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Ellora's Cavemen: Tales from the Temple II

Page 6

by Various

  His lips slid over hers like silk, then the tip of his tongue feathered over them, entreating her to open to him. Pure desire shot down her spine straight to her sex. She parted her lips and he explored her mouth with his tongue. It was not a taking, but a sweet, hot savoring.

  He withdrew and moved his lips over her cheek, flicking out from time to time with the tip of his tongue, until he’d trailed down her chin and throat. “You taste like crystal,” he murmured. He brushed his lips across the bare skin between her collarbone and shoulder. The hard sweep of his fangs followed.

  She stiffened. “Don’t.”

  She’d heard the bite of a fully Embraced Vampir was an exquisite bliss. Even the half-Vampir, the Demi, were said to bestow sexual ecstasy on their victims. If he bit her, she would part her thighs willingly for him right this very minute. Sweet Danu, she might part them for him anyway.

  He froze and lifted his head. His eyes glowed with a predatory light and his fangs were extended. “You know, I’m going to have to bite you tonight. I’m also going to have to touch you. In fact, you’ll want me to touch you…intimately.”


  He smiled. “You don’t understand what will happen, do you? Granted, I can’t say for sure what it will be like. I’ve never Embraced a sidhe. No one has ever Embraced a sidhe. You’re the first marked of your kind. An aberration. But I can tell you that with a human, it’s very sexual.”


  “Oh, yes. Males usually Embrace females and vice versa, unless another arrangement is preferred, simply because most of the time the two end up,” he leaned in so close she could smell his intoxicating breath, “fucking.” He gave her a sly smile and a hooded gaze.

  She blinked. An Embraced’s breath was always heady. Their bodies did something with the blood they consumed, turned it into pure life force. She’d heard their breath was a lure, predator to prey. Making it easier for an Embraced to lull and take blood from a donor. As a sidhe, that part didn’t work on her.

  Her desire was all natural.

  She took a step back and he took a step forward, closing the distance between them again. Cerian tried to twist away, but her muscles just wouldn’t cooperate. Her resolve slipped yet another notch.


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  He held his hand so that it hovered over her heart, yet did not touch her. She felt his power, his heat, bleeding through her clothing and into her skin, as though he actually caressed her.

  Her eyelids fluttered closed briefly. “What are you doing?” Her voice sounded so heavy, so aroused to her own ears.

  “Shhh… Let me, Cerian. For once, don’t fight.”

  He ran his hand over her breast, still an inch away. She felt his touch on her, as though he cupped the weight of her breast in his hand, rubbing back and forth over the aroused tip. Every inch of sensual awareness she possessed flared to glorious life.

  She sucked in a breath. What would it be like if he really touched her? Skin to skin, breath mingling with breath…sex interconnecting with sex.

  “Do you want that?” he murmured close to her ear. “I do, Cerian. Very much.”

  Danu! She’d been so relaxed, she’d slipped and broadcast that last thought.

  A flush crept up her cheeks as her heart rate sped up and her nipples hardened. She shut her mind to him and didn’t answer.

  He brought his hand down over her abdomen to her sex.

  He wove a seductive spell around her without so much as touching her. She felt his warm fingers on her slick folds, delving into her pussy and brushing her clit. Goddess, she did want his hands on her. His real hands, skin to skin.

  She moaned. How much was she expected to take? Her resolve crumbled completely.

  “Please,” she whispered.

  “What, Cerian?” His voice came harsh now, an aroused accented roll off his tongue.

  “Tell me what you want.”

  Images of the fantasy she’d had of him the night before in the shower rolled over her. She didn’t block them, rather sending them full-force to Rhys. He pressed her face-first against the wall of the shower, his hands playing over her breasts, caressing and plumping as he pressed the head of his cock into her pussy and drove into her from behind. He braced his hands on her hips and shafted her slow at first, then faster and harder until she clawed at the wall in front of her. He licked the skin of her throat and then bit as the first throes of her climax gripped her…

  He growled, low, deep and dangerously.

