Crashed on an Ice World

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Crashed on an Ice World Page 13

by Anna Hackett

Ry tilted her face back to his. “Somehow you caught Praxta off Goldie. We had to give you a dose of Kavon’s nanami to counteract the disease.”

  “Oh.” She glanced at Kavon. “Thank you.”

  The warrior inclined his head in response.

  She looked back at Ry. “I’m okay. I’m not going anywhere, big guy.”

  He pressed his nose to hers. “Good, because I’m planning to keep you right by my side. Always.”

  When Ry looked up, Justyn was grinning at them. Even Dare had a smile on his lips.

  “Another Phoenix takes the fall,” Justyn said.

  And Ry couldn’t be happier. He pressed his lips to Elana’s ear. “How about we ditch this ice world?”

  She moaned. “I second that idea. And FYI, Rynan, if we ever go on vacation, I want beach, sand, and sunshine. There will be no skiing.”

  He laughed and it felt good. “Noted.”

  When she stepped aboard the Sky Nomad, Elana was filled with relief.

  She and Ry had just finished a decontamination program, and been given the all clear. Ry’s arm was locked around her, despite the fact that he was limping. In the drama of her brush with Praxta Syndrome and then getting off-planet, Ry had decided not to tell them he had a sliver of rock lodged in his calf.

  Macho alpha males. Couldn’t live with them, and there was no way she wanted to live without hers.

  She looked up into his face, the familiar, rugged lines that she’d memorized over the years. God, she was in love with this strong, sexy man and he was in love with her. Her stomach went hard and her mouth dry. What if everything went back to how it was before, now that they were safely back on the Nomad?

  Their wild and dangerous adventure was over. What if everything Rynan had felt was just a result of the strenuous, life-threatening experiences?

  “I’m thinking a shower is up first,” Ry said. “Then I need to check in with the security room—”

  His words snapped her back into medic mode. “No way. Med bay. Now.”

  He scowled. “It’s a scratch.”

  “You have a rock lodged in your skin.”

  He muttered under his breath. “I’ve got to make sure the treasure gets aboard safely.”

  She crossed her arms over her chest. “Your brothers are securing the artifacts. All you need to do is focus on getting your leg fixed.”

  He finally gave in, and she led him into the med bay. After she urged him up on one of the bunks, she pulled the flexible arm of the scanner over the ugly wound on his leg. For a second, it felt like she’d never left. That the crash on the ice world had never happened.

  Swallowing against the lump in her throat, she focused on his injury. She studied the data filling the scanner screen, air whistling through her teeth. “You’ve cracked a bone, Ry. How the hell have you been walking around on this?”

  He shrugged.

  Macho men. She shook her head. The man was as stubborn as a rock. She carefully removed the small stone from his skin. “It’ll be healed up soon. Stay still under the medscanner.”

  Silence fell, and with the uncertainty churning in her, she couldn’t quite meet his gaze. She needed some sleep and a hot shower before she dove into that conversation.

  “You’re quiet,” he said.

  She glanced up. “I guess I’m coming down off the adrenaline high.” Needing something to do, she probed his wound again.

  His curse was low and pithy.

  “I see you’re back to your usual grumpy self,” she said.

  A rough hand cupped her cheek and tilted her face up to him. “You’re worried I’ll change my mind, and we’ll go back to our old selves, and the way things were before.”

  She shrugged a shoulder. “Now we’re back…what if everything happened because of the stress of the mission—”

  “You think I made a mistake? That I’ll decide I’m not in love with you?”

  Her heart hammering, she lifted her chin. “Maybe. I’ve loved you a long time, Rynan.”

  He pulled her closer to his bunk. “Elana, I’ve been in denial a long time. I’ve been an idiot for years. I’m not going back. You’re mine.” He yanked her closer, until his lips crashed against hers.

  Relief poured through her, and she let it fuel her kiss. With tongues tangling, the kiss morphed into something hot and heavy.

  Then in a fast move, Ry pulled her onto the bunk.

