Made for Me

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Made for Me Page 11

by Weston Parker

  “Excuse me? Are we going somewhere?”

  “Yes, I can’t have an employee working for me who has no any experience inside an actual moving aircraft.”

  “Wait, what? Moving aircraft?”

  “Yes, moving, through the air,” I said with a nod. “You know, flying?”

  “But there’s no one else with us.”

  I looked around then got up to close the cockpit door. “Yes, you’re right. We’re all alone. On my plane.” I returned to my seat and then prepared to start the engine, flipping and switching on controls.

  When the plane rumbled to life, her eyes widened. “You’re going to fly this thing?”

  “Yes, that’s exactly what I intend to do. You should have the experience of being up in one of these to truly appreciate what you’re photographing.”

  She was growing increasingly alarmed. “Don’t we need a pilot, though? I mean, someone else to be around in case something goes wrong?”

  “I am a pilot, and I’m perfectly capable of getting us up in the air.”

  “It’s not the up in the air I’m afraid of. What about the landing part? Do you really know what you’re doing?”

  “In order to build them, I thought I’d better learn how to fly them, so yes, I learned. I can not only get us up, but down, and maybe even all in one piece.”

  “Very funny.” She turned and looked with eyes as wide as a trapped cat’s. “I have a son to worry about, you know? A child who needs a mother in one piece.”

  “You may want to sit down now. Oh, and buckle up. We’re taking off soon.”

  She quickly found the seat beside me and then buckled herself in. “Oh my god. I might hate you.”

  “You don’t, and you won’t. We’ll be fine.”

  She kept her eyes on the window and the runway below as she clutched the seat. When I called to radio in for takeoff, it was as if she had realized there was no going back. She gave a whimper and then closed her eyes, whispering how much she hated me.

  Once I knew I was cleared for takeoff, I focused on the act, glancing over to see that she was watching, her eyes peeled like she was looking into the face of death.

  Once we were in the air, she turned and looked out of the windows beside her and let out a big breath. “I do hate you. I do.”

  “You said you’d never been up in a plane, and I wanted to make that happen for you.” I gave a shrug. “Come on, admit it’s amazing.” The Atlantic was so blue and beautiful below.

  She took a few more cleansing breaths and then nodded. “It’s definitely amazing. It’s just, I don’t take a lot of chances in life. With me being all my son has, and one parent who has already died on him, I feel it’s my responsibility to act responsibly.”

  “It’s also your responsibility to show your son how to live. Feel your heartbeat, Jessica. You’re alive.”

  Her hand was already clutched to her chest. The other still white-knuckled the arm of the chair. She moved the one hand over an inch to feel the beat. “Yes, it’s beating for now. And hopefully, it will be after we land. And then, I’m going to kill you.”

  “Oh, I don’t think you will. I think you’re going to be in a much better mood soon enough.”

  “Where are we going, and how long are we going to be up here?” Her tone was sharper still.

  “I thought we’d go over the water a bit, and then I’d land us safely in Miami where we can have a nice, early lunch, and then we’ll fly home. You’ll be back in plenty of time to get your son. I promise.” I wanted more than to give her the experience of the flight. I wanted to get to spend more time with her, getting to know her better.

  “Miami?” she all but yelled.

  “Yes, you’ll love the restaurant I want to take you to. It has the best grilled salmon you can imagine. I thought about paying the chef to come and make it for our last employee appreciation party, but I kind of like it being my little secret.”

  She giggled. “You’re trusting me with secrets now?”

  I was so turned on by the sound of her voice that it surprised me. No one had ever made me respond physically the way she did.

  “I already brought you into my secret workshop, remember? So, I’ve been trusting you for days now. You might want to take a lesson from my playbook and trust me a little. It will make our day so much better.”

  I flew us over the Atlantic, and once we lined out, I put the plane on autopilot and turned the seat to face her.

  “What are you doing?” she asked with a bit of panic in her voice.


