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Secret Bet (The House of Morgan)

Page 15

by Victoria Pinder

  He dropped everything in a pile and came toward her on the couch. She leaned down as his lips suckled her breast. A sigh escaped her as he stopped, but then he moved to her other breast.

  Her hands wrapped around his naked body as her own quaked in a sea of desire. Then his lips moved upwards and he kissed her.

  She could taste him, and she was hot. He quickly rolled a condom, and her body was lax as she accepted his length inside her.

  His voice was gruff as he asked, "How about this? Do you like this?"


  She couldn't say anything else, panting as he pushed in and out of her. Heat built inside, and she lost the ability to think. Fireworks exploded inside her as he once again ejaculated.

  She couldn't move she was so relaxed and warm. Peter leaned over her and stared at her as consciousness returned to her body. She licked her lips and stared into the eyes of a concerned man. His eyebrows angled down as he stared at her. She swallowed and tried to find her voice. She sighed. He was in so many ways the perfect man.

  Her lips curled into a smile and then asked, "What's wrong?"

  "Belle..." He pressed a short kiss on her lips, and she moaned. Then he petted her hair until she stared at him again. He didn't blink as he said, "You deserve better than me."

  She sat fast and covered her breasts. She shook her head and refused to look at him. "Everyone always says that about me right before they leave."

  His hand went to her knee again, and he massaged it until she looked at him. Her heart stopped its fast racing as she licked her lips.

  He then whispered, "I'm more afraid of losing you."

  A surge of something in her blood grew. She leaned into his muscular chest and stared at his big hands. "Really?"

  He kissed the top of her head. "Belle, I've never been with a woman who didn't want me for my money. The price tag meant that no one wanted me for me. I could keep my distance. With you, it's like I'm seeing the world differently."

  She sat and kissed him as her pulse quickened. "Peter, that's sweet."

  He winked at her, "Don't do that, sweetheart, or you'll get me excited again."

  A quiver erupted in her at the thought. She pressed her head on his shoulder. "I like you out of control."

  He massaged her shoulders. "Likewise."

  Neither of them spoke or moved for a while. They stared out at the ocean. No land was anywhere in sight. They were completely alone, except for his staff. She covered her lips. She had never been so free with herself before. She began to laugh.

  He asked, "What's so funny?"

  She tried to contain her giggling, but it grew worse. Her belly hurt from laughing so hard. Finally she managed, "Everyone always says I'm so wound up with a million things to do that I never let myself go. Clearly I was just waiting for you."

  He hugged her. "Belle, you're the best Christmas present."

  The telephone in the corner of the room rang. Peter petted her hair and seemed to ignore the phone.

  She sighed and sat. "Your phone is ringing."

  His hand returned to her knee. Her heart was light, as he said, "Let it."

  The world was shiny and bright right now, but she shrugged, "No, if someone called the ship, it must be super important, or else the captain wouldn't have let it through."

  He stiffened. "I guess, but other than you, today has been a day I needed to avoid people."

  She rubbed his back as he answered, "Hello?"

  His face fell as he said, "She's where?" She hugged his shoulders as he continued, "Have all the bills forwarded to me. Give her the best possible care." Her heart hammered in her chest as he then said, "I don't know when I will arrive." She felt how he stiffened under her touch and stood taller as he finished, "Bye."

  He walked away from her, tugged on his boxers, and slumped on the couch. She followed and scooted next to him.

  "Peter, what happened?"

  He stared at the ocean like he could set it on fire from whatever had just happened. Her heart ached for him, and she placed her hand on his stomach.

  He let out a deep breath and said, "My mother is in the hospital."

  She swallowed. "What?"

  He didn't blink. His shoulders were tense. "She was taken in with pneumonia, but no one is sure. John and Vicki are en route."

  She scooted closer to him and smoothed his hair. "Who called you then?"

  He turned to face her, and she could see how his entire face went dark. She hugged his shoulder as he said, "My staff."

  There was an ache in her throat, but she stayed quiet. "Peter, call the captain. We should go home at once."

