Made for Me

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Made for Me Page 10

by Weston Parker

  “Where planes are concerned, my fuel is the most efficient because it’s been used long enough to be a standard.”

  I could respect that he had a lot of pride for his product, but times were changing, and if it weren’t me putting him out of business, it would be someone else. However, I didn’t feel the need to put it that harshly.

  “It’s time the standard changed,” I argued. “We live in a different world.”

  “I supported your ideas in the past, and this is how I’m thanked?” He craned his neck and looked down his nose at me.

  I held out a hand defensively and to make a point. “I’m just trying to forward progress and make sure that this planet is around for my children to live a happy, healthy life. Environmentally safe products are the future.” I had always been about saving the environment and had never made a habit to pretend otherwise.

  His face turned red as a tomato. “Might I remind you that it’s innovators like me who have paved the way for you, son? You wouldn’t have the industry to be in to start if it weren’t for companies like mine.”

  I respected his position and his age, but I wasn’t his son. I already had one hard ass for a father, and I certainly didn’t need another, and at least my old man had known to butt out of my life before he died. I tried to put it gently. “I understand your concern, and all I can say is that a little heathy competition isn’t going to kill your entire company. You already hold all the big contracts.”

  He shrugged. “Which I’ll lose if the world decides to start using your algae-based shit for their planes.”

  Now he was really starting to get under my skin. I’d worked a long time to find the right fuel for my designs. “That shit, as you call it, is a better option for everyone, and I’m not about to just throw my idea out the window because you don’t like it.” This was not only about principles, but my dreams as well. I wouldn’t give them up for anything or anyone, especially when I was so close to seeing them become a reality.

  He squared his shoulders. “Might I remind you which side your bread was buttered when you started this company? It was my money that got you here.” He had offered me a sizeable investment, and while I happily took it, I would never make the same mistake twice.

  “No need. I know all of the investors who I happily paid back in full, you included. And while I appreciate the help, now I’d appreciate a little respect. You’re the only one who lords it over me, even though I cleared my debts.”

  Lynn rose from his seat and opened the door. I could tell he was leaving only because he knew he didn’t stand a chance of getting anywhere fighting with me. He liked to win, and when he didn’t, he was the type to pack up his toys and go home. He did, however, offer some final words. “You go through with this design of yours, and you’ll be sorry!” He stepped out into the hall, and I went after him as he stopped to glare at me and wait at the elevator.

  The door opened behind him, but I was too busy yelling in Lynn’s face to see if anyone else was around. “I don’t take well to threats, especially in my own house.” I stared him down, and when he turned to get on the elevator, Jessica stepped into my line of sight.

  She looked like she had seen a ghost, she was so pale, and I knew she had heard most of it. As she stepped out, Lynn pushed past her.

  Before I could get to him, the door shut, and I banged my hand on it. “Asshole.” I turned to see that Jessica was quite shaken. “Are you okay?”

  “Yes, I’m sorry. I was just coming up to ask if I have to have an escort. Everyone is too busy.” I wondered if they were all really too busy or if word had spread that I’d created her position.

  “I’ll drive you,” I said. “I need a break from this place anyway.”

  She put her hand on her breasts and tugged her blouse together, and that made me even more certain that I needed a little time away; time away with her.

  Chapter 14


  When that elevator door opened and I saw Cole standing there, his nostrils flaring and his strong arms flexing as his hands balled into fists, I was completely and utterly turned on by him.

  He was so tall and powerful, his muscular build seeming even bigger than before, sending my heart pumping ninety to nothing.

  “I’m sorry you had to see me that way,” he said as he went to his office at the end of the hall. “I don’t usually let my temper get the best of me that way, but that man really knows how to push my buttons.” He gathered his keys, and I couldn’t believe he was really going to take me into town to get what I needed. Running a company, I’d think he’d had more important things to do.

  “I appreciate you going with me.” I felt bad that none of his employees could manage the time and had a feeling that some might not like the fact that I was only around because Cole had created a position for me.

  I’d come in with a list of demands, thinking he’d reconsider, and was surprised when he offered to get me everything and anything I needed, including a work-use camera. I’d added that one when I realized how much wear and tear a full-time job would put on a personal one. I’d worked too hard to buy it, and if this didn’t work out, I’d need it to fall back on. As for the job, having access to a new laptop would be nice too. I didn’t want to use my own personal computer’s storage for company photos, and why should I have to?

  “It’s no big deal, Jessica. I know you’re eager to get started, and I apologize for not having the things you needed already. I should have asked you Friday.”

  Hearing him mention the day we’d been together made me wonder if he’d bring it up and want to talk about it. Part of me wanted to know how he felt, but the other part knew it was important to just let it go.

  “It’s okay,” I said. “It might be fun doing a little shopping.”

  He smiled and shook his keys at me. “I’m ready when you are.”

  I took his credit card out of my bag. “I think this belongs to you.”

  “Ah, yes, thanks,” he said as he escorted me to the elevator.

