Forgiving Pain, Omega Born Book 3

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Forgiving Pain, Omega Born Book 3 Page 1

by CR Guiliano

  Forgiving Pain by CR Guiliano (Book 3 of Omega Born series)

  Forgiving Pain

  Published by CR Guiliano

  Copyright © 2017 CR Guiliano

  All Rights Reserved.

  Digital Edition

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  This book is a work of fiction. All characters, places and events are from the author’s imagination and should not be confused with fact. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, events or places is purely coincidental.

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  Five years wasn’t long in a shifter’s life, but to Kasp, it seemed like he’d been gone from his home pack for an eternity. Not that he cared. There was no love lost with his family, his pack, or the alpha. Kasp didn’t have any real feelings. Nothing warmed the emptiness of his being. All Kasp had was ambition. The desire for power, the need to subjugate those unworthy to be shifters. Especially wolf shifters. And a fixation to teach a lesson to a certain shifter who took something he didn’t deserve with roaming fangs.

  He’d found out the hard way, wolves were not the only shifters in the world. He fingered the scar on his neck, as he stared at himself in the mirror. The creature who made it should have died for daring to touch him. But, for once in his life, Kasp had hesitated, giving Osric time to run. Kasp thought about hunting the large male down, but he couldn’t be bothered, at least, not yet. Not when he’d heard Dryden was taking over Border pack.

  Kasp’s lips twisted into a derisive sneer.


  A powerful alpha, to be sure, but no match for Kasp. The male’s love for his pack weakened him. The possessive need to protect made him feeble, not to mention he’d heard Dryden was mated to a tiny, fragile male—one said to be more human, than wolf. The instinctual alpha dominance, and aggression in the male was a total waste. Dryden might be alpha born, but Kasp knew he was the stronger wolf, intellectually anyway. He couldn’t best Dryden in a physical fight, wouldn’t even bother to try. Kasp didn’t need to resort to such basics. He had other ways of destroying those in his way.

  He didn’t care about life, or the happiness of others. A pack—or pride, flock, herd, whatever—were there to serve the leader, the strongest of them, no matter who that leader was. Their sole purpose was to do what the leader told them to do, nothing more. And humans had no place in the hierarchy of shifters. They were nothing but fodder for either pleasure, or bait for training how to track, and kill.

  Kasp gazed at the reflection of the four males behind him. Each one a different shifter species—jackal, bear, weasel, and a rare panther—they had all given him their loyalty. A fidelity forced on them by Kasp’s viciousness. Each knew they would die in an instant if they didn’t follow Kasp’s orders to the letter. And none of them wanted to fail him. Kasp might be small, hell, his little brother, Ashwin, was bigger than he was, but he was malicious, and cruel. Without the burden of feelings, Kasp could do what he wanted, and think nothing of the consequences.

  Kasp turned from the mirror, the four shifters giving him their full attention, heads tilted, necks exposed. It gave Kasp a rush of satisfaction. “Dryden is supposed to be at the alpha house soon, or whoever he sends to escort the challengers to Woodlynn pack lands. You will follow, out of sight, and smell, except you.” Kasp had pointed at the panther, Taryne. He was the largest of the four, despite one of the others being a bear, and Kasp had a special assignment just for him. He’d been surprised by the male’s size, and he could feel the latent alpha in him. He planned on using that strength to his advantage. “When I finish that alpha, I will take over Woodlynn, along with Border, and then I will have the wolf-power I need to destroy the Sonoran Pride.”

  The males remained silent, and Kasp turned away, fiddling with the strap under his jacket, making sure his favorite dagger he carried wasn’t visible. He had a few more secreted about him. Ones hidden to keep him armed at all times. Kasp disregarded guns, believing them cowardly, and blatant. A dagger was a much more—intimate—killing weapon. It suited Kasp’s style, the way he liked to get up close, and personal with those he killed, so he could see the light extinguish from their eyes, as they bled out from him slicing their throats.

