Crashed on an Ice World

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Crashed on an Ice World Page 12

by Anna Hackett

  He started digging through the snow again. Now, he thought of his brothers. He’d seen both of them fall in love, and watched their happiness. Watched some of their jagged edges smooth out. He loved the way Nissa and Justyn complemented each other, and were a team. He still had some reservations about Dakota, but there was no questioning she challenged Dare, kept him on his toes, and made the controlled man laugh.

  Elana did all that for Rynan.

  A searing pain cut through him. Damn. He absolutely was in love with Elana.

  Strong, tough, brave Elana who loved helping people and listening to music. Ry knew there was no chance in hell that she would ever leave a child locked in a basement, let alone allow a monster to beat them.

  He needed to get out. He needed to get to her faster. Digging was taking too long.

  Rynan maneuvered his pack off his back, pulling out the last few bits of stuff that he had. He had his scanner, some packs of food, his multitool, and his dying laser rifle.

  He stared at the gear, willing his damaged brain to put it all together. To come up with something that might help him get out.

  Nothing. He slammed his fist into the snow. Fuck.

  Give yourself a break, Ry.

  He could practically hear Elana’s voice. And in an instant, he remembered loving her up above that waterfall. Her beautiful body riding him, her face suffused with emotion.

  Wait. An idea formed in his head. He could boost the last drop of power in his weapon, and widen the laser beam. Then, he could use it to cut through the snow.

  Perfect. Ry quickly set to work. Using his multitool, he opened the scanner and salvaged the parts he needed. Then he opened his rifle up. It took him a few minutes, a nicked finger, and a couple of curses.

  Then, he grasped the laser rifle and aimed it straight up. Green laser light flared, and he shielded his eyes. The snow above him melted away immediately, leaving behind a narrow tunnel that went up through the snow.

  The rifle burned out. He shoved it behind him, taking a huge gulp of fresh air at the same time.

  “What in solar balls was that?” a deep voice called out above.

  Ry gripped the snow and climbed up the hole. He launched himself out and onto the surface. At the same time, he crouched and yanked his knife off his belt.

  He analyzed the situation in seconds. Elana was on her knees, her face swollen and already bruising. The pirates were standing around her, fists up.

  No, not pirates. These were no unruly scum from the galaxy’s edge. These were trained, well-equipped mercs.

  It didn’t matter who they were. They were going to pay.

  Ry pushed to his feet, raising his blade. “You shouldn’t have touched her.”

  Her one good eye met his gaze. He inclined his head, communicating his plan, and she gave him a small nod back.

  Like she could read his damn mind. God, he loved her.

  “Don’t know where the hell you came from, big guy,” one merc spat. “But I’m going to—”

  Ry tossed his knife.

  The blade hit the mercenary in the eye and the man fell backward with a gurgle. The other three mercs all looked shocked. Ry charged forward, tackling the closest man to the snow.

  At the same moment, Elana leaped up. Even with her hands bound, she kicked one merc in the gut, sending the woman sprawling.

  Ry pummeled his fists into the mercenary beneath him. Face, chest, gut. When the man slumped, out cold, Ry jumped to his feet.

  He watched Elana aim a kick at the last merc. The man shouted wildly, and yanked a stocky laser pistol off his belt.

  Ry dived, hitting Elana, and rolling them out of the way. Wild laser fire careened around them, making the snow sizzle.

  Fuck. This bastard was going to kill them. Ry glanced at his surroundings, and spotted something sticking up out of the snow.

  The Viking sword.

  Ry pushed up and dived for it. He slid in on his knees, his hand curling around the hilt.

  He swung his arm up, and rammed the sword through a joint in the merc’s armor and straight into his gut. The man came to a halt, his eyes widening. He dropped his pistol, staring with disbelief at the sword sticking out of his stomach. Ry wrenched the sword back, and the merc collapsed.

  “Ry, watch out!”

  Elana’s shout made him duck. A glowing vibroblade skimmed over his head.

  He spun, swinging the ancient blade upward. One of the other mercs was back on his feet, and swung his vibroblade viciously at Ry’s head.

