Forgiving Pain, Omega Born Book 3

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Forgiving Pain, Omega Born Book 3 Page 2

by CR Guiliano

  Truin stared at the other male, shocked. He’d always believed Vann to be beta, and alpha guardian, a position always given to a strong beta, whether they had alpha blood, or not. Not to mention, if the omegas here could sense Vann as alpha born, why didn’t Alpha-mate Arri sense it as well? And what bonds could Vann possibly have? Maybe there was a bond, as alpha guardian, but Truin didn’t know whether such a thing was a possibility, or not. He’d noticed Alpha Kilo, and Alpha-mate Ashkani had several betas, but none considered alpha guardians. Maybe such a position was in Woodlynn pack only.

  However, the revelations, and questions brought to his mind by them, didn’t change things. Vann still rejected him, still refused to acknowledge they were mates, leaving Truin desperate, and miserable.

  “Anyway, I have come to tell you Vann has asked to accompany two of our betas on a mission away from the pack.”

  A sharp stab of pain pierced the center of Truin’s chest at the news. Vann was leaving? Would he even return? Truin suddenly had trouble breathing, black spots dancing in his vision, the edge of his sight going dim. He heard the alpha-mate, but it was as if from under water, the male’s voice muffled, and vague. Minutes later, everything rushed back at him, sound, and light slamming into him, and he found himself on the floor looking up into the concerned face of Ashkani. He took a few deep breaths, his heart racing to know Vann would be out of his reach once more.

  “Are you okay now?”

  Truin didn’t bother to answer as he struggled to sit up. The other male helped him, twining an arm around Truin’s shoulders to support him. Truin wanted to brush the other wolf off, not liking to be touched by a stranger, but he needed the help, as he tried to lurch back to his feet. His head was dizzy for a moment, then cleared as he continued to breathe heavily. He couldn’t lose Vann again. The beta—alpha—might not want him, but Truin had to be close to Vann. His wolf would settle for nothing less.

  “I didn’t come to tell you just that, and my apologies for upsetting you. I thought you might like to go with them. After all, Kilo, and I both have the authority to send you along.”

  Truin stared at the other male, the alpha-mate giving him a wry smile. Go with? He could be around Vann without the beta—alpha, that was going to take some getting used to—being able to send him away? He wondered what would happen. Would Vann be angry, and ignore him, or would he eventually open up, allowing Truin in, and telling him why he thought he should be away from Woodlynn, away from Alpha Dryden? And why he would reject Truin with no explanation. Truin wasn’t sure which way it would go, but there was no way he was declining Ashkani’s offer.

  Chapter 2

  Dryden approached Arri’s father, watching the male tremble. The shaking could be from Dryden’s fierce scowl, or his alpha power, or simply because the male didn’t belong here. Probably a combination of all three. Dryden made sure to keep himself between the strange wolf, and his mate. Kirlane stepped in next to him when he reached Etham, and he saw Talus in his peripheral vision going behind him to stand next to Arri. The twins were doing well, guarding the alpha family, but Dryden missed Vann. Wanted his beta, and friend home, where he belonged. Just thinking about the disappearance of his lead beta had his mood souring even more, and he growled at the cowering male in front of him. “Why are you in my territory? How did you get past the sentries?”

  “I…I’m sorry, Alpha. I’m on my way b…back to B…border pack.”

  Dryden snarled, knowing full well what Arri went through in that pack, in part, thanks to the pathetic male in front of him abandoning his own son. Dryden had every intention of adjusting the skewed viewpoint of the wolves of Border, so what happened to his mate never happened to anyone else. The male also hadn’t answered how he got past Dryden’s sentries. “You have no right to cross my territory to get to Border pack, and now, you have no right to enter Border pack without my permission.” To Dryden’s complete astonishment, the wolf’s demeanor changed in an instant.

  “You can keep me off of Woodlynn pack lands, wolf, but you can’t stop me from returning to my home pack! Alpha Sbrel wouldn’t hear of it!”

  Dryden sneered at the male, unimpressed by the attitude, and the disrespect. “Sbrel is dead, as is his son, Baston. I am alpha now.” The male looked confused, and angry. Dryden didn’t care. This was the male who should have protected his son, should have been there to care for, and nurture Arri, to guide, and teach him, but instead, the coward had turned his back on his only pup, then abandoned Arri to Baston, and his ilk, to be tortured, and abused, until he’d fled, only to live alone, packless, and scared. Dryden didn’t give a fuck what this male had to say, or why he was returning to Border.