  The contingency of wolves would be here soon to take them to Woodlynn, and Kasp wanted to be ready. He ignored the door of the dingy motel opening, and then closing behind him, knowing the males would find another place to hide until it was time. All except Taryne, who would stay with Kasp until it was time to use his strength.

  “I’ll teach Osric to mate someone against their will.” Kasp’s body flushed with anger once more, and an arousal he didn’t want, or appreciate. He’d been fucking both males, and females, for years, whether they wanted him to, or not. He’d stuck mostly to humans, though he’d taken a shifter, or two. Kasp liked when they fought him, the struggle a turn on. He especially liked it when they screamed, the overwhelming scent of fear wafting from them an aphrodisiac like nothing else. And when they bled from his brutal attentions? Well, that guaranteed an orgasm out of him.

  Until Osric came along, anyway. The alpha lion was someone Kasp wanted to conquer on sight, the male the largest Kasp had ever seen, his body made for Kasp to control, and rut until he was bored, and then the male’s death the final satisfaction. He’d not recognized the mating pull, perhaps because Kasp was broken, and knew it. But after Osric had bitten him, he’d been unable to get it up for anyone else. Something that infuriated him. He’d lashed out, maiming, or killing nearly all the males who were ready to follow him to Maine. Maybe that’s why the remaining four weren’t inclined to defy him. Or maybe they were just terrified of him, which would make sense. At least to Kasp.

  He might be growing an army to decimate a lion pride, and crippled himself when he killed the shifter soldiers he had gathered, and intimidated into helping him, but he wouldn’t tolerate insubordination in any way. Either they did what Kasp wanted them to do, to his satisfaction—or they died. Simple. He wouldn’t admit it was his own fault he was having to start from the beginning to gather enough shifters to destroy Osric, and his pride.

  Kasp grabbed his bag, shrugging it over his shoulder, as he left the motel room, Taryne following silently behind him. He had about thirty minutes to get to the alpha house, before it was time to leave.

  Chapter 1

  Arri watched indulgently, as Arrden ran around the garden in wolf form. His fur was as snow white as Dryden’s, with the exception of his light gray face, front legs, and shoulders. Arri had never seen such a coloring before in a wolf shifter, but chocked it up to Arrden’s mixed genetics between himself, and his omega coloring, and Dryden’s pure white, dual alpha DNA. They’d had both been shocked the first time Arrden shifted, since shifters didn’t have that ability until puberty, or around their 20th birthday. It made Arri wish he had someone to talk to, someone who could tell them why their son was able to call upon his wolf form, even as a small pup. Dryden didn’t care about the reasons, he was just so proud, an
d always said Arrden was special. Of course he, and his mate were pretty biased when it came to Arrden. But, he was special, and certainly unique. Arri wondered if maybe it had something to do with the Fae blood that coursed through him, except he’d shifted for the first time just after his 20th birthday, just like everyone else.

  He glanced briefly at Kirlane, and Talus, both males looking decidedly nervous, their eyes darting everywhere as they kept watch for danger. They were alert, and fidgety, and Arri almost felt sorry for them. This was the place where he, and Vann had so easily been abducted. And neither male was as powerful as Vann. Even together, they didn’t have the strength Vann had as lead beta, and alpha guardian. Arri knew they didn’t like the duty of watching him, and his son, too worried they were going to fail Dryden. Except, Kale was dead, along with Sbrel, and Baston, and Dryden was busy bringing the Border wolves under control.

  Arri sighed, turning his attention back to his son. When he found out Dryden was to be alpha of Border, he’d had a mixture of emotions. The wolves in his home pack had been the bane of his existence for most of his life. Sbrel, and Baston might be gone, but there were still plenty of wolves there who had bullied Arri, had called him names, and abused him, or turned their backs so they wouldn’t see the bruises on him. So many who had kicked him out of their homes, after his parents had abandoned him as a ward of the pack.