  Once we were downstairs, we walked out of the elevator and into the front lobby where Becky, a man, and another woman had gathered. “I’ll be gone for a few hours,” Cole announced. “Since none of you want to be paid to shop, I’ll do it myself.”

  “I’m so sorry,” said the man, who I think Cole had called Peter at the fair. “I have a call coming in soon, and I can’t miss it.”

  The other woman stepped forward. “I don’t mind going,” she said. “I just had a cancellation.”

  “No need. I didn’t come all the way down here so you could step up now, Holly. You could have done that twenty minutes ago.” Holly pursed her lips at me as Cole turned to Becky. “When we get back, I want help unloading the car, and then you’ll take Ms. Hyde on a tour and introduce her to the rest of our fine employees. I’d like her to feel welcome.”

  All of them had seemed so nice at the fair, so I knew it was probably just bitter feelings over me getting the job. I’d try to give them the benefit of the doubt.

  Becky gave me a big smile. “Of course, Mr. Saunders. I’ll make sure that she’s properly introduced to everyone.”

  I had a feeling from her sharp tone that she had already been talking a lot about me, and as Cole walked toward the door, he stopped and waved me along. “Come on, Jessica. I’ll spring for lunch when we’re done.”

  When we got to his car, my eyes widened. “You drive a Tesla?” It was a beautiful car and not what I’d expected. Then again, I hadn’t really thought about what kind of car he might have at all. He was always full of surprises.

  “Yes, as you saw earlier, I’m very particular about energy efficiency.” He opened the door, and I slid into the seat as he walked around to the driver’s side.

  “You’re not going to autopilot us to the stores, are you?”

  “No, but you might want to buckle up. Safety first.” He gave me a wink, and I got a fluttery feeling inside that I was afraid he’d see on my face. I tried to remain cool and calm and no
t like the worried woman I was over being all alone with him again.

  Cole was quiet, so once he got us out on the road and on our way to the electronics store, I eased back in my seat and made small talk. “So, what did energy efficiency have to do with you being angry with that man?”

  “I’d rather not talk about it,” he said.

  He kept his eyes on the road, and I decided to try a different approach. “What got you into the airplane business?”

  He glanced over at me, and for a moment, I thought he might regret having to take me shopping. His eyes were hard and cold, but then he shrugged. “My father. He used to love planes. Building models was the only hobby he ever had, other than drinking, of course. And when he was doing that, it was the only time I ever saw him in a good mood. It gave him focus, I guess; would calm him right down. It made him bearable to be around. I guess it’s no wonder I liked them, too. I liked seeing them come together, how a lot of little pieces worked together to build something as useful and as big as a plane.”

  “Yeah? So, did you ever build your own models with him?” I thought of Cameron and how frustrated he’d get when he tried to build one. His were always out of whack somehow. The decals wrinkled, the paint and glue messy. I couldn’t imagine him and Camden sitting down to do something that required so much patience together.

  “One. He never let me help much. I did a lot of watching and organizing the pieces. I remember the smell of the glue and the paint and how it would give me a headache.”

  “You weren’t supposed to sniff it,” I said with a wink.

  He smiled for the first time since we got in the car. “My old man would have killed me if I’d done something like that.”

  “Did you two not get along?”

  “No, only when we made those models. Guess his hands were too busy to hit me then.” He gave a soft chuckle then let out a long sigh as he stared at the road ahead. I felt horrible for him. He must have had a terrible childhood.

  “What was your mother like?” I asked. “Did she like planes?”

  “She ran off with another man when I was nine. She died three years later of a brain hemorrhage. The asshole beat her up pretty bad from what we’d heard.” He stated the terrible news as if he were talking about a stranger and not the woman who had raised him until he was nine years old.

  He looked over at me, and when he saw my reaction, he raked his hand through his hair. “Not what you expected, right?”

  I looked down to my hands, which were folded in my lap. “I just assumed that rich people didn’t have the same kind of problems as average folk.”

  He belted a laugh so loud, I nearly jumped out of my skin. “Boy, do you have me all wrong.” He glanced at me and then set his eyes back on the road ahead. “I grew up in one of the worst neighborhoods you could imagine. And the fact that you think my father was rich? That’s hilarious. My mother cleaned him out when she left, what little there was to take. We were so broke that we had to eat a lot of noodles. My father would spring for a bottle of hot sauce now and then for himself, and beer, of course. He always had money for beer and cigs. You probably had a better childhood than me.”

  “Not by much.” I wasn’t going to tell him about our troubles or make a contest over who had the worst past. By the sounds of it, it was too painful for him to think about. I decided to change the subject.

  “My son loves planes, but then you know that. His father used to collect them, and he’d try to do models, but he wasn’t that good at it. I think he lacked the patience for the fine details.”

  That earned me another glance from his gorgeous blues. “How is your son? Did you let him hang the model over his dresser?”

  I chuckled. “He tried, but he’s too short, so I’ll have to climb up and do it. But he pestered me all weekend about it. He’s doing good, though. Thanks for asking.”

  A sly grin spread across his lips. “I just wanted to make sure he wasn’t permanently damaged from my hospitality.”