  Ry rolled to the side and came back up to his feet. With a few thrusts, he took down the man. “You should not have touched my woman.”

  He spun and saw that Elana had taken down the woman. She was unbound now, watching him, ready to fight. The final merc was staring at them balefully, his hair askew.

  “Fuck you!” He yanked something off his belt. “Fuck you all.” He held up an explosive device.

  Ry’s gut turned to stone. It was a home-made device. Very likely highly unstable and with a big blast radius.

  He caught Elana’s eye, and she nodded. They leaped at the man together.

  “No!” the merc screamed.

  Ry tackled him to the ground, knees to his chest. The man tossed the device and it sailed into the air. As Ry snapped the man’s neck, he watched Elana leap gracefully upward.

  She snatched the device, and landed in a gentle crouch on the snow.

  “Nice catch,” he told her.

  She smiled. “Nice sword fighting.”

  Ry rose and strode toward her. Careful of the device in her hand and her injured face, he pulled Elana onto her tiptoes and kissed her.

  Trying to ignore her aching face, Elana stared at the tunnel that was now completely blocked by snow.

  “How the hell are we going to get out?” More importantly, how would anyone find them in here?

  She kept telling herself that she was alive and that Ry was alive. Thank God. But that snow-choked tunnel reminded her of just how trapped they were.

  Her chest tightened and she coughed. It turned into a fit and she leaned over.

  “Sit down.” Ry carefully set the merc explosive device down, then he was there, lowering her to the snow.

  “I’m a bit battered, Ry, but I’m not an invalid.”

  “I’m not helping you because you need it. I’m doing it because I need it.” He gently stroked her swollen eye. “God, I could hear them hurting you, and there was nothing I could do.”

  She gripped his coat. “But you did it. You got out and you helped me.”

  He snorted. “Another few minutes, and you wouldn’t have needed help.”

  Elana smiled. “I was biding my time and waiting for the right moment.”

  She watched as Ry bent over the explosive device. It was a mishmash of parts, and contained a lot of lastite—a highly unstable explosive. The damn thing could blow at any second. She knew mercs prided themselves on making their own explosive devices.

  Ry’s brow was furrowed, that intense look of concentration on his face. He looked at the device, then his thoughtful gaze flicked up to the snow-packed tunnel. He pulled out a multitool, and carefully started probing the bomb.

  He looked just like the old Ry. Composed and assured. Completely lost in his work.

  “We’re getting out of here,” he said, voice determined.

  She wasn’t so sure, but God, she hoped he was right.

  Stone-gray eyes met hers. “Trust me?”

  “Completely,” she said. “But please don’t blow us up.”

  He reached out and grabbed her hand. “That’s not on the agenda. What I really want is to fuck you. Preferably in a bed. And I want a hot shower.” A sexy smile lit up his face. “I want to fuck you there, too. And on my desk in the security office.”

  “Ry.” Desire and love became a tangled burn in her belly. She reached out, cupping both his cheeks. “All I want is for you to be mine.”

  “I already am.” He drew in a deep breath. “I…I l
ove you, Elana.”

  “What?” she breathed. Elation coursed through her, along with about a hundred other emotions.

  He leaned forward and pressed a kiss to her lips. “You know I only say what I mean.”

  She slugged his shoulder. “It’s a hell of a time to tell me! It took years for you to finally get there, and you’re telling me while we’re stranded on an ice world, next to an unstable explosive device?”

  “Yep.” His smile widened, and she saw a flash of dimple. “I’ll make it up to you. When we’re back on the Nomad.”

  “Oh?” She arched a brow. “How are you going to do that?”

  “I want you to marry me. I want the galaxy to know you’re mine.”

  Elana rocked back on her heels, and sucked in a breath. “What?”

  “You heard me.”

  She shook her head. “The man moves slower than a Dtruskan glacier for years, and now he’s moving at lightspeed.”

  That dimple again. “You complaining?”

  “No,” she muttered. “You are lucky I am head-over-heels in love with you. Now, you better get us out of here, Ry. Can you disarm the bomb?”