  “That’s…that’s not possible. Alpha Sbrel is strong. Who killed him?”

  Dryden raised an eyebrow at the male. Did he not understand pack law? He’d already admitted to being the alpha of Border, which meant he’d killed the former one. “It doesn’t matter who, the fact is, I’m alpha now, and I want to know why you are on my lands, and how you got past my sentries?” If needed, Dryden would lock the male away until he had satisfactory answers, and even then he wasn’t positive he’d let the wolf go, after what he’d done, or not done, to Arri. His mate deserved justice—and closure. He’d also be having a talk with his sentries. If this Etham got past them, who else might, leaving his mate, and son vulnerable, and in danger.

  “Ask him where my mother is.”

  Dryden made a huge show of sniffing the air, not wanting Etham to know Arri was standing only a few feet behind him just yet, blocked by Dryden’s large body. He wasn’t sure he wanted the male to know at all, really. “I can scent you are bonded. Where is your mate?” Dryden stared as the male grew impossibly pale, and began to sway. When Kirlane made to step forward, and catch the swooning wolf, Dryden shot his arm out, blocking Kirlane across the chest, and halting his beta in his tracks. Etham would get no help from Dryden, or his pack.

  Dryden tensed when Arri was suddenly standing next to him. When he looked down, he was relieved to see Arri didn’t have Arrden in his arms anymore. He glanced back, briefly, to see Talus holding his son, the young beta looking decidedly nervous, especially since Arrden had shifted again, and looked about two minutes away from howling, as he struggled in Talus’s arms. Dryden almost bit his lip to keep from grinning at the male. However, he remained tense as he turned back to see Arri regard his father with disdain, his beautiful face twisted in contempt as he looked the male up, and down.

  “Where is your mate?”

  The forcefulness of Arri’s voice surprised Dryden, but then again, his little mate had every right to question this male, and not gently either. And his omega powers, fueled by his Fae blood, were growing every day, making his once timid mate strong, decisive, and the perfect alpha-mate to Dryden’s dual alpha blood.

  “That’s none of your damn business, runt.”

  Dryden didn’t even think. One second he was standing next to his mate, the next he had Etham by the neck, slammed against the side of the manor, his feet dangling almost a foot off the ground, his claws out, and a trickle of blood trailing down the wolf’s dirty shirt. He growled, getting up in the male’s face, his canines descended, making him slur his words. “You do not talk to my mate like that!” The wolf’s face was turning purple by the time Arri’s hand on his arm made him let go, Etham falling to the ground.

  Dryden made a gesture with his hand, and Kirlane, and Dyne moved forward to pull the man up, holding him steady. Dyne had shown up, no doubt summoned by Arri, though he knew his mate didn’t doubt his ability to protect them, especially in his own territory. He did wish Rovyn was here. The strong beta had proven himself over, and over, and Dryden trusted him. Which was why he was back on Border Pack lands, and the wolf Dryden assigned to escort the challengers here. Dryden pushed his wayward thoughts away, and glared down at the wretched shifter in front of him.

  Etham was coughing, trying to get air into his lungs. Seconds later, the male was struggling, lo
oking at Dryden as if he’d kill him, if he had the chance. Well, he’d have to get in line. The challenges for Border pack would be held the day after tomorrow. “Put him in one of the rooms in the basement, and place a guard on him.” Dryden glanced at Arri, to see his reaction to his order, but his little mate still looked angry, and made no protest.

  Dryden watched Kirlane, and Dyne take the male away, then turned to his mate. Arri was taking a few deep breaths, calming himself down, then walked over to take Arrden from Talus’s arms. He cuddled their son close, the thoughts Dryden caught in Arri’s mind, chaotic, and confusing. He understood. They didn’t know why the male was traveling back to Border, didn’t know where Arri’s mother was, and just having the wolf around was bringing back very unpleasant memories for his mate. Dryden clenched his jaw. He’d get to the bottom of it, and do whatever he had to, to make sure Arri was okay.


  “No way!”