  She shook her head. “I thought I made myself clear on my feelings of autopilot in your car the other day.”

  “Don’t worry, this isn’t the Tesla. We’re heading in the right direction, and we have enough gas. We don’t have any stop signs up here.” I liked to fuck with her. Her face was so expressive, it made it fun.

  “Oh, you make it sound so simple.” She pointed to the windshield. “What if we hit a bird or something?”

  “Not likely, not at this altitude.” I reached over and took her hand. “You’re trembling, Jessica.”

  “I’m terrified. I’m exhilarated, I’m—God, so many things right now.”

  I moved in a bit closer. “Angry with me?”

  She turned and met my eyes. “A little.”

  “Is it that easy to hate me?” I brushed my fingers along her wrists and stared deep into her eyes.

  “No, not easy. Necessary.” She turned her attention back to the window as if she couldn’t bear to look at me any longer.

  Her words took me a moment to grasp. “Why necessary?”

  “Because then I won’t fall for you. I don’t date, remember? And yet, we’ve had sex. We’ve had a day out for shopping and lunch, and now another.”

  “It’s not unusual for two friends to eat together.”

  She gave me a sideward look and eased back in her chair. “But we slept together. That’s not what two friends do.”

  “So, call us lovers. Lovers can do anything they want.” I leaned close and reached around her to take off her seatbelt.

  “What are you doing? Shouldn’t I leave that on?”

  “If you did, it might make it harder for me to do this.” I leaned in and kissed her mouth, taking her into my arms, and before we were done, she was sitting in my lap with her arms going around me.

  “Cole, I’m not sure we should be doing this.”

  “We’ve already done it. Besides, it was so fucking good, I’ve wanted to do it every single day since.” I slipped my hand down and rubbed between her legs through her skirt. “Tell me you don’t want it too, and I’ll stop right now.”

  Her mouth was parted, her chest heaving as she panted. “No, please don’t stop.” Her hips began to move against my hand, and she closed her lips on mine, sliding her tongue against mine, softly stroking it. She pulled away, and her chin quivered.

  I broke our kiss to speak close to her ear. “You’re still nervous, aren’t you?”

  “Only because we’re so high.”

  I felt the gooseflesh on her arms as I brought my hand up to hold her. “I’ll have to do something to make you relax.”

  Her head snapped up, and her eyes met mine. “Are you going to land the plane?”

  “No,” I said. “The plane stays in the air, but I think if I want to make you feel better, I need to go down.”

  Chapter 16


  I trembled when I looked out and saw nothing but ocean below, and while I trusted him, he wasn’t putting me at ease, but adding to the intensity of the desire I was already feeling. His words hadn’t registered until he slid down to his knees and parted my legs even farther.

  “Cole.” I wiggled in my seat, and he pushed my skirt up, his fingers finding their way inside the elastic of my panties. He kept his eyes burning on mine as he dragged a single finger between my folds.

  “Shh,” he said as he rubbed it across my clit and sent waves of pleasure rolling thro
ugh me. “Relax and let me make you feel good, Jessica.”

  I tried to relax but was still a bit nervous. It had been way too long since I’d been treated to so much pleasure, and I couldn’t remember the last time my husband and I had made love together. Our last time had been good, but it was more of a quickie before he left for work the morning of the day he died.

  I closed my eyes and rolled my hips as Cole pushed his finger deep and brought his mouth down on me. I didn’t want to think of death or dying, only living.

  I moaned as his tongue danced around my most sensitive part. It had been ages since I’d performed oral on anyone, and I remembered how my husband used to praise me for my techniques. I knew I wanted to try that with Cole and couldn’t wait until I had the opportunity.

  Before I knew it, I was easing back in my chair, and Cole’s ministrations continued until I felt my release.

  He pulled his mouth away and met my eyes as he chuckled. “You’re relaxed now, aren’t you?”