  His jaw tightened like he was trying to hold himself together, as he shook his head. "I don't know."

  Her eyes misted to cry for him, but she tried to give him an understanding nod. "What don't you know?"

  He jerked to his feet to isolate himself. "If she lives through this, then she'll want to speak to me. I don't want to cause her more pain."

  She fumbled for her words as she stayed in her seat to let him pace. When he stopped, she stroked her own throat as she asked, "Peter, what are you saying?"

  His hands clenched as his body tightened. "I don't know if I can forgive her."

  She didn't say anything for a few minutes. He paced, but then he sunk back onto the couch beside her with his shoulders pushed into the cushion. She curled her legs beside him, but didn't say anything.

  His hands eventually patted her leg. "Do you think I'm horrible?"

  She wished she could alleviate this for him. He was so used to total control but had no idea how to open up to his family.

  She petted his leg. "No. You're in pain."

  He sat and stared into her eyes like she was a mythical priestess with all the answers. "How do I stop feeling like I let everyone down?"

  She never had answers when it came to emotional stuff. She worried if she didn't help him, though, he'd be in an endless cycle of pain. He deserved better.

  She licked her lips as her heart led her words. "Sometimes we all have to move on."

  He narrowed his gaze. "What does that mean?"

  She met his stare and realized she had to speak up. This was what she'd do. This was how she had accepted her stepmother into her life after years of being the only girl in the house.

  She tilted her head and said, "She's in your life again. You don't have to be close. It might be easier for you if you go and say 'hello, how are you doing?' Let her see that you're there and be polite. That was what worked for me, and eventually I liked my stepmother well enough. She makes my dad happy."

  His shoulders slumped and he averted his gaze. "I don't know if I can do that."

  She handed him his shirt, which had still been on the floor with his pants. Then she straightened out his pants. "Why not? You have everything you need."

  He took the pants from her and laid them beside him with his shirt. He then stared at the ocean again as he said, "I was on the stairs as she stormed out of the house. Earlier, before the fight, she had laid Vicki down in the crib and kissed her forehead. I followed her that night. As she fought with Dad, I sat there waiting for her. She flew past me with her arms clenched at her sides and threw open the door. I spent years wishing she had taken me with her."

  With a heavy nod, her chest ached for him. She wasn't sure how she'd be any different if the roles were reversed. She sighed. "You did?"

  He shook his head and didn't look away from the waves the ship made in the water. "Then I spent my entire adult life hating her."

  She had to phrase this right so she did not upset him, and hoped he'd see the situation in a better light. "What about your father, Peter? I've heard unkind things from all of you, but I don't know what he did to you."

  His shoulders were still tight, but he turned to her. His face was etched in a heavy load he had borne all his life. "I was to take the reins of Morgan Enterprises after he left, and rule the House of Morgan as he saw fit."

  The House of Morgan seem
ed a horrible way to phrase family. She narrowed her gaze. "What does that mean?"

  He blinked and then stared at the floor and counted on his fingers. "To quote a few things from my dad said, let's not think with my heart about anything other than work. To ensure the success of Morgan Enterprises above even my own health. To not let family ever get in the way of what's best for myself. And you don't want to get me started on how I'm to view women. Mitch Morgan was a spoiled, bitter man who always got whatever he wanted."

  She held her breath. She now believed his mother. No father should talk like that to his own son. Her hands clenched like she might fight his father too.

  "So you believe he could have kidnapped your mother that night?"

  For a long while he didn't say anything. The ship continued to sail away from Miami. Then he slumped his shoulders. "I absolutely believe that. As I said, I hated her for leaving me there."

  She licked her lips. It was time for him to go. She rubbed her arms and then stared at the phone. "Peter, turn the ship around."

  The couch shifted beside her as he moved. He walked to the phone, but as he picked it up, he said, "Okay, but, Belle. When I'm done at the hospital, can I come to your hotel room?"

  Her heart swelled. She nodded her head and offered a weak smile. "Absolutely."

