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Forgiving Pain, Omega Born Book 3

Page 3

by CR Guiliano

  Anrean was strong, he could sense it, and his ability to scent bonds was unequaled, even with Arri’s own rather powerful omega skills. But his control over his omega empathy was nearly nonexistent. He could actually scent emotions, but couldn’t feel them. Arri wasn’t sure why, but they’d been working on it for over a month now, and Anrean was no closer to being able to use it, than he was when he’d first come to them. Arri couldn’t come up with a valid reason, which made their lessons tense, making Arri frustrated, and Anrean feeling defeated.

  Maybe they could take a break from determining Anrean’s problem with his empathy, and concentrate on something easier. Especially when Arri’s mind wasn’t really focused on the other omega right now. “Sit down.” Anrean moved, and sat in his usual spot at the end of the couch, toeing off his shoes, and tucking his legs up under him, his slight pup bump showing. Even with several months to go, Anrean was bigger than Arri had been at the same number of weeks. But then, Arri knew Anrean was going to have two pups, a fact only he, Dryden, and Breccan knew. For whatever reason, neither Rovyn, nor Anrean were comfortable with Saran, as the pack healer, so it was a good thing Breccan, the alpha healer was there to care for Anrean. When Arri had returned, Breccan has been assigned to all the inner circle instead of just Dryden, which Arri was thankful for. Saran didn’t have the compassion Breccan did, his bedside manner more clinical.

  Arri refrained from smiling. Seems curling up into a ball on the sofa was an omega thing, as he mirrored Anrean’s posture on the other end of the couch. “Let’s try something different today. Tell me what bonds you can scent.” Anrean tilted his head, his green eyes, much darker than Dryden’s, Arri noticed, going vague, something Arri knew meant Anrean was thinking.

  “I can smell you, the scent indicating you are omega, and mated. That you have a pup. You are also closer to your heating than you think, within a week, maybe a week, and a half. I can scent the alpha, also mated…and…there are three other similar bonds, ones I don’t recognize.”

  Arri ignored the comment about his heating, but his spine stiffened at the rest of Anrean’s words. Other bonds? Then he relaxed, almost chuckling. The alpha guardian bond, of course. Arri’s humor dropped suddenly. He hadn’t known Vann being alpha guardian created an actual bond, if he was guessing right, and why was Anrean scenting three of them? He stared at Anrean, who was blushing again. Arri really needed to boost the male’s confidence. “Anrean, that’s good. I didn’t even know it was possible for another to scent so many specifics. Tell me about the strange bonds. Vann is alpha guardian to Dryden. Could that be it, or at least one of them?” Anrean tilted his head in such a canine way again, Arri almost laughed, but contained it. What he wanted to know was important, and just might be a way to find the missing beta.

  “No, no, it’s not an alpha guardian bond. At least I don’t think so. They don’t…um…don’t feel like that.” Anrean paused, his eyes suddenly focusing on Arri, the gaze sharp. “I don’t know what an alpha guardian bond would smell like, exactly, but one of the bonds is very strong, almost as powerful as your mate bond. And it scents old, like it’s been around for a long time. There is an echoing scent on you, as if you share the unknown bond with your mate. The third is…light? Like it’s new, fresh…young. It smells a lot like an imprint. That same light scent is on you…and another.”

  Arri nodded, not wanting Anrean to think he was upsetting him. He wasn’t, really. It would make sense, if what Anrean was scenting was the alpha guardian bond, since it would be strong with Dryden, after years of Vann being Dryden’s alpha guardian, and the beta’s vow fairly new to Arri. The last Arri figured was Arrden imprinting. Breccan had told him about how a newborn pup imprinted on the first wolf to make him, or her, feel safe. Arri tried not to think about the fact Arrden might be imprinted on Vann, thanks to the circumstances of his birth. “What else. Can you smell other bonds, within the pack?” Arri really didn’t want to get into what Anrean knew of Vann, without Dryden here.

  “Um…well, obviously, I scent the mating markers with both myself, and Rovyn.”

  Anrean’s face grew red again, and he ducked his face, though Arri could see a small smile on the male’s lips. Arri couldn’t help an answering smile. “Go on.” Anrean tilted his head again. It appeared to be a habit whenever he was thinking.

