar, but the music continues. He is sliding across the bed towards me, beautifully naked. I admire the slight curl in his dark brown hair, the piercing blue eyes, and the rugged jawline roughened with stubble. He was always so handsome.

  He slips inside the covers with me and I reach to pull him close. I trace my fingertips across the pattern of the tattoo on his upper arm. My hands skim over his strong arms and glide over his smooth broad chest. We begin to kiss as my hand slips lower.

  Our lips lock together passionately, as if we had been separated for ages. I part my lips inviting his tongue into my mouth. Our tongues entwine, as I taste him once again. It has been so long. My head begins to spin as the kiss drowns me in its intoxicating bliss.

  His hands run along my skin, leaving behind a trail of fiery abandon. Our bodies are pressed intimately together; I can feel his cock straining against my belly, his need as all consuming as my own. I shiver with anticipation as his hand gently, almost reverently, cups my breast. I groan against his mouth as a thumb swipes across my hardened nipple. I thrust my chest into his hand, and when he gives my nipple a pinch, a shock of electric bliss sizzles deep in my pussy.

  He breaks our kiss as I press my sex against his leg. I am almost mindless in my overwhelming need. His mouth closes over my breast; his tongue flicking my taut nipple mercilessly. Pleasure washes over me, heating my insides to a boiling frenzy.

  I reach for his bulging cock, but it slides out of my grasp as his mouth works its way downward, marking my body. Between my breasts, to my navel and then lower still, his tongue wanders a torturous path. I whimper in agony, waiting for the ultimate reward.

  My legs spread wide when he finally reaches his destination. His teeth nip at the delicate skin on the inside of my thighs. My hips rise as he takes me in his mouth. I inhale a sharp breath as his tongue slides between my silky folds. He teases my sensitive clit endlessly, circling relentlessly with his tongue and nipping with his teeth.

  My fingers dig through his hair as my hips thrust hard against his mouth. I edge closer and closer to the brink of heaven. My head is thrashing against my pillow as I feel a finger slip inside me. I cry out his name and he lifts his head to look at me. Our gazes lock. There's almost a sadness in his eyes. There's a desperation in mine.

  He climbs back up to me. He cups my face in his hands and kisses me gently. I reach for his cock again, and this time I am successful. I hear him growl with satisfaction as I stroke his hard length. I feel the sticky drop at the tip of his cock and wish my lips were around him.

  I wrap my legs around his waist as I guide his cock to my quivering center. He looks deep into my eyes as the head of his cock presses against my pussy. My stomach tightens as he pauses for a moment. His eyes drink me in as he thrusts deep into me.

  My fingernails press into the skin of his back as he slowly pumps into me, over and over. Our joining is so sensual it overpowers me. My climax is building so quickly, there's no stopping it. His eyes never break from my own as his movements grow faster, harder. I'm swirling deeper into myself. Everything is fading from me as I speed closer to absolute ecstasy.

  My orgasm shatters me. I feel the creamy juices of my release, from some secret spot deep within, flood over my shuddering core. My muscles clench and unclench uncontrollably around the magnificent cock that fills me as I writhe in the twisted bed sheets.


  A gurgled cry escaped my lips as I sat up in bed, looking around in confusion. What the hell?

  My door opened a few inches and my roommate, Jen, poked her head in. "Are you okay in here? It sounds like you're being attacked. Anyway, you're late! You're radio has been going off forever."

  I glanced around my bedroom, bewildered. My panties were drenched and my pussy was throbbing with an unmet need. Oh lord. The dream. Alex. It had felt so real.

  I listened to the last few lines of the song playing on my alarm clock radio. It was Cold Fusion, Alex's band. My brain had subconsciously heard the song and immediately conjured up the pornographic fantasy. And it was easily the best sex I had ever had. I groaned at the thought. I was really pathetic. I really needed a boyfriend.

  The song ended and the perky DJ spoke, "That's Cold Fusion with their new hit Here To Stay. They'll be opening for Warning Shot this weekend at the Arts Center. So get your tickets now, I hear they're close to being sold out."

  I didn't have any more time to indulge in my secret fantasies, because according to the clock, I was very late. And my boss was a stickler for punctuality. I extracted myself from the tangled mass of covers and headed for the shower.

  Less than an hour later, I glanced at my watch as I swiped my work identification card through the scanner. I cringed when I saw that I was about 18 minutes late. I slinked past my boss's office and headed straight for my cubicle. I threw myself into work for the next two hours, returning e-mails and consulting with colleagues over the phone on my latest project.

  I was just about to take a break and grab some desperately needed coffee when my friend, Melissa, stopped by my cubicle. Melissa was a serious drama queen and a huge gossip. But we had gone out to some bars and nightclubs a few times together and I always had a great time with her. She was a little ditzy, but lots of fun. And she attracted men like bees to honey.

