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Ellora's Cavemen: Tales from the Temple II

Page 12

by Various

  “What have you done to your hair?” Myra was trying to pull the entire bun off her head and Leah felt like giggling.

  “There are pins in it.”

  “Well, it is a crime to hide your hair. Why do humans do this?”

  “I don’t know.” Leah pulled the pins free and began to pull the braid out. She really didn’t know why clothing had anything at all to do with faith. But today she was happy to pull her dress off and feel the air slip over her skin. She was still warm but not unbearably hot.

  Myra waved her to the water and Leah stepped into it with pleasure. The pool was big enough for both woman but Myra simply kicked her long pants off and playfully dangled her feet in the water. The woman had a tiny pair of panties on and near-nudity didn’t seem to bother her in the slightest.

  “Do not do that.”

  “Do what?” Leah watched Myra with guarded eyes. The woman raised a single finger and waved it back and forth.

  “Trust yourself and do not begin worrying about tonight. Aaron is a fine match. If he offered for you, he is quite taken with you.”

  “How would you know that?” Leah might be willing to admit they both seemed to want each other physically but emotions had never even entered her thinking. “We just met two hours ago.”

  “Ah… But warriors are very quick when they find their mates. It is a man’s way, as my father told me.” Myra reached for a small cake of soap and rubbed it over her feet.

  “Besides, if he doesn’t please you tonight, you can choose another warrior tomorrow.”

  Leah raised her startled eyes towards Myra. “What do you mean?”

  “Um… I forget you humans are different. You do things backwards. How can you swear pledge to a man before you have mated with him?”

  Leah didn’t know what to say. She still wasn’t sure what Myra was talking about.

  “Myra, do you mean you have relations with a man before you marry him?”


  Looking Forward

  “No, goose. You have sex. How else do you know if he is the man who can drive your body to pleasure’s edge?”

  Well, that was clear enough. Leah watched Myra as the woman began to idly stroke her belly. She was exotic and sensuous. She just looked free. Leah envied her. The other woman wasn’t awkward with her body. There was a grace there that Leah suddenly realized she’d been longing for her entire life. Myra had the ability to simply enjoy being a woman, without apologizing for the feelings that went along with her gender.

  “Come out now, so your hair can dry. Don’t make Aaron wait too long, there are only so many hours in a night.”

  Myra said it gleefully as she held a large piece of thick fabric up for Leah to dry herself with. There was an excitement about the coming night reflected on the girl’s face and she simply didn’t have any problem discussing sex. Leah’s sisters back with the Fellowship would have passed out from sheer shock just because of their nudity.

  Myra led her out into the main bedchamber again. Leah let her eyes rest on the bed this time. It was large and wickedly inviting. Thick covers were spread over it with pillows in the center. Myra giggled before pulling Leah along toward the fireplace.

  “You see? Aaron has made a good choice. He knows what you are thinking about.”

  A deep carpet of some type was there and Myra pushed Leah down onto it. More giggles floated into the room as two women appeared in the doorway.

  “Here are Faye and Syria.” The two women immediately crossed the room and sat down. They both wore similar dresses with pants that left their bellies open to view.

  Myra began pulling a brush through Leah’s hair as the two new arrivals took her hands and began shaping her fingernails. No one seemed to care that Leah was still as bare as the day she’d been born.

  “Lucian is so envious that you chose Aaron over him.” Faye sent Leah a naughty smile before the girl reached for a small jar and started to apply a colored paint to Leah’s fingernails.

  All three women continued to groom her as if it were the most natural of things.

  Leah simply let them. They painted her fingernails a deep gold color and then did the same to her toenails. Myra pulled the brush through her hair with endless strokes until it dried in silky wisps that hung down her back.

  Myra began applying color to Leah’s lips, but no one offered her any clothing. But then again, her skin was rosy and warm from the fire. Her breasts still tingled and Leah found her mind wandering to Aaron’s body again. Howard had never let her touch him during sex; she wondered if Aaron would demand submission as well.

  Leah didn’t want to lie under Aaron without moving. Besides, she’d always thought Howard’s rules very selfish. Why was she not allowed to touch? Howard often touched her breasts but she was forbidden to let her fingers wander over his chest.

  A secret smile lifted her lips as Leah remembered the sculpted perfection of Aaron’s arms. The way he’d moved that arm across her breasts sprang to mind and she watched her nipples draw into tight little buttons with just the memory.


  Mary Wine

  Her companions giggled in response as they sat back to survey their work. They pulled Leah to her feet before they each embraced her.

  “Welcome, sister.”

  “Be happy.”

  “And swear you will tell us everything tomorrow morning!”

  Myra shepherded Faye and Syria out the doorway before she sent Leah a smile and departed the chamber. Leah was instantly aware of the slight crack and pop of the wood in the fireplace as it burned. She took small steps and noticed the chill of the stone floor as she left the carpet behind.

  Her body was so very alive with each and every sensation. Suddenly she felt a surge of her own power and walked into the bathing chamber again. Large polished mirrors were mounted onto the walls. Stepping forward, Leah looked at her body with open curiosity.

