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Rock Me : Wicked

Page 8

by Arabella Quinn

  "Hey, Tommy. Pass me that blunt." He took a long drag and let the effects numb his tortured mind.

  He watched the girl sitting on Tommy's lap surreptitiously rubbing his cock through his pants. Tommy didn't even seem to notice.

  "Hi Alex." A girl with pouty lips sat on the couch next to him. She looked vaguely familiar, but Alex couldn't place her. He nodded to her as he took another swig of beer.

  That must have been enough encouragement for her. "Great show tonight. You were really awesome."

  "Thanks." He took another sip as her hand crept onto his thigh.

  He got angry with himself as he felt his cock twitching at the touch. He hadn't had sex in three weeks. Three weeks! And it was torture.

  He momentarily thought about screwing this girl. Just to get some relief. It wouldn't mean anything to him and Lena would never know. Her hand started sliding towards his crotch.

  Grimacing as he jumped up from the couch, he turned to Tommy. "Hey man, have you seen Tyler?"

  Tommy's girl was now laying across his lap with her ass upended while Tommy played drums with his fingers on it. "He went back to the bus to get something before we headed out."

  Alex nodded. He'd catch up with Tyler. Some fresh air would do him some good right now. He left the girl with the pouty lips and headed through the backstage area towards their bus. As he walked through the lot, he couldn't help but check his phone for new messages or texts. Nothing.

  He hopped on the bus and headed toward the back. He didn't see Tyler so he poked his head through the open door to the back lounge. Tyler was standing in the room, pants around his ankles, lips around his dick. Just what he needed, to walk in on Tyler getting a blowjob.

  Tyler nodded in greeting. "What's up, Alex?"

  "Fuck, Tyler. Couldn't you close the door?" It seemed like every time he turned around, Alex was bombarded with sex, and ended up sporting a hard-on.

  "I'm sure uh, Vanna, could take care of you too," Tyler offered.

  The girl popped her head off Tyler's dick. "It's Angie. And sure, I love to work two dicks at once."

  Tyler guided her head back onto his cock. "Don't stop, babe."

  As disgusted as he was, Alex felt his cock throbbing with need. "No thanks."

  Tyler took his sunglasses off. "How long has it been, man?"

  Alex took a drag of his beer. "Three weeks."

  "Fuck." Tyler looked shocked. "What's wrong with you? You're not married to her. Lena will never know."

  Alex didn't answer.

  Tyler shrugged. "You saw her for like one day. And suddenly you're completely pussy-whipped. It's not gonna work, man."

  Alex stared into his beer lost in thought.

  "Oh yeah, babe. Keep doing that. Faster." Tyler's voice started sounding thready.

  It was time to beat a hasty retreat. Alex turned away to leave. "We're heading out soon. You coming?"

  Tyler groaned. "Oh yeah. Real soon."

  Alex left the bus before he could hear any more.


  The party was already in full swing when they got there. Lena still hadn't returned his messages, but it was a Friday night and she was probably out with her friends. He had to stop being so stalkerish.

  Tyler handed out a round of beers. "Hey, Alex. You get that boner taken care of yet?"

  Alex grabbed his beer from Tyler. "Very funny."

  Tyler slapped him on the back. "Nick, maybe you can give Alex some pointers. You've been a real pussy-magnet lately. I think you've been averaging two a night. Those two blonde girls last night? Holy shit, man."

  Alex thought Nick was going to get angry. He'd been real moody and secretive for a while. But Nick just smiled. "Our boy here is in love. Alex is going to need a lot more than pointers to get through that shit."

  Alex felt his face getting warm. What the hell was with these guys getting on his case so much tonight? He took a long draw of his beer trying to blow off his friends. It was best not to feed the fire.

  Tommy dislodged the girl he had been drumming on earlier from his arm. "Are you serious? You're in love with her, Alex?"

  God, they wouldn't shut up. "I don't want to fucking talk about it."

  "Is that why you've been such a bitch to hang out with lately?" Tommy was shaking his head, still looked incredulous.

  Laughing, Tyler added. "He's been a bitch because he hasn't gotten laid in 3 weeks."

