Styles of Seduction

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Styles of Seduction Page 4

by Jacquelin Thomas

  “Did you and Zoe get a chance to talk about anything?” Lila inquired.

  “Like what?” he asked, not enjoying where this conversation was heading one bit.

  “Is she single?”

  “We were only in the elevator for a few minutes, Mom. I didn’t have enough time for a full dossier.”

  Kyle couldn’t help wondering why his mother was always so interested in Zoe and her social life. Maybe it was because Lila knew Zoe was confident where it counted and independent to an extreme. Zoe wasn’t afraid of going against the grain when it came to the achievement of her goals, much like his mother.

  He had to admit that he admired those qualities in both women.

  As Lila and his sisters gazed at him with a knowing look in their eyes, Kyle stopped trying to resist the urge to leave the room.

  “I need something to drink,” he said as he walked out, ignoring the soft laughter of his loving family, who clearly had no idea what was good for him—and what wasn’t.

  Chapter 4

  “I saw Kyle at the Childs Hotel on Friday,” Zoe told Jerry as they stared at some preliminary shots of Zoe’s collection on her computer in her office. “He invited us to the RHD party.”

  “Did he, now,” Jerry murmured. “I hope you reciprocated by inviting him to our cocktail party.”

  She nodded. “I did.”


  Zoe gazed at Jerry. “Why are you two always trying to best the other? You’re both very talented. Your work speaks for itself.”

  “I earned my reputation the hard way,” Jerry said. “Kyle was born into his. He hasn’t had to work for anything.”

  “Kyle’s worked hard to earn the respect of the industry.”

  “Why are you defending him, Zoe?”

  “I’m not,” she said.

  “If you say so,” Jerry muttered.

  It was clear to Zoe that Jerry truly believed Kyle had not really paid his dues, but there was no point in arguing, so she changed the subject.

  “I’ve been playing around with an idea. Would you like to hear it?”

  Jerry sat down in a nearby chair. “Sure.”

  “I was in SoHo over the weekend and I was inspired by the styles worn by shoppers from every country in the world—from chic to preppy to quirky. I was thinking we should create a SoHo fall collection with international flair.”

  Jerry broke into a grin. “I love it.” After a moment, he said, “You know, I think we should attend the RHD party. How would you feel about being my date?”

  Zoe paused a heartbeat before responding, “I’m fine with it.”

  He studied her face. “You sure?”

  Gritting her teeth, Zoe lifted her chin and met his gaze. “Of course. Why wouldn’t I be?”

  “Are you worried about seeing everyone at RHD?”

  Zoe shook her head. “No, it’ll be fine. I’m looking forward to catching up with my former coworkers.”

  Her life was different now, she reminded herself. She was a woman on the rise, and Zoe would not allow her feelings for Kyle to get in the way.

  All she had to do was keep her distance and things would be fine.

  * * *

  Sasha seethed with anger as she stood outside Zoe’s office, eavesdropping on Zoe and Jerry deep in conversation.

  “I hate her guts,” she whispered. Sasha had never received an invitation to the RHD show in all of the years she had worked at Guava International. She had worked hard to earn a leadership role in the company, but it was to no avail.

  She blamed Zoe for stealing the lead-designer position that should have rightfully been hers. After all, she’d had more experience and had been working at Guava four years longer than Zoe.

  And she was pretty sure that Jerry harbored feelings for her nemesis, although he’d tried to convince Sasha that their breakup had nothing to do with Zoe.

  She didn’t believe him.

  Zoe’s invitation to the RHD party only added fuel to an already stoked fire. It did not matter that her enemy was a former employee—it only served as a reminder that Zoe was getting everything that Sasha desired.

  “Some people get all the breaks,” she muttered as she brushed past her coworker, “while others have to create their own opportunities.” Sasha headed for the elevator that would carry her down to the cafeteria located on the first level.

  What she needed now was some fresh air, lots of coffee...and a brilliant idea.

  * * *

  “Bailey’s doing a great job,” Nelson whispered.

  Kyle agreed. As he stood in the greenroom, a feeling of pride washed over him as he watched his sister’s interview for a fashion segment about RHD’s show on a local news program covering Fashion Week.

  He turned his attention back to his sister. “Micah Jones certainly looks intrigued.”

  “Why are you surprised?” Nelson asked. “Bailey’s a very beautiful woman.”

  “Look at the way he’s looking at her,” Kyle uttered. “He can barely focus on the interview.”

  Nelson chuckled.

  “Could you describe for our television audience what’s going on backstage at a much-anticipated show like RHD’s?” the host of the show asked.

  Bailey smiled. “Well, as soon as we check in, we go to hair and makeup. If the models worked prior shows, the stylists have to basically erase any evidence of that and create RHD’s concept. After that, we meet with the show’s choreographer for a rehearsal. We don’t get dressed until first looks are called—this happens minutes before the show begins so that the clothes are not damaged in any way.”

  “The camera loves her,” Nelson commented.

  Kyle couldn’t agree more.

  “I can imagine that it’s pretty hectic backstage. How do you avoid putting on the wrong jewelry or grabbing the wrong pair of shoes?” the interviewer asked.

