Styles of Seduction

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Styles of Seduction Page 5

by Jacquelin Thomas

  There was no way it could be his heart.

  He could not deny that all he had to do was see Zoe to feel the same tug of heat that had caught him unaware when she’d first walked into RHD. The raw sexual attraction was new to him. Kyle had done his best to kill the flame but failed miserably. He was not going to give in to his desire for Zoe, however.

  To prove it, he picked up the telephone.

  “Roberta, this is Kyle Hamilton. If you’re not busy later, I’d like to have dinner so that we can finalize all of the arrangements for the show.”

  “My schedule is open, so I’m all yours,” she said.

  Kyle recognized the seductive tone of her voice. He could not believe the way he was behaving. He was going to put himself through an evening of torment with a woman he was not interested in romantically, despite her best efforts, just to put some distance between him and Zoe?

  Kyle pushed thoughts of Zoe to the back of his mind. He needed to focus on work.

  Each time the telephone rang, he checked the caller ID, hoping to hear from one certain woman. Deep down, he knew that Zoe would never call him. Yet he continued to hold on to hope.

  He was puzzled by his own actions. Kyle had never sat waiting for a woman to come to him. Zoe was different.

  It was one of the qualities he liked about her, although he would never tell her so.

  Several hours later, Roberta crossed and recrossed her long, shapely legs, her high-heeled shoes bringing attention to her slender ankles. They were the kind of legs that could give a man some ideas, but Kyle was not about to pursue any of them.

  “I have to confess that I was thrilled when you called me,” Roberta said. “I had been thinking about giving you a call.”

  Kyle sipped his wine. “Really?”

  “Yes,” she said. “I’ve enjoyed working with you for the past three years. I feel like we’ve become good friends.”

  He agreed. “I think so, too.”

  Roberta reached over and covered his hand with her own. “I’d like for us to become even better friends, Kyle.”

  “Everything takes time,” he said quietly. “Right now my main focus is the show. I need to give it my full concentration.”

  She nodded in understanding. “Lucky for you, I’m a very patient woman.”

  Roberta Dallard was beautiful, with exotic green eyes. Her long, wavy blond hair was a gift from her biracial heritage. Kyle had noticed that she’d captured the attention of several men in the restaurant, and he began to wonder what was wrong with him.

  There was a time when he would have quickly taken Roberta up on her offer, but his heart just wasn’t in it. In some strange way, it seemed that Zoe had ruined him for another woman. Just thinking about her sent a warm sensation through him.

  “Kyle,” Roberta prompted. “What are you thinking about?”

  “I’m sorry,” he said. “I didn’t mean to ignore you.”

  “I know you have a lot on your mind.”

  “I’m glad you were able to meet with me this evening,” Kyle told her. “I appreciate all you’ve done for RHD.”

  “You make it sound as if we’re never going to work together again.”

  “I don’t mean it that way at all. I’m just distracted tonight. Shall we?” he said.

  He paid the check and they left the restaurant.

  A photographer standing outside snapped a photograph of them. There were several celebrities having dinner inside, so Kyle wasn’t surprised to find media in the area.

  “Why don’t you come up for a drink?” Roberta suggested when he pulled up in front of her apartment. She gave him a seductive grin.

  “Not tonight,” he said. “I have a long day tomorrow.”

  “You’re sure you don’t want to come up?” she asked. “I could make you breakfast. I’m a very good cook.”

  “Maybe some other time.”

  “I’m going to hold you to that, Kyle Hamilton.”

  He got out of the car and walked to the passenger side to help Roberta out and escort her to her apartment.

  “Thanks for tonight,” she said. “I enjoyed myself.”

  “So did I,” he said.

  Roberta lifted her lips to his. Kyle gave her a chaste kiss, and then backed away. “Good night, Roberta.”

  “It could have been a great night.”

  “I’m sure.” His smiled as he headed back to his car. Kyle did not doubt that an evening in her arms would be quite pleasurable, but he was no longer looking for one-night stands.

  But he wasn’t looking to get involved in a long-term relationship, either.

  What did that say about him?

  Kyle had to acknowledge that he really wasn’t sure what he wanted. It was all because of Zoe.

  * * *

  “He is such a liar,” Zoe exclaimed as she tossed the newspaper down on the glass breakfast table. Kyle had told her that he wasn’t dating anyone. She should have known better than to believe anything he had to say.

  “Who is?” Liora questioned. She drank a cup of coffee as she waited for her bagel to pop up from the toaster.

  “Kyle,” answered Zoe. “He is seeing someone. He asked me to have drinks with him a couple of days ago, but I’m sure it was only because I started asking him about Nelson.”

  “How do you know he’s seeing someone?”

  “Because I just saw a picture of him and Roberta Dallard in the Post,” Zoe stated as she pushed away from the table. “Apparently they are the new golden couple.”

  “Really?” Liora walked over to the table and picked up the paper.

  “I can’t believe the lengths he’d go to make sure Nelson and I don’t get together.”

  “But you don’t want Nelson,” Liora said. “Why are you so upset?”