  Alex shifted uncomfortably. Even Tommy's girl was laughing at that remark.

  Tommy's eyes widened. "Jesus, Alex. When are you going to see her again?"

  Five fucking weeks! Alex couldn't even meet his eyes. "She's coming out to Houston in five weeks."

  The guys all sniggered and Tommy exclaimed, "Five weeks! Holy shit! That's impossible dude. Why don't you bring her out on tour with us for a week? Remember when Tyler brought that girl out when we had the van? Shit, the bus is a fucking castle compared to that. You could have the back room for the week."

  Alex shook his head. He had considered it. He wanted to be with her so much it hurt. But then she would see just how shallow his life was.

  "Nah, it wouldn't work. She's got real work and stuff. Besides, what would she do all day?"

  They were all staring at him. Alex took another drag of his beer.

  Tommy laughed, "She would be fucking you all day, bro. Then she would go to our shows and party. It would be perfect."

  Alex got a reprieve when Tommy's girl turned to him. "I would go on tour with you! That would be so awesome."

  Nick and Tyler laughed at Tommy's petrified look. "I don't think there's enough room for two girls, babe. Anyone need a new beer? I'm going to get another round." Tommy took off before the girl could say anything else.

  Luckily, Tommy's departure seemed to end that particular conversation. However, Alex had noted that no one in the band seemed to object to the idea of Lena coming on tour with them for a little while. But would Lena even want to do it? And what would she think of Alex when she saw what his life was like? Would she think him as worthless as his father did?

  Alex took another sip, finishing his beer. Tyler had turned his attention to Nick when two hot girls had approached him, leaving Alex alone for a moment. He thought about ditching the bar and finding a ride back to the bus. Maybe he could catch Lena when she got in and they could talk.

  Their schedules were so different. During the week, he had a lot of free time during the day when the bus was rolling to a new town. But she couldn't talk because she was at work and her boss was strict. Usually it was too late to call her when his show wrapped up. They communicated almost solely by texts and voicemail. Except when he caught her on a few weekends - like tonight.

  He looked around to make sure the guys were busy and then he pulled out his phone. No new texts. No messages.

  A hand slid around his chest. He tensed as Cassie slid up against him. "Hi Alex. You look so lonely over here."

  "I was just going to head back to the bus."

  Cassie smiled. "Ooh. Take me with you Alex. I want to feel your fingers strumming me like you strummed your guitar tonight on stage."

  Alex frowned. "Not tonight, Cassie."

  She pouted her lips and was grinding against him. "Remember all the hot nights we had together, Alex? I miss that. Remember when Anna and I both took care of you? That was so hot and she's here tonight. I know she'd love a replay as much as I would."

  Alex took a step back from her. "It's not gonna happen."

  Cassie looked angry. "Well let me know when you're ready to have some fun again."

  She stormed off, probably in search of a new target. Alex looked around for Tommy and the new beers he was supposed to be getting. He spotted him laughing in a group of girls, his arm around the chick from backstage. If Alex wanted a new beer, he'd have to get it himself.

  Instead, he decided to ditch the bar. All it had gotten him so far was a bad case of blue balls. He headed to the front of the bar, looking for potential rides back to the bus, when
he ran into Nick and Tyler, with four girls between them, heading out.

  Alex caught up to them. "Hey, you guys leaving? Can you give me a ride back to the bus?"

  Tyler slapped him on the back. "Sure. We're heading back to the bus too. We've got a couple of hours before the bus leaves..."

  Shit. They were going back to the bus to fool around with the chicks. Just what he needed.

  "Can't you guys go back to one of their places?" Alex cringed, he almost sounded whiney.

  Tyler shook his head. "They don't live close enough. Since when did you become such an old lady? You can turn into a monk for all I care, but don't rain on our parade."

  Alex ran his hand through his hair. "You're right. Sorry man. I'm just going crazy. I'll catch a ride with you if you don't mind."

  "No problem. And there's even an extra chick if you change your mind." Tyler grabbed one of the giggling girls.

  "Right." Alex put his hands in his pocket. It was going to be another long night.

  As they walked through the parking lot to the girls' car, Nick hung back to talk to Alex. "Hey man, you alright?"