  “We have dressers,” Bailey explained. “Everything that we’re modeling is on a rack labeled with our name and picture. The dressers make sure that our look matches the picture on their reference cards, including all of the accessories.”

  “It actually sounds very organized.”

  Bailey laughed. “It can be hectic at times.”

  “So then you’re ready to strut your stuff on the runway?”

  “Not quite,” she said. “After we get dressed, a photographer takes pictures of us for the look book—it’s a pictorial record of the show. We then line up in the order that we’re walking. My mother usually says something inspirational to the models right before the music starts and the show begins.”

  “I’ve heard that some models have a preshow regimen. Do you have one?”

  “I like to find an empty space to do my own private run-through. I just need some alone time right before a show.”

  When Bailey entered the greenroom ten minutes later, Kyle greeted her with a hug. “You did a great job.”

  “Really? I didn’t sound like an idiot?”

  “No,” Kyle and Nelson replied in unison.

  Bailey placed a trembling hand on her stomach. “I’m so glad that’s over. Can we grab something to eat now? I’m starving.”

  Laughing, Kyle nodded. “C’mon. I’ll take you any place you want. It’s my treat.”

  Kyle felt confident that Fashion Week was going to belong to RHD. Between his designs, his mother’s designs and Bailey’s work on the runway, they would be the talk of town. It was the perfect way to raise his profile for the next step in his career. And then Kyle would have everything he’d ever wanted.

  Except Zoe.

  The thought caught him so off guard, he decided the best thing to do was pretend he hadn’t had it at all.

  * * *

  After a long day, Zoe wanted nothing mo
re than to take a shower and spend the rest of her evening in front of the television. However, she found that her roommate had other ideas when she arrived home.

  “Why don’t we go to Sushi Samba?” Liora suggested. “I’m in the mood for their miso-marinated Chilean sea bass.”

  Although Zoe didn’t feel up to going back out, she was hungry and they hadn’t had sushi in almost a month. “Let’s go now, while I’m still standing,” she said.

  “Let me grab my purse.”

  A few minutes later, they were outside hailing a taxi.

  Zoe scanned her menu as soon as they were seated. “I’m going to have the shishito.”

  “It’s spicy,” Liora warned. “I’m ordering the otsumami assortment. It comes with the shishito, if you want to try it.”

  They gave their drink and food orders to the waitress when she came to the table.

  Liora leaned forward and said in a low voice, “The guy at the table on your right keeps staring at you.”

  Zoe stole a peek. He was handsome, and while she was flattered, she had no interest in even getting to know the man. The relationships she’d had were few and fleeting, leading to nothing but disappointment.

  Kyle was a perfect example of that disappointment. “I don’t think I can handle another letdown,” Zoe stated. “I’d rather stay single.”

  The waitress returned with their drinks.

  “Speaking of single, I saw your former boss earlier today,” Liora said before taking a sip of her ice water. “He was with his sister and some guy at Ray’s Restaurant this morning for breakfast.”

  “That was probably his cousin Nelson. He’s working as Kyle’s assistant. I saw them a couple of days ago.”

  “Have you ever considered dating Kyle? You do find him attractive, don’t you?”

  “He’s handsome,” Zoe acknowledged.

  “He’s talented and he’s single.”

  “Right,” she muttered.

  “So why don’t you go for it?”

  Zoe didn’t quite know how to answer. She’d met Liora shortly after starting her job with Guava and had never told her what had transpired between her and Kyle.

  “Is he a serial killer?” Liora questioned.

  Zoe gave a laugh, but it was without humor.

  “Then what’s keeping you from going for it?” Liora persisted as their food arrived.

  “Liora, I wasn’t his type,” she explained after the waitress left. “We kissed once, and after that things were never the same between us. Kyle only saw me as his employee.”

  “Maybe he has a rule about dating coworkers,” Liora suggested, sampling the edamame. “I can respect that.”

  “I can, too,” Zoe said. “However, during the time that I worked at RHD, I know he dated two different women he’d met on the job. They were models, of course.”

  “You work for Guava now,” Liora reminded her.

  Zoe wiped her mouth with the corner of her napkin. “The truth is that I don’t think it would matter to Kyle one way or the other.”

  “Well, then he must be plain crazy.”

  Zoe gave a slight shrug. “I think he just wasn’t in to me. He didn’t kiss me until he was practically drunk.”

  “Like I said, he must be crazy,” Liora stated. “It’s his loss.”

  “I agree.”

  “So what do you think about his cousin?”

  “He’s handsome, but he’s not really my type,” Zoe said. “You should have seen his expression when I was talking to his cousin. I could tell he wasn’t happy about it, but it shouldn’t matter. He’s not interested in me.”

  “I think he was jealous.”

  “I don’t know, Liora,” Zoe said. “He confuses me. Kyle doesn’t want me and he doesn’t want anyone else to be interested in me, either.”

  “Why don’t you just tell Kyle to lay it all on the line,” Liora said. “If he is interested in you, then he needs to tell you. If he’s not, then he needs to stay out of your business.”