  “He actually likes you,” I said with a sigh. “He was worried that we couldn’t be friends. I assured him that we could, and he was excited that you’re my new boss.”

  “Good,” Cole said. “He seems like a good kid. Did he have fun at the event?”

  “Yes, he’s actually been creating tiny air shows with his matchbox planes. He’s always wanting to go up someday. But I’ve never even been up in a plane, so I don’t know when I’d get around to taking him.”

  His eyes narrowed. “Have you never been on a vacation?”

  “Single mom, remember? Our idea of a vacation has been camping out in the backyard. It’s fun and affordable, and Cam thinks it’s exciting sleeping in a tent with his dog.”

  He chuckled and then slowed the car down to take a right. We had arrived at the electronics store, and all we needed now was a place to park.

  Once we did, he got out, and before I could gather my bag from the floorboard, take off my seatbelt, and get my door open, he came around to help me. “Thank you.”

  “I take it you know what you’re looking for, so I’ll let you lead the way.” He gestured for me to go ahead, and I led him into the shop, and I took him to the camera department first where I picked out the camera I wanted and all of the accessories to go with it. Then we made our way to the laptops where I found one I really liked.

  “It’s fun spending your money,” I said as we walked up to front counter with the items.

  He gave me a chuckle. “Most women aren’t so bold to say a thing like that.”

  “Well, we are shopping for work, and you are my boss.”

  The cashier, who had been keeping a close eye on us both, walked over and greeted us at the register. “Did you and your wife find everything you needed?”

  “We’re not married,” I said. “He’s my boss.”

  Her entire demeanor changed, and suddenly, I was invisible. She leaned over the counter, showing enough cleavage to get a blind man’s attention, and I didn’t see why Cole would be any different. She was a beautiful woman, and I wondered if he was at all as interested in her as she was in him.

  “Is there anything else I could help you with, sir?” Her voice had gotten incredibly higher in pitch, and she began to giggle and arched her back so that her tits jutted forward in her silky blouse.

  “No, thank you,” he said, barely giving her a glance, and when she handed him the receipt, she seemed displeased when he quickly handed it to me.

  I didn’t understand why until I got to the car with him and saw her phone number scrawled in girly writing. Even though there were no Is to dot with hearts, she’d drawn one anyway.

  “Are you sure that you don’t want to keep the receipt? I think the nice lady wanted you to have her phone number that’s written on it.” I held it out, and he looked down at it like I was offering him a bug.

  “Shallow women like her do not interest me, Jessica. I have much better tastes.” He let his eyes linger on mine, and I grew warm thinking about him inside of me. Just friends.

  He started the car, and then while I sat still in a dream, he leaned in close. He stared at my lips for such a long moment that I thought he might kiss me again, and I was prepared for it this time. Prepared and eager. Just as my lips parted and I moved in to kiss him, he reached over and pulled my seatbelt around me. “You might need this.” He gave me a wink and moved back against his seat.

  I knew I needed to behave and not let my heart get too far ahead of my brain, but I was really starting to like him even more than I bargained for.

  Chapter 15


  I walked out on the tarmac and looked at the weather. After spending the day out with Jessica the day before, I really wanted to arrange something special. Even though we’d had a good time at lunch after our shopping expedition that was full of laughter and great conversation, neither of us had brought up what had happened between us, and somehow, that made me want her again even more.

  She was an incredible lady, and I hadn’t h
ad the kind of conversations with anyone that I’d had with her. Talking about my father had always been a sore spot, but she seemed to understand. We’d spoken about a lot of things, but what stuck out was how she’d never been up in an airplane. I knew I needed to remedy that as soon as possible.

  The weather was perfect for pictures and even more perfect for flying. So, I’d had my private jet brought out to the tarmac where it had been inspected and was ready for takeoff.

  I looked up and saw her coming across the hangar. “You wanted to see me?” she asked, carrying her new camera and wearing another tight skirt and blouse. My favorite.

  “Yes, as a matter of fact, I did.” I walked over and brought my arm around her. “I’m afraid that there’s a problem, Jessica.”

  Her expression faded, her brows raising with anticipation and concern. “There is?” She tugged at her shirt front, which only made me want to tear her shirt off every time I saw her do it.

  “Yes, I’m afraid you don’t have the experience for the job that I was hoping. And I think it’s time we remedy that.”

  “Yes, sir.” She still seemed anxious but stepped forward to follow me aboard the plane.

  As we entered the cabin of my private jet, I liked that she trusted me, but I couldn’t pass up the chance to have a little fun with her. “It seems yesterday, you admitted something about yourself that I found very troubling, to say the least.” I looked at her with feigned disappointment, and she took a step back.

  “If I need to learn more about planes,” she said, “I’m afraid that may take a while. I usually just point my camera at something interesting and shoot.”

  “Well then, I guess we shouldn’t waste any more time.” I opened the cockpit door and stepped inside. “Come along. We should get going if we want to be back in time for you to get your son from school.” I gave her a sharp look and sat down at the controls in the pilot’s seat.


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