  Nick always seemed to be the smartest one of them. And he seemed to have a glimpse of knowledge as to what Alex was going through.

  Alex took his time to reply. "I don't know. Lena coming back into my life is the best thing that's ever happened to me. So, why do I feel so fucking miserable?"

  "Long distance relationships are shit, man."

  Alex nodded his agreement. "What about you? You've been a fucking downer lately too, in case you hadn't noticed. But you seem to be doing better lately."

  Nick looked at him oddly. "Remember when I told you it takes ten good fucks to get a woman out of your head? Well, I was wrong. It takes a lot more than that."

  Nick caught up to the group, leaving Alex trailing behind.

  Chapter Nine

  I sat at my desk staring at the photo of Alex and I, looking so silly and happy. It was taken moments before our time together ended. A whole month had gone by since we last saw each other, and it was still another month until I visited him in Texas. The time couldn't go by quickly enough.

  I put my phone away before my boss caught me. He had a tendency to sneak up behind me when I was least expecting it. It made surfing the internet or doing any personal business too stressful. It was definitely an effective strategy to keep his employees honest. Jackass that he was.

  About to catch up on some mundane office work, I smiled when Melissa popped into my cubicle. We worked on a few projects together, so we could pass some time chit-chatting while looking legitimately busy.

  "Hey, Melissa. How's it going?" She looked as stunning as usual.

  She smiled brightly, "Guess who I got a text from?"

  With Melissa, you never knew. "Um, the guy from accounting?"

  Her smile faded. "What? No!" She brushed aside my lame attempt at a joke. "Tommy!"

  Now she had my attention. "Tommy from Cold Fusion? I didn't know you two kept in touch."

  "Well, not really. But he said that Alex is in bad shape."

  My heart started racing. "What do you mean, bad shape?"

  "Apparently, he hasn't been with other girls, and the band is all incredulous about this - they act like its impossible." Melissa rolled her eyes. "Anyway, he's been miserable without you."

  My initial scare that something was wrong turned to annoyance. "So, he's miserable that he's not fucking other girls?"

  "No." Melissa looked sympathetic. "I think he's just miserable without you. That was just Tommy's dumb way of saying it."

  I sighed. "Yeah, I should be relieved to hear he hasn't been with other women. You saw what their lives were like - all the partying and hot women throwing themselves at them night after night. I'm not sure what he even wants with boring me."

  Melissa shook her head. "Honey, he doesn't want those other women. He wants to be with you. But 8 weeks is a long time to make a man wait for you. Especially a man in his situation. You need to get over there and remind him why he loves you so much."

  I bit my lip. "The non-stop touring makes it so complicated. I try to give him a little distance. Like not calling or texting him every free minute I have. But I feel like we're drifting apart again."

  "Evie, if you want your relationship to work with Alex, you're going to have to fight for it. Tommy told me that they have an overnight stay at a hotel in Ohio next week. He said that 'Alex's dick is gonna fall off if you don't get over there.'"

  She always made me laugh. "He really said that?"

  She held up her cell phone. "I've got the text to prove it. Anyway, I can get all the details from Tommy and then you can go out to Ohio and surprise Alex."

  I was already aflutter with anticipation. "Tommy really came up with all this?"

  "He's actually really sweet under all that dumb rock-star routine. I'm quite impressed myself." Melissa laughed as if she suddenly realized it.


  When Melissa got the information from Tommy, I began to get nervous. Eight days couldn't come soon enough. Because of an important work meeting, I wouldn't be able to get to Ohio and see the band perform. I was disappointed, but I would be able to spend the night with Alex and stay the entire next day.

  I made my travel arrangements, booking flights and a rental car, and pampered myself. I went to the salon to get my hair highlighted, got a waxing, a French manicure and I went shopping to pick out some super naughty lingerie.

  My anticipation grew to bursting, as the time grew closer. I had trouble not blurting out my secret to Alex when we managed to talk on the phone. We mostly talked about seeing each other in Texas and what we wanted to do there. Alex joked that he was going to buy a video camera before then. My heart would race just imagining it.

