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Irresistible You

Page 19

by Celeste O. Norfleet

  “I love your body,” she said.

  “I love your brain,” he said.

  “Balance,” they said in unison as their lips came together again. When the kiss ended she tucked into his embrace. “This is getting complicated, isn’t it,” she said breathlessly.

  “No, this is getting interesting.”

  “I grew up alone. I have one best friend. I know how to be one. I don’t know how to be two.”

  “I’ll teach you.” He kissed her again.

  “Tell me something, why does Mamma Lou want to match you up with someone so badly?”

  “That’s what she does.” He nibbled her neck through the silky softness of her dress.

  “So she played matchmaker with other people?”

  “Yes,” he continued with his pursuit of pleasure.

  “Who?” she tensed, her body pulled back slightly.

  “She’s matched my sister, and two of my friends, and apparently about a dozen others.”

  “So she’s good.”

  “She’d say she is.”

  “So her saying earlier that you and I looked perfect together, and that she couldn’t have chosen any better, was a confirmation that she was satisfied.”

  J.T. leaned back to see Juliet’s face. “What do you mean?”

  “I mean was that the end? Is this over?” she asked.

  “Not yet. Are you trying to get rid of me already?”

  “I’ll let you know when I’m ready to get rid of you.” He said smiling, sending an anxious tremor through her. This pretend thing was beginning to get too close to the truth.

  “What’s my next assignment?”

  “There’s another cocktail party tomorrow night at my mom’s gallery. I’d like you to attend with me.”

  “Okay.” She stood and stepped away.

  “I’ll pick you up at seven-thirty.”

  “No,” she objected too quickly, “I’m not sure what time I’ll be leaving the studio. It’s better if I meet you there.”

  Puzzled, J.T. grimaced at her sudden change. “Okay. If you like, I’ll get you the directions.”

  She nodded. “We’d better go. It’s getting late and I have an early rehearsal.” He stood and followed her to the door. Moments later she stared in the passenger side rear view mirror and watched E-Corp vanish into the darkness. She breathed a heavy sigh. This was getting way too complicated.

  Chapter Seventeen

  J.T. sat at his desk piled high with proposals, marketing strategies and schematics for the latest computer programs and peripherals. But instead of focusing on the material at hand he sat flipping through the Carmen playbill once more.

  He studied and examined the cover art thoroughly, and then turned to read and reread the biography on Juliet, afterwards he took a few seconds to focus in on her photo and flip back to the cover art. The act had quickly turned into an obsession for him each time he paused to think.

  Suddenly he tossed the playbill into his top drawer. Now, determined to refocus, he opened the marketing proposal and scanned the points he wanted to consider. Detailed and defined by his standards, the program, suggested intense focus on nationwide advertising while initiating marketing programs focused on colleges and universities.

  He looked up at the computer screen he’d been working on to check the schematics. His focus slowly drifted. A contented smile spread wide across his face as he sat at his desk and handled his tie purposefully. He loosely it and wrapped it around his hand as Juliet had done a few nights before, and then he released it smoothing the tie’s edge flat against his chest. He smiled and chuckled thinking that he would never casually think of his ties again as just accessories to his business suits.

  He closed his eyes and leaned his head back against the high leather chair. It felt good to be back with Juliet even if it was just for a short time. She was an enigma wrapped in a seductive temptress. Talented and smart, she was an exhilarating and vivacious woman with an arousing spirit that had him awake all night with images of their love making.

  The passion that he felt for her had gone way beyond a passing attraction. There was something more, something more intense, something he couldn’t shake. The seed of his yearning grew the moment he’d laid eyes on her. And each moment after that it kept growing and building until finally it was beyond anything he could have imagined. He knew what it was. He just didn’t want to admit it.

  He’d called her earlier, as soon as he got into the office but she was already in rehearsals. Impatiently he called twice more. He looked at his watch. It was late afternoon and she hadn’t called but he knew she would. He picked up the next page of the proposal and scanned its contents. He needed to get his mind off of Juliet and back on work.

  Hours later his private cell phone rang interrupted his flow of concentration. Usually he’d just let it ring particularly if he was in the middle of something. But this time he looked at the number, recognizing it instantly he answered. “Lo,” his deep rich voice answered.

  “So, what should I call you, dear, darling, honey, sweetheart or maybe lamb chop?”

  “Whatever you’d like,” he said as the sound of her voice made him smile. He relaxed back in his chair and unconsciously pulled the playbill from the top drawer. He flipped to Juliet’s photo. “You decide.”

  “Actually, you don’t look like the pet name type.”

  He chuckled. “What type do I look like?”

  She took a deep breath and paused a second. “Honestly, I’m still trying to figure you out.”

  “I’m not that difficult to figure out, am I?”

  Juliet glanced over at Roger standing in the opposite wing. He motioned for the chorus to line up for the last act, last scene. “How do you think we did last night?” She asked changing the subject while still anxious to get his feelings.

  “You were phenomenal, as usual.”

  She bit at her lip and hesitated. “Are you talking about the fundraiser at Union Station or the conversation in the car on the way to your parent’s house?”

