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Sierra Cartwright - Hawkeye 01 - Danger Zone

Page 8

by Sierra Cartwright

  “Would you like to use it? No shame in stopping.” He pulled off his gloves and dropped them on the floor.


  Before she could draw another full breath, he spanked her, his bare hand, catching her already tormented skin. She moaned and wiggled. He barely gave her a second to compose herself before the next one caught her, right below her right cheek. Then he gave her no time at all to sort out the dizzying feelings. The third, fourth, and fifth came together instantly. She arched her back and struggled.

  Tears sprang to her eyes.

  “Stop thinking about it,” Nate said. “You’re fighting it, instead of absorbing it and enjoying it.”

  Easy for him to say.

  “You’re almost halfway there,” Stone said. The halfway spank landed between her thighs. “Better,” he said.

  And it was.

  It hurt. Stung. But she’d taken it.

  “Countdown the final six.” He vigorously rubbed her behind again, and she stopped thinking.

  “Six!” she managed when he landed one smartly on her right cheek. “Five!” she cried out when he placed one on the other side.

  The next had a searing intensity and she sucked in a deep breath. “Four,” she whispered.

  Sweat slickened her back.

  She forced in a deep breath, and she realized that, even though, he’d made the spanks harder and sharper, she was able to handle it better.

  He landed one between her legs. “Three.” She shuddered. “Please…”

  “Please?” he asked.

  She wanted to come.

  She wanted him to finger her clit and let her shatter.

  When she said nothing else, he gave her the most devastating spank yet. Her pussy clenched. She wanted, needed… She shook her head to clear it. She no longer felt the pain in her rear. She was aware only of her arousal, the scent sharp and tangy on the air.

  “Count?” he prompted.

  “Three…?” She couldn’t see anything past her own desire. He mastered her totally, completely. And her tears weren’t from pain, they were from surrender.

  “Two,” he said.

  His voice seemed like a lifeline, cool, calm, composed, controlled.

  Which left only one more.

  Being naughty, very naughty, she dug her toes into the floor to readjust herself. She turned her feet inward a little, knowing it would part her thighs a bit more.

  He read her wordless invitation and blazed the final slap directly on her tortured cunt.

  She screamed.

  She didn’t count a number, wasn’t capable of it. “I need to orgasm,” she told him. “Please… Please…” She knew she was babbling, but she’d never been this desperate, this needy before. “Please.”

  Hardly aware of what was happening, she was suddenly in his arms, then deposited in his chair. He knelt in front of her and put her legs over his shoulder. He inserted two fingers deep inside her, then pulled back.


  Then he tenderly licked her, sucking her clit into his mouth.

  “Bite,” she begged.

  He did.

  She screamed as the orgasm crashed into her. She jerked convulsively and thrashed, calling out his name again and again and he rode the climax. He drew it out, gently nibbling, applying pressure, sucking, licking.

  She shuddered tremendously and when she finally opened her eyes, he was still on his knees, still between her legs.

  “Well, Fagan, your first spanking is in the books. And you’ve set yourself up for another by orgasming without permission.”

  * * * * *

  “She’s asleep,” Nate said. “I put her in your bed. I figured if she woke up, she’d appreciate having you in there with her.”

  Stone nodded, staring into the barren hearth.

  Nate took a seat on the leather couch. Stone scrimped on nothing. This stuff was plush, comfortable. An exquisite, handwoven blanket lay across the arm of the couch for cool evenings. Pottery decorated the mantel -- one piece was a horsehair pot, another was etched. Everything in this room fit the location and its owner. He stretched out his legs toward the nonexistent fire.

  “Been thinking,” Stone said. “About being alone out here.”


  “It’s too big for one person.”

  “Too lonely,” Nate said, correcting him. “Which, you probably realized, now that it’s not so lonely anymore.”

  Stone nodded. But he didn’t pursue the conversation deeper, like Nate knew he wouldn’t. “She’s got a spankable ass.”

  Nate grinned. “Like mine?”

