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Forgiving Pain, Omega Born Book 3

Page 5

by CR Guiliano

  After Rovyn left, Dryden sat silently at his desk, thinking about all that was going on. He felt overwhelmed, his wolf agitated, and pacing his mind. He could feel his dual alpha power pulsing under his skin. Between the danger to Arri, and their pup, to Arri’s father showing up out of the blue, the challenges coming soon, the unknown shifters in his territory, and the disappearance of Vann, and Truin, Dryden was about ready to pull his hair out. He’d thought he’d be happy, once he found out Arri was his mate, and he’d claimed him. And he was happy. Arri was his world, Arrden his heart. He would protect them with his life. But all the rest sometimes felt like more than even he could handle. He wanted Vann back, the male fortifying his strength, and confidence. He wondered, for the hundredth time, where his alpha guardian, and best friend had gone.


  Kasp paced the small room he’d been assigned. He didn’t like being in an enclosed space, and his wolf was restless. Kasp’s relationship with his inner beast wasn’t one he found comfort in. For that matter, he used his beast the way he used others, for his satisfaction, and hunger for power. His animal side was small, and scrawny, and Kasp had never been impressed with it. He rarely shifted, preferring to remain in his human form. Hard to handle blades with paws. And Kasp never went anywhere without his blades.

  Their possessions had been searched before they even crossed over into Woodlynn territory, and Kasp was glad he’d not secreted any weapons in his bag. The suspicious looks he got from the beta, and the enforcers with him, amused Kasp. They had no idea what was coming. No awareness to what was in store for Dryden, and his wretched wolves.

  They hadn’t been allowed to keep any cell phones, not that Kasp carried one. He had another way to communicate with the shifters following him. Sometimes humans, at least human scientists, were good for more than torture. The little devices embedded inside their ears, connected directly to their brains, allowed Kasp to talk to the males he owned. And, his device specifically? It alone had the ability to inflict excruciating pain to any of the other four with only a thought, if they displeased him in any way. A bonus, one he’d tormented out of the man who designed them, before Kasp killed him.

  They hadn’t permitted any of the challengers to be together, including Kasp keeping Taryne with him, but he’d watched where they placed the male, pleased it was nearby, since the devices had a limited range. He’d mentally contacted Taryne, making sure the male knew his mission, and wouldn’t be screwing it up. Kasp couldn’t afford the panther failing. He hadn’t heard from the others, but figured they weren’t close enough yet, or they were being cautious on Woodlynn territory, so as not to get caught. They knew what Kasp would do to them, if the Woodlynn wolves got ahold of them. Kasp grinned around the small room. Soon. Soon, he would destroy Dryden, and take over his wolves. Then…he would annihilate Osric, and his pride.

  Chapter 6

  Vann came out of the bathroom, to see Truin already in bed, the covers nearly over his head, and the small male almost toppling over the far edge. He could tell, by Truin’s breathing, and the sound of his racing of his heart, he wasn’t asleep. Vann took a deep breath, wishing he hadn’t when Truin’s clean, musky scent filled his nose, making the need to stay away from the male all the harder.

  He crossed the room, placing his dirty clothes in his bag, and pulling out one of his guns. Sitting quietly, he began cleaning it. He’d wait until Truin was actually asleep, before lying down. Having the male, his mate in the room with him, was too tempting for him to crawl into bed while Truin was still awake. His control was close to snapping as it was, and being near Truin, while the male was awake, was too much temptation.

  Slowly, as Vann concentrated on his task, he heard Truin’s breathing deepen, until it was finally even, his heartbeat now slow, and steady. He glanced over, to see the small male still buried under the covers. Vann would have liked to have an unobstructed view of Truin, while the shifter was unaware, but he knew that was a bad—very bad—idea. He’d already caved, and peeked into the bathroom, when Truin was showering. He’d only been able to see Truin’s outline through the opaque curtain, but the scent of arousal permeating the bathroom was enough to have Vann hard as a rock, and backing away quickly.

  As it was, if he could trust his wolf to stay away from the other male, he would shift, and curl up on the floor, keeping as much space between him, and Truin as he could. But he didn’t trust his wolf, the animal focused only on rutting, and claiming their mate, even getting desperate enough to claim the other male in wolf form. Nothing else mattered to the beast, and it didn’t understand Vann’s reluctance, or his guilt, and shame.

  The infernal brute had been clawing within his mind ever since they had first scented Truin in wolf form just outside the Rainer Pack territory. Vaguely, he wondered why his wolf hadn’t acknowledged Truin as their mate, back at Woodlynn, before everything fell apart, before Vann had done something which made it impossible for him to claim Truin.

  To his wolf, what they’d done with Arri, what they’d done to Arri had been necessary to save, not only a pup’s life, but the mate to their alpha as well. That’s all that mattered to the creature. Thanks to the alpha beta link, there wasn’t much Vann’s wolf wouldn’t do for Dryden’s wolf, including knotting his alpha’s mate to save both Arri, and their pup. Vann cringed at his blunt thoughts, and wished it was as simplistic as his other half made it out to be, but it wasn’t, not by a long shot. Where his wolf half relied solely on instincts, Vann had human emotions to sort through.