  “I’m not going to disarm it. I’m adjusting its yield and range, and then I’m going to blow our way out of here.”

  Elana’s body locked. Oh, God.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Ry finished with the bomb, closing up the outer shell. Hell, he hoped he’d done this right.

  He looked up and saw Elana’s steady gaze on him. He dragged in a breath. Her complete faith bolstered him.

  “Ready?” he asked.

  She shook her head. “Hell, no, but let’s do it.”

  “I throw it, and we run like hell that way.” He pointed away from the entrance. “Then dive into the snow, and bury ourselves as deep as we can.”

  She nodded, her body tensing.

  Ry yanked her in for a quick kiss, then he pulled his arm back, and tossed the bomb.

  Together, hand-in-hand, arms pumping, they powered across the snow-covered cavern.

  He dived, and so did Elana, both of them scrambling into the snowbank. He twisted so she landed under him, and he could cover her with his body.


  Snow exploded. Ry felt a rush of cold, and heard rocks pinging off of other rocks. Please don’t collapse the fucking cavern.

  Elana tried to move beneath him, but he kept her pinned down. He felt a rock hit his foot and he grunted. Then, something slammed into his left calf and he felt a sharp burn.

  Then everything went quiet.

  All except for one small noise. Clink. Clink. Clink-clink.

  Cautiously, Ry sat up and pulled Elana up with him. As she dusted snow off her head, they looked around.

  Coins and jewelry were raining down around them.

  He glanced up, holding an arm up to shield his head. The blast had loosened the treasure hoard from the ceiling.

  Elana looked up and laughed. She held her hands out and several Viking coins fell into her palms.

  Ry looked at the tunnel, and saw the entrance was completely clear of snow. And a little larger than it had been originally, too. He was pretty sure Lala, the young girl—and explosives expert also known as Lastite Lala—Niklas and his brothers had adopted a few years back, would be proud.

  Rynan smiled and Elana crawled over to him. She wrapped her arms around him and then proceeded to kiss the hell out of him. He tilted her backward and deepened the kiss.

  “And here we were, imagining that you guys needed rescuing.”

  Dare’s deep voice made Elana gasp in Ry’s mouth. Ry lifted his head and grinned.

  A small group stood just inside the opening to the cavern. Justyn sauntered forward, looking around and shaking his head at the fallout from the explosion. “You are crazy, bro.”

  “And you guys have perfect timing,” Ry said. “Arriving after we’d already saved the day.”

  Justyn picked up a silver Viking armband. “And found the treasure, apparently.”

  His brothers, and Milo and Sayer from the security team, were all wearing dark blue cold-weather gear. But standing behind them were four huge men, wrapped in fur coats and holding swords.

  Ry recognized the dark-haired barbarian warlord in the center. Kavon Mal Dor. His brother-in-law.

  Ry looked at Dare. “You called in reinforcements?”

  Kavon inclined his head. “It’s good to see that you are well, Rynan.”

  “Thanks, Kavon.” Ry stood and pulled Elana up with him.

  “So.” Justyn grinned widely. “Didn’t expect to find you blowing things up and kissing the hell out of Elana.”

  Elana smiled. “It’s been an eventful few days.”

  Dare looked around the cavern. “Goldie and Arus?”

  Ry’s smile melted away, and he felt Elana tense. He shook his head.

  Elana leaned into him. “They didn’t make it.”

  “Shit.” Dare’s chin dropped to his chest. “Damn, I liked her.”

  “But we will collect her treasure hoard,” Elana said. “We’re going to put the Goldie Dangent Hoard on display for everyone in the galaxy to see. In memory of her.”

  Ry hugged Elana closer. “We sure will.” He glanced at Milo and Sayer. “Can you guys get to work, collecting the treasure?”

  Sayer nodded. “On it, boss.”

  “I lost the Pathfinder,” Ry told Dare.

  His brother nodded. “We found her. She’s in the cargo bay of the Sky Nomad.” Dare’s voice hardened. “She’s salvageable. We found some mercs-masquerading-as-pirates picking her over.” A pause. “They won’t be attacking any more ships in the future.”