  “There are more mate bonds here, than at Crater pack. But then, Woodlynn is much larger than Crater. I can scent a twin bond between those two betas. Um…oh, and there’s another omega, a female one…uh, that’s a pup still. Not the one who used to live in the alpha house.”

  Arri was impressed. Anrean’s talent for scents would be a great advantage in the pack. He only hoped they could get the omega past his insecurities, so he would be confident enough to handle those kind of responsibilities. Right now, though, he was still enamored with his new mate, Rovyn, and the pups they were going to have in about five months. He wondered if Anrean could sense the twins, hear their heartbeats, and the omega showing already, only weeks after mating, was to accommodate both of them. He looked back up when Anrean cleared his throat. “Yes? Go on.”

  “Well, um, the little one who used to live here, and used me to calm Alpha Dryden down?”

  Anrean stared at him, and Arri nodded. “Ciltra.” Mia’s daughter. He’d had to reassure Mia Dryden would never hurt her daughter, nor use her for her omega power. He’d been somewhat surprised at Mia’s mistrust. After all, a fully grown male wolf shifter had no ability to hurt a pup, alpha, or not, and she should know Dryden better than that. Arri mentally shrugged. It was a moot point now, anyway. Mia had left to go live with her sister in a house, still on the compound, but far enough away so she felt safer. Dryden had been upset, but didn’t stop her, or even say anything. Arri had felt it in his mind.

  “Ciltra. Yes, the little omega, which you know already. But she has alpha blood. I can scent it.”

  Arri frowned. No one knew who Ciltra’s sire was, even Arri, who could sense familial ties. Ciltra, being an omega, prevented Arri from determining who her father was. Mia had never said, and most likely would be even more closed lipped after what happened with her daughter. He knew Dryden was not Ciltra’s father, so who else was alpha born in the pack? Arri searched his memory, but couldn’t come up with anyone else who was alpha. “Are you sure? There are no other alphas in the pack.” Anrean nodded, but looked embarrassed for bringing it up, and started looking around the room, doing everything to avoid Arri’s eyes. “It’s okay, Anrean. I asked.”

  “There is another.”

  Arri poked at Anrean’s mind, but all felt was a vague sense of embarrassment, and a few ambiguous tendrils of emotions not tied to what he’d said, or their current discussion. “Who?” Arri was beyond curious, since he’d not sensed another alpha in the pack, and it would be something Dryden would be very much interested in knowing.

  “I don’t know his name, but I can scent him at the door next to your room.”


  Arri relaxed. He knew Vann had alpha blood running through his veins, but he was beta born, not alpha. “That’s Vann’s suite, next to ours. Vann’s mother was alpha, according to Dryden, but he’s beta born.” Arri didn’t go into explaining exactly who Vann was, especially since Rovyn had probably already told Anrean. The other omega shook his head, and Arri frowned. What did the male know, that Arri didn’t?

  “He’s alpha born. I can scent it. And he’s strong, very strong. Not as strong as Alpha Dryden, but close.”

  Arri’s heart raced. Vann was alpha born? That would explain a lot, actually. Vann was the only one, barring himself, who could stand up to Dryden, and not just because of their long friendship. Arri knew they were close. Close enough that in the beginning, Arri had been jealous of their relationship. Especially, as he’d never gotten close to the lead beta, until they’d been captured together. Arri cut off that train of thought quickly. He, and Dryden, had talked shortly after Arri returned, and then mutually agreed never to bring the subject up
again, though Arri had to bury the guilt of not telling Dryden Vann had knotted him. They didn’t know why, so Arri didn’t think there was a reason to upset Dryden about it.

  As it was, Arri was certain Vann’s disappearance had to do with what happened in that basement. He’d felt the devastating anguish before Vann was gone. Being alpha born might explain why Vann had…why his knot had appeared. Arri clamped down on the memories trying to come forward. He had other, more important, things to think about.

  Anrean’s revelation made Arri wonder if Vann had run off to, maybe, be the alpha of his own pack? Except, he thought Vann had been happy being part of Woodlynn pack, and being close to Dryden. He’d never felt discontent from the male. At least, not until they’d been rescued. The chaos in Vann’s mind then had been overwhelming, only to be pushed aside by Arri’s joy in being reunited with his mate. That’s when Vann had slipped from the farmhouse, and vanished.