  She had never seen her entire body nude before. Curiosity made her turn to consider herself. She really didn’t look so very different from Myra. Well, except for the pregnant tummy of course.

  But that could change. Leah actually felt her face turn red as she considered just how she might go about getting into the same condition as Myra. She looked at her flat stomach and remembered the rather vivid picture of Aaron thrusting himself into her body.

  The color on her face actually bled down her neck and onto her chest. Leah watched her breasts swell with just the idea of the man. She didn’t know him but there was a deep awareness of the man inside her head.

  Of course he’d said he was empathic. Which made her imagine some very naughty possibilities. Leah giggled because she didn’t think she’d been considered “naughty”

  since she was five years old. But, well, the idea of sharing…intimate ideas through just her thoughts was…naughty.

  It was such a tempting idea. Leah wandered away from the mirrors and back into the bedchamber as she battled her better judgment. Her entire life had been correct.

  Proper. Her few acts of boldness had always been kept tightly leashed inside her mind.

  Now she’d met a man whom she couldn’t hide those thoughts from. Leah moved closer to the bed and ran a hand lightly over the covers. All she had to do was summon the man.

  “Your thoughts have already done that, Sister Leah.”


  Looking Forward

  Chapter Four

  Leah almost shrieked, but tightened her lips to contain the sound. Her fingers ripped the top cover off the bed and pulled it in front of her body. Finding enough courage to be nude with the other women was one thing. With Aaron it was far more exposing.

  He didn’t like her decision to cover her body. Leah felt his disapproval as a small wave that brushed through her mind and had to fight the urge to laugh. Howard had never wanted to see her…bare! In fact he just might be turning in his grave at the mere idea that Leah was considering dropping her shield because Aaron didn’t like it.

  Her amusement
confused him and Leah considered the way he held his jaw. He’d changed and bathed as well. His dark hair was pulled back from his face but still hung around his shoulders. He was the very image of strength. Leah considered his sculpted arms again as she found herself impatient to discover what his chest would look like.

  His huge hands moved and her eyes followed them. The ties on the front of his vest took exactly three seconds to undo before he tossed the garment aside. Leah couldn’t keep her gasp to herself. Instead she raised her eyes towards his face and caught his grin. She couldn’t look at his bare chest. Really…she just didn’t dare. Being bold was one thing. Foolishly flinging herself into utter madness was another.

  Leah suddenly felt very stupid standing with a blanket gripped under her chin. The problem was, she had no idea what to do about it. She could wrap it around her body but that just seemed rather cowardly. She recalled the way Aaron had raised that dark eyebrow as she’d retreated from him and Leah decided she didn’t like him thinking her spineless.

  So she would just drop the thing and be done with it. Gravity made the action mercilessly quick. The second her fingers released the fabric, it dropped soundlessly to the floor.

  Time became still and Leah listened to her own breaths. Each tiny movement made her skin tingle as Aaron took his time looking her over.

  He stepped around her in a decreasing circle that made her heart rate triple. It reminded her of a lion as the animal hunted.

  “You must be the boldest human I’ve ever met, Sister Leah.” He was behind her and Leah turned to face him as she felt that same twist of betrayal from the Fellowship members.

  “Don’t call me sister. I’m not their sister any longer. My name is Leah.” She watched his huge hand touch her hair and slip along the strands before his dark eyes rose to hers to demand submission.


  Mary Wine

  “Don’t resent their decision. It saved me from having to take you. I much preferred your acceptance.”

  “Take me?” There was far too much strength in the man. Leah felt her heart frantically pound as he twisted her hair around his fist and closed the gap between their bodies. She had been insane to think she could deal with a man like him. He was too big, too commanding. Too arrogant. But the trap was closed now as Aaron pulled her against his body and captured her mouth with his.

  His hand controlled her head as his lips demanded complete surrender. He pushed past the remains of her restraint to explore her mouth as he caught her taste. His hand in her hair kept her submitting to the kiss as his other arm bound her to the hard length of his body.

  Her fingers landed on his bare chest as Leah simply absorbed the power of the man.

  His kiss devoured her mouth and his mind seemed to be connected with her own as he groaned with approval.

  “Touch me, Leah.” His eyes aimed hot liquid command at her. “Touch me the way you wanted to out there when you saw me.”

  Leah spread her hands over his chest and felt the heat spike straight through her center. Her breasts ached as she rubbed the tightened nipples against his hard chest.

  The contact soothed her yearnings and she did it again as she felt the folds of her sex become swollen and moist.

  Aaron lifted her off her feet and simply tossed her onto the huge surface of the bed.

  A large smile covered his face as he watched her bounce in a tangle of legs. Leah ended propped on her elbows with her legs askew and Aaron’s eyes locked onto her breasts with their tightly puckered nipples. She shifted under his scrutiny as uncertainty crossed her thoughts again.

  His hands undid his pants and he stepped out of them. Leah felt her uncertainty melt clean away as heat consumed her. He was completely magnificent. His legs were sculpted and molded like his arms. And his chest was wide and covered with dark hair.

  But her eyes stared at his staff and the blunt proof of his arousal. Leah should have realized by how huge his hands were that this part of him would also be extremely large. His rod stood away from his body, stiffly declaring his intentions. Leah pressed her thighs together as she considered just where he wanted to put that weapon.