  “Good. There are a few merc bodies in here, too. Scum.”

  Elana started coughing, a deep hacking sound that made Ry frown.

  Justyn appeared and knelt down. He held up a medscope. “Elana, darlin’, your face just isn’t looking like its usual gorgeous self.”

  She snorted. “Is that your charming way of telling me I look like hell?”

  “Yep.” He turned on the light.

  “I can see Ry is babying his left leg as well,” she said.

  “It’s fine. Just a graze.” He watched as the blue light healed her face. But as she sat there, she started coughing again, one hand pressed to her chest.

  He frowned.

  Justyn clicked off the medscope and Ry saw her smile. Her eyes looked a little glazed, and she coughed again.

  “Elana?” Ry said. “You feeling okay?”

  She blinked. “A little dizzy, but that’s to be expected, right?” Then she looked up at him and he saw a white film spreading over her eyes.

  Just like Goldie’s eyes.

  Fuck. “Elana—”

  She suddenly pitched forward, her body going into a seizure.

  Justyn cursed. “Lay her out flat.”

  Ry did as instructed, his heart hammering. “Elana? Elana, stay with me.”

  Justyn pulled out a small scanner, running it over her body. “Something’s wrong with her.”

  The others hurried over. “What’s going on?” Dare asked.

  Ry kept his hand wrapped on hers. “Praxta Syndrome. Goldie had it, but said she was taking meds to keep it at bay. She said she wasn’t contagious.”

  Elana’s body arched upward.

  Justyn’s scanner beeped. “Praxta. It’s multiplying rapidly in her body.” He clicked the medscope back on, waving it over her chest. He shook his head. “No effect!”

  Ry’s body went even colder. “There’s no cure for Praxta.” He pulled her shaking body into his arms. “Come on, Elana. I’ve finally found you. You can’t leave me now.” He heard the anguish in his own voice.

  Justyn cursed again, shoving a hand through his hair. “Nothing else I can do. Maybe in the med bay on the Nomad—” his silver gaze met Rynan’s “—but she doesn’t have that long.”


  Her head arched back, blue foam appearing on her lips. He felt like he was being torn apa
rt. Once again, he was helpless. He couldn’t do a thing to save someone he loved.

  Suddenly, Kavon knelt beside them.

  “I have a suggestion. My nanami might help?”

  Ry eyed the barbarian. All the people on Kavon’s world of Markaria carried tiny nanami in their blood. The hybrid organic-microscopic machines gave them enhanced strength and protected them from disease and helped heal them.

  “Will they put her in more danger?” he asked. “She’ll have them for life, right?”

  Kavon nodded. “If she survives, they will make her stronger. But I’m unfamiliar with this illness, so I do not know for sure that they will cure it.”

  Ry looked down at Elana. She was dying, and he’d do whatever he had to do to save her. “Do it.”

  He kept a tight hold on Elana, not watching as Justyn nicked Kavon’s brawny arm, and withdrew blood. He did watch as Justyn injected the other man’s blood into Elana.

  Then they waited.

  Ry held her, rocking her. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Milo and Sayer still collecting the treasure, but he didn’t give a shit about the invaluable artifacts. The most important thing was right here in his arms.

  Please, don’t die. Live.

  Her body was still shaking, and hope was sliding away. Ry felt like he had laser wire wrapped around his throat.

  Then she went still, becoming completely limp in his arms. Perspiration had soaked her dark hair.

  “Elana?” he whispered.

  Her eyes flew open, and she sat up, sucking in air. She looked around wildly, and her hands gripped Rynan’s coat.

  “You’re okay,” he said. “Breathe. Take it easy.”

  She sucked in several breaths, and he watched the white coating in her eyes slowly recede.

  “Elana. God.” He pulled her against his chest and she wrapped her arms around him.

  “W-why do I feel like I was hit by a low-flying starship?”

  “Try a dangerous, incurable disease.”

  “Damn.” She pressed a hand to her chest. “I have to say that I’m feeling better and better every second.” She glanced at Justyn. “Did you do something to that medscope?”


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