  He didn’t say it in a taunting or teasing way, but I felt for the first time that he might actually care for me in a much different way than I’d first thought.

  I gave a breathy answer. “Yes. Thank you.” His fingers were still buried deep, and I never wanted them to stop.

  The gratitude made him chuckle again, and that time, I felt a little silly until he put me at ease with his next words.

  “You’re very welcome, Jessica. And I’m glad that I could do that for you.” He looked over to his controls but kept his fingers working my buttons.

  “I’d like the chance to show you what I can do for you as well.” I parted my lips and dragged my tongue over the top one.

  His eyes lit with desire, and he got up and eased back in his chair. “Please, be my guest.”

  “It’s been a long time, so I might be a little out of practice.” I reached forward, undid his pants slowly, and looked into his eyes while doing it.

  He smiled when I slid down to my knees. “I’m sure you’ll do just fine.”

  He reached down and gripped his long, thick erection and held it for me. I moved closer and dragged my tongue along the base. Then I swirled it around his broad head.

  He moaned and brought his hand to the back of my neck, encouraging me to go much deeper, and when I did, he moaned and blew out a long breath. “You’re good,” he whispered.

  His size was a lot more intimidating than my husband’s, so it made taking him into my throat a challenge, but I was up for the task. I relaxed a bit more, trying to forget how high I was, and took him down to the back of my throat. I bobbed my head and worked him a while, and finally, he pulled me off by encouraging me into his lap.

  As my ass found his knee, he stroked my hair. “You’re too much for me to handle. I was about to finish, and I don’t want to do that until I know you’ve come again. Besides, I’d like nothing more than to be inside of you right now. Buried deep and feeling that delicious pussy of yours wrapped tight around my cock.” His filthy words were such a turn on as he spoke them into my ear. “I loved what we did together the first time. I’ve thought about it, Jessica. I’ve thought about how much I want to do it again. Have you thought about it, about doing it again?”

  I had, more than once. “Yes.”

  “When? What did you do when you thought about it?” He met my eyes when I didn’t answer. “Did you touch yourself, Jessica? Like this?” His hand went down and stroked my mound. “Did you come to it?”

  “Did you?” I couldn’t believe I’d asked him that and was even more surprised and turned on when he nodded.

  “Yes, Jessica. I’ve fantasized about us many times since. And yes, I’ve come to the idea of the two of us together. Do you want to make me come now?”

  “Yes.” I reached down and stroked his cock, which was still out from his pants and pressed hard against my thigh.

  He shifted me in his lap and held his cock up as I lowered myself onto it, inching my way down until I was sitting in his lap and facing the window that showed nothing but sky and ocean.

  “That feels so good, Jessica. Look at that sky, how beautiful it is. It’s nothing compared to how beautiful you are to me right now.”

  His sweet words warmed my heart like poetry, and I couldn’t help but feel like he had deeper feelings for me. I knew my own heart ached for him too, even though I hadn’t wanted to admit it. I wondered what it would be like for the two of us to be together as a couple. It encouraged me to give him pleasure even more, and so I held on to his knees and bounced myself up and down.

  I soon worked myself in a steady pace, and he reached up and held my breasts through my blouse, slowly working the buttons until they were both free, my tight nipples getting even harder in the cool air.

  He leaned up close to my ear and moaned, his breathy tone nearly a growl as he reached around and rubbed my clit. The sound was so much like encouragement to me that I felt my first wave of pleasure building into an orgasm.

  The feeling grew even more intense, and just when I thought I was about to come, he stopped, keeping himself buried as he held me tight against him. “Not yet. I want to come with you.”

  “But I’m so close.”

  “Mhm, and I’m going to make it even more intense. So, will you be a good girl and trust me?”

  I hadn’t been called a girl in quite some time, and sometimes, it was hard to remember I was a girl, a lady, a woman, and much more than just the mother I was for my son. Thinking of my son made it all seem too surreal, and not only could I not believe I was on an airplane over the Atlantic, but I’d be to Miami and back before I saw him again. It was like a dream and not at all like a day of my life.