  “I’m sorry.”

  Arri jerked his head up, chagrined he’d been caught up in his own thoughts. “No need to apologize, Anrean. You’ve done nothing wrong. I’m just surprised, sort of. I knew Vann had alpha blood, I just didn’t know he was alpha born. But that would mean his father, couldn’t actually be his father. The male wasn’t alpha born, nor did he have alpha blood. I’ll let Dryden know what you’ve said. He’ll be interested. Maybe it will help locate Vann, somehow.”

  Anrean nodded, then yawned, covering his mouth, and blushing. Arri smiled. The omega’s pregnancy was coming along nicely, but making the male tired. Arri totally understood, the first few months being exhausting as the body changed to nourish the pup, or pups in Anrean’s case. “Why don’t you go back to your quarters, and get some rest?” Anrean nodded, and flipped his legs out. He grunted when he leaned down, reaching for his shoes.

  Arri laughed, and dropped to the floor to grab them for him. “Here, let me. I know how hard it is to reach things over a growing belly.” Anrean was shaking his head violently, a look of alarm on his face.

  “Oh, no! No, I couldn’t possibly let you do that. You’re Alpha-mate. You shouldn’t be on your knees in front of me.”

  Arri grinned when he looked up at Anrean. “It’s not like I’m gonna suck your dick, Anrean. I’m just helping you put your shoes on.” Anrean’s face turned such a dark red, Arri was afraid the male was going to pass out. “Relax. I’m just helping. You forget. I was pregnant too, and trying to do things by yourself is a pain, and not necessary.” Arri ignored Anrean’s embarrassment, and slipped the male’s shoes on. They were the kind without laces, and Arri figured that was Rovyn’s idea. “There, see? No worries.” He plopped back up onto the couch, and patted Anrean’s knee. “Come on, you better head out before your…” A knock interrupted him, and he grinned again. “Never mind, seems he’s already tracked you down.” Arri had felt Rovyn’s return from Border just moments ago, and knew the beta would be searching for his pregnant mate before anything else.

  Arri got up, and answered the door. Rovyn stood on the other side, looking anxious, still travel worn, his duffel slung over his shoulder. Arri snorted. Newly mated wolves were so…insecure and obsessive. He staunchly didn’t think about his own mating, knowing perfectly well he, and Dryden had been just as bad, if not worse. “He’s tired, Rovyn. Take him home, and let him get some rest.” Arri gave Rovyn a hard stare. “And I mean rest, as in sleep, not activities in a bed.” Rovyn’s face turned pink, making his freckles stand out.

  “Yes, Alpha-mate.”

  Arri rolled his eyes. He was getting heartily sick of the over-the-top respect everyone insisted on showing him. It was too much to get used to. He’d much rather be just friends. But…being mated to Dryden made it necessary, even if he didn’t like it.

  He closed the door behind the two shifters, then turned to look around. A nap sounded good to him. Maybe he’d get in some rest of his own, especially while Arrden was still asleep. Anrean had said his heat was closer than he thought, and he’d been getting restless lately, his father’s arrival not helping that.

  He headed for his bedroom, stripped quickly, and cuddled under the covers. He sent a thought to his mate, letting him know he was going to lie down so Dryden didn’t worry. If he was lucky, maybe Dryden might wake him up in a really sexy way, when he was done with his alpha duties. Arri sighed, and closed his eyes. He’d worry about his father some other time.

  Chapter 4

  Vann was chewing on his lip so hard, it was a wonder it wasn’t bleeding. He was beyond pissed at the heavy-handed way Alpha Kilo, and his mate, Ashkani, had manipulated him. Their plan—as in the betas, and himself—had been to drive down the coast to California, drop off Jisune at the Andreas pack, then head further south to the Sonoran pride, leave Micky there, and for him to go north to the Zenith pack in Colorado alone. That would make the negotiations faster, and more effective since the two packs, and pride would not consider the three of them together a threat.

  It was something they came up with on their own, and didn’t tell Alpha Kilo, or his mate. Vann had worried at first, but both betas had assured him Alpha Kilo hadn’t put any stipulations on how they were to negotiate a peace treaty with the other packs, and the southern pride. But, never was it mentioned Truin would be coming along. Vann contained a growl of frustration. That meant they couldn’t go separately.

