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Rock Me : Wicked

Page 10

by Arabella Quinn

  "Evie-Lena." Tommy sauntered over and threw his arm around me. "I'm happy to see you. Alex's been a fucking mess." He turned to the guard, "She's with me."

  After all his smugness, the guard merely shrugged and let me pass.

  Tommy led me through the back halls. I could hear the sound of partying, as we got closer to the band's dressing room.

  My footsteps faltered as we approached the door. "I'm really nervous about this."

  Tommy stopped and turned toward me. "Are you here to dump him for good or to try to work things out?"

  "I'm not sure yet." I really didn't want to discuss the situation with Tommy. But dumping Alex was the last thing that I wanted.

  My eyes immediately scanned the room for Alex as we entered. I stood in the doorway searching for him, but he wasn't there. Disappointed, I took a deep breath. Nick spotted me and then elbowed Tyler.

  After a long pause, Tyler walked over to talk to me. "Alex should be back in a few. He found a ride home tonight, so he went to the bus to pack his bags. He didn't know you were coming, I take it?"

  "No, he didn't. I'm just glad I got here before he left."

  Tyler took a gulp of his beer. "You know, Alex is really fucked up about all this..."

  My eyebrow rose. "So I've heard. By the way, Tyler, I'm not feeling all that great myself."

  Tyler raised his hand, "Sorry. I should just stay out of it. How about I get you a drink?"

  A drink was exactly what I needed. "Make it a strong one."

  I wasn't standing alone for more than 30 seconds when Tommy came over. "I'm really sorry about that night. I should have stopped his drinking earlier, but he was being such a dick. He wasn't listening to anything. But he was really drunk when I dropped him off at his room - I thought he was passed out for good. If I had thought - "

  "Wait. You dropped him off in his room? And he was alone? Cassie wasn't with him?" Somehow that seemed odd.

  Tommy's mouth dropped open. "Cassie? It was fucking Cassie he was with? Fuck Lena. Cassie's been all over him forever and he's never wanted anything to do with her. It doesn't make any sense. He must have been too drunk to know what he was doing."

  How had Cassie wormed her way into Alex's bed? "Alex never told you it was Cassie?"

  Tommy shook his head. "He didn't want to talk about it much when you stopped talking to him. He never mentioned the girl was Cassie."

  Tyler came back with my drink and I started sipping right away. I really needed to talk to Alex.

  The two guys became occupied with the new girl who had come over and started flirting with them. I scanned the room and spotted Cassie at the far end talking to some guy, but definitely keeping an eye on me.

  It was time. I crossed the room to confront her.

  She gave me a bored look. "Wow you're back for more abuse? Alex is over you, babe. You should run back to New Jersey before you make a fool out of yourself again. And like I warned you, he always comes back to me in the end. And he did once again."

  My eyes narrowed. "I know Alex doesn't want to be with you."

  She laughed. "Well, you saw us in Ohio together. I would have thought that would be enough proof to scare you off for good."

  Alcohol burned in my throat as I took a big gulp. "How did you know I was in Ohio?"

  She shrugged. "Alex must have told me you were coming to visit." She leaned in towards me. "Right before he fucked me."

  I didn't even flinch. "Alex didn't know I was coming."

  She swatted her hand through the air, as if it didn’t matter. "Well, someone must have mentioned it. Who cares? Alex cheated on you and he's moved on."

  Cassie flashed me a victory smile as I backed away from her.

  My mind was churning. I saw Tommy talking to a pretty, and very young looking, brunette girl. I made my way through the tightly packed room and grabbed Tommy's arm.

  The girl gave me a dirty look as I pulled him aside. "Did you tell Cassie that I was coming to Ohio that night?"

  Tommy thought for a moment. "No, I remember talking to her, but then I had to take care of Alex because he was starting to drink a lot and I was worried about getting him to the damn hotel. I remember she was pissed because he blew her off earlier in the night."

  "Could Cassie have seen your text messages from Melissa?"

  "Shit yeah." Tommy seemed sure. "She's always leaving dirty pictures on my phone when I leave it around. And I remember Melissa texting me when Cassie was sitting on the couch next to me. You think she set this all up some how?"