  “Both.” His smiled widened.

  Juliet blushed like a schoolgirl then frowned, surprised by her reaction. “I have to go. I’m on stage in a few minutes.”

  “Juliet, we need to talk,” he sensed the apprehension in the silence from the other end of the phone, “about our arrangement,” he added, “how about a quick dinner before going to the gallery tonight?”

  “I never eat after a performance.” She stalled avoiding the moment she knew would come.

  “Not even dessert?” He asked noticing the sudden chill in her voice.

  “No, not even desert.”

  “What do you do after a performance?” he asked.

  “I walk. It helps with the adrenalin rush after a performance.”

  “Sounds good, we’ll go for a walk together.”

  “I usually walk alone.”

  “A ritual?”


  “I did too, but things change.”

  “Seasons change J.T., people don’t.”

  “You’d be surprised how quickly people can change when they want to, when they need to.”

  The conversation was beginning to go in an uncomfortable direction. Juliet’s opened her mouth to respond but nothing came out. He was right, things do change. People change. She had changed. The woman she was ten months ago wasn’t the woman she was now. She looked over towards the stage. The music began and the curtain rose slowly. “I have a curtain, I have to go now. I got the directions you sent. I’ll meet you at the art gallery.” She hung up quickly without giving him the opportunity to respond. This was getting too complicated. Maybe Patricia was right. She’d never had a serious relationship and let it actually run its course. She was too much like her father for that.

  He’d been married and divorced seven times. Each time the marriage lasted less and less time. He was married to his seventh wife only three months. His charisma and charm had always found him the perfect mate but when it came time to
making a lasting commitment he’d find some excuse to end the relationship just as she had done time and time again.

  She looked over to Roger. He nodded as the music began to play. “Focus,” she admonished herself trying desperately to shake J.T. from her thoughts. But she couldn’t. Ultimately she took him out on stage with her and danced like she had never danced before. The passion in her movements gave her dance an exhilarated fervor.

  She danced for him even though he wasn’t there. And each step sent a wave of joy through her soul. Her heart leapt. There was no other place she ever wanted to be then right here on the dance floor feeling the music and letting her body move to its melodious form. Juliet closed her eyes and sank into the dream. Her body soared filled with a never ending emotion that flowed in every step she took.

  It was the perfect feeling she got when she danced. It was the ultimate high, beyond pills and powders. Empowered by the movements, the more she thought about J.T. the more exacting her dancing became, until she dropped all pretense and just imagined that he was the only person in the audience just as he had watched her that first night. The intensity of emotion she felt as she danced raised her performance to perfection.

  Like liquid silk she moved across the stage, graceful and elegant, she was pure magic. The audience couldn’t take their eyes from her. She was brazen and bold as the character, and soft and subtle as the dancer.

  When the performance ended she realized that she could have danced another two hours. Three ovations later she watched the curtain fall for the evening.

  Richard turned and engulfed her in his arms. “I don’t know what got into you tonight Love, but you were brilliant this evening. I’ve never seen you so dynamic.”

  “Thanks,” she said still breathing hard from the performance.

  “It’s gonna be hard giving this up,” he said air pecking her forehead and walking away.

  Juliet looked around the backstage area and nodded emotionally. He was wrong. It wasn’t going to be hard giving this up, it was going to be damn near impossible to give this up. “Somebody’s positively glowing,” Nadine said as Juliet took the towel from her and draped it over she shoulders. “You were brilliant. I don’t know what got into you but I’ve never seen you dance so perfectly. Every step, every turn was perfectly pitched.”

  Juliet stood and waited for the inevitable, it came. Nadine turned and smiled coyly, “whatever you’re doing,” she winked, “keep doing it.”

  “That’s it? No smart remark, no critique,” Juliet asked.

  Nadine nodded, “That’s it.”

  “Thanks,” she smiled happily as she watched Nadine walk over to Vanya. The grimace on Vanya’s face told her exactly what Nadine had said to her.

  Juliet walked over to Vanya, “Nadine doesn’t mean any harm. She has an eye for perfection and it’s her way of helping you. Believe it or not, she’s usually right.”

  “I don’t need her help or yours,” Vanya said.

  “Actually you do, you just don’t know it yet, but you will.”

  “You’re old Juliet, retire now and save yourself and the company the embarrassment.” She rolled her eyes and stomped off in the opposite direction.

  Juliet stood looking after Vanya shaking her head. She definitely had a thing or two to learn.

  Chapter Eighteen

  That night, as on stage earlier, Juliet played the part to perfection. To the world, and in particular to Louise Gates, she and J.T. were a loving, devoted, dedicated couple with eyes only for each other. They romanced their roles until the pretending and reality blurred into one. That night they had more that proven to Louise that they were a couple they showed her that they were in love.

  By that following afternoon Jace and Colonel Wheeler had returned from their fishing trip. A welcome home fish fry and cook out celebration was planned. Taylor, Louise and Juliet cooked a feast while Jace, Colonel Wheeler and J.T. prepared an elaborate meal on the outside grill. That evening the three couples laughed and joked as Colonel Wheeler and Jace concocted outrageous tales about their week long Canadian boat trip.