  “Why do you show me a virgin’s fear?” The bed moved as he dropped down beside her. It almost felt like he was pouncing on her but there was more control to the action.

  Still, Aaron had her drawn along his body’s length and her thighs had opened before Leah found the strength to move away.

  “We do not hurt our mates here, Leah.” His voice was rough and low as he pressed a single row of tiny bites along her neck. Leah arched to give him move skin to nip.

  Sensation erupted from the tiny touches and traveled straight down to her sex, making it throb in rhythm with her heart rate.


  Looking Forward

  “You’re just very large…umm…everywhere.” His huge hand landed on her belly as he moved it across her lower abdomen from hip to hip. His eyes lifted back to hers as he brought his hand up to cup her breast.

  “You are not tiny. Your hips are broad and wide. There is no reason for fear but I will summon a midwife if you would like her opinion.”

  “What?” Leah felt her brows draw together because she had never heard of such a thing before in her life! “Did you say a midwife?”

  Aaron almost laughed because she was so adorable. “Who else would know about such matters? But Myra has seen you. If she felt we were mismatched she would have come to me with her concern and brought a midwife to inspect you. Why are human females allowed to be so ignorant about common matters?”

  “The marriage bed is considered extremely private.”

  “Allowing a woman to be mated with a male who will produce too large a child for her to carry is cruel. If you were too small I would have seen you presented to my men instead of in my bed. A Tailarmarian warrior does not willingly let a woman suffer.” He smoothed his hand over her belly again. “I would put my own desire aside if you were a tiny female.”

  Hearing it put in such plain terms made Leah feel rather cherished. The emotion was odd but it settled into her brain and refused to leave. It would seem that Aaron considered her health more important than her modesty. But his staff was still twice the size of Howard’s. Leah honestly hadn’t known they grew so large, at least on humans.

  Aaron tipped her head up and locked her eyes with his. “I brought you to my bed for pleasure, not pain.” Cupping her breast again, he rolled the nipple between his fingers and listened to her tiny gasp. “The time for talking is done.”

  That same coil of fear snaked along her skin again but Leah resisted its pull. Her eyes wandered over his chest and simply accepted his superior strength. It was a fact that could not be changed but he wasn’t dominating her. Instead, he was bringing her his strength as a symbol of his worthiness to become her mate.

  His mouth captured a nipple and Leah fell back under the assault. She’d never dreamed that a man’s mouth might be so hot or that her own skin could survive such a level of heat. His tongue flicked over her nipple, making it pulse and quiver with sensation.

  One hand traveled back down her belly but it didn’t stay there. Instead he covered her sex with it and used one finger to part her folds.

  “What are you doing?” Leah jerked up from the bed in shock but he pressed her back down immediately as his face drew into a frown.

  “Leah, did you have a mate or not?” Aaron couldn’t keep the frustration from his voice. The woman dreamed vividly about his possessing her but she seemed to have less knowledge than his virgin sister. He deliberately stroked her folds with his finger and watched her face register surprise. He stroked her again and gently circled her center as she fell back into his embrace.


  Mary Wine

  “I’ve never…felt this….before.” Leah felt her eyes slide shut as pure sensation centered under his finger. Her hips began to press up as she sought something but she didn’t know exactly what it was.

  That finger didn’t stop. I
nstead it settled over her sex and rubbed until Leah felt her body draw into a single tight ache that exploded, sending a wave of pleasure coursing through her.

  Aaron waited for her to recover as he watched her face. The sweet smell of her release caused his organ to pulse with renewed hunger. Her sex was wet and ready for him but there was more to pleasing a mate than just her physical response. He wouldn’t ride her until she demanded he do it. “Your mate was a selfish man, Leah.”

  Her blue eyes snapped open to consider his face. “Any man who simply mounts his female is less than an animal. Even a stallion takes the time to entice his mare. Now come and touch me. Exactly the way you have been thinking about doing.”

  It was another command but it was the most liberating thing Leah had ever heard.

  Suddenly she felt like the chains that had bound her were unlocked and she was simply free to be herself. She was impatient to begin.

  Spreading her hand over his chest was amazing. Leah felt the pulse of life that radiated through his thick muscles. She found his nipples and felt them bead under her fingers. His dark eyes watched her intently, and that made her bolder. Leaning forward, she covered one nipple with her mouth and gently sucked on it. His sharp intake of breath fired her and she trailed tiny kisses across his chest until she found his opposite nipple. His huge hand lifted her onto his body as he rolled onto his back, granting her the liberty to explore his body to her contentment.

  Their legs were tangled and Leah felt the pulse of his hard staff. The organ was pressed between their thighs and she moved away slightly as her hand went searching for it. He’d touched her sex. Maybe she should return the favor.

  Closing her hand around his weapon, Leah delighted in his stiff gasp. Aaron had curled his fingers into the bedding beneath him as his hips thrust up into her grasp. She gently stroked his length and considered the harsh sounds she drew from Aaron’s chest. Her own sex became increasingly hot as she touched his staff.


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