  “Ry!” She straddled him gingerly, worried about his injury. “Your leg needs to heal.”

  He lay back, one hand gripping her hip and the other sliding up to cup her breast. “Then I guess you’ll have to do all the work.”

  Unable to resist him, she smiled. “Lucky I locked the door when we came in.” She reached down and pushed his shirt off his chest, uncovering all those hard muscles and sexy tattoos.

  Hers. All hers.

  Chapter Fifteen

  The rhythmic sound of the sonic hammer hitting metal echoed through the maintenance bay, mixing with the deep beat of the music.

  Ry leaned over the ripped-apart guts of the Pathfinder’s starboard engine, almost wanting to tap his foot to the music Elana had given him. She’d made a playlist for him and he had to admit, he liked the music she’d picked for him.

  He lifted his head, looking over the wreckage of his cuttership. He had a few ideas for upgrades he wanted to do, and was busy making them happen. There was no pain or sorrow, because he knew that by the time he was finished, she would be better than she was before.

  It was a bit like his relationship with Elana.

  It had been good before, but now it was amazing. He grinned to himself. He felt good. He was doing his job, he was no longer suffering any memory blanks, and every night, he had Elana pressed up against him in his bunk.

  Their bunk.

  They’d discovered that she liked to sleep on top of him, her head tucked under his chin. Ry wasn’t complaining.

  Dare had married them two days after their rescue from the ice world, making her Elana Phoenix, his wife. Now, three weeks of married bliss had passed. His grin widened. He was married to the most gorgeous, competent, sexiest woman he’d ever known.

  Yep, life was good.

  A chime echoed through the space and the maintenance bay doors opened. His brothers strode in.

  Justyn whistled. “It’s looking good.”

  “Coming along,” Ry said. “And she’ll be faster and more powerful than before.”

  Dare’s gaze wasn’t on the ship, it was on Ry. “You look good, too.”

  “Alive, married, in love.” Ry shook his head. “I didn’t know what I had, and it was right under my nose.”

  Justyn crossed his arms over his chest. “We knew what you had, we were just waiting for you to notice.”

  Ry’s smile faded. “I almost lost her. More than once.”

  Dare gripped his shoulder. “I know you’ll never let that happen.”

  Justyn laughed. “The three of us in love and hitched. Who the hell would have guessed?” He slid a hand into his battered leather coat and pulled out a flask. “I think that deserves a drink.”

  Ry took a sip and felt the hot burn of Oola whiskey. He enjoyed the mouthful, knowing a bottle of the damn stuff cost almost as much as his cuttership.

  “When are we handing the hoard over?” Ry asked.

  “We rendezvous with Nik and the Magellan when we finish the convoy run,” Dare said. “And he agreed to an exhibition in Goldie’s name.”

  “Good.” It was a fitting tribute to the woman. “Elana will be happy to hear that.”

  As if he’d summoned her, the doors opened again. Elana walked in, flanked by Dakota and Nissa. The women were all so different, but gorgeous in their own ways.

  “Stars, we are lucky bastards.” Ry grabbed Justyn’s flask again for another sip.

  As the other women claimed their men for kisses, Elana leaned into Ry.

  “Look at you, all hot and sweaty,” she murmured.

  “I’ll show you hot and sweaty.
” His cock was already responding to her sweet scent and the teasing glint in her eyes.

  She smiled. “I take it you forgot about dinner.”

  Dinner. Damn, he had forgotten. “We have a security shift—”

  “Not for another couple of hours. You aren’t getting out of Dakota’s Christmas dinner with the Markarians. It’s their last night aboard ship and Dakota is determined we test out some old Earth traditions.”

  “Fine,” he muttered. His sister-in-law was growing on him…a bit. “But after that, we have our security shift. You don’t want to piss the boss off by being late.”

  She swiveled, glancing at him over her shoulder. “I know a few ways to get around him.” She sauntered off.

  By the time Ry had washed up and changed, and made it to the dining room, dinner was in full swing. If there was one thing the Markarians did well—apart from fighting—it was eating and drinking.

