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The Medici Conspiracy

Page 49

by Peter Watson

Bernheimer, Max

  Bible Lands Museum (Jerusalem)

  Bloomfield Collection

  Boardman, Sir John

  Bonaparte, Lucien

  Bonham’s. See also Auction houses

  Borowsky, Eli/Elia

  Bortolot Daybreak Corporation

  Boston Museum of Fine Arts. See Museum of Fine Arts (Boston)

  Boursaud, Christian

  fragments of the Euphronios-Onesimos kylix, origination of

  as “front” for Medici

  Hydra Gallery ownership, dispute over

  information on provided by Hodges

  interview of Tchacos, discussed in

  laundering activities, participation in

  Medici’s trial, discussed in

  Bowles, Colin

  Bozzi, Vincenzo

  Brand, Michael

  British Museum

  Brodie, Neil

  Brundage, Avery

  Brunetti, Dino

  Bruno, Mario

  Brygos Painter

  Bryn Mawr Painter

  Bucchero ceramics

  Bucci Painter

  Bürki, Fritz

  collectors, involvement in sale of objects to

  the Euphronios krater, association with

  fragments sold by

  interrogations/memoirs of others, discussed in

  investigation of

  judge’s comments regarding in Medici trial

  Medici “cordata,” participant in

  museums, involvement in sale of objects to

  Pellegrini’s discovery of

  Bürki, Harry

  Burrough, Bryan

  Bury St. Edmunds Cross

  Buttiglione, Rocco

  Cahn, Herbert

  Camera, Pasquale

  Medici “cordata,” participant in

  the organigram discovered while investigating

  phone taps, noticed as a result of

  photos in the glove compartment of

  prosecutorial interrogations of others, mentioned in

  silver treasure, information regarding

  tombaroli activities, scale of recorded in the organigram

  Cammarata, Vincenzo


  Campana, Marchese Gianpietro

  Campbell’s Soup Museum (Camden, New Jersey)

  Canavesi, Renzo

  Capo zona (criminal head of a region)

  Carabinieri Art Squad

  the Bürkis, investigation of

  catalog of stolen objects

  commander of

  Corridor 17 materials, removal of from Geneva to Italy

  Evangelisti, records of

  founding, organizational evolution, and actions by

  headquarters of

  Hecht’s apartment in Paris, raid on

  Medici investigation: beginning of and the raid at Geneva Freeport

  the Morgantina silver and

  Operation Geryon (see Operation Geryon)

  Phoenix Ancient Art and Inanna Art Services, raids at

  source of the demand for antiquities, need to take on

  See also Conforti, Roberto

  Casasanta, Pietro

  Caswell, John

  Cenere, Armando

  Chamay, Jacques


  Chippindale, Christopher

  Chippindale’s Law

  evidence supporting

  Medici as proof of the validity of

  scholarly argument and research underlying statement of

  Choregos Painter

  Christie’s. See also Auction houses

  Church of San Saba (Rome), sarcophagus stolen from

  Cilli, Roberto

  Cimicchi, Sandro


  Cleveland Museum of Art


  Alsdorf Collection

  conclusions regarding

  the Fleischman Collection (see also Fleischman, Barbara; Fleischman, Lawrence)

  the Goulandris Collection

  growing interest of from the eighteenth to twentieth centuries

  the Holger Termer Collection

  the Hunts(see also Hunt, Nelson Bunker; Hunt, William Herbert)

  intellectual attack on

  the Levy-White Collection (see Levy-White Collection)

  Medici, objects acquired that are linked to

  the Ortiz Collection(see also Ortiz, George)

  the Rockefeller Collection

  the Rycroft Collection

  scholarship, undermining of

  as sustainers of looting

  the Tempelsman Collection (see also Tempelsman, Maurice)

  unprovenanced antiquities, percentage of collections consisting of

  wish fulfillment by

  Colonna, Giovanni

  Commando Carabinieri Ministero Pubblica Istruzione—Nucleo Tutela Patrimonio Artistica (TPA). See Carabinieri Art Squad

  Concrete, invention of

  Conforti, Roberto

  antiquities looters, possibility of action against after receipt of Medici’s materials

  Artemis statue, forgery of

  background/experience of

  Becchina, investigation of

  Carabinieri Art Squad, command of

  documentation found in Medici’s warehouse, interest in

  following people in cars, experience with

  Hecht, investigation of

  letter regarding the Morgantina silver

  Medici, investigation of

  the Morgantina silver, efforts regarding

  notices in Hecht’s apartment regarding illicit objects

  Operation Geryon

  organigram, discovery of

  retirement of

  Rizzo, collaboration with

  stolen tripod acquired by the Getty, action regarding

  success of

  See also Carabinieri Art Squad

  Constantini, Enzo

  Cook, Brian

  Coomaraswamy, A. K.