  She was smiling mischievously. "Okay, spill. Don't think I didn't see you sneak in here late and all disheveled looking. You got lucky, didn't you?"

  I rolled my eyes. Only Melissa would use the word 'disheveled'. "Hardly. I overslept."

  She looked disappointed. "Oh, that's boring. Darn."

  Laughing, I tried to throw her a crumb. "Well, I did have a very viv
id dream. A vivid, sexy dream."

  Her eyes immediately sparked with interest. "That's better. Do tell."

  Lowering my voice, I asked, "Have you ever heard of the band, Cold Fusion?"

  She nodded, "Who hasn't?"

  She was hanging on to my every word. "Well, I had a very X-rated dream about Alex Lavigne from Cold Fusion."

  Her eyes opened wide. "Wait. Which one is he?"

  I tapped my pencil absently on my desk. "He's the lead guitarist and back-up singer."

  Her eyes glazed over as she pictured him. "Oh yeah. Well, they're all yummy."

  I smiled triumphantly as I knew I had her reeled in. "Well, I was friends with Alex in college."

  A few heads turned our way as she squealed a little too loudly, "What? No way! You're friends with Alex from Cold Fusion? Holy shit!"

  Backpedaling slightly, I hastily added, "Well, I haven't seen him in almost ten years. He probably wouldn't even remember me. But we were friends in college."

  Melissa lowered her voice again. "Friends or lovers?"

  The question made me squirm. No, we never had sex in college. But we had come pretty close several times. In fact, Alex seemed to be the constant in my college life. While different boyfriends floated in and out of my life and while girls and sports seemed to be front and center in his life, we always remained steady friends. We had been the kind of friends that often boys and girls can't be to each other. Joking, laughing and touching while jealous partners watched. In private, passions had flared numerous times, but we each remained true to whomever we were dating at the time.

  Our timing never worked out. When I would find myself suddenly single after a bad breakup, Alex would be dating some other girl. And I held back on any feelings I had for him. And before that girl was out of his life, I would already be dating a new guy. I always wondered if we could have had more than just a spectacular friendship, but was always too nervous to act upon those feelings. I didn't want to lose him altogether.

  And I guess that is exactly what happened anyway. College ended. I was pretty serious with a different guy at the time. Now, I look back and wonder what I ever saw in that guy in the first place. Alex graduated and moved to Texas. We didn't keep in touch, which seems so odd looking back, especially knowing how close we were once. That was the last I had heard of him until a few years ago when I saw a college friend's post on the internet about Alex's band. I hadn't even known he was in a band.

  I really tried to keep from obsessing about it. He was so far out of my life. But when his band started making it big, I have to admit that I spent some time searching him on the internet and watching posted videos of some of the band's live performances over and over. It didn't help that he looked sexier than ever.

  Melissa was waving her hand in front of my face. "Hello? Earth to Evie. Are you still there?"

  I blinked away my memories. "Yeah, sorry. Just remembering. And unfortunately, no, we were not lovers. I don't think you can be lovers in college anyway. College boys don't know too much about lovemaking. At least not the guys I dated. They were just into pounding."

  Frowning, Melissa looked at me sadly. "Well, I hope you're getting some better play now, girl. Anyway, how could you let a prime specimen such as Alex Lavigne get away without getting a good pounding? A rock star! It's a crime!"

  I shrugged. "Well, he was no rock star back then. So, Cold Fusion is playing at the Arts Center this weekend."

  Melissa looked at me shrewdly. "I thought that show was sold out. Hmmm? But I bet you can get us in with your connections." Her voice started rising in excitement as her enthusiasm ran away with her. "We could go backstage and meet the band. We could probably even meet the other bands! Oh, God. It would be amazing."

  I needed to hit her with a dose of reality before she got too carried away. "I don't have any connections. And there's not going to be any backstage. Alex wouldn't even remember me. But I did hear that there are some tickets left and I'd love to go see him perform. Wanna go?"

  Melissa agreed. "Hell, yeah. You know, my uncle works at the Arts Center. Maybe he can get us backstage. He's gotten me backstage a few times, but the only people I ever met were a bunch of horny roadies. I once caught a glimpse of Liam Gray getting a blowjob backstage, though."

  I made a face. "Sounds wonderful. I'll try and get tickets. And don't even bother your uncle. I don't want to go backstage and stalk Alex. I just want to watch him perform. He'll never even know I'm there."

  Chapter Two

  The rest of the week crawled by as I waited anxiously for Saturday, the day of the now completely sold-out concert. I was only able to get general admission lawn seats, but I had been to many concerts at the Arts Center over the years, and lawn seats were really fun even if you couldn't see the band up close. I would still be able to see Alex perform on the giant screens and the acoustics were great from anywhere inside the venue.