  Vann’s exclamation made Truin’s chest ache even more, and he cringed at the vehemence in the alpha’s voice. It was obvious Vann didn’t want him going along on this mission. After accepting Ashkani’s offer, he’d been asked to meet with both the alpha, and alpha-mate, and had a long talk with them. They had heard of what Alpha Dryden was trying to do, making alliances with the packs around him. Truin didn’t collaborate their news, didn’t admit to being a pack member to Alpha Dryden. It’s not that he didn’t trust the two alphas, it was just he was only here because of Vann, and had no intention of joining the Rainier pack.

  They thought what Dryden was doing a great idea, and wanted to do the same. So, they were sending emissaries to the Andreas Pack in California, and to the Sonoran Pride, deep in the southern desert of Arizona, something that surprised Truin. He had no idea there were other shifter species, which honestly, was egotistical, and naive of him.

  And, finally, they would be going to the Zenith Pack just outside Gunnison, Colorado. Truin’s home pack. He wasn’t looking forward to it, since his family had been banished from there when Truin, and his brothers were pups. For that matter, Truin was sure their banishment was part of why his mother had left them.

  After talking with the two alphas, they seemed to think, in the company of Vann, and the two betas, there wouldn’t be any concern. Vann didn’t know Truin came from the Zenith Pack. He hoped being there as a delegate from another pack wouldn’t cause the alpha to start trouble, though Truin doubted the male would recognize him. He’d been a pup when they had fled. Except, Truin knew he was the spitting image of his mother, and she’d been well liked in the pack. Ashkani had spoken with Truin in private, and thought maybe Vann might be willing to mate with him to keep him safe. Truin didn’t want Vann forced into it, and told the alpha-mate exactly that.

  As a pup, he’d remembered little of their flight, except for the feeling of helplessness, and the fear his brothers felt. His mother had been livid, but Truin had been too young to know why at the time, especially when his parents were always fighting anyway. He’d been too focused on comforting his baby brothers to worry about his parents, and their issues. When they’d finally settled in Woodlynn, he’d made friends with Ashwin. His mother had abandoned them shortly after they arrived, and Truin had been left with caring for his brothers, and avoiding his angry father. Maybe his father’s descent into whoring around came from his mother’s abandonment, but Truin suspected he’d been doing it all along, even mated to his mother. One more reason she’d left.

  “I beg your pardon?”

  The alpha’s comment brought Truin out of his memories, and he watched Vann huff, then tilt his head, mumbling an apology. Not once had Vann looked at him, and it was easy to see it took a lot for him to defer to the alphas here.

  “It has come to our attention, Truin is familiar with Alpha Hixon, and the Zenith pack, and might be of assistance to you. You will all leave first thing in the morning.”

  Truin was thankful the alphas had not said why Truin was familiar with Alpha Hixon. He’d just as soon forget he came from that pack, and didn’t relish Vann finding out, not that the wolf would care. The minute they were dismissed, Vann stormed from the room. Truin’s stomach clenched at how angry the male was. Maybe it wasn’t such a good idea for him to go. But he was terrified Vann wouldn’t return, and he’d lose him again. Not that he had him in the first place, but at least here, he could be close to him, even if he’d been unequivocally rejected, and the pain he carried because of that rejection making things difficult for him. He wanted to go home, home to Woodlynn, but his wolf refused to leave Vann.

  “Truin, can you wait a moment?”

  Truin paused by the door leading out of Alpha Kilo’s office. He turned back, giving a tilt to his head. He wasn’t sure what the alpha, and alpha-mate wanted with him, and he needed to go pack. He wouldn’t put it past Vann to leave early, trying to ditch him. Alpha Kilo stood from behind his desk, and moved until he was standing in front of Truin, towering over him. When Truin looked up briefly into the alpha’s eyes, it was to see them soft, and concerned. Truin quickly dropped his gaze, a lump forming in his throat, his thoughts going to Alpha Dryden. His alpha had looked at him like that when he’d discovered Vann was Truin’s mate. At least it wasn’t pity coming from the alphas. Truin didn’t think he could handle that, especially when he was already wondering what was so wrong with him, Vann didn’t want him.