  Chapter Twenty One

  Peter wrapped his arms around hers as Belle stepped out of the limo. The bright sun of Miami and the warm breezes tempered her, or maybe it was the way he held her tightly. Her lips sought his, and she was lost in a sea of happiness. His kiss captured her entirely.

  He stepped away. "See you in a few hours, maybe less."

  The Marines had taught her she'd be fine in any situation. She reached up and hugged his neck.

  "Take your time with your mom."

  She placed a kiss on his cheek and stepped away.

  He nodded at her and repeated himself, "I'll be back for you."

  “I’ll be here then.” She refused to budge until he stepped into his limo. Her heart wished him well. He needed to make peace with his mother. She widened her stance on the sidewalk as she watched the limo drive down the palm-tree-lined driveway and out of sight.

  She turned on her heels and carried her bathing suit bag into the elegant hotel with the amazing painted ceilings.

  Belle knew she wouldn't be able to sleep the moment the limo dropped her off at her hotel. She picked up her phone and texted her best friend, Em, anyhow.

  Where are you?

  At the shipyard changing into my gear for the evening. How is your date with Peter?

  He'll get me later. His mom's in the hospital.

  That's too bad. Thanks for letting me know. Maybe I can leave early, and we can do something.

  No, don't. Have fun. Peter is coming back.

  Talk later. Bye.

  She was alone, and her body was jittery with too much adrenaline. Every cell in her body craved to do something, but she wasn't sure what.

  As she marched through the lobby, where families gathered and someone took her photograph, she crossed her arms. Peter should take hours with his mother.

  She thought about reading, but right now, she couldn't get her mind to settle. She marched into the hotel and then saw the word 'spa' on a brochure. A good massage might make her less anxious and more open to Peter when he came back. He'd probably be wound up tight, and she hoped to be a good listener.

  She went to her room and dropped off her bag. The spa idea played in her mind. She stared out her balcony as people danced in a courtyard and had drinks. The party never stopped there.

  Then she marched out of her room and through a different courtyard, which played light samba music, and into the sunshine. The people at the pool drank and others swam in the blue waters. Parrots squawked in the palm trees. At the cabana, more people congregated with drinks. Clearly this was vacation heaven.

  She stepped into the salon and Miss Hair, Makeup and Clothes were all there. Miss Hair was behind the front desk as she worked on someone's hair. Miss Makeup was also with a client to her left as she sold some products.

  Miss Clothes was at the front desk and asked, "How may we serve you today Ms. Jordan?"

  She stared at the brochure with the menu of options. "I'd like a massage."

  Miss Clothes smiled. "Would you like that in your room or in our spa?"

  She hadn't thought to stay in her room. She didn't want to be alone right now anyhow. It was better to be lost in a crowd.

  "Here is fine."

  "Please have a seat, and I will get a masseuse for you now."

  Her skin was alert and active. The sounds of harps and bells in the light spa music already relaxed her.

  "Are you ready?" Belle stood and nodded her head. The woman smiled and turned to lead her. "Of course. This way."

  Miss Clothes walked with perfect poise. Belle's hips did not swing like hers. Belle stampeded with a brisk military straight line, though she wore heels. Miss Clothes pointed to a dressing room and handed her a warm bathrobe.

  "Your masseuse will be Katerina. Please change here, and she will come and get you in a moment."

  The sounds of nature mixed with a flute played in her ear. This place was tranquil.

  Belle nodded and walked inside. "Thank you."

  She was in one of the changing rooms, wrapping the robe around her, when she heard footsteps. She assumed it was the masseuse and called out, "I'll be out in a moment."

  No one said anything, but someone was outside in the lounge. Belle could hear them. She folded her clothes and ensured the robe was tight around her as she stepped out. She rolled on her feet the moment she saw Jennifer. Part of her wanted to go into the changing room and stay. She didn't though. She marched forward.

  Jennifer sipped a Bellini, the signature drink of the hotel, and stood the moment she saw her. "Belle Jordan, is that you?"