  I didn't suspect it anymore; I knew it. The messages, the strange mix up with the keycard at the hotel - it was all starting to make sense. And I had been shitty not to trust Alex more - to not even talk to him about it.

  I didn't even respond to Tommy as I walked away. I had to find Alex. Where was he?

  Maybe Tommy would take me out to the bus to find him. I spun around to ask Tommy, and crashed right into someone's very male chest, sloshing my drink all over his shirt.

  "Whoa. Lena, take it easy." It may have been the most words Nick had ever spoken to me.

  I wiped the sloshed alcohol off my hand onto my shorts. "Oh! Sorry about that."

  He inspected his wet shirt. "No problem, I guess. What's the hurry?"

  "I need to find Alex. Could you take me to the tour bus? I think he's there." I looked at him hopefully.

  Nick looked around. "Hold on. I'll get someone to take you."

  I thanked him as he walked off and sent a roadie over to me. "You want to go to the tour bus?"

  I nodded and followed as he led the way. As we headed out a back entrance onto the dark lot, my nerves started to catch up with me. By the time we reached the bus, my hands were trembling. So much was at stake.

  The roadie opened the bus door for me. As soon as I stepped a foot on the bus, I heard Alex playing his guitar. The roadie shrugged as I waved him away and climbed onto the bus. Alex was playing the song that he had written, the one he had played for me our last night together.

  Moving silently towards him, my heart pounding furiously in my chest, I listened to him play. Suddenly, he looked up at me and stopped playing. I froze in my tracks as we gazed at each other.

  His face blazed with a turmoil of hope and despair. He stood up. "Lena?"

  I wanted to remove the uncertainty from his face. I wanted to be in his arms. And, I wanted to feel alive again.

  I closed the gap between us in a blink and practically launched myself into his arms. "I've missed you so much, Alex."

  He was going to say something, but I cut him off by sealing his lips with mine. It had been so long since I had felt his body against mine, his lips against mine, that it was almost impossible to get enough of him, although I desperately tried. What was meant to be a tender kiss of reconnection became anything but as my passions flared red-hot. Alex's arms shot around me crushing me against his hard, sexy length as his tongue began to plunder my mouth.

  I became mindless with lust as his intoxicating scent invaded my senses, his muscled body pressed against mine, and his arms wrapped around me trapping me close. Alex took control of my urgent kiss. Suddenly he was the one demanding more, consuming all that I could give.

  I clung to him when he broke the kiss; I was breathless and my knees felt rubbery.

  Alex cupped my face in his hands, staring deep into my soul. "Tell me you're going to give me another chance. I'll do whatever it takes to make you believe in us again."

  My eyes stung with threatening tears. "I don’t need to give you another chance. I was the one that gave up without believing in us. I want to figure this all out together. How we can make this work. I can't live without you. I love you too much."

  Alex's thumb wiped the single tear that spilled over and rolled down my cheek.

  He rested his forehead against mine. "God, Lena. I thought I had lost you forever. That I had fucked up the one thing in my life that I loved the most."

  I turned my head and kissed the palm of his hand. I need
ed his reassuring touch.

  Alex pulled me tight against him again, like he was afraid to let me get too far away. "I was so scared. I'm still scared this isn't real. I don't deserve you. I fucked up so bad. You can't trust me - I screw everything up."

  I shook my head. I could see that we each had some issues to work on individually and as a couple. And Alex needed to know the whole truth about Cassie, but I didn't want to bring her into the picture just then. This moment was about Alex and me.

  "Alex, we have to talk about a lot of things. About what happened, and about the future, because there's no way I can spend so much time apart from you again. But, we have time to figure all that out. Right now, I don’t want to talk anymore, I just need to be with you."

  Alex flashed me the smile that managed to melt my heart every time. Part devilish, part cocky, but oh so sexy. "I'm right here, baby. And I always will be."

  He gathered me up in his arms again. I was thrilled to be so close to him again, but my body was craving a different kind of closeness. I began to tug at his t-shirt. Alex helped me wrangle it off his body, leaving my hands roaming all over his broad chest and muscled arms. They slid down his flat stomach and worked frantically on opening his jeans.