  “Truin, our omegas can sense a pronounced struggle within Vann. He wants you, but doesn’t want to want you, if that makes sense. Something is holding him back, some great sorrow the omegas can feel. We’ve never questioned why Vann came to our pack, nor will we pry into his past. But maybe, while you spend time with him, you can get him to open up to you. We both think it would help him greatly.”

  Truin nodded, squashing the spark of hope that warmed his chest. The omegas might sense Vann’s desire for Truin, but even Truin knew how stubborn Vann was, and he wouldn’t do a thing about it, wouldn’t approach Truin. The male was too angry, Truin could smell it, along with a myriad of other scents. The big male was as unhappy as anyone Truin had ever seen, and Truin had no idea why. But, at least Truin knew Vann wanted him, felt the mating pull, and that would have to be enough for now.

  Truin didn’t know any more than either Alpha Kilo, or his mate anyway. Something happened while Vann was held prisoner by Kale. Of that Truin was sure. He just didn’t know what it was, or if Vann would tell him, or even get over whatever happened. He knew the male had been nearly destroyed by Kale’s cruel torture. Truin had seen the evidence when he, and Anrean, had opened the secret door in the basement of the farmhouse.

  Vann had been covered in scabbed over sores, whip and burn marks, and cuts. He had too many bruises to count. He’d been filthy, and obviously kept naked the entire time he’d been prisoner. He’d been emaciated, his hair lank, and lifeless, his eyes dull with pain. Truin’s stomach turned at the condition Vann had been in. To this day, it made him sick to know his mate had endured such torment, and Truin couldn’t have done anything about it. Sometimes, Truin wondered if part of Vann’s problem was Truin had seen him at his weakest. Betas, never mind alphas, did not like others seeing them weak. And Truin knew Vann was a proud male, or at least he used to be. Now, it was if he didn’t care about anything anymore. “I’ll try, though I don’t hold out much hope.” Truin tilted his head again, then left to go pack.

  Chapter 3

  Arri was pacing his rooms, his mind racing at the implications of his father showing up. Dryden had escorted him to their suite, helped him put Arrden down for a nap, and then made love to him for a good hour. The distraction had been nice, but now his mate was gone, getting things set up for the challenges which would happen in less than two days. A knock on the door made him pause, and he went to answer it. On the other side was Anrean, the young male with his head down, and wringing his fingers so tight they were white. “Anrean. Come in.”

  Arri welcomed another distraction, if for no other reason than to keep from thinking ab
out his father, and getting upset. He widened his senses, wondering what Anrean needed. All he felt was the vague sense of fear, concern, and a deep determination. “Make yourself at home, Anrean. Can I get you something to drink?”

  “Uh, no, thank you, Alpha-mate.”

  “Call me Arri, please.” Arri smiled to take any sting out of the words, and knew Anrean wouldn’t heed them. Ever since the male had come to the pack, he’d been nothing but respectful, and timid, much to Arri’s consternation. Honestly, he was tired of walking on eggshells around the male, but his nurturing side wouldn’t let him give the other omega a good dose of tough love. That was for Rovyn to do, and the beta was so mate-smitten, he was handling Anrean with pup gloves. Especially once he found out Anrean was pregnant. He needed to toughen the small male up, or there were going to be others who walked all over him, omega, or not—mate to a beta, or not.

  Except, he didn’t want to intimidate the other omega, which was easy to do. He wondered, ambiguously, if he’d ever been so timid when he’d first come here. He didn’t think so, and now he wasn’t shy at all. Being alpha-mate of Woodlynn pack kind of shoved any insecurities he had right out the window. He couldn’t afford it. Not being mated to Dryden, a powerful, and domineering alpha, and very possessive mate. And, unlike Anrean, Arri had never been the submissive type. He’d more than earned a few of those bruises from Baston, even if he didn’t believe the alpha-heir, and his pack mates had the right to beat on him. Fuck, but his father’s presence was bringing up all kinds of memories of the past.

  “You seem upset. I can come back another time. I’m not sure how much more you can teach me, anyway.”

  Arri wanted to smack himself. In his confusion, and distress over his father, he’d completely forgotten his bi-weekly omega lessons with Anrean. He narrowed his eyes at the younger male. “I still have a lot I can teach you, Anrean. But, first, we have to strengthen your empathy.” Anrean ducked his head, his cheeks going red. Arri kept his sigh of frustration silent.


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