  The dinner room was covered in an array of decorations. Ry frowned at the strings of stars, balls, and things he didn’t recognize, all in shades of red and green. Dinner was a raucous affair with old Earth dishes that included what Dakota told him was a roasted turkey. Ry eyed the huge bird with distrust.

  He sat beside Elana, toying with her hair and watching his sister, Aurina, bouncing a gorgeous baby girl—who was the spitting image of her auburn-haired mother—on her knee. For the moment, her belly was flat, and not showing any signs of her second pregnancy.

  Kavon sat beside them, and every now and then, Kalla reached for her muscular daddy. It was pretty fun to watch the huge barbarian warlord dote on his daughter, and the gazes he shot his mate. He clearly adored Aurina.

  As Ry watched, Kavon touched his fingers to Aurina’s shoulder, and she turned to look at her husband. They shared a meaningful look over their child’s head.

  In time, Ry knew that he and Elana would settle into that kind of relationship. Hell, she already read his mind half the time, and finished his sentences. She’d given him a Christmas present—a brand new set of tools for him to use on the Pathfinder repairs and when he fiddled with his inventions.

  He slid his arm around her shoulders, and when she turned his way and smiled, he smiled back. Ry had everything he wanted, and some things he’d never thought he wanted, but would fight to keep.

  He had the life he’d made for himself—with Elana, his brothers, and the women they claimed as theirs.

  He really was a lucky bastard.

  Oh, God. Her belly churning like it was filled with Moskan dustflies, Elana made her way down to the maintenance bay. Ry was off shift and working on the Pathfinder.

  They’d returned from their convoy a few days ago, and made a quick stop at Galaxy’s Edge to restock. They were about to rendezvous with Nik’s Institute ship any minute now.

  She glanced out one of the windows lining the corridor, and saw the looming shape of the Magellan on approach. She closed her eyes for a second, and pulled in a deep breath.

  Stars, she was tired. It was normal to feel that way at the end of a convoy run, not to mention that she had a demanding new husband who kept her up at night with wild, fierce loving. Some days, she didn’t recognize the hungry, uninhibited woman she’d become in the private confines of their cabin.

  Husband. Elana held up her hand, looking at the ring he’d designed for her and he’d had made on a trade world they’d stopped at. Rynan was her husband. Warmth filled her chest. She loved him more every day.

  Then a cold shiver worked up her spine.

  Their very new marriage was about to be tested.

  Trying to relax, she entered through the maintenance bay doors. Instantly, she spotted him up on the side of the ship, shirtless and swinging some tool.

  God. She let her gaze trace over those muscles.

  He paused and smiled down at her. “Hey, I wasn’t expecting you.”

  “Hi. I finished up early, and oh-so-eager Milo was happy to start his shift early.” She cleared her throat. “We’ll be docking with the Magellan soon.”

  He leaped down to the ground with a bend of his knees. Elana’s mouth watered. She was completely in lust with her husband.

  “I guess that means Nera will be onboard soon.” His voice took on a grumpy edge.

  Elana shook her head. “She’s on our side, remember?”

  Another mutter. Then his perceptive gaze zeroed in on Elana’s face. “What’s wrong?”

  She was certain nothing showed in her expression. The fact he could read her so well both made her want to smile and pout. “I need to talk to you.”

  He moved closer. “Tell me what’s wrong. You look pale. I know you’ve been feeling tired.” He reached out, stroking her jaw, his calluses rubbing over her skin. “I’m a selfish bastard, keeping you up at night.” A wry smile. “I just can’t seem to keep my hands off my wife.”

  “And your wife appreciates it.” She cleared her dry throat again. “Sit down, Ry.”

  “Fuck, it’s serious.” He dropped onto some nearby equipment crates, tangling his fingers with hers. “It’s the Praxta, isn’t it? You’re sick—”

  “Ry, it’s not the Praxta. I’m not sick.”

  He closed his mouth, watching her intently.

  “But it’s something to do with the syndrome.” She tucked a strand of hair back behind her ear, the flutters returning in her belly. “Or at least, to do with the cure.”