  Cooney, John

  Copenhagen Painter

  Coppola, Luigi

  Corpus Christie College, Oxford

  Corridor 17. See Geneva Freeport

  Cottier, Pierre

  Cottier-Angeli, Fiorella

  Credit Suisse

  Cucci, Cleto

  Cuno, James

  Curtis, John

  d’Agata, Wanda

  D’Aniello, Benedetto

  Darius Painter

  del Sarto, Andrea

  de Montebello, Philippe

  Dennis, George

  Denon, Vivant

  Der Spiegel

  de Walden, Ludovic

  di Gennaro, Francesco

  Dillon, C. Douglas

  di Maio, Frank

  Diotis, Ioannis

  Di Simone, Orazio

  Domercq, Jean

  Donati, Pino

  Doole, Jenny


  Duke University Classical Collection

  Early Cycladic Art in North American Collections exhibition (Richmond)

  Editions Services

  the Fleischman Collection and

  Hydra Gallery, replacing of by

  Jacques, prosecution interrogation of

  laundering of antiquities, participation in

  Medici trial, discussed in

  stolen sarcophagus consigned by

  True interrogation, discussed in

  See also Hydra Gallery


  Eisenberg, Jerome

  Elia, Ricardo

  Elston, Maya



  Etruscans, the

  Eucharides Painter


  the Hunt/Levy-White red-figure calyx krater by

  kylix by

  kylix recovered at Geneva Freeport by

  as one of the Pioneers

  provenance of work attributed to

  sale , of orphans from vases of

  work of acquired by the Getty and so
ld through Medici

  Euphronios krater

  Bürki’s admission of the restoration of

  controversy surrounding the Met’s acquisition of

  description of

  finding of

  Hecht’s version of the Met’s acquisition of

  Hoving’s version of the Met’s acquisition of

  impact of the Met’s acquisition of on the antiquities market

  the Met’s behavior regarding the acquisition and return of

  photographs of seized from Medici’s home

  photographs of seized from Medici’s warehouse in Geneva

  return of

  the subject of the decoration on

  von Bothmer’s reputation in Italy resulting from acquisition of

  Euphronios-Onesimos kylix



  Evangelisti, Giuseppe

  Evans, Arthur


  Fakes, scholarly problems posed by

  Falcone, Giovanni

  Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)

  Felch, Jason

  Fenellosa, Ernest

  Feoli Painter

  Ferri, Paolo Giorgio

  appointment as Medici prosecutor

  Becchina, investigation of

  the Bürkis, investigation of

  collectors, concerns regarding objects acquired by

  Corridor 17, actions regarding

  the Euphronios-Onesimos kylix, value of

  fragments, the puzzle of

  future actions of

  the Getty, documentation requested from

  Getty lawyer’s complaint lodged against

  Greek investigation, cooperation with

  Hecht, investigation of

  Heilmeyer, international rogatory served on

  laundering of antiquities by Medici

  letters rogatory, use of

  market value of items mentioned in this book, estimate of

  Medici, actions regarding

  Medici documentation, interest in

  Phoenix Ancient Art and Inanna Art Services, raids at

  rivalry between two groups in the illicit trade, discovery of

  Rizzo, collaboration with

  Sotheby’s and the London investigation

  success of

  Symes, investigation of

  Symes/Michaelides photographs, quality of

  Tchacos, actions regarding

  tombs excavated by the cordata, estimate of

  True, actions regarding

  von Bothmer, interest in interviewing

  Fiorilli, Maurizio

  Fitzwilliam Museum (Cambridge), Crossroads of Asia exhibit

  Flecker, James Elroy

  Fleischman, Barbara

  as collector

  illicit objects in the collection of

  interview of

  loan to True

  public standing of

  resignation as trustee of the Getty Museum

  Shelby and White, comparison to

  Wight on

  Fleischman, Lawrence

  checks to Phoenix Ancient Art from

  as collector

  Getty acquisition of the collection of

  illicit objects in the collection of

  loan to True

  the Metropolitan Museum of Art, anger at

  public standing of

  Shelby and White, comparison to

  Symes interview, discussed in

  Tchacos interview, discussed in

  Wight on

  Fleischman Collection

  Forensic archaeology

  Foroni, Ermenegildo

  Foster, Martin

  Foundry Painter

  Frammolino, Ralph


  Frel, Jiri

  association with Medici, paperwork indicating

  as controversial figure

  as curator of the Getty during the Tempelsman acquisition

  on Euthymides

  prosecutorial interrogations of others, mentioned in

  reputation in Italy

  “Frida.” See Tchacos-Nussberger, Frederique

  Fry, Roger

  Fujita, Tosca

  Gage, Nicholas

  Galerie Nefer

  Galerie Weber (Cologne)

  Gangi, Franco

  Geneva Art and History Museum

  Geneva Freeport

  the Aboutaam’s warehouse, raid of

  antiquities in the Fleischman Collection that appear in the photos seized in Corridor

  antiquities in the Getty Museum that appear in the photos seized in Corridor

  antiquities in the Levy-White Collection that appear in the photos seized in Corridor

