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Boss Of Her Heart (Dirty Texas Love Book 1)

Page 7

by Shanna Handel

  “I think you’ve been naughty. I think you want me to punish you, don’t you, Bella?”

  I pulled back and watched as her eyes widened at my words. “No, I mean, yes, I mean… I don’t know. Do I?”

  Giving a dark chuckle, I answered honestly. “That depends. On what you like.”


  “Do you like to be teased?”

  “Uh, maybe.”

  “Do you like to be spanked?”


  “Do you like when my fingers go where they shouldn’t and make you feel submissive right down to your naughty little core?”


  “Maybe is a yes.”


  “Maybe answers get you punished.”


  “Yes, what?”

  “Yes, I like when you… play with me.”

  “Shameful to admit, isn’t it?”

  “A little.”

  “Such a naughty girl. I love it.” I nibbled on her earlobe as I undid her bra. Pulling it free from her arms, her breasts escaped the constrictive fabric. My mouth instantly went to one of her peaked nipples, sucking and nibbling as she moaned with pleasure.

  Unbuttoning her jeans, I watched as she pressed her palms flat against the countertop, lifting her ass off the counter as she did. I quickly tugged her jeans and panties down and off until she was sitting on that counter, as naked as the day she was born. Suddenly shy, she could not meet my eyes as I looked upon her beauty.

  “You’re gorgeous, you know that?”

  “Not so much.”

  “You are.”

  “Thank you. You’re not so bad yourself.”

  “So, I’ve been told. But it turns out your looks aren’t the thing that matter most in this world. Are they? It’s how you treat people. And I’m about to treat you real nice.”

  “Mmmm…” she licked her lips in anticipation.

  Placing my hands on her knees, I widened the gap between her thighs.

  “Garrett, what are you doing?” she gasped.

  “Giving you pleasure. Lean back.”

  Pressing her palms into the counter behind her, her arms straightened. Her gaze was heavy lidded as she stared at me.

  Grabbing her hips, I pulled her bottom to the very edge of the counter. Her back arched as she watched me kneel before her. Parting her red curls and lips with my fingertips, I flashed her a smile then disappeared into her sex. The tip of my tongue stroked her clit, circling it in a teasing manner as I listened to her gasp for breath.

  “Oh, Garrett,” she moaned.

  I buried my mouth deeper into her, sucking and tasting at her tangy juices. I drew back, again taking the tip of my tongue to her sweet spot, circling and licking the precious nub as she moaned. Slipping one of my fingers inside her, I swirled and pumped as my mouth sucked and licked. Inserting a second finger beside the first, I intensified the pressure of my tongue as she neared orgasm. I knew I had her and licked mercilessly as her hands found their way into my hair, clutching it tightly. “Garrett Love, Garrett Love, oh my God Garrett Love!” she screamed as she came, her legs stiffening around me.

  Wiping my face with the back of my sleeve, I rose up from my knees. Her heavy-lidded eyes opened, a look of serene pleasure on her beautiful face. I kissed her mouth, her tongue exploring mine, her hand wrapping around my back, pulling me tight into her. I quickly unbuttoned and unzipped my pants. My cock sprung free as my clothing dropped to the ground. Unable to wait to take her any longer, I plunged within her. My hands grabbed her hips, pulling her into me hard. Her hips dug into mine as I lifted her, clutching and grabbing the flesh of her ass as I moved back and forth inside of her.

  Bella’s hips moved in rhythm with mine, out and in, close than far, pumping as hard as I was. She threw her head back with a groan and I plunged deeper and harder and faster until she was mewing like a baby kitten again. God, I loved that noise she made. So feral, so out of control—just the way I liked her.

  A few more pumps and we came together in ecstasy. Her pussy clenched around my cock as she screamed my name again. I groaned with pleasure, putting her back onto the countertop and leaning my head against her chest as I withdrew from her. Holding one another and kissing, we basked in the afterglow of our lovemaking.

  We returned to the crowd, just a little more flushed and our hair a little more tousled than when we left, but luckily no one seemed to notice.