  "Jennifer, Peter's ex?"

  Belle proceeded to a locker and ensured Jennifer couldn't see the passcode.

  As she returned to the couch, Jennifer sipped her cocktail and smiled. "Funny seeing you here."

  She was here to cause trouble. Belle crossed her arms. She'd not bait the woman who clearly wanted Peter.

  "I am staying at the hotel. What are you doing here?"

  Jennifer didn't flinch. She relaxed in her seat as her skin glowed with radiance. Spa living must be good at hiding the inside of a person. Belle sat and stared at the door, hoping the masseuse came. "I live in Coral Gables, and this is my usual spa, at least until Calm Serenity opens officially. I can’t wait to go there."

  “I don’t know what that is. I’m not from here. I find it strange you are at my hotel.”

  “This hotel is pretty historic.”

  Belle lifted one of her eyebrows to give her most quizzical ‘don't feed me nonsense' face she had used on people under her supervision. "So you followed Peter and me shopping earlier too?"

  Jennifer swallowed and then saluted with her glass. "He told you?"

  Belle pressed her lips together. This was the last person she'd choose to talk to, but any moment this little episode would end. She glanced at the door.

  "Of course. We don't have secrets."

  Jennifer's smile was like a cat staring at its prey. An instant coldness raced down Belle's spine as Jennifer said, "Interesting. Well I didn't take you as a spa type. I thought I’d be safe enough from the lovebirds."

  This was taking too long. Her heart began to race as she sat here. She didn't look at Jennifer.

  "Perhaps it's better if we simply read until our appointments start."

  Jennifer placed her glass on the table. Belle heard the glass clink. Her own skin tingled at the sound.

  Then Jennifer said, "You don't want to share Peter. I understand. I didn't either, but then he cheated on me."

  Belle tugged on her ear. She'd not turn and give this woman any time. Cheating was not a good characteristic though and she’d ask him for his story soon. "Sorry about that, but
so we understand each other, I am here to relax.”

  “Of course. I’d be the same if I was you.” Jennifer's sigh filled the air and drowned out the nice piano music mingling with nature as she said, "I'm a little disappointed at this though. If I were you, I'd want to know all about his little bet."

  She should have asked for details about the bet. Jennifer had mentioned it at the hospital too. Belle refused to say anything to the woman that reminded her of girls in high school she'd avoid like the plague. Curiosity won though.

  "Excuse me?"

  Jennifer leaned forward in her seat. "He made a bet that he could date you for a month. He gets ten percent of John's stock in Morgan Enterprises if he keeps you on his arm."

  The stakes were high. Peter cared about Morgan Enterprises. She knew she fed Jennifer's ego with her question. Her shoulders tightened as she stared at the door. "I don't believe you."

  Jennifer said, "Don't believe me. That's fine. You can ask him yourself about the bet. We both know that Peter doesn't lie when confronted. He will make a plan to ensure that his way ultimately wins."

  A month. Now that the question was out there, she'd ask. She had wondered why a man like Peter Morgan would ever talk to her at that party or why he insisted they spend time together. She'd been in such a dark cloud and rude. Now he spent all his time with her.

  She swallowed and turned toward Jennifer, who stared at her like a cat that let its prey wander the cage. "When did the bet supposedly start?"

  Jennifer waited and let the sounds of harps fill the air. "So you are curious."

  Belle swallowed and hugged her waist. "Forget it."

  Jennifer sighed. "At the rehearsal dinner, the moment you arrived."

  There was no time for that. This had to be a lie. Belle's shoulders straightened for the moment. "He came to speak to me within minutes of my arrival."

  Jennifer picked up her glass and played with the rim. "True. Most of the bet was decided before they found the girl he had to date. When you walked in, you became the girl. I tried to warn you."

  Footsteps echoed in the hall. Belle's heart beat fast. Then a masseuse dressed in white came in. Belle silently prayed she was Katarina. Then the woman nodded at Jennifer and then her.


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