  Zoe nodded in agreement. “I really don’t think Kyle is interested in me. He just doesn’t want me getting with Nelson. Not that I want to date his cousin.”

  “Give Nelson a chance,” Liora encouraged. “Who knows? He may surprise you.”

  Zoe shook her head. “I don’t know why, but I feel like I need to find a way to resolve these feelings I have for Kyle. I can’t move on until I do.”

  “You two need to sit down and have a real conversation. I’m telling you—confront Kyle and you’ll get your answer.”

  “I suppose you’re right,” Zoe said. “But to be honest, one rejection from him is more than enough. I really don’t want to go through that again.”

  “How can you be so sure he’s going to reject you?” Liora asked.

  The thought startled Zoe. And suddenly she wasn’t sure what she was more afraid of—that he would reject her, or that he wouldn’t.

  Chapter 5

  Lincoln Center’s Damrosch Park was buzzing with excitement. Huge white tents had been raised to house different events, and people were dashing every which way, getting the park ready for Fashion Week. Across the plaza, beyond the fountain, the streets were crowded with cars, and pedestrians leaped off the sidewalks and ran with complete abandon, trusting that drivers would somehow keep from running them down. Zoe switched her tote from one shoulder to the other as she made her way to the tent assigned to Guava International.

  Her footsteps slowed.

  “Are you kidding me?” she muttered softly.

  In her path ahead was Kyle Hamilton. She’d run into Kyle twice in seven days.

  For one panicked moment, Zoe wanted to dive behind a tree and hide until he was gone.

  He glanced up, meeting her gaze.

  Too late.

  Zoe felt a jolt—like a current of electricity—rushing through her. The same jolt had passed between them on their first meeting. A wave of heat brought a flush to her cheeks and a tingling to her belly. She’d never had that kind of response to any man.

  “Hello again,” he said when she was closer.

  “Hello,” she responded.

  Kyle watched her for what seemed like an endless moment. “Everything all set for Fashion Week?”

  “We’re ready,” Zoe said as the heat intensified. Without thinking, she fanned herself with her right hand. “And you...I mean RHD...I’m sure your company has everything checked off?”

  “Yeah, we’re ready.” He paused a moment before saying, “I hear you are taking over at Guava. Congratulations.”

  She gave a nervous laugh. “I don’t know about taking over, but I do enjoy my work and Guava has presented me with a great opportunity as a lead designer.”

  “I’m really happy for you, Zoe.”

  She met Kyle’s gaze, noting the sincerity in his expression. “Thank you. If it hadn’t been for my time at RHD, I wouldn’t have this chance.”

  “I don’t know,” he murmured. “A designer with your talent? You will make it anywhere you go.”

  Zoe chuckled. “A few years back, you felt quite differently about my work.”

  She waited for his response, holding her breath.

  He broke into a slow smile before saying, “I always knew that you had talent.”

  Zoe was surprised by his words. She nervously pushed back a strand of dark hair.

  “How’s Nelson?” she inquired mischievously. “Has he settled in?”

  “He’s fine,” he said. “Nelson’s helping me out for Fashion Week, so he’s going to be quite busy.”

  Her eyebrows rose the merest fraction. Was Kyle’s comment meant to keep her away from Nelson?

  “If you’re not busy later, why don’t you meet me for drinks?” Kyle suggested. “It’s been a long

  Whoa! Is he asking me out?

  There was a time when Zoe would have been thrilled to receive such an invitation from Kyle, but that was no longer the case. The only reason he was asking her to have a drink with him was Nelson. He didn’t want her getting close to his cousin.

  “Zoe...” Kyle prompted.

  Zoe felt herself begin to heat up again from the inside. “I have a really hectic schedule myself,” she said, recovering her equilibrium. “There’s still some preparation for the show. I’m sure you remember how much of a perfectionist I am.”

  “You don’t have time for even one drink?”

  “Sorry.” Zoe tucked a strand of hair behind her ear again, this time with a hand that was shaking slightly. “I don’t want to upset any of your girlfriends.”

  “That’s the last thing you have to worry about, Zoe. I’m not involved with anyone. I haven’t been for a while.”

  She fanned herself again.

  “Are you okay?” he inquired.

  “Yes, I’m fine,” Zoe said quickly, and forced herself to look away. “I need to get going.”

  Kyle checked his watch. “Yeah, I need to be on my way, too. I guess I’ll see you next week at the cocktail party.”

  She nodded.

  “Perhaps we’ll be able to have that drink then.”

  His low, amused laughter sent shivers rippling down Zoe’s spine, and she forced herself to turn and walk away as fast as her Jimmy Choos would take her.

  I did the right thing by turning him down, she decided when she had placed some distance between them. She was not going to allow Kyle to manipulate her.

  But what if she was wrong? What if Kyle really was interested in her?

  The question nagged at Zoe.

  For one second, she thought about going after him.

  Then she told herself to get a grip.

  * * *

  Back in his office, Kyle stared out the window. Zoe had turned him down flat.

  Apparently the affection she’d once felt for him had evaporated. He decided that it was just his pride that was in shreds.


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