  “Gare.” I felt a punch in my arm and I looked over to see Wes, a teasing grin spread across his smug face. “I told you, baby brother.”

  “What?” I asked, turning and crossing my arms over my chest. So, someone had noticed, and of course, it was my nosy older brother.

  “Never say never.”

  I looked over to where Bella stood. Flipping her hair over her shoulder, she gave a tinkling laugh as she put her hand on Mr. Callaway’s shoulder, leading him to the barn. Enamored with her attention, the old bachelor had never looked happier.

  Watching as she walked away, I couldn’t help but to smile at my brother.

  “It’s too soon to tell,” I mused.

  “Is it? She seems just about as smitten as a kitten when she’s around you. A little skittish though. Almost as if she wants to protect her rear end when she’s near you.” He gave me a smug, knowing look. “Are you dabbling in the ways I’ve taught you, brother?”

  “You mean am I spanking Bella Buchanan’s cute little behind, Wes?”


  “None of your ever-loving business, my friend.”

  Laugher aside, he raised one concerned eyebrow to me. “Just don’t mix work and pleasure, Garrett. That never ends well. If you want her, you need to find her another job.”

  “You and Carrie work together. Jessica helps Ray with his rentals.”

  “That’s different.”


  “We are married to our business partners. It’s a whole different ball game. You are only casually dating yours. Unless—” his storm cloud gray eyes considered my face “are you serious about this one?” Looking me over, he must have received his answer from what he saw there. Giving a low whistle, Wes said, “Well, I’ll be damned. Of course, you are serious about her—you waited ten years for this.”

  “I wasn’t waiting. I had closed that part of my life. Choosing to remain a bachelor all my days. Then she came. It was like I didn’t have a choice.”

  “I know what you mean. When you find that person, you would move a mountain to make them yours.”

  “Something like that.”

  “Just don’t move that mountain at work, Gare. I’m telling you, you have to keep it separate.”

  “Separate, or maybe there is another way.”


  “Somehow, someway, get Bella Buchanan to say yes to marrying me. Bella Love. Has a nice ring to it, don’t you think, Wes?”

  “Bella Love. Beautiful name for a beautiful employee.”

  “I heard you. You can drop the lecture now.”

  “I just don’t want to see you hurt, Gare. Not after all you’ve been through.”

  “You mean after what I put everyone else through,” I said, kicking at the dirt with the heel of my boot.

  “Let it go, man. Everyone else has. You have to let yourself relax a little. Stop being so uptight all the time.”

  “I can’t. It’s my nature now. Anyhow—don’t want to. Life is better when I am in control of my actions. And look who’s talking anyway. You are the most in control guy I know.”

  “Yeah, because I had to take care of you,” he bumped his shoulder against mine. “But not anymore. I’m real proud of you Garrett.”

  “Thanks, bro. Luckily, I had you to emulate.”

  “Still a head shorter than me though,” he teased.

  “And a head better lookin’ too.”

  “Never can let that go, can you?” Wes laughed.

  “I have to hold onto something, being the little br
other of Mr. Perfect my whole life.”

  Wes’ laugh died as he considered my words. His brow came together in a worried look as he gazed off towards the barn.

  Punching him in the arm, I said, “Just kidding, Wes.”

  “I bet it felt like that sometimes though, didn’t it?”

  Wes was as smart, kind, and hardworking as they came. I, on the other hand had preferred to let loose and party growing up. Though my grades were stellar—academics came ridiculously easy to me—I was the less responsible, less trustworthy, wild, little brother. I was happy to follow in Wes’ footsteps and tightly rein in what was left of my adulthood. “Maybe it did. But I sure am glad for it. Without you, I never would have gotten out of that dark place. You were a rock for me when I needed you. When you had nothing but reasons to turn your back on me. I’ll never forget it.”

  Wiping at his shining eyes, Wes cleared his throat. “Enough about all that… stuff. Let’s go make you some money. I’ll take Ms. Phillips. Ever since Carrie accidently got her drunk at Ray and Jess’ anniversary party and she was my two-stepping dance partner, I do believe she is sweet on me.”