  “Yours is like leather.”

  “So you just have to work at it a little harder.”

  “No one has a hand hard enough to paddle you successfully.”

  “Good thing there are other implements of torture.”

  “All of which I’m going to use on you.”

  His pulse became thready. What this man did to him… Always had… Probably always would.

  “She’s got a lot to learn, if she wants to play.”

  Nate said nothing. He just waited. Stone was a man of few words, but he never said anything he didn’t mean.

  “If she wants to play with us,” Stone clarified.

  He let out a breath he hadn’t realized he’d been holding. “You’re not planning to kick my sorry butt to the curb?”

  Stone regarded him. Tension crawled over the air like a supercharged storm. “You deserve a beating for that comment.”

  “Just checking.”

  “You mind?”

  “Kayla joining us permanently, rather than just for the moment?” When Stone nodded, Nate said, “Not at all. Just want to remind you, though, that there isn’t an us.”

  “There has been on and off for three years.”

  “More off. And nothing in the past twelve months.”

  “Eleven,” he corrected. “You ready to change that?”

  Nate felt an electrical pulse crawling around somewhere in his guts. Yeah, he wanted to change that. He’d wanted to change it since the beginning. He knew, from painful experience, that Stone’s definition of a relationship was a hell of a lot different than his own. Cautious because of what had happened the last time -- a little over a year ago -- they had been together and had a similar discussion, he asked, “What if I do?”

  Stone steepled his hands together and regarded him over the top. “You didn’t want that last time.”

  “The hell I didn’t.” Nate came to his feet. “I didn’t want the table scraps you were offering. That’s different.”

  “Table scraps?” Stone scowled, clearly offended. “You’re calling what I offered you table scraps?”

  “What do you call it? Your idea of the perfect relationship meant that I’d be available when you wanted, at your convenience, and you could decide, on the spur of the moment that you wanted me here.”

  “That’s not exactly how I put it.”

  “No,” Nate conceded. “But that’s all you were offering.”

  “I wanted you to share my house when we were both between missions. I wanted you to come home to me. That’s a relationship.”

  “Bullshit,” Nate countered. “You won’t open yourself up. You won’t admit you want or need anyone. You’re so freaking scared of being hurt, you’d rather be alone. That’s table scraps. And I’m not interested. Thanks, anyway.”

  Stone sat there.

  Nate paced. What he really wanted was to punch something. “A relationship is when two people who are in love share everything. The good and the bad stuff. They make plans for the future instead of just seizing the moment. They spend holidays together. They let each other know they’re alive and safe.” He stopped pacing and fixed Stone with a level stare. “They don’t turn down help. And they sure as hell don’t shut their partner out.”


  “We both know you were not offering that. If you had, I wouldn’t have had to find out from Hawkeye that you’d been sh
ot. I’d have been there for the surgery.”

  “You were working.”

  “Fuck you. Fucking fuck you, Stone!” He dragged a hand through his hair. “You’re an ass who’s going to end up with this big stinking place all to himself. Twenty years from now, you’ll still be in that chair, nursing a drink and wondering what the hell happened.”

  “Davidson --”

  “I’m not done. For the record, now that I’m here, I am not leaving you until this court case is over, even if that hurts your fragile ego. I love you, even if you’re too pigheaded to accept that or return it.”

  Stone slumped, his shoulders sinking deeply into the chair. “I --”

  “Had no idea?” Nate finished for him. “Of course not. You’re so damn busy avoiding love, avoiding commitment that you wouldn’t even see the possibility. Well, there it is. I am here because I want to be here. I’m going to squeeze every fucking moment of joy from the experience.”

  He smiled, as if trying to defuse the situation. “Joy. Is that what this is?”

  “I’m not finished,” Nate said. “When the court case is done, then I’ll go back to work. This time is on my terms, not yours. While I’m here, I sure as hell don’t mind being your sub, because that’s what I want. And adding Kayla as a third is a real turn on.”

  “Now are you done?”

  “I…” He dragged a hand back through his hair again. “Yeah.”