  Vann’s knot never should have swelled like it did. It hadn’t swelled with Mia, when they had conceived Ciltra, even though Mia had been in heat during the full moon ceremony, and also because they were not mates. Arri obviously wasn’t in heat, having just given birth, and certainly wasn’t his mate, so Vann didn’t understand how it could have happened. Vann knew betas didn’t knot at all, unless it was with their true mate, and only at that time.

  Rutting with Arri was despicable, even if it was to save both the omega, and his pup. Vann might have been able to get over that, but tying to Arri had broken Vann. He knew he was fundamentally damaged, unworthy to mate with another. For that matter, after what happened with Arri, Vann was terrified, that if he tried to mate with Truin, his knot would not swell, and Truin would think Vann was not his true mate, and only using him to get off. Vann couldn’t allow that.

  His wolf knew Truin was his mate, his fated mate, something Vann wasn’t at all sure of, and somehow, Vann had to convince his beast, they would never have Truin. And soon, they would be gone, running from the male, as they had run from Dryden, and Arri. It was the only way to keep Truin safe from Vann’s emotional baggage, his pain, and let the younger male move on—with someone else. Vann choked down the growl at those thoughts, his wolf enraged. Vann ignored the animal, just as he’d been doing since figuring out Truin was his fated mate.

  He put his guns away, having cleaned all three of them, then stood, and stretched, his back popping from sitting in the same position for too long. Carefully, so as not to disturb Truin, Vann crawled into the bed, staying as far away from the other male as he could. He settled, his back to Truin, and listening to the other male breath, and wondering what it would be like, if things had been different. If everything hadn’t happened the way it did, if Vann was free to pursue Truin, claim him, and build a life together. Even if it had, Vann wasn’t sure it was possible to mate with another. Vann had the alpha beta bond to deal with, and any mate he had, would be subjected to Vann’s aggressive rutting, just as Mia had been, and Vann couldn’t imagine hurting his mate that way, regardless that Truin was male, and could probably handle the aggression Vann would display.

  Vann sighed, wishing his thoughts would calm, so he could get some sleep. He needed it, the emotional toll of having Truin around, and keeping control of his wolf, not to mention whatever was going on with Dryden, was exhausting.


  Despite the upheaval in Vann’s mind, he finally suc
cumb to sleep. When he woke, it was slowly, his mind groggy. He blinked, staring up at the dirty, water stained ceiling, taking the time to remember where he was. He didn’t know what woke him, until he heard the beep of his cell phone, indicating he had a text message. He tried to move, only to feel a heavy, warm weight over his body. Startled, he looked down to see Truin splayed across him, his head resting on Vann’s chest. Horrified, Vann pushed Truin over, and jumped from the bed. It was bad enough having the younger male touching him, but to have him lying in such an intimate position had Vann’s heartrate skyrocketing, and his palms sweating. His morning erection throbbed, and his wolf snarled at his reaction to their mate.

  He grabbed some clean clothes, and hurried to the bathroom, intent on a shower to get Truin’s scent off him, before it drove him nuts, and get dressed for the day. He’d swooped up his phone as he closed the bathroom door, locking it, more to keep him in, than to keep Truin out. He glanced at the screen, seeing Micky had texted, letting him know they would meet Vann, and Truin at the small diner down the street for breakfast. Vann was just grateful the night was over, and he could put some space between him, and his mate. Truin! Not mate. He needed to remember the distinction in his mind.

  When Vann finally exited the bathroom, after having to thump his dick a few times for the stupid thing to go down, it was to see Truin dressed, his duffel closed, and the male waiting on him by the door. Vann contained a huff, and grabbed his things, stuffing everything into his bag, and closing it. He glanced around the room, making sure they weren’t forgetting anything, and resolutely ignoring the mussed up bed he’d shared with Truin, and then opened the door. He stepped out, cursing himself, because he knew he was being protective by proceeding Truin out, and making sure the coast was clear. He internally rolled his eyes. It wasn’t as if there was any danger in this small town, filled with humans who had no idea what was in their midst.

  Micky had left the car unlocked, so Vann, and Truin could stow their bags. Vann tossed his in the trunk, indicating Truin should do the same, then slammed it closed, before locking the vehicle. No way was he leaving his guns unsecured, though he had the smallest one tucked into its ankle holster. Dryden always thought it hilarious that a full grown wolf shifter, with long, wickedly sharp fangs, and claws, and inhuman strength, would carry around human armament. Vann shook Dryden from his thoughts. He missed his friend. More than he thought he would, even though he could still feel Dryden’s emotions just as strongly as when he was in Woodlynn territory. The alpha beta link was humming quietly in his head, Dryden most likely asleep, or occupied with non-emotional activities. Vann hoped it stayed that way for a while.

