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Her Beast

Page 6

by Sam Crescent

  “Do you make all the women talk to you?”

  “Only the ones I like hearing the voices of,” he said.

  She didn’t like that but didn’t say a thing. The thought of him with anyone else filled her with jealousy, and she hated that, hated that anyone could have that kind of control of her, and she wasn’t even with him yet.

  “There’s been no other woman in this bed, and I don’t like hearing other women talk.”

  “I’m not so different,” she said.

  “You’re wrong.”

  She turned toward him. “What?”

  “You’re my first and only virgin, Hope. I told you, I’m not a good man. You shouldn’t be here because I like to keep what’s mine, and I don’t like to play either.” The hand on her stomach trailed up, and he cupped her tit. “I’m a selfish fucker.”

  “I don’t know what to say.”

  “Then don’t say anything, and just know that if another man or boy thinks they can take you, they’re going to have to go through me.”

  That sent a thrill down her spine. She liked his possessive words. Never in all of her life had she ever been wanted, and even though she was eighteen she wanted to be worth something.

  Cupping his cheek, she pulled him down, kissing him back.

  She was more than ready to have him.

  He moved over her, and she spread her thighs for him. Even though she was petrified, she didn’t want to stop.

  Hope wanted him to be her first, and in the back of her mind she knew she wanted him to be her last as well, but for now, she’d settle on just being her first. He was going to ruin her for every single man, but that was okay. She had no intention of being with anyone else.

  Beast broke from the kiss first, and he pulled away just a little. She watched as he grabbed his cock, running the tip down between her slit, bumping her clit before he moved down. She gasped as he didn’t wait. He didn’t take his time.

  Slamming his cock in deep, he tore through the wall of her virginity, taking her hard. The pain was instant, and he caught her hands, pinning them to the bed, keeping her underneath him, and she felt her eyes fill with tears. She always knew there would be pain, but never did she think it would be so … strong.

  It was just a thin piece of skin, a hymen. She’d read it could be removed with simple horse riding, and yet here she was, ruining her first moment.

  “Shh, I’ve got you,” he said, kissing her neck, sucking on the pulse.

  Slowly, as the pain began to lessen, she could think about other things. The way he held her down, the weight of him over her. She loved the feel of his body inside her.

  His kisses went from her pulse to her tits, sucking on each bud before coming back to take her lips.

  Each of his kisses awakened the fire in her veins. He began to pull out of her pussy, only to thrust back inside. This time, there was no pain.

  She cried out in pleasure and need as he began to rock within her.

  “Fuck, baby, you feel so fucking good.”

  His thrusts started out slow, and built until he slammed every inch of his cock inside her, and she loved it, not wanting it to end as he brought her to a second orgasm.

  This time, Beast joined her, filling the condom he wore.


  The first time wasn’t perfect, but then it was never perfect for anyone. Beast continued to hold her down on the bed, and stared into her eyes as she slowly opened them. He smiled right back at her.

  “You’re beautiful,” he said.

  He meant it as well. Beast couldn’t recall ever seeing a more beautiful woman than he did right now.

  “Next time will be better.”

  “There’s going to be a next time?”

  “You’re going to try to convince me that you’re happy with just one time.” He’d hated causing her pain. In fact, it had left a bitter taste in his mouth to see the tears falling down the sides of her face, and he’d wanted to fucking kill something. Instead, he’d waited, hoping that the pain would lessen like he’d read it would.

  Yeah, he was so fucking gone he’d even done research on fucking a virgin. It was … pitiful.

  He was used to women who knew how to take a cock, who relished being used and fucked.

  Hope wasn’t like those women.

  She was a virgin.

  Beautiful inside and out.

  Even after everything she’d been through.

  “I’d like there to be a next time.”

  He pulled out of her, and saw the flash of pain cross her face. No more times tonight. “Stay there.”

  Entering his bathroom, he filled the bath, adding some soothing salts and lighting some scented candles. Whatever fancy shit that helped women when they were in pain. He entered the room, and moved back toward the bed, seeing Hope trying to remove the blanket. “I thought I told you to stay put.”

  She moved quickly, and he saw she was hiding something. Stepping up close to her, he glanced over her shoulder, and caught sight of what she was trying to hide.

  There on his pristine white sheet that lay beneath the black silk sheets was the sign of her virginity. He’d already seen the blood on the condom, which he’d thrown into the trash.

  “Erm, I need to clean these sheets. I’m so sorry.”

  Cupping her face, he kissed her lips and smiled down at her. “You’ve got nothing to be sorry about.”

  He … liked it.

  Beast had always known he was a freaky fucker, and this confirmed it. The sight of her virgin blood on his bed filled him with so much fucking pleasure. Not just that, he was consumed by need to keep her that way. To keep her for his cock only.

  You don’t do love.

  You don’t do romance.

  You don’t do virgins.

  That had all changed. He didn’t even want to think about her teenage status, even though she was eighteen.

  He didn’t like young women.

  There was something about Hope though. She wasn’t like anyone else, and damn it, he wanted to take care of her.

  He didn’t want her to go without.