  He wasn’t sure he liked the idea of Dryden leading them, though maybe, his headstrong, and dominant mate could bring them around, teach them tormenting another was wrong. Besides, he was Alpha-mate of Woodlynn Pack, beyond their petty bullying now. He had power of his own, and was in more of a position to handle whatever they threw at him. And, he wasn’t alone anymore.

  Arri shivered when he felt strong arms encircle his waist, and the warm breath of a kiss on his mating mark. His body shuddered harder at the feel of his big mate pressed against his back. Dryden always had that effect on him. He was due to enter his heating in a couple of weeks, Arrden having graduated to eating meat. Arri no longer produced milk for their pup, and he was looking forward to the days of hard, and extensive rutting they would engage in. It had been so long since he’d felt his mate’s sexual power, and already he was craving his mate’s multiple knotting. The low, sensual chuckle that vibrated his back, let him know Dryden had caught his thoughts.

  “As am I, my mate.”

  The huskiness of Dryden’s voice had goosebumps erupting over Arri’s body, until Arrden yipped. When he looked over, it was to see Kirlane, and Talus between him and his family, and an older male Arri didn’t know. He carefully expanded his senses, even as Dryden moved in front of him protectively, and called for Arrden. He gasped in shock when he realized who was standing there. “Father.” His whisper had Dryden’s body tensing in front of him.

  “Stand down.”

  The two betas stood back, but kept an eye on the other male, clearly not happy with Dryden’s order. Arri’s heart was racing, his mind crowded with reasons why his father would show up on Woodlynn lands. The male, and Arri’s mother had abandoned him years ago. Why come back now? And where was his mother? Arri poked at his father’s mind, recoiling at the emotions that flooded him. Fear, bitterness, hate, and a despair that ran deep. The wolf looked rugged, his skin sallow, and his body emaciated. Dark circles hung under his deep sunken eyes, his hair long, and greasy. His clothes were dirty, and torn. No wonder Arri hadn’t recognized him at first.

  When Arri tried to take a step forward, Dryden stopped him. His big alpha scooped their tiny son up into his arms, and handed him back to Arri.

  “Stay here. Let me find out why he is in my territory, and how he got past the sentries.”

  Arri wasn’t going to argue, not when he wanted to know the same thing. And Dryden’s solicitousness only warmed Arri’s insides, though he would have been irritated not too long ago, thinking Dryden was being overprotective, and believing Arri to be weak. Arri knew better now, and they had Arrden to think about, his mate’s strength, and protectiveness essential in protecting their son. Arri’s abductions had made his big alpha even more protective, and Arri really couldn’t blame him. He’d wait, and allow his mate to figure out what Arri’s father was doing here.

  “What’s his name?”

  Arri adjusted Arrden in his arms, as his little son shifted, his fur changing to smooth, soft, baby skin. He looked up to see Dryden still standing in front of him, now facing him, but still blocking his father’s view. “Oh, Etham, his name’s Etham.” The fact Arri had to think about it was telling. His parents hadn’t been on his mind in a very long time. After they fled Border pack, they were the least of his worries. But now, a surge of anger filled Arri. This was the male who left him on his own as a pup, to be shunted from one shifter house to another, and be abused, and tormented at every turn, until he was finally under Baston’s heavy cruelty. Even when they still lived within the pack, the wolf never made a move to help him.

  “Calm down, my mate. I’ll get to the bottom of this, and send him on his way. You have a new family. You’re mine!”

  Arri wanted to smile at Dryden’s low, possessive growl, and he leaned forward, pressing his face against Dryden’s warm chest, inhaling the musky, dark bonding scent through his shirt, the smell which proved he was wanted, was cherished, and loved. Dryden’s strong arms encircled him, and their son, his mate’s thoughts, and body calming him instantly, the big male surrounding Arri with the overwhelming power of his love. Arrden wiggled in his grip. This was all he needed, his mate, and his son. He had no use for the male who gave him life.