  Zoe leaned against the granite breakfast bar. “I’m not upset about Nelson. I just don’t like the fact that Kyle tried to play me. I hate being manipulated.”

  “Maybe Kyle and Roberta aren’t that serious. You know how things can get misconstrued, especially when it comes to rumors and gossip.”

  “I don’t care who he’s seeing,” Zoe lied. “He just needs to leave me alone.” The truth was that the thought of Kyle and Roberta together bothered her deeply.

  “Have you gone through all of your invitations for the shows?” Liora inquired. “It used to be easy to get into a show, but now they are so overbooked and crowded. It kind of takes the fun out of attending.”

  Zoe nodded. “A couple of years ago, I could get extra invitations for friends, but I can’t anymore. I’ll give you the invites to the shows I won’t be able to attend. With any luck, I might be able to get to one or two.”

  “I did get an invitation to a party to celebrate the opening of a new Illiana Sardi Designs boutique. You want to come with me?”

  “When is the party?” Zoe asked.

  “Saturday evening.”

  “Sure,” she said. “There’s a cocktail party a couple of blocks away that night hosted by the Fashion Network. We can make a night of it.”

  “I’m looking forward to Fashion’s Night Out,” Liora said. “Last year I scored some great deals and lots of freebies.”

  “I know,” Zoe murmured. “Jerry had us working late and I missed out on everything.”

  “Do you think you’ll have your own label at Guava?” Liora inquired.

  “No, I don’t think so. When the time comes and I’m ready to strike out on my own, I’ll have to leave Guava.”

  “You really should have your own label, Zoe. You already have a solid business plan and your designs are worthy of your name.”

  “I really appreciate your faith in me, Liora, but for now I enjoy the security of a steady paycheck.” Zoe checked her watch. “I need to get out of here.
Jerry will have a cow if I’m late.”

  “See you later,” Liora said.

  Zoe grabbed her purse and left the apartment.

  As she hailed a taxi, the image of Kyle and Roberta in the Post came to mind. She felt anger heat her face.

  She wanted nothing more to do with the man. In fact, she wanted to forget that she had ever heard of Kyle Hamilton.

  Chapter 6

  Kyle rotated his shoulders and tried to ignore the aches and pains from working all night. He had a very narrow window of about three hours, so he sent a text to Nelson stating that he was going to sleep and asked that no one disturb him.

  Just as he was about to lie down on the couch in his office, his mother burst into the room. “What’s going on between you and Roberta Dallard?” Lila questioned. “When did you two start seeing each other?”

  He glanced at the clock on the wall, desperate not to lose a second of precious sleep time. “Mom, did you really just come in here to discuss my personal life?”

  She folded her arms across her chest. “You didn’t answer my question.”

  Kyle held back his amusement. “It was a working dinner and someone photographed us as we were leaving. Roberta and I are not dating.”

  “I hope she knows this, as well,” Lila murmured as she moved to the window.

  Roberta had called him earlier and invited him to her place for dinner, but Kyle was not interested. He intended to keep things professional between them.

  “Mom, I thought you liked Roberta.”

  “She’s a nice person,” Lila said, turning around to face him.

  “But you don’t think that she’s the woman for me.”

  “I don’t.”

  Kyle laughed. “I’m not looking to settle down anytime soon. My focus is on my designs and carrying RHD forward into the future.” He knew that Roberta was not the one he would settle down with. Kyle had not given much thought to marriage, but if he were to settle down, only one woman came to mind.

  She smiled. “Your devotion to what your father has built is admirable, son. However, RHD will not keep you warm on cold winter nights.”

  The truth of her words prompted Kyle to remain silent.

  “Your father and I don’t want you to miss out. There is more to life than RHD.”

  “I know that,” he said. “But I grew up in this place. I’ve worked in every department of RHD. It’s in my blood, Mom. This is my life.”

  Lila placed a hand on Kyle’s shoulder. “Don’t you see, sweetie, that this is not the way it’s supposed to be?”

  “I’m fine with the way I’m living.”

  She released a soft sigh.

  “Mom, you don’t have to worry about me,” Kyle assured her. “I have no regrets.”

  Even as he said the words, Kyle realized that they were not entirely true. He regretted the way he’d left things with Zoe all those years ago. But he decided it was best to keep that to himself.

  * * *

  The following week, Zoe was scheduled to meet with Roberta to finalize the details of the cocktail party at the Childs Hotel.

  “Hey, can you take over some of the supplies for the party?” Jerry asked when she stopped by his office to check in. “Sasha and I will take the rest over after lunch.”

  “Sure,” she said. “Are they packed up already?”

  “One of the interns is working on that,” he replied. He studied her for a moment. “Hey, what’s going on with you? You don’t seem like yourself today. Are you upset about something?”

  “I’m fine,” she said. “I just have a lot on my mind.”

  “I hope Sasha’s not getting to you.”

  “She isn’t,” Zoe confirmed.

  “Okay,” he said. “Well, make sure that you’re not late for your meeting. Roberta’s schedule is pretty tight today.”