  “Please touch me,” she said, barely loud enough to hear.

  She didn’t have to ask twice. He took her by the small of her back and pressed her to him. His mouth came down on hers as his hand made its way down the waistband of her trews and into her underwear to cup her aching sex. His finger roved hungrily over her flesh. Finally, he slid two fingers into her pussy and seated his palm over her clit.

  At the same time, he kissed her. Hard. Deep. A taking, this time. One she welcomed.


  Anya Bast

  Cerian nearly lost her balance. Goddess…the man could kiss. He parted her lips and tangled his tongue with hers as though starving. His hand moved on her pussy, his fingers thrusting as he worked magic over her.

  He ripped his mouth away and groaned. She felt his hard cock pressing into her.

  “Cerian,” he murmured so close to her lips that the words brushed her. “You feel like heaven.”

  Her climax burst over her in a near drowning wave. He covered her mouth with his, consuming all the sound she made.

  “Oh. Oh, sweet Danu,” she cursed softly. Her breath came heavy and a flush had settled in her cheeks. She was lost to him now. Lost to his mouth and hands. She would have him in her bed, in her shower, and every inch of floor in between.

  He pulled her against him and kissed the top of her head in a gesture that was so full of caring—so wonderfully domestic—that she nearly wept. Maybe she could afford herself the illusion. Just for a little while. Just for a few short hours.

  “Come to my chamber,” she murmured.

  His response was cut off by the sound of screaming from the main cavern. The shouts were mixed with masculine commands fired off in Sarthian.

  “Cerian!” Ta’bat’s roar echoed through the caves and into the corridor they stood in. “Give me the Vampir!”

  Cerian froze, her mind stuttering over the fact that Ta’bat was actually in her mountain. Then she grabbed Rhys’ hand and pulled him down the corridor with a hard yank. She’d never dreamed the Sarthes could infiltrate their caves. They’d gotten through all their magical safeguards. How?

  More traitors, perhaps. More Danaan like the one they’d found this morning who believed she should give in to Ta’bat.

  “Wait.” Rhys stopped.

  She whirled and faced him, her eyes wild. “We have to hurry. The Sarthian warriors will be all over these corridors very soon. No time to chat.”

  “They’re out there with the Danaan.”

  She shook her head. “They can’t do any direct physical violence to them by order of the Union. They won’t harm a hair on their heads. They want you, Rhys. And while you may be able to fight three of them at once, you won’t be able to fight five hundred.

  Plus,” she looked pointedly at his scabbard-less side, “you don’t have a weapon. And there are no Union laws against direct physical violence against you, an outlander.”

  “I need to Embrace you now, Cerian.”

  She paused. Yes. It was the only way. They needed to go forward with that which Ta’bat meant to prevent. “Come with me.”

  They ran down the corridor and she led him through a series of fissures in the rock-face. If Ta’bat thought he had her, he was badly mistaken. Renewed determination 48

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  flowed through her. This mountain was hers, and she knew it like she knew her own body. Ta’bat would take neither as his own.

  She led him through the mine passageways. Sometimes they w
ere so narrow she feared Rhys’ height and breadth wouldn’t allow him to pass. Sometimes they were so wide they had to dodge boulders in their path. All around them, the crystal embedded in the walls glimmered, giving light.

  The room she sought opened up before them. In the bottom of the mines, this mountain chamber would take Ta’bat and his men a long time to find. If they were lucky, Rhys could Embrace her and then flee. He could evade the Sarthes and get out of the mountain undetected.

  “This is where you want me to Embrace you, Cerian?” he asked behind her.

  She turned. “Yes. Is it all right?”

  His gaze roved the chamber. “Perfect.”

  She looked around. She supposed it was very beautiful to a person who didn’t see the crystals every day. In light green, pink, silver and red, the translucent, faceted crystals dripped from the ceilings and jutted from the walls, emitting a low incandescent shimmering. A small pool of water, warmed by nearby underground hot springs, stood to their left. The area was mostly cleared of rock and boulder. A thick Gaman cave moss grew on the ground here.