  “Work that cowboy charm,” I called at him as he headed towards our ninety-year-old diamond encrusted neighbor. Ms. Philips turned and smiled as she felt Wes placed a gentle hand on her shoulder. His wide, sparkling grin spread across his face and a light came into her eyes. Everybody loved Wes.

  Giving a sigh, I stood from my comfortable lean on the fencepost. “Can’t let Bella and Wes do all the heavy lifting, time to break out some of that old Hollywood Garrett charm,” I mumbled to myself as I strode over to the crowd of visitors.

  “Jess,” I called, surprised to see her here today. At the sound of my voice, she turned, her white blonde hair swinging and falling perfectly into place as she faced me.

  “Gare,” reaching out she embraced me in a tight hug.

  “What are you doing here?” I asked.

  “Not happy to see me?” she teased.

  “No, just surprised.”

  “It’s Hopeful Hearts day, Garrett and I happen to have a heart. And a purse full of cash my husband sent me with,” she added with a wink.

  “Ray sent money?”

  “He really believes in what you are doing here. He wanted to support the cause.” She waved a perfectly manicured hand through the air. “And you know he owns half this town—he loves to help support the people of it.”

  A little black head of hair popped out from behind her long, tan coat. “I um… I brought Evan.” Her eyes cut to mine. There was an intense glimmer of a message there that I couldn’t quite read. But I knew what she wanted. She wanted me to talk to Evan—alone. That much I could read from her anxious gaze.

  I looked down at the boy. His dark eyes focused on mine, his little jaw was set. Hands shoved in the pockets of his jeans, he looked determined but not uncomfortable. Quickly assessing the situation, I placed a hand on Jessica’s shoulder.

  “Tell you what, Jess. I’ve been avoiding raising money all day. Besides—I’m too ugly for it. People just turn away in disgust.” A little chuckle came from Evan. “Why don’t you take your pretty little self around here, mingle with the wealthy Poke Town inhabitants, and scare up some big bucks?”

  Jessica gave me a nod, her face serious, her eyes still trying to send their message. Flipping into classic Jess flirt mode she arranged her face into a perfect bright and bubbly smile. Giving me one more nod she turned away from me, determinedly towards the visitors. Her voice loud and clear, she called out, “All right y’all—you know they do good work, now it’s time to open your wallets,” marching confidently right into the center of the dense crowd that had been giving me feelings of panic.

  I put my hand on Evan’s shoulder. It tensed as I made contact. “What do you say we go up to the kitchen and scrounge up some pie, little buddy?”

  “Is it quiet there?” he asked, his gaze intense and too mature for his age.

  “Depends on your definition of quiet.”

  “I need to speak with you—alone.” He looked over his shoulder at the people milling around his mother.

  “Tell you what—want to break out of here for a while? I think your mama has things under control.”

  “Yes,” he breathed, looking up at me relieved. So, Evan had the same fear of crowded spaces as I did. He hid it well, as I did too.

  Hopping into Wes’ old beat up, red truck, I watched as Evan climbed in, buckling his seat belt carefully. Clicking the latch on the buckle, he eyed me warily.

  Revving the engine to life, I kept my eyes on the road as I asked, “Tell me, Evan. Do you get nervous in big crowds too?”

  “Sometimes,” he admitted, looking out the window. After a quiet moment he turned to me his eyes widening. “Do you?”

  “Yes. I do. And I learned to hide it. My old job was in a big office with everyone running around yelling all the time. I eventually got comfortable there, but sometimes, like today, it still hits me. You know—that panicky heart racing feeling?”

  I saw him nod out of the corner of my eye. “Who knows?” he asked.

  “Nobody,” I answered.

  His eyebrows shot up in disbelief. “Not even your mama?”

  “Nope. She knew when I was younger—like I’m sure your mama does with you. But she assumed I grew out of it. It doesn’t match my outgoing personality, but the truth is, sometimes I acted more outgoing to make up for it, to hide it. Sometimes I think I am cured of it, then it just hits me out of nowhere. But I have a good handle on it now, and you can learn to, too.” I watched for a reaction, but Evan kept his face perfectly still. “How about some milkshakes and fries at the Burger Barn?”