  Alex tried to still my hands, "Lena, let's go in the back, at least."

  I popped his button open. "I can't wait that long."

  My fingers fumbled with his fly, but I was finally able to ease it down.

  Alex groaned as I began to pull his jeans down his legs. "Someone could walk in..."

  The band knew I was here with Alex. I figured they would give us some space. My fingernails raked his skin as I pulled his boxers down. "That's their problem."

  Alex stepped out of the puddle of clothing at his feet. "Lena, I know you're -"

  His words turned into a groan as my mouth found his thick cock. I felt his fingers weave into my hair as my mouth worked up and down its length. My hunger for him grew exponentially as I listened to his groans of satisfaction. Blind need had taken over, spurring me on to bring the most pleasure to him that I could. I touched him intimately everywhere I could, while my lips and tongue lavished his cock with plenty of attention.

  As the throb of desire in my pussy grew more demanding, I doubled down on my efforts. I glanced up, my mouth full of cock, making sure I gave him porn star eyes. I reveled in seeing his eyes glazed over with passion and lust.

  Alex groaned, his voice raspy. "Lena, come up here, babe. I'm about to explode. It feels so good, but I want to be with you."

  I hesitated for a second, but I did need to feel connected with him. For him to be inside me. My tongue circled the head of his cock one last time before I stood.

  "Please, Alex. I need you." My whisper was urgent.

  Alex pulled my t-shirt over my head. His lips caught mine in another scorching kiss as his fingers unclasped my bra. He tossed it aside before his mouth left mine and slid down my body, leaving a trail of burning desire to my breasts. His hands slid under my skirt and up my thighs as he took my breast into his mouth, teasing and flicking my nipple with his tongue.

  My desire for him was achingly painful. Weeks of separation and hurt, swirled and mixed with the base animal lust I felt for him, making me frantic for our joining.

  Alex found the sides of my skimpy panties and slid them slowly down my legs. I whimpered as I felt my pussy throbbing with anticipation; my panties already soaked with my yearning. Alex knelt before me kissing my bare stomach; his hands sliding back under my skirt.

  His hand slid between my legs. I was insane with need. My head lulled back when his fingers touched my center. They slid through my juices touching everywhere, touching so intimately.

  Alex's mouth continued kissing and sucking as he spoke. "You're so wet...for me...You're so sexy...I need you so much."

  I pressed my sex into his wicked fingers. "I'm ready Alex. Now."

  Alex stood. The intense look in his eye was almost predatory. His hands slid around my body and rested on my ass. "Wrap your legs around me."

  He scooped me up as I wrapped my legs around his waist, my arms clinging to his neck. There wasn't a lot of free wall space on the bus, but he managed to find a small section of wall and backed me up against it. Every nerve cell in my body was waiting for this moment.

  I felt the tip of Alex's cock at my opening. I wiggled in agony when it didn't immediately enter me. "Alex, please. No more waiting."

  He stared into my eyes as he thrust into me. As his cock slid deep into my pussy, jolts of bliss coursed through my body. I rode the waves of pleasure as Alex pounded into me over and over again. I gasped at how quickly the intensity and overwhelming pressure grew.

  Begging for release, my strangled cries urged him on. "Oh, God. Faster. And harder."

  My legs tightened around his waist as I felt my climax coming. A few more thrusts and I had reached the pinnacle of ecstasy. Wave after wave of jolting spasms rocked my body. I felt like I had shattered into a million tiny pieces. Alex pushed deep into me one last time. I felt the shudder of his release as he joined me in a heaven of bliss.

  I remained sandwiched between Alex and the wall as we both recovered from our frenzied union. Even though our joining had been quick and dirty, it was probably the most intense lovemaking I had ever experienced.

  Alex kissed my neck. "I have to put you down."

  I nodded. I was amazed that he could hold me up for so long as it was. I unhooked my legs and slid off him.

  He grinned sheepishly. "The bathroom is right behind you."

  So, I was pounded up against the bathroom door. I rolled my eyes. "Well, I guess that's convenient."