  When he picked her up in his arms, she wrapped her legs around him. “I’ve got to clean it up.”

  “You’ve got to rest in the bath, and I’ll take care of that. You don’t have to worry about a thing.”

  He lowered her into the bath. Tilting her head back, he took her lips once again, unable to deny himself the pleasure of her kiss. “I will deal with the sheets.”

  “It’s gross.”

  “No, it confirms you’re mine.” He kissed her once again. “I’ll be back. Do not leave this bathroom.”

  Entering his bedroom, he removed the sheet and stared at the stain on the sheet.

  A virgin.

  His virgin.

  His woman.

  No matter what he thought, he felt this consuming need to keep her.

  Even as she wanted to leave town, he wanted her to stay.

  There’s ways of keeping her.

  He knew there were a lot of ways to keep her. The first one was fear, which he didn’t want. The last thing he wanted was for her to be afraid of him. He loved it when she smiled at him, talked with him.

  The moment fear entered any situation, something as easy as talking became a challenge.

  She’d already had so much fear in her life, and had seen darkness. He wasn’t going to bring that to her again. The other way was pregnancy. He didn’t like that one either, even though that would be the most effective.

  Pushing those thoughts to the back of his mind, he threw the sheet into the laundry basket and changed the bed before entering the bathroom. She was lying back when he entered. She sat up as she saw him, her cheeks flaming red.

  He didn’t wait for an invitation. Sliding in the bath behind her, he wrapped his arms around her waist, tugging her back so that she was lying against him. “You have nothing to be embarrassed about when you’re with me.” He kissed her shoulder. “I don’t want you to keep anything from me

  “I guess I’m confused right now.”


  “I don’t know what this is. Doesn’t protocol say that I’ve got to go to my own room now, and never look at you again?”

  He burst out laughing. “Protocol? For what?”

  “I don’t know. One-night stands? I don’t know what this is.”

  Resting his hand on her stomach, he kissed the side of her head. “I thought you wanted to be taught. All those delightful little positions you’ve caught sight of in that very dirty book.”

  She relaxed against him.

  “This can be anything you want it to be, Hope. It doesn’t have to be something quick and over in an instant. This can be a lot more, and you don’t have to put a label on it. I know I’m not.”

  “I don’t want it to be over.” She looked up at him. “I’m … I won’t be clingy or anything. I still have school, and in a couple of weeks I’m going to be looking at colleges. I don’t want to leave it to the last minute.”

  He didn’t like the thought of her leaving, but there wasn’t much he could do about it, at least not yet. “I can help you with college applications.”

  “You can?”


  “I don’t want Dwayne to know,” she said, biting her lip. “I’m not embarrassed, but we don’t really get along, and I don’t know what he’d say at school, and it’s already weird—”

  “Even if he was to find out, I’d make sure that he didn’t say anything. No one is ever going to make you feel anything you don’t want, Hope.”

  She giggled. “Does your power run to the entire school?”

  “No, but I’ve got Dwayne. Just say the words, and you can be the most popular girl in school by the end of Monday.”

  Hope shook her head. “I’ve never wanted to be popular. It looks way too exhausting. I like being left alone. I don’t make friends easily. I always had my mom.”

  Guilt washed over him.

  Her mother had been taken away, and she’d been trying to survive on her own.

  Gritting his teeth, he reached for the sponge and began to wash her body.

  “I’m sorry, I don’t mean to go a bit dark on you.”

  “You’ve not gone dark.” He cupped her face, stroking her cheek. “I don’t want you to keep anything from me. I want to know every single secret.”

  “What’s the point of there being secrets if I tell you?”

  “A lot of secrets are meant to be shared.” He ran his thumb across her bottom lip.

  “I can try,” she said. “Will you share secrets with me?”

  “I don’t like broccoli. I’ve never liked it. I think it’s the food of the devil.”

  She burst out laughing, and he smiled. It was the truth. He never told anyone, and he always left it when it was on his plate. He hated the stuff.

  “That’s not a big secret.”

  “No, but it’s something no one else knows.”

  She bit her lip and stared at him. “I wish someone had killed my dad,” she confessed. “I get so angry that he was able to take the only person I’ve ever loved away from me. He wasn’t always around, and he was always such a boring person. Miserable, and he’d take the light out of Mom’s eyes.”

  “It’s okay to want something like that.”

  “Is it though? He killed my mom, and I wish more than anything that he’d put the gun to his head before he came home.” He saw her grit her teeth.

  “Your father was a coward, Hope. Don’t let him bring you down.” He kissed the top of her head. He’d do everything he could to protect her.

  Chapter Seven

  “Look what I got,” Dwayne said.

  Hope pulled her bag out of the locker and turned toward him. He held a piece of paper up. “Is that your math test?”

  “Yes, and I got a B. Look at that. I totally nailed it.”

  She smiled. “Congratulations. See, I knew you’d nail it.” She clapped her hands for him, and laughed as he took a bow.

  “I think we should celebrate.”

  “Okay, how?”


  Shaking her head, she finished grabbing her stuff from out of her locker. “Not happening. I don’t do parties.”