  “Won’t you be missed as the fundraiser?”

  “Your mom and Wes and Bella have it covered. I have a feeling you want to talk to me, man to man, and that takes precedence over everything.”

  The rest of the ride was quiet. A feeling of dread and shame was forming in the pit of my stomach. I tried to untangle the knots with my mind, telling myself the past was past, mistakes had been made, repeating all the statements of forgiveness and redemption that people had told me over the years. Nothing helped. I pulled the truck into the parking lot of Burger Barn.

  As Evan walked beside me into the restaurant, I couldn’t help but notice we both had our hands shoved into the pockets of our jeans, the strides of our boots matching, his just shorter in length than mine.

  I held the door open for him, then followed him up to the counter.

  “What’ll you have?” the clerk asked, popping her gum.

  “Chocolate shake and fries, please,” Evan said solemnly.

  “And you?” she asked me, flashing a flirty grin. I tended to have that affect on women. In the past I used it to my advantage and had a string of exes and one-night stands trailing behind me as long as the Texas border. Over the past ten years I had learned to ignore it, instead replying with a detached politeness.

  “Same, please.”

  Evan snuck a curious glance at me.

  Carrying our tray, I followed Evan to the secluded corner booth that he chose.

  Figuring it was best to eat before we spoke, I took the lid off my milkshake, dragging two of the hot, salty fries through the creamy mixture before popping them into my mouth.

  I looked up at Evan as I chewed. He sat, completely frozen, his eyes locked on me, his hand hovering over his drink. In it he held two French fries that he was about to dip in the overflowing cup.

  “Do you think a lot of people eat their fries that way?” I asked.

  “Dunno,” he said. Still eyeing me, he dragged his own fries through his shake, then put them into his mouth, chewing slowly as he thought. Finally, after an intense, prolonged silence, he swallowed. Looking up at me with that wise beyond his years look I was becoming accustomed to, he cleared his throat, preparing to speak. I felt like I was sitting with a middle-aged man in the body of a ten-year-old.

  “I know you’re my dad,
” he said, matter of factly.

  That heart racing panicky feeling entered my chest. I pushed it way down, knowing this kid deserved so much more than me having a heart attack in the middle of the Burger Barn right now.

  “How?” I asked dumbly, clearing my own throat and sitting back in the booth.

  “I looked in a mirror.”

  I felt tears springing up into my eyes and the intense desire to laugh out loud as I looked the little boy over. My son. His dark, gelled hair was cut the same style as my own. His eyes and arching brows matched mine. He was young, but I could already make out the strong line of his jaw that would one day resemble my own. His mannerisms, his fear of crowds, hell, even the way he swung his right leg over a horse and remained airborne for a second before his rear hit the saddle. These were all traits this boy had inherited from me.

  His gaze held steady, as if he was waiting for the realization to sink in. That I knew that he finally knew he was my son.

  Unsure of what to say, I said the first thing that popped into my mind. “What did your dad say about it?”

  “He said it was time for you and me to have a man to man talk.”

  “And your mom?”

  “She told me what happened from her side of the story. But I want to hear yours.” Pushing his tray away, he folded his hands, resting them on the table in front of him.

  “Okay.” Sitting back, I ran my hands through my hair. I knew this day would come, I just didn’t picture it like this. I thought I would just be a sideline participant for it while Jessica and Ray handled the matter.

  “I’m happy to talk to you, Evan, I’m just surprised your parents wanted us to talk without them present. Are you sure they are okay with this?”

  The little man in front of me gave a nod. “They trust me.”

  I could sense why. Evan was more mature than most adults I knew. He was always looking out for his younger brothers when the Stevensons would visit the ranch, telling this one to slow down, or that one to stay on the trail. And he was responsible. His horse was always groomed, fed and watered before he would go on to another task or engage in chatter with the other kids who were around. Meanwhile, the staff and I would constantly be harping on the Hope Reigns’ kids to care for the horse before they commenced their intense games of freeze tag.


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