  “I won’t be. I’m leaving in a few minutes.”

  Zoe was met outside her office by the intern, who was carrying a plastic crate. Ten minutes later, she was in a taxi and headed over to the hotel.

  She arrived with just a few minutes to spare, and she decided she would drop the crate off in the supply room and then head to Roberta’s office.

  “Are you following me?” a familiar voice asked from behind her as she headed to the elevators.

  This can’t be happening.

  Zoe turned around. “Maybe it’s the other way around, Kyle.”

  “Regardless, it’s good to see you again.”

  She glared at him, her stance combative. “Unfortunately, I can’t say the same.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “You heard me.”

  The doors to the elevator opened.

  Zoe entered, followed by Kyle.

  “Looks like you had the same idea as I did.”

  “What are you talking about?” she asked him.

  His eyes traveled to the crate in her arms. “Are those supplies for your party?”

  Zoe drew a deep breath; her gaze focused straight ahead.

  Why can’t this elevator move any quicker?

  They stood in tense silence.

  Zoe glanced down at her watch. She didn’t have much time to spare before her meeting with the planner.

  The doors to the elevator opened and she rushed out, nearly dropping the crate in her haste. She heard the steady rhythm of footsteps behind her.

  Kyle seemed to be heading in the same direction.

  Her mouth tightened when they stopped at the same supply room located down the hall from the ballrooms.

  “I don’t believe this,” she muttered under her breath.

  “Looks like we’re going to be sharing this space,” Kyle said.

  Zoe rolled her eyes heavenward.

  She walked briskly into the room to put away her crate. She was going to be late for her meeting if she didn’t get going.

  Zoe brushed past Kyle on her way back out, only to find that the door would not open. “It’s locked.”

  “It can’t be.”

  “You try it, then.”

  Kyle rattled the doorknob, trying to shake the door loose.

  He turned to look at her.

  “Like I said, Kyle...we’re locked in.”

  “The door must have an automatic lock.”

  Zoe’s eyes widened in a flash of anger. She rushed to the door and started pounding on it. “Help!” she called out. “We’re locked inside!”

  Kyle patted his pockets. “My cell phone must be in my car. Do you have yours?”

  Zoe opened her purse and pulled out her iPhone. “I can’t get a signal.”

  I can’t believe that I’m actually stuck in a supply room with this man.

  “Why is this happening to me?” she muttered.

  “It could be worse,” Kyle commented. “You could be in here alone.”

  Her arms folded across her chest, Zoe looked up and sent him a sharp glare. “I’d rather be in here all alone than with a liar like you.”

  * * *

  What was wrong with this woman?

  Kyle had no idea why she would call him a liar—he had not lied to her about anything.

  “Zoe, I’m confused by the way you’re acting.” Kyle moderated his tone and tried for a more conciliatory approach. “Did I do something to upset you?”

  Zoe ignored his question. “How could you just close the door like that?” she asked angrily.

  “It’s not my fault that we’re locked in here,” Kyle countered. “Neither one of us paid any attention to see if the door locked automatically.”

  Zoe was silent for a moment, and then she muttered, “I just want out of here.”

  “So do I,” he said. It wasn’t as if he was enjoying being
in a locked room with a woman who treated him so coldly. Kyle searched his memory, trying to determine how or when he could have possibly offended her. The last time he saw Zoe, she was flirting with Nelson. Although she was not warm, she did not seem angry at Kyle.

  “What’s got you so upset?” Kyle asked her.

  “There’s no need to worry about me,” Zoe sniped in response. “You should be more concerned about your girlfriend.”

  “What girlfriend are you referring to?” he asked, confused. “I don’t have a girlfriend.”

  Zoe eyed him skeptically. “Then maybe you should tell Roberta Dallard that.”

  He gave a quick laugh. “You really shouldn’t believe everything that you read in the newspaper, Zoe. Roberta is a lovely person, but we are nothing more than professional colleagues. She is not my type.” It amused Kyle that she was jealous. “I didn’t know you cared.” He found Zoe intriguing.

  “Don’t flatter yourself,” she said, that quick flash of fire back under control. “I don’t care who you’re seeing. By the way, I always thought every woman was your type.”

  He was offended by her comment. “I am not a player or a womanizer, Zoe. I do have standards.”

  She did not respond.

  Kyle leaned against the wall. “Every time I’ve run into you, I can’t help noticing the chill in the air. Why is that?”

  Zoe refused to look at him. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “Stop playing games, Zoe. You’re angry with me for some reason. I deserve to know why.”

  She glared at him. “For the record, I don’t care enough about you to be angry.”

  He drew back as if Zoe had struck him. “Wow....”

  “I apologize for sounding so harsh. I just meant that—”

  Kyle interrupted her. “Zoe, what did I do?”

  Instead of giving him an answer, she walked over to the door and began beating on it again.

  A few minutes passed. No help arrived.

  Zoe released a long sigh in resignation as she sat down on the floor of the supply room.

  Kyle eyed her for a moment. “Try to relax,” he told her. “Someone will come. Unfortunately, we just have to wait.”


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