  “You know that’s weird, right? Besides, it’ll be a party at our place.”

  She wrinkled her nose. “Will your uncle really go for that?”

  “I’ll ask him tonight. Besides, he’s heading out this weekend, so we’ll have the entire place to ourselves, and he doesn’t need to know.”

  The thought of keeping something from Beast didn’t sit well with her. The weekend they’d just shared meant something to her. She didn’t know if Beast felt the same way, but she couldn’t bring herself to lie to him.

  “Come on, Hope. I’ve had parties without him knowing before. Don’t tell him, please.”

  “I don’t feel comfortable with all of this. He’s done so much for me.”

  Dwayne rolled his eyes. “Come on, Hope. Live a little. It’s not going to be long before you’re old, covered in wrinkles, and wishing you had something to do with this party.”

  She burst out laughing, shaking her head. “You’ve got to ask him first. I’m not going to be part of making him mad.”

  “Whatever.” Dwayne winked at her and told her he’d see her later.

  Releasing a breath, she got through the rest of her day without any other sign of Dwayne, which she was pleased about.

  By the time school ended, she saw Caleb waiting to take her home. Dwayne was nowhere in sight.

  “Are you here to take me home?” she asked, stepping up to him.

  “Yes. Beast is on business right now, and he’ll be home when he’s ready.”

  He opened the door for her, and she didn’t argue even though it was in the back of the car.

  Putting on the seatbelt, she noticed a couple of people paid a little more attention. The car was a nice one, and probably of a popular make. She didn’t know. She’d never been one for cars.

  After her parents died, she’d actually worked out the expense on running a car, and that had been put in the “never” pile.

  “Beast wanted me to tell you that he hoped you had a good day.”

  She smiled. “Thank you.”

  “Did you?”

  “Yeah, it was okay.” She nibbled her lip.

  “Do you know what you’re doing with my brother?” Caleb asked, drawing her attention back to him.

  “Excuse me?”

  “Don’t pretend that I don’t know you and my brother are a thing. You’re a lot younger than the women he usually screws, but I guess he has a thing for innocence and that kind of thing.”

  Her cheeks heated. “I don’t really feel comfortable.”

  “Look, you’re one in a long line of women he’s screwed. Graduate from high school, get the fuck out, and go to college. That’s my advice. Don’t have feelings that you’re going to get married, have lots of babies, and all that shit. Women don’t deserve to be part of this life, at least not women like you.”

  He pulled up inside the main gates.

  “I’m not being a bastard on purpose here. I think you’re a great person, and that for me is the problem. Great people in this life have a tendency to find themselves dead.”

  She swallowed past the lump in her throat. “I … the rumors?”

  “They’re true. Beast is probably going to be pissed I told you, but we’re not good men, Hope. There’s no hope of ever finding anything good inside us so don’t try. Find what you love, and then stay the hell away from us otherwise you’ll be joining both of your parents at the cemetery.”

  Hope didn’t linger. She climbed out of the car and made her way toward her room. Closing the door behind her, she leaned against it with her heart pounding. That was Beast’s brother, and he was warning her about it, and she couldn’t think, not right now.

  Closing her eyes, she saw the smile on his lips that weekend as she made him laugh. She co
uldn’t recall seeing him smile all that much.

  Yes, she was playing with fire. Their age difference alone confirmed that, but she liked him. She’d been attracted to him from the very beginning. Even now, after Caleb’s warning, she still wanted him, and that wasn’t ever going to change.

  Stepping away from the door, she dropped her bag, heading straight to the bathroom. Removing her clothes, she climbed beneath the warm spray, thankful as it seemed to wash away all of her worries.

  Whatever was going on between her and Beast, it wouldn’t last.

  In time, she wanted romance and love. She didn’t just want sex. Right now, she could handle his rules without too much worry. Placing her hand on the tile, she recalled the feel of his hands on her body, touching her, stroking between her thighs, building a fire that only he could put out.

  The water began to turn cold, and she quickly pulled out of her haze and changed into a set of pajamas. It was early, but she didn’t want to leave her room. There was comfort there and no confusion.

  She was tired of being confused.

  Pulling out her books, she spread them open, and for the next three hours she just sat on her bed, studying.

  When she needed to clear her head, she stepped out onto the veranda that looked out over the garden.

  She heard moaning, and saw Dwayne with one of the girls from school below her in the garden. Quickly stepping back into her room, she shuddered. She wasn’t interested in seeing other people have sex.

  Going back to her studies she didn’t stare at the time until she saw that it was nearly nine, and her stomach started to growl.

  Getting up from bed, she made her way downstairs and went to the kitchen. She paused when she caught sight of Beast, shirtless, rummaging through the kitchen. Staring at his back, she saw several silvery scars that looked like they came from whips.

  “Who did that?” she asked.

  “My dad. It was all part of his punishment, and how to keep a brat in line. I don’t think it mattered if you were a good or bad kid, it’s what he did.” He turned toward her, holding stuff to make a sandwich. “Hungry?” he asked.

  “Yes.” She nodded, crossing her arms over her chest.

  “Are you having second thoughts yet?”


  “Last weekend?”


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