  “We’ll be safe here. For a while, anyway,” she said.

  He dropped his gaze to hers and held it. The look he gave her was so full of heat that it quickened her pussy, flooding it with moisture. His dark eyes were filled with everything he planned to do her. He let a low, territorial and sexual growl slide past his lips as he walked toward her. Every nerve ending in her body jumped to life.

  Suddenly, it didn’t matter that Ta’bat was searching the mountain. It didn’t matter that she had traitors within the Danaan. All that mattered was what lay between herself and Rhys. It was time to see it through.

  “Are you ready for me?” he murmured darkly as he strode toward her.


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  Chapter Three

  She held up a hand to stay him. “Explain what’s going to happen to me, Rhys. I know some, but not all.”

  “First, I’m going to trigger your mark, Cerian. That’s when things will start to get strange, if you react anything like a human. Then I’m going to drink your blood, let it mix with mine. When you drink my blood, it will be a biochemical cocktail straight from my veins to yours. That cocktail is going to cause internal changes. DNA-level changes.”

  “But we don’t know what will happen because my DNA is already so different from a human’s.” She recognized the note of unease that had entered her tone.

  She’d known since she’d been small that she was marked, but she’d never planned to be Embraced. Now being Embraced was the only way to stave off Ta’bat. It was something she simply had to do. A transformation she had no choice but to undergo.

  But she’d never truly considered the process, since she’d never thought that part of her would ever see the light of day.

  He smoothed a tendril of hair behind her ear. “Don’t worry. You’re meant to be Embraced. All will be well. Do you trust me?”

  She shrugged. “You’ve given me no cause to distrust you.”

  “You’re about to become what you were born to be.”

  He put his hands on her shoulders and looked into her eyes. White light seemed to flash through the depths of his gaze and mirror in her own mind’s eye—a spark within him that awakened a spark within her. For a moment the brilliance blinded her. Then knowledge of a breadth she hadn’t known in her centuries of living flowed into her. She gasped, turning away from Rhys as the onslaught began.

  Cerian dropped to her knees and closed her eyes, trying to control the mental assault and failing. The sensation was overwhelming, beautiful and terrifying all at once. Information flooded her mind. What the Vampir were, why they existed, the entire history of the Embraced bombarded her.

  The Vampir had evolved from humans during the same time humans had evolved from primates. A desperate need for a defense against an ancient race calling themselves the Dominion had triggered their development. It was a lot of knowledge to have about a race that existed light-years from Gaman on a backwater planet like Earth.

  After several shocking moments, the hurricane in her brain slowed and came to a stop. Cerian opened her eyes to a new world. Everything looked sharp and perfect. She sucked in a breath. The sidhe already had exceptional vision, but this surpassed unbelievable. If she concentrated, she could see every single facet in every single crystal 50

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  glimmering above them. She could hear Rhys breathing behind her, every rise and fall of his chest. She could feel every tiny thread of soft moss pressing into her knees where she knelt on it.

  She stood and turned to him. “Rhys,” she whispered with wide eyes. “Finish it.”

  He walked to her and smoothed his hand over her cheek, then further down to trail over her jaw, neck and shoulder. He drew his fingers sensually over her collarbone and breast, all the way down to press the small of her back, leaving a trail of fire where he touched. He pulled her to him as though to kiss her.

  He brushed his lips lightly across hers but didn’t linger. Instead, he traced them over her jawbone and her cheek. He put his other hand to her nape, and massaged the muscles there for a moment before twining his fingers through her hair. Slowly, gently, he tilted her head back, exposing the line of her throat. All the while, he nuzzled her, making small noises of reassurance. His tongue flicked out and tasted her earlobe. Then he laid a line of kisses down her neck.

  Cerian’s heart rate and breathing picked up. Her body began to tighten and prime itself for him. He nipped at the skin where her shoulder and throat met and she felt her pussy drench.