  He was seated in the front, Jisune driving. Truin, and Micky were in the back of the SUV talking quietly. Vann was ignoring them as best he could, but Truin’s scent permeated the vehicle, and mixed with Jisune’s, and Micky’s, both unmated males, was making his wolf livid, the beast snarling in his head, wanting to claim what was theirs in the worst way, which only frustrated Vann more.

  And, once again, there was a red haze over his eyesight, making him blink repeatedly, trying to rid himself of it. If Vann didn’t know better, he would think it was the blood-mate fever, especially the way his wolf was acting. Except he wasn’t alpha born, so wasn’t sure why it happened every time Truin was around him. The first time had been when he’d scented Truin in his wolf form, in the woods, when the male had caught up with him outside Rainier Pack lands, and it had continued since then, whether shifted, or not. Vann had just done his best to ignore it.

  Besides, he couldn’t have Truin, his wolf not understanding that. He’d tried to drive the male away, taking others to bed, and being certain Truin saw him leaving places with them, plus making sure their scents were heavy on him, to the point of forgoing showers. He even stooped to some pretty intense PDA, when he knew Truin would see him, something he wasn’t known for doing.

  It took a lot of power to subdue his wolf when he took others for sex. His beast was not happy to rut with males who were not his mate, or even the few females he’d fucked, but Vann managed, even though it had taken thinking of Truin to get aroused in the first place, which had cemented the fact Truin was Vann’s fated mate, and had made Vann hate himself even more. It was despicable to think of another, just to get hard, so he could fuck the male, or female, he was with.

  Unfortunately, all that Vann had tried hadn’t made Truin go home. Even Vann demanding the male go home, and forget him, hadn’t worked. He hated how he was hurting the younger wolf, but he didn’t know any other way of making him go back to Woodlynn. Vann had finally given up fucking others, since it wasn’t working anyway, but rejecting Truin was still hurting his mate, even if there was no other alternative.

  He thought about telling Alpha Kilo, and Ashkani, Truin was a pack member of Woodlynn, of Alpha Dryden, but he wasn’t sure how they would react, and he didn’t want anything happening to Truin, not anything he could prevent anyway. Besides, such an admission might bring up questions about himself Vann wasn’t prepared to answer. And there was no way he was going to contact anyone in the Woodlyn pack so they could tell Truin to go home. He wasn’t sure they would anyway, since he was pretty certain it had gotten around his pack—his former pack—he was Truin’s mate.

  Vann had almost lost control during the
first moon ceremony after arriving at Rainier pack. Truin had been there for only two days, and Vann had shifted, and ran as far as his paws would take him. He knew others were anxious to rut with him, but his hold on his wolf was tenuous, his inner beast angry at being denied what belonged to them, and he couldn’t risk hurting someone. Especially with Dryden’s lust coursing through him. He’d returned well after dawn, and then blocked any thoughts of what Truin might have done during the full moon. Vann had no desire to know if Truin had found a bedmate, or two that night.

  He’d inadvertently learned later from gossip, Truin had sequestered himself in his room, with a locked door. Rumors were flying about why a wolf shifter would do such a thing during the full moon. Vann had remained silent, and even though he had no right to feel it, he’d been beyond relieved. He was ashamed at his duplicity, and how hypocritical he was being, but couldn’t help it. It was just one more black mark added to the shame, humiliation, and loathing Vann already had for himself.

  Now, he was stuck in a car with his unclaimed mate, struggling to control his wolf, and wishing the male had never followed him. It was another day before they would reach the Andreas pack, and they planned on stopping for the night. The motel was already booked, and unfortunately, Micky, and Jisune would be sharing a room, and Vann was supposed to have a room to himself. In a private moment, while they stopped for gas, he’d called the motel, and they didn’t have any other rooms available. Now, he was going to have to share his.

  With Truin.


  All night long.


  He thought about asking one of the betas to switch with him, but knew it would bring up questions, and make them suspicious, not to mention he wasn’t sure how he would react to Truin being alone with an unmated male, in another motel room, alone. However, no one needed to know Truin was his mate, at least the two betas anyway. He already suspected Truin had told Alpha Kilo, and Ashkani they were mates, and that revelation was the reason Truin had been included on this mission.


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