  I wondered what else life with Cole Saunders could have in store, but then I had to stop myself from going there in my mind. I wasn’t going to be his girlfriend and go on dates, and I wasn’t ever going to marry him. With things going the way they had been, it was no wonder I was starting to get delusional, and before I could make him stop, he rolled his hips against me and encouraged us to continue.

  The movement brought me back to the edge in no time, but once again, he stopped us, holding me down hard on his cock.

  “Please,” I begged.

  He moaned in my ear, and the sound seemed so full of pleasure that I had to wonder what kind of torture he was giving himself. That carried on for quite some time, and each time, I’d beg for my release.

  “I want us to finish together,” he said.

  “Isn’t that improbable.” I had never managed to orgasm at the precise moment my lover did, and even my husband and I never were able to make that happen.

  “It’s not impossible, especially if we keep edging this way. Trust me, you’ll love the big finale.”

  I had no reason to doubt I would, and I loved the fact that he wanted to take so much time and care to ensure I got the most out of the act.

  This time, he reached down between my legs and stroked my clit, and when he did, there was no holding back for me. The pleasure consumed me, and sure enough, his orgasm followed, both of us moaning and our bodies working in time. He wasn’t kidding. Sharing that moment had been intense. I stilled, and he brought me back in his arms and kissed my shoulder and neck.

  “You’re perfect. That was amazing, Jessica. Perfect and amazing.”

  “You keep talking to me that way, and I just might think that you’re falling for me.”

  “Wouldn’t want that, would we?” He tapped my leg, and I got up, feeling like I’d probably made a huge mistake. “There’s a bathroom in the back. You’re welcome to freshen up a bit in there.” He put his cock away and then turned back to his controls.

  “Thank you.” I turned and walked out, wondering what the hell I was doing. He had fucked me, and we shared so much pleasure. He said all of those nice things too, and then when it was over, it was just over and back to flying the plane. I didn’t want to complicate things with a bunch of useless emotions and knew that we’d already agreed that we were nothing more
than friends and lovers. If I wanted to keep on seeing him, which I did, I’d have to get used to it. This was strictly for pleasure and nothing more.

  I walked out into the plane, and while I’d not paid close attention before, I couldn’t help but notice how nice it was. There were two small rows of seats, but then a large sofa-like seating and a large round table that looked more like it was for entertaining guests than flying. I continued to the back and found a door, but inside was a bed and small dresser with a TV and a mini bar. I shut the door and went to the back, and finally, the next door I opened was the bathroom.

  I cleaned up and tried to avoid the mirror. It wasn’t that I felt ashamed and didn’t want to look at myself, but I didn’t want to see what he didn’t want to see in me.

  I finished up and made my way back to the cockpit and found him flying in silence. “Did you find it?”

  “Yes, and I noticed that you have a bed. We could have put that to use when we landed instead of doing it all the way up here.”

  He scoffed and shook his head. “Already having regrets, huh?”

  I didn’t want him to think that at all. “No, but I was thinking while looking around that my son would love it in this plane.”

  “Good, I’m glad you said so. I’d like to, with your permission, of course, plan another trip for him to join us.”

  “That would be amazing.” I had thought about how I’d want to go about Cam being around Cole and decided I needed to make sure he understood. “But Cole, I’m not sure we should send mixed signals to my son. I mean, I want him to think we’re friends, but it wouldn’t be fair to act affectionately toward one another around him.”

  He reached out for my hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze. “I understand, and I agree. I’d never dream of doing anything to make your son think we have a future. And look, if you’d rather I make arrangements for only you and your son, then I can do that too. I have a pilot on standby. He’s always willing to come and take you. Just say the word. Otherwise, we’ll make plans as soon as possible.”

  He was so generous to offer, and I couldn’t wait to tell my son the good news.


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