  Melissa picked me up early; we had over an hour drive down the Parkway to get to the Arts Center. She had warned me the day before not to 'dress like an old granny.' Finding an acceptable outfit was difficult. I was probably ten years older than the average girl going to the concert. I was sure the teens would be wearing the skimpiest of outfits on this hot summer day, but I wasn't used to dressing like that.

  After digging through my closet, I finally settled on an outfit that I thought looked pretty hot on me, but wasn't trashy. My long tanned legs looked sexy in the black denim mini-skirt and the pink tank top showed just enough cleavage to be tantalizingly suggestive but not tacky. I tossed on some well-worn but comfortable black wedge flip-flops and spent a little extra time on my hair and makeup.

  I had been proud of my results, that is, until Melissa showed up. Melissa was never one for subtle. She had on a pair of the tiniest white Daisy Duke shorts and a sky-blue shirt knotted in the front, exposing her flat stomach and shiny belly ring. Her high heeled, ankle-tie espadrilles completed her sex on legs look.

  She slipped her fashionable sunglasses down her nose and looked me over. "I guess you'll do. But those flip-flops have got to go."

  I laughed at her assessment. "No one's going to be looking at my feet. Besides there's no way I can clomp around for hours and hours in heels. You're going to be wishing you had these awesome flip-flops by the end of the day."

  We had driven straight to the concert, only stopping once to pick up sub sandwiches for tailgating. Melissa insisted that we wouldn't need beer; that guys would be giving us beers left and right. I shrugged my shoulders and went along with her. This was going to be one interesting night.

  Tailgating was in full swing when we finally pulled into a parking space. It took about five minutes of standing outside the car before Melissa started attracting guys. Soon we were surrounded by a handful of young studs. She stood flirting with a shirtless guy who had been throwing his football ever closer to our car with his friend. I was drinking beers with shirtless guy's attractive friend.

  The afternoon flew by as we drank beer after beer in the hot sun and basked under the attentions of some cute college boys. They were way too young and immature for me, but the harmless flirting was a fun confidence boost. My job had been wearing me out and I hadn't been dating anyone for months. It reminded me that I had to let my hair down every once in awhile.

  When it was time to head in for the show, we locked up the car, grabbed our blanket for the lawn seating and started the long trek through the endless lots of cars toward the arena. I was thankful for my comfortable flip-flops as I watched Melissa daintily hiking through the paths connecting the lots, trying to avoid the mud produced by the unceasing line of people trudging through.

  By the time we got through the gates, the first act had started. The lawn area was quickly filling up with people and the prime locations were already taken. Only bare spots where the grass had been worn off were left. We found a small spot and spread out our blanket. Everyone on the sloped lawn was standing in front of us, so we had to stand as well if we wanted to see anyt

  After about five minutes of standing and watching the first opening band, Melissa turned to me. "This is shitty, Evie. I can barely see a damn thing and my legs are killing me. These shoes and this hill are not a good combination. I'm gonna call my uncle."

  I shrugged indifferently. If her uncle could get us better seats, I was all for it. I had a good view of the large screens, so it didn't matter to me either way.

  Melissa was covering her ear and talking on her cell. When she was finished she smiled triumphantly at me. "Ha. Uncle Jimmy is the best. C'mon, help me with the blanket. We have to go down to the first aid station."

  Scooping up the blanket, I quickly folded it. "What's at the first aid station?"

  "Some guy named Bob with our VIP passes. Uncle Jimmy isn't working tonight, but his friend who works with him is going to hook us up. We just have to be careful; we don't want to get them in trouble."

  We worked our way through the vendors and past the restrooms and finally found the first aid station. Melissa approached two men before she found Bob - that girl had nerves of steel. Bob was old enough to be my father, but that didn't stop him from openly checking us out. He slipped us two VIP passes, complete with lanyards to hang around our necks.

  Melissa gave Bob a peck on the cheek before she grabbed my hand. "Let's go. We want to get to our seats before Cold Fusion takes the stage."

  I studied the VIP pass. "What is this pass for anyway?"

  Melissa led the way, weaving through the throngs of people. "We've got some of the best seats in the house now, Evie. There's a private food area and bar and even separate restrooms down there, thank God. I don’t think I can wait in these lines after all the beer I drank."

  My stomach was fluttering. I didn't want to tell Melissa, but I was nervous as hell. "Can we get backstage with these passes?"

  She stopped walking and spun around so suddenly, that I bumped into her. "I knew it! You do want to see him! My uncle has gotten me VIP passes for a bunch of shows, but you don't get to interact with the band. The seats are great, but I'm not sure the band would even notice you from on stage if you were dancing around naked. You have to get real creative to get backstage."


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