  I unlatched the door and entered the tiny bathroom to clean up. I smiled at my reflection. My hair looked disheveled, as Melissa would say, and my lips looked puffy and red. Well-kissed.

  Adjusting my skirt, I left the bathroom to find that Alex had already put his pants back on. Darn.

  His eyes burned over my body slowly as he looked me over, head to toe. I was topless, with only the flared short skirt covering me, but I still had on my black strappy sandals.

  "Lena, you look so sexy right now." His voice sounded husky as he stepped towards me.

  He pulled me into his arms again, pressing my chest against his hardness. His body was an utter perfection of his toned muscles, broad shoulders and narrow waist. The light dusting of hair just above his low-slung jeans on his otherwise smooth torso beckoned wickedly for my touch.

  He looked down into my eyes. "You'd better get dressed before someone comes back here. I'm can't be responsible for what I do if you don't."

  I kissed his chest before I backed out of his arms and gathered my bra and shirt.

  Alex put his t-shirt back on while I got dressed. "I was planning on heading home to my apartment tonight, but it's a three hour drive. How long are you staying?"

  He looked like he was avoiding my eyes. He was still so unsure of us.

  I stepped over to him and wrapped my arms around him, hugging him close. "I'm here for as long as I can stay. I was hoping to stay with you for your break and then go to the Dallas show. I can head home when you guys hit the road again."

  He looked like a little boy on Christmas Day. His smile was genuinely happy. "Lena, I've missed you so much. I hope you're ready for me. I've got so many wicked plans for us."

  Despite the fact that I just had a fantastic orgasm, I felt a wet heat invading my pussy at his suggestive comment. Which reminded me that I was bare underneath my skirt.

  I looked around for my silk panties. "I can't find my panties."

  Alex grinned. "That's because they're in my pocket. I prefer you don't wear them for the next three days."

  "You better make it worth it." I felt my pussy clenching with a delicious need. "I have a hotel room about ten minutes from here. Maybe we should go there. Quickly."

  I caught Alex's eye. We were definitely thinking the same thing.

  He packed his guitar into a case and then picked
up the bag that was already packed. "Let's go."

  It took us far too long to figure out how to get from the back parking lot into the general parking where my rental car was located. And then we walked around for an hour because I forgot where I had parked. I had been in such a nervous state, I never even bothered to notice where I parked or what my car looked like.

  We walked hand in hand, laughing as we tried to press the automatic lock button on the key fob, looking for it to work on one of the thousands of vehicles parked in the packed lots.

  At one point, Alex backed me up against an SUV in the middle of the third lot we checked. His hand slid up my skirt. "This is driving me crazy. It's taking way too long, Lena. Let's just call a cab."

  His fingers traced up my thighs, drawing agonizingly close to my center. I leaned into him as a finger swiped across my swollen clit. I heard his ragged breathing as he dropped to his knees and lifted my skirt.

  "Alex..." It was supposed to be a protest, but it came out in a breathy sigh.

  He nudged my legs open wider. I breathed deeply as he kissed his way up my inner thigh. I shivered with anticipation as his fingers parted my folds. A soft moan escaped my lips when his tongue met my sensitive skin and began their intimate torture. Soon his tongue was robbing me of all sanity. It circled my quivering clit with agonizing skill; building a pressure so intense I thought I would burst at any moment. My hands entangled in his hair, pressing for more. Even as his teeth would nip my engorged clit, his tongue would dart closer to my juicy opening leaving me on the edge of ecstasy.

  I moaned his name over and over, urging him on. The pleasure was building to an incredible height and I knew I couldn't sustain without exploding. My cries grew more frantic as I came ever so close to orgasm. Alex's thumb began to slowly penetrate me as his mouth and tongue worked all around my swollen clit. I couldn't hold back.

  I cried out his name loudly as I lost all control. My pussy spasmed as my body shuddered with the force of my orgasm. My head fell back against the car, even as my hips thrust desperately against Alex's mouth. His hands gripped my hips, holding me firmly against him, as his tongue lapped up the creamy juices of my release.


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