  She whimpered. “This is torture. Please, bite me.”

  His tongue licked at her pulse, and a tremor ran up her spine. She twined her arms around him to support her suddenly shaky legs. Sharp fangs brushed her skin once, twice, and then bit. She stiffened and gasped at the sweet jagged pain. Then warm pleasure spread out, enveloping her.

  Liquid desire filled her from the toes up. Her nipples tightened and she shivered every time he moved and brushed his hard chest against them. The suction at her throat increased and the pleasure became almost unbearable. It seemed to tighten some unseen line straight from his mouth to her pussy, making her sex swell for him, ready for his attentions.

  Her knees faltered and she would’ve collapsed if his arms hadn’t supported her. He lowered her easily to the moss-covered ground, still with his mouth at her throat.

  Her fingers tightened on his shirt until she was sure her knuckles were white. Her thighs parted for him almost of their own volition, and he slid snugly between them.

  His cock was hard and pressed into her sensitized flesh. Under her breath, she cursed the clothing that separated them.

  They stayed twined that way for several long moments. Cerian reveled in the long, hard pulls he took from her throat.

  Finally Rhys released her, licking over the small wound he’d made, and raised his head. His eyes were dark now, filled with lust. His penetrating gaze held hers as he brought his own wrist to his mouth and bit. Dark blood welled from the wound he’d made. He lowered it to her mouth. “Drink,” he murmured.

  She hesitated, then flicked her tongue out and tasted what welled from the gash on his wrist. The essence of his life force coated her tongue. It tasted nothing like she’d 51

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  expected. Its flavor was that of an aged wine, though somewhat different—spicier and sweeter all at the same time. It was the intermingled flavor of the life force of every person he’d fed from in his very long life.

  Cerian licked his skin and closed her eyes. It was nearly irresistible. She latched her hands around his wrist, followed by her mouth, licking and sucking.

  Rhys groaned low in his throat. She felt his body stiffen and his cock twitch against her. She toed off her boots. Want fell short of the scope her desire right now. She needed him inside her.

  She almost broadcast her thoughts at him, but he understood. Still keeping his wrist at her mouth, a tricky th
ing, he shifted to the side, reached between them and undid the buttons of her trews. Every whisper of fabric through buttonhole was like a promise. He pulled them down until she could kick them the rest of the way off. Braced on his side, he worked on his own clothing, nudging his own trews down low enough to free his cock.

  Finally they were both bared from the waist down. He set his cock to her pussy, teasing her clit with the head and making her whimper around his wrist, before working it inch by glorious inch within her. Now connected by vein and sex, he began to thrust into her slowly.

  Danu, he filled her so completely, stretched her muscles so perfectly. She let go of his wrist and arched her back. “Yes. Oh, sweet goddess, yes,” she breathed.

  The Embrace had made her body exceptionally sensitive. She felt more alive than she ever had before. She knew somehow that this was only the beginning stage of the change she would undergo.

  He shifted to cover her body with his, bracing one hand on the ground beside her head. The other, he trailed slowly from her cheek, over her upthrust breast, around to cup one buttock. First he drove into her slow and easy, then faster. Cerian gripped his shoulders, feeling the bunch of his muscles beneath her fingers.

  He pulled her shirt up, his mouth latching onto one taut, aroused nipple. He alternated between nipping and pulling and taking it deep into the warm recesses of his mouth. He twisted his hips so the head of his cock rubbed the pleasure point deep within her. Relentlessly he stimulated it, until she was panting and scraping at his shoulders and back with her nails.

  Her climax shattered through her, bursting over her body like none she’d ever had in the past. She stifled a scream as her vaginal muscles contracted around his cock. He lifted up and pressed two fingers to her clit, rotating and manipulating in just the right way. On the heels of her first orgasm, a second one rocketed through her. It bowed her spine and made her call Rhys’ name.

  He answered with his own climax. She felt his cock jump within her and his body shudder. He buried his face in her hair and groaned. They stilled, both panting.


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