  The following morning, after long hugs and fond farewells, Colonel Wheeler and Louise left to return to Crescent Island. Louise embraced both Juliet and J.T. giving them a special hug and telling each to always cherish and nurture their love. She was obviously beyond elated.

  It was finished. The plan had worked and J.T. had been patting himself on the back the remainder of the next day. He called Juliet at the theatre and asked her to join him in celebrating their success. She accepted. He gave her the directions.

  Patricia looked at her watch then picked up the phone on the second ring. “Hello?”

  “Why am I not surprised you’re still in the office.” Juliet said.

  Patricia smiled removed her glasses and tossed her pen down. It had been a long exhausting day and she deserved a break. Talking to her best friend was the perfect remedy. “Hey girl, how are you?”

  “Fine. What are you still doing there?”

  “I had some paper work to catch up on. Pierce is working late tonight and Kimberly’s visiting Jasmine. The last thing I wanted was to go home to that big empty house.”

  “Are you kidding, that place is a palace.”

  “It’s an empty palace sometimes. So what’s going on with you?”

  “Same old, same old, Richard and I are doing Don Quixote, Vanya still wants to break my legs, in a few days I’ll have no idea what I’m going to be doing with the rest of my life, I fell in love with J.T. Evans and I think he loves me too and finally, I’ve decided to attend my father’s wedding in Florida with Randolph.” Juliet exhaled quickly felling like a burdened weight had been lifted from her chest.

  Patricia went completely silent. “What did you just say?”

  “Richard and I are doing Don Quixote; Vanya still wants to break my legs…”

  “No,” Patricia interrupted, “the last part.”

  Juliet smiled, “I’ve decided to attend my father’s wedding in Florida with Randolph.”

  “Don’t be a smart-butt. You know what part I’m talking about.”

  “Don’t make me say it again.”

  “Have you told him yet?”


  “Are you going to?” Patricia asked. Juliet remained silent. “Don’t you think you should? You owe it to yourself and to him.”

  “Exactly how am I supposed to do that?”

  “Simple. Just tell him.”

  “You don’t understand. Telling a man that I’m in love with him isn’t exactly me, you know that.”

  “Yes, and I also know that you’ve been in love with J.T. since New York ten months ago. And chances are he fell in love with you at the same time. Tell him.” Patricia insisted.

  “I’m still debating that issue.”

  “And what conclusions have you come to if any?”

  “That’s why I called you. I need your help.”

  “You don’t need my help Juliet, do what’s in your heart.” Patricia said.

  “You don’t understand, this wasn’t how it was supposed to be. We made a deal. We were only supposed to pretend. What am I supposed to do now?”

  “How about talking to him, tell him how you feel.”

  “Is that the only idea you can come up with?”

  “Juliet call him, talk to him.”

  “He wants to meet with me tonight, to talk.”

  “Perfect. Tell him that you love him tonight.”

  “This wasn’t part of the deal,” Juliet lamented.

  “It never is.” Patricia smiled looking up seeing her husband open her office door and walk inside. He cross the room and gently pulled her up from her chair.

  “What do I say?” Juliet asked.

  “That’s the easiest part,” she smiled and paused looking into her husband’s eyes, “I love you.” Patricia said to her husband. Pierce kissed her hands and mouthed the words back to her. Patricia blushed. She would never get tired of hearing those words f
rom him.

  Juliet sighed heavily. “I’ll call you later.”

  Juliet hung up and stood at the barre. She looked at herself in the mirror. It was getting late. The decision to go to the celebration party J.T. planned weighted heavily on her mind. She needed to end this now, before she got too late. Who was she kidding, it was already too late. The moment they met, it was too late for her. She looked up at her soft brown eyes. Love at first sight, thanks a lot.

  She picked up her purse and grabbed the address J.T. had e-mailed over. She was supposed to meet him at the party, she was fine with that. The last thing she needed was to have J.T. drive her home again. She was barely able to resist him last night.

  This whole thing had gotten out of hand. She knew from the start in New York that she had gotten too emotionally involved. There was no way she could continue to play this part. Love had trapped her and there was no way out. She grabbed her keys and walked out the door.

  Following the detailed directions she drove just a mile or so from her own house. Checking the address she pulled into the driveway and parked as instructed. Admiral’s Way. She got out of the car and glanced around the quiet neighborhood.

  The three-story riverfront townhouse was beautiful, stately and majestic. Built directly across the street from the Potomac River, it had an idea view of the waterway as it overlooked the harbor side.

  Juliet paused for a moment to look across the street. A small tourist cruise ship was passing by and several of the people waved at her from the top deck. She waved back then waiting as it silently drifted away. She turned and walked back across the street to the house. She rang the bell.


  “Welcome.” He stepped back, took her hand and guided her into the house.

  “This is home now?”

  “Yes, for the time being at least. It actually belongs to my brother-in-law. He recently moved to Philadelphia. I’m just staying here until I find something in the area. Although,” he looked around casually, “this place is pretty phenomenal. I just might consider making him an offer now that he and my sister have permanently moved to Philadelphia.”


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