  “Come here,” he said. “I want to kiss you.”

  If he’d said anything else, in any other tone, Nate might have refused. But Stone was gentle, encouraging. Very unlike him. Nate’s resistance crumbled. And truly, how could he resist? He loved this man, this Alpha.

  Nate crossed the room. Stone stood.

  He took Nate in his arms with a tenderness Nate hadn’t known possible.

  This kiss wasn’t about punishment or their usual passionate aggression. It was about healing.

  He looped his hands around Stone’s neck and leaned in, simultaneously surrendering and asking for more.

  Stone cradled his head, holding him still.

  His Dom’s tongue tasted of promise and the future. His skin smelled of the untamed power of a Rocky Mountain winter. When Nate was on missions, it was a scent that seemingly came from nowhere on the breeze, to tantalize, to keep him from sleep, to keep his cock hard and his body wanting.

  When Stone’s fingers found his fly, Nate helped. He undressed quickly, surrendering when Stone said, “I want you over the arm of the couch.”

  He was prepared to be taken with force. In fact, his insides churned, ready for the possession.

  Instead, Stone left the room for a minute, then returned with his fingers slick with oil.

  Nate reached back and spread his cheeks apart for his lover’s possession. Stone worked his forefinger in, lingered, then drew it slowly, oh-so-slowly, back out, drawing out the foreplay. Nate’s senses were tripping. Everything about this exchange was completely unexpected.


  Stone paid no attention to Nate’s protests as he slid a second finger inside that tight channel.

  Nate forced himself to keep breathing.

  But his body was becoming slick with sweat, and he was hungry with need.

  When Stone inserted a third finger, spreading them, fucking him, Nate couldn’t help himself. He moved. His hips were pumping in time to Stone’s thrusts, and his own erection rubbed against the smooth leather of the couch. “I need your cock.” He could hardly keep his ass cheeks apart.

  “Just a little more. I like watching you enjoy.”

  Deliberately, Stone sought, and found, Nate’s prostate. Masterfully, he massaged Nate’s insides. Precum slickened the tip of his cock. “I’m going to --”

  “Not yet,” Stone said. He stopped the motions entirely, and Nate drew in a shuddering breath.

  He fought to steady his heartbeat and control his reactions.

  “Ready for more?” Stone asked quietly a minute or so later. He’d leaned over Nate’s body, pressing him deeper into the couch’s arm, his breath warm on Nate’s skin, his voice both commanding and seductive.

  “I’m not sure I can take it.”

  Stone laughed. “You can.”

  He understood the mechanics of the whole thing. When Stone massaged his prostate, he normally triggered a deep, rocketing orgasm in Nate. One plus one always equaled two. What Nate always forgot when they were apart was the emotional reaction he had to Stone. His feelings for the man made the physical so much more intense. He could fight battles anywhere in the world, but when Stone’s scent wrapped around him, his brain ceased to function.

  Stone removed his fingers from Nate’s channel, leaving Nate wide open and hungry, and unfulfilled. He could have orgasmed in seconds, but he knew the scene would progress at Stone’s pace, not his own. It was part of the thrill, all of the frustration.

  He gripped Nate’s testicles. “You’re going to take a little more for me.”

  He nodded. “Yes.” He would. He’d take anything if it pleased this man.

  Stone pulled down slightly on Nate’s sac, keeping his balls low and away from his body.

  “Make your hole available.”

  Nate tried to nod and couldn’t. His nuts were in his Master’s hand. Pain. Pleasure. He had no idea where one ended, where the other started. His cock was pulsing, demanding release. And the most overwhelming thing? He knew he’d be on his knees, nearly sobbing before Stone was finished.

  Stone prolonged the agony and torture.

  “On your toes, man.”

  Nate remembered the sight of Kayla trying to steady herself for Stone’s ministrations. For a few minutes, he’d been proud he had enough distance from his love that he was able to enjoy being dominated without getting all wrapped up the way Kayla had.

  But now, he was there.