  Dryden leaned down, and Arri felt him nuzzle his hair. He sighed, both in contentment, and resignation. “Just, get it over with. I don’t know why he’s here, but it can’t be good.” Dryden gave him a squeeze, then let go, and turned to face the other male. Arri’s father was not a ranking wolf, never had been, but Arri contained the smug smile he felt when his father—no, Etham—tilted his head in submission. Of course, it could possibly be because Dryden was leaking a small bit of his alpha power—on purpose. Enough to make even Talus, and Kirlane tremble, and bend their heads to expose their necks. Arri wanted to giggle, but held it in, just barely. As Dryden’s mate, his alpha power had no effect on Arri.


  Truin paced in the room he’d been assigned by Alpha Kilo. He was grateful the alpha allowed him to stay, though he suspected he was being watched. He wanted to go home, but he wouldn’t leave without Vann, even though the beta had rejected him. A knock on his door made him pause. He inhaled, realizing it was the alpha-mate, Ashkani. Without a good reason to ignore the knock, he strode over, and opened the door, tilting his head slightly at the stronger wolf.

  He’d been surprised to discover a pack run by two alphas, even if they were mates. He would think their dominating nature would have them at odds, but it seemed to work just fine for them. “Alpha-mate.” Truin moved back, allowing the other male to enter the room.

  “Truin. How are you doing?”

  Truin shrugged. The chaos in his mind, and heart made it difficult to answer such a question. He didn’t understand Vann’s reluctance to claim him. Was confused on whether Vann even felt the mating pull, like Truin did. Or perhaps he wasn’t feeling the mating pull, and he was just attracted to Vann. Having made that mistake before, he wondered at his own reaction to the strong male. Vann was gorgeous, to Truin anyway, and it wasn’t just him, but his wolf, who was drawn to the other male. But maybe he was wrong. It was hard to trust his judgement anymore.

  “You never told us why you are here. It’s obvious you followed Vann to our territory. Is he your mate?”

  Truin shrugged again. “I thought so, but I’m not so sure now. He’s refusing to claim me.” He wasn’t sure what else to say. He didn’t feel comfortable revealing more of his past, or that of Vann’s. It was clear, the Rainier pack did not know why Vann was among them, other than needing a home, a place to belong. But Vann did have a home, already belonged to a pack—Woodlynn p
ack. He was lead beta there, and more importantly, Alpha Guardian. Alpha Dryden, and Alpha-mate Arri needed him.

  Truin needed him.

  “Do you not feel it necessary to fight for him, then?”

  Truin snorted. “Of course I do! But I hardly think you, and your mate, would appreciate me attacking every male—or female—who shares his bed.” The ache in Truin’s chest grew, saying those words aloud, and he absently rubbed at the area. He’d seen Vann a few times since they brought Truin to their compound, every time the beta ignoring him, and always smelling of others. It had made Truin’s wolf frantic, and angry, and Truin had to struggle not to shift unexpectedly. No one should be touching his mate! But there wasn’t anything Truin could do about it. Not without fighting.

  “No, we would not appreciate you attacking our pack members. I don’t understand why Vann, as an alpha, doesn’t want to claim you as his mate. Especially if you are fated mates. You don’t ignore such a gift, even if it will make things difficult.”

  Truin suspected Ashkani was talking from experience, but it was none of his business, and then what else the alpha-mate had said captured Truin’s attention. He shook his head. “Vann isn’t an alpha, he’s a beta.” Truin could sense the alpha blood in Vann, but he’d been lead beta for Alpha Dryden long before Truin was even aware of him.

  “You are wrong there, Vann is alpha born. Our omegas can sense it strongly. The only reason he is allowed to stay here, is because both Kilo, and myself are alpha born. Together, it makes us stronger than him. Otherwise, we would have driven him off our lands. He also seems only interested in being a tracker, or occasionally an enforcer, but nothing more. Our omegas can sense he has bonds as well, though they are not mate bonds. The omegas aren’t sure what they are. They’ve never felt such connections before.”


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