  “The nanami? Are they hurting you—?”

  She shook her head and blew out a breath. “No, Ry…I’m pregnant.”

  He went still and blinked. “Pregnant? With a baby?”

  “Well, I hope it isn’t something else.” She managed a shaky smile. She still hadn’t fully processed all this, herself. “I’m pregnant with your baby. God, Ry, we made a baby.”

  Gray eyes widened, then dropped to her flat stomach. “You said you’d—”

  “Yes. Apparently, when the nanami healed me, they healed everything. Including my sterilization. I’m so sorry, Ry. I know you said you never wanted to have children—”

  He moved suddenly and dropped to his knees. He pressed his face to her belly. “A baby?”

  She saw wonder cross his face, and she felt an echoing emotion ignite inside her. The confusion and panic she’d been feeling cleared a little.

  For the first time, she actually thought about a baby. Their baby. Made in love.

  Elana knew that their child would be protected, sheltered, given exciting opportunities, and most importantly, loved. It would never be put to work or bartered or abused.

  Ry looked up at her, his face troubled. “I know you didn’t want children. I…we can talk about options—”

  She smiled. He was such a good man. “I want this baby, Ry. I think…I think you’ll make a wonderful daddy.” Then she frowned. “Although, if it’s a girl…”

  “I’ll protect her with my life.” His tone was fierce. “No man, boy, or any gendered being is getting close to her. Ever.”

  Elana’s lips twitched. “And if it’s a boy?”

  Ry tilted his head, thinking. “Then the same applies.”

  She laughed. Her Rynan would protect their child with everything he was. “I love you, Rynan.”

  He stood, scooping her into his arms. “I love you, too, Elana. You made me come alive. I’m forever grateful you walked into my life, and stayed with me when I was being an ignorant fool. And I’m even more grateful you crashed with me on an ice planet, and made me realize how much I needed you.”

  She leaned into him. “Let’s avoid future crashes, though, please.”

  Rynan rubbed his nose against hers and pulled her closer. She pressed her face to his chest, and heard the strong, steady beat of his heart. Then he pressed a palm to her belly, over their growing child.

  “It’s a deal, Mrs. Phoenix.”

  ~ Official Document ~

  Galactic Institute of Historical Preservation

  Press Release #GIHP-PR-94031

  Subject: Goldie Dangent Viking Hoard Ex

  It is the pleasure of the Institute of Historical Preservation to announce that the Goldie Dangent Viking Hoard is now on display at the Sopphus Museum on Xaxxus Prime. After six stellar weeks, the magnificent exhibition of old Earth treasures will do a tour of several central system museums, so it can be enjoyed by everyone.

  This collection of Viking treasure includes coins, jewelry, weapons, and many other amazing artifacts from an ancient time on the planet that played such an important part in the history of our galaxy, and the peoples who call it home.

  The discovery of the treasure was made possible by the efforts of Goldana “Goldie” Dangent III. Goldie has been described by Institute Director Niklas Phoenix as an enthusiastic protector of history, with an adventurer’s heart. She was a longtime donor to the Institute.

  With her generous funding and dedication, she contracted the Phoenix Deep-Space Convoy to help her locate the uncharted ice world where the treasure had been lost. She dedicated her life to finding it, and gave her life to protect it.

  The Goldie Dangent Hoard will live on as tribute to not only the Viking warriors of old, but of modern warriors and protectors of history like Goldie Jaina Dangent III.

  I hope you enjoyed Ry and Elana’s story!

  For more Phoenix Adventures you can check out how Dare and Dakota collided in Through Uncharted Space. Or see how Justyn won over Nissa in Beyond Galaxy’s Edge. Read on for a preview of their story.

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  Preview - Beyond Galaxy’s Edge

  She had him this time!

  Captain Nissa Sander stood on the bridge of her Patrol ship, hands crossed at the small of her back, and watched the small runnership come into view.

  “Lieutenant Allard, confirm her engines are powered down?” Nissa asked.


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