  Euphronios vase recovered at

  examination of documents and photos from

  the forensic archaeologist’s report on the contents of Corridor

  objects laundered through Sotheby’s seized in Corridor 17, list of

  raid at

  rarities and especially important objects found in Corridor

  removal of contents to Italy

  second visit to

  Gennaro, Francesco di,


  Getty, John Paul

  Getty Museum. See J. Paul Getty Museum (Los Angeles)

  Getty Trust

  Ghiya, Vaman

  Gilgan, Elizabeth

  Gill, David

  Gillies, Jane

  Giuliano, Antonio

  Giuliano, Salvatore

  Gligoris, George

  Gods Delight, The: The Human Figure in Classical Bronze exhibition (Cleveland)

  Goodman, Daniel

  Gorgon Painter

  Gospel of Judas manuscript

  Goulandris, Dolly

  Goulandris Collection

  Goutulakis, Nicholas. See Koutoulakis, Nikolas

  Gravina Painter

  Great Britain. See United Kingdom

  Greece. See also Operation Eclipse and subsequent Greek investigations

  Greek Art Squad. See Operation Eclipse and subsequent Greek investigations

  Greek Ministry of Culture

  Greek vases

  black-figure technique

  connoisseurs and collectors of (see also Collectors)

  decoration of

  found in Corridor (see also Geneva Freeport)

  Morellian techniques of identifying

  Nolane vases

  passion for

  red-figure technique

  shapes and functions of

  Greifenhagen, Adolf

  Gribbon, Deborah

  Guardia di Finanza

  Guarini, Walter

  Guglielmi, Giacinto

  Guglielmi, Giulio

  Guglielmi Collection

  Guy, Robert

  Becchina, relations with

  fellowship at Oxford, odd circumstances surrounding

  fragments, skill at identifying

  fragments obtained by in the Harvard collection

  Hecht memoir, discussed in

  kantharos acquired by the Getty, involvement with

  Medici, association with

  objects in the Fleischman Collection, opinions regarding

  Symes, transactions with

  Tchacos interview, discussed in

  True interrogation, discussed in

  Haber, Robert

  Hague Convention of

  Hall, Sir Peter

  Hamill Gallery (Boston)

  Hamilton, Sir William

  Hankes-Dielsma, Claude

  Hartwig, Ron

  Harvard Museum (Cambridge)

  Harvard University

  Hawkins, Ashton

  Haynes, Dennis

  Hearst, William Randolph

  Hecht, Andrea

  Hecht, Elisabeth

  Hecht, Robert E., Jr.

  background of

  Carabinieri, brief meeting with

  collectors, involvement in sale of objects to

  the Euphronios krater and

  failed prosecutions of tombaroli, reason for

  fragment, offer to sell

  future of

  interrogation of

  interrogations of others, discussed in

  investigation of

  judge’s comments regarding in Medici trial

  leaked documents from the Getty, appearance in

  looted objects, refusal to accept that he deals in

  McNall, partnership formed with

  Medici, association with

  Medici trial, discussed in

  the memoir of

  the Morgantina silver and

  museums, involvement in acquisition of objects by

  museums outside the U.S., involvement in acquisition of objects by

  name of in the organigram

  phiale sold to the Met, appearance of matching object to

  prosecutorial interrogations of others, mentioned in

  raid on the Paris apartment of

  Roman funerary relief, possible involvement with

  skyphos in Berlin, fragments of donated by

  tombaroli, continued meetings with

  two separate groups in the illicit trade, contacts with

  upcoming trial of

  Heeramaneck Collection

  Heilmeyer, Wolf Dietrich

  “Hellas et Roma” Association

  Hemelrijk, Jaap M.

  Herchenröder, Christian

  Hermitage, the (St. Petersburg)



  Hodges, James

  Holger Termer Collection

  Holloway, Ross

  Holocaust survivors, bank accounts paid out to

  Holzer, Harold

  Honolulu Academy of Arts

  Hope, Thomas

  Horiuchi, Noriyoshi

  Houghton, Arthur

  Hoving, Thomas

  antiquities, questionable acquisition of

  the Euphronios krater, the Met’s acquisition of

  Frel as employee of

  Hecht’s memoir, discussed in

  kylix by Euphronios, reference to

  the Lydian Hoard

  memoirs of

  Muscarella and

  Hunt, Hassie

  Hunt, Nelson Bunker

  Hunt, William Herbert3

  Hydra Gallery

  dispute over ownership of

  Editions Services, parallel with

  Euthymides amphora sold to the Getty

  fragments of the Euphronios-Onesimos kylix acquired from

  Medici trial, discussed in

  True interrogation, discussed in

  See also Editions Services

  Hyman, Steven

  Illicit Antiquities Research Centre (Cambridge University)

  Inanna Art Services


  Inland Revenue (United Kingdom)

  International Council of Museums

  International Foundation for Art Research

  Iranian Western Cave Treasure


  Isolabella, Lodovico

  Israel Museum in Jerusalem


  archaeological/cultural property, attempts to control movement of (see also Carabinieri Art Squad)


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