  The day I was to leave for Ohio, I could barely concentrate on the people who were speaking at my work meeting. I wasn't even nervous about the 20-minute presentation I had to give; I just wanted to get it done.

  Melissa stopped me in the hall after my meeting. "I told Tommy what time you were getting to the hotel tonight. He said that you should just give the front desk your name and they would give you a key to Alex's room."

  I nodded and she continued, "Tommy is going to make sure Alex goes to his hotel room at a decent time after the show. So, are you ready for all this, girlfriend?"

  I gave Melissa a hug. "I can't thank you enough for this, Melissa. For setting this up and for keeping me from screwing everything up with my insecurities. Are you sure you don't want to come with me?"

  "No way, honey. This is all you. Just make sure you come back and give me all the juicy details."

  I waved good-bye as I headed to my cubicle to pack up for the day. I needed to get to the airport to catch my flight. I turned on my phone and texted to Alex - Have a great show tonight. Miss you. I pulled up the picture of us and smiled. Tonight I would be in his arms again.

  Chapter Ten

  Tommy had one eye on the delectable ass in the tiny black shorts lying in front of him on his lap, but he couldn't help but be distracted by Alex, of all things. He tapped on the girl's luscious ass, always on the look out for the perfect ass to drum.

  Fooling around one night with a girl, he had used his drumsticks on her ass as she was recovering from their recent romp. He was surprised at how turned on she got. She was moaning in an agony of pleasure as he tapped her ass with the sticks harder and harder, leaving little angry red marks all across her smooth skin.

  It had led to an amazing night of mind blowing sex. So naturally he had tried it again with another girl. And he was just as surprised to see how well it worked. Now he had become obsessed with finding the perfect ass to drum on.

  But tonight, he had to get Alex to the hotel room. Alex had started downing alcohol as soon as the show was over, as he had been doing more and more lately. A few more drinks and Alex would be a fucking mess. And Lena, or more likely, Melissa would kill him. The fucking thanks he got for trying to do something
nice. He watched Alex down another drink.

  The girl's ass wiggled on his lap. He began tapping it again wondering if Melissa's perfect ass would writhe under his talented drumming. He remembered it perfectly in her tiny bikini that day on the beach and later on during their hot sex sessions. Too bad she was so far away. He wasn't about to get all caught up like Alex was. Fuck that shit.

  He glanced over at Alex. Cassie was rubbing up against him and he was downing another fucking drink. Jesus.

  Standing up quickly, he felt the girl he forgot about again, roll off his lap. "Sorry, babe."

  Tommy walked over to Alex. "Don't you think you should slow down?"

  "What are you, my fucking counselor, Tommy?" Alex was in rare form.

  Withholding a crude reply, Tommy said, "Just take it easy, man. Maybe you shouldn't go out tonight - just head over to the hotel and chill."

  Alex looked disgusted. "Maybe you should just mind your own fucking business."

  Shit. Why do I bother with this asshole?

  He walked back to the couch, sat down and grabbed his smoke from the ashtray. He took a quick drag wondering what to do about Alex.

  Cassie came over and sat next to him, looking as pissed as he was feeling. He turned to her. "What's wrong? Did Alex turn you down again?"

  She gave him a dirty look. "Fuck you, Tommy. It looked like he turned you down too. What's wrong with him anyway? He used to be so much fun."

  Tommy looked around for his beer. "He still has it bad for that girl in New Jersey."

  Cassie looked even more annoyed. "I could make him forget all about her."

  Tommy took another drag of his smoke. "Not tonight you won't. I've got a surprise for him if he doesn't fuck it all up by getting loaded."

  Tommy's cell phone buzzed on the table. He glanced at the text message.

  Melissa: Lena will be there by midnight. Make sure Alex gets to the hotel room right after

  He wasn't sure Alex was going to do a damn thing he said. He glanced over and spotted Alex doing a shot with a roadie. Sighing, he got up from the couch to do damage control.

  An hour later, Alex was stumbling drunk and Tommy's patience was about worn thin. He had spent the whole time babysitting Alex, trying to subtly stop him from drinking too much and steer him towards the idea of going back to the hotel.


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