  Needy now.


  Hardly able to think.

  Using Stone’s voice as a lifeline to reality.

  He rose as Stone commanded, slowly so as not to alter Stone’s grip on his balls and cause a slash of pain. His cock pressed harder against the leather couch. Stone definitely knew what he was doing.

  Nate reached back and spread his cheeks again.

  “Beautiful,” Stone said.

  Nate imagined Stone’s cockhead against the opening, the firm flesh feeling different from fingers.

  Nate was slick from the oil, and his anus was still open wide from its earlier preparation.

  “Nice.” Stone inserted a finger, then another.

  Nate had already been prepared, so he accommodated them with no issue. This just felt…gentle.

  He enjoyed, drawing in a deep breath, imagining what he looked like, so submissive, his balls in the vise of Stone’s hand, his hole wide to accommodate Stone’s cock.

  “A little more?”

  “Yes.” He was ready. Or at least he thought he was, until Stone took a partial step forward and used that momentum to push up against his prostate again.

  Instantly, Nate’s cock was weepy, his ejaculate building inside his balls.

  He gasped when Stone squeezed his testicles a bit tighter.

  “Please. Please!” He wanted to spill his seed all over the supple leather, but he knew that wouldn’t be possible until Stone decided it was.

  “Shall I milk you? Or should I fuck you?”

  He couldn’t think, couldn’t decide how to answer the question.

  “Both?” Stone asked.

  He’d never been milked, had only a vague idea of what to expect.

  “Both,” Stone decided.

  Expertly, his Dom massaged his prostate. Ejaculate began to leak from Nate in a slow, steady stream.

  He fell even more firmly under Stone’s spell.

  His gut was tight, his body was all Stone’s.

  The flow from his cock was unlike anything he’d ever felt. Not a powerful, screaming orgasm, but a slow, soulful experience. “Dear God, Stone.”
/>   Then suddenly, it changed.

  Stone let go of Nate’s testicles. And his cock filled Nate’s ass.

  He hadn’t realized Stone had undressed, had no idea the man had sheathed and lubed his dick until it filled him, drove him, pounded him.


  “You’re so damn tight, Davidson.” Stone penetrated deep. His fingers grasped Nate’s hips, and he dragged Nate backward to meet his thrusts.

  Even though his ejaculate had been slowly milking out for long minutes, Nick came hard, screaming as the friction of the leather and Stone’s possession pushed him over the edge.

  Then, and only then, did Stone come. His hard cock filled Nate’s ass, and his raw, guttural moan said things he never would.

  Stone gently bit Nate’s shoulder. “Mine,” he said.

  Yeah. Just what he wanted. “Yours,” he agreed. His knees went weak.

  “Is this a private party? Or can anyone join?”

  From somewhere, as if a great distance away, Nate was aware of Kayla’s voice. Soothing. Feminine. As welcome as his Dom’s unyielding fucking.

  “Not private,” Stone said. “Get your sweet, little spanked ass over here.”

  Nate turned his head slightly to the side to see her in one of Stone’s T-shirts, the hem skirting her at midthigh. Her hair was rumpled, her features soft. So different than either him or Stone.

  On bare, silent feet, she moved toward them. Tenderly her fingers feathered into Nate’s hair.

  “I think we have enough energy left for Kayla. What do you think, Davidson?”

  Maybe Stone did. Nate was spent.

  “Take off that shirt,” Stone commanded Kayla. He still hadn’t released his grip on Nate.

  Kayla’s eyes widened, but she stopped touching Nate long enough to pull her shirt up and off.

  Her pert breasts were taut, her nipples erect in the brush of cool evening air.

  Her labia were swollen from the spanking Stone had given her earlier.

  “Have you ever masturbated in front of an audience?” Stone asked Kayla.

  She shook her head.

  “That chest over there?” He nodded toward the corner. “There are a couple of toys. Get them. And the nipple clamps.”

  “Nipple clamps?” Her voice was high, a bit distrusting, and maybe a little excited.


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