  They made their way to the diner, Truin walking a few paces behind Vann, the male silent. It irked him, because it was such a submissive move. Something a male—or female—would do with a more dominant mate. At least in more traditional packs. Vann was definitely the more dominant of them. Truin wasn’t even beta born, which had puzzled Vann as to why Dryden had recruited him for beta training. Until Vann figured out Dryden’s underhanded plan. His alpha’s damn matchmaking. Vann hadn’t needed, nor wanted Dryden’s interference in his love life. And now look at the mess he was in. Not that he blamed Dryden. No, this was entirely Vann’s fault.

  They entered to diner to see Micky, and Jisune sitting toward the back, both males with plates piled high in front of them. Much to Vann’s annoyance, they were sitting on the same side of the booth, leaving Vann to sit with Truin. Vann stepped aside, and waved for Truin to slide in before him. No way was he going to be trapped, with Truin that close to him. Without a word, Truin slid in as far as he could. Vann had tried to read his expression all morning, but a blank look was all he got. He wondered what was going through the younger male’s mind, then decided he didn’t want to know, and it wasn’t any of his business anyway.

  “We should arrive at the Andreas Pack in about five hours.”

  Vann pushed everything, but the mission at hand, from his mind, giving the beta across from him his full attention. “What do you know of this pack? Think they will be receptive?”

  “Alpha Davidson has never caused Rainier any trouble, but I don’t know the male well. I know he has two mates, neither are fated mates, and several pups. His oldest, Daniel, was killed a while back. Rumor has it, a jealous lover stabbed him to death, but no one really knows the truth. His only other son is just a pup, at thirteen summers. The rest are female. Last I heard, both his mates are pregnant again. Male keeps busy.”

  Vann ignored the wry amusement Micky was showing, uninterested in the mating status of another. “Sounds like he might be too invested in his family, to care for an alliance with another pack.”

  “Maybe. We’ll soon find out.”

  Vann stopped talking when the waitress came up to take their order. Vann ordered the special, the same thing that Micky, and Jisune had, then turned to Truin, watching the smaller male fiddle with the menu, before setting it back in the metal holder.

  “I’ll just have a coffee.”

  Vann frowned. “You need to eat something. We probably won’t be stopping until we reach our destination.” He glanced at Jisune to see the beta nodding. When he looked back at Truin, the male was scowling at him.

  “I’m not hungry.”

  Vann almost jerked back when the younger male snapped at him. Truin had never spoken to him in such a manner. Not that it mattered, but it hurt. Vann huffed, and nodded the waitress off. He’d make sure Truin ate later. The male was too thin, and Vann knew for a fact the younger male had lost weight following Vann. Ignoring Truin’s mood, he turned back to the betas, and their discussion about the San Andreas pack.


  Truin wasn’t sure where the hostility was coming from, other than having his mate so close, and being unclaimed. When he’d woken this morning, he’d found himself draped across Vann’s magnificent chest. He’d frozen, unwilling to lose the connection, as he listened to the steady heartbeat under his ear, and felt the whoosh of Vann’s breathing. He’d also felt something else, and had he been a much bolder male, he might have done something about it. But Truin wasn’t stupid. He knew Vann would not appreciate Truin stroking his morning wood, and bringing him to orgasm. For that matter, Truin wasn’t real sure of his skill, being virgin, to pleasure the male anyway. But it didn’t stop him from wishing he could.

  When Vann had woken, he’d roughly pushed Truin away, jumping from the bed, as if Truin’s touch was revolting to him. Pain sliced through Truin, knowing his fated mate abhorred his closeness. The constant rejection were starting to wear on him, despair quickly filling him. He wondered, not for the first time, if maybe he should just go home, back to Woodlynn, and try to forget about Vann. Not that it would work, but the male was never going to claim him, and Truin was fast losing any hope of ever being with the big beta—alpha.

  When the waitress brought his coffee, he filled it with sugar, and cream, then took a sip, his stomach rebelling even that small amount. He was twisted up inside, his stomach in knots. He just didn’t know what to do. Stay, and torture himself with Vann’s closeness, or leave, and live with the pain of being unclaimed. He knew, as everyone did, eventually his wolf would wither away, and die without his mate, and Truin would soon follow, or go mad without his wolf. At this point, Truin almost welcomed the permanent reprieve. Anything to stop the agony that filled him.

  He ignored the others at the table, staring out the window, his coffee forgotten. He thought of his younger brothers, and knew he had to do something. He couldn’t die, not when they needed him. He hoped Ashwin was caring for them, knowing his father was probably off whoring around. Maybe there was a way to break the mating bond plaguing him. Maybe he would return to Woodlynn, and seek out someone who might know how to stop Truin’s need for Vann. Then he could move on, find someone else to love, someone who would love him back, and he’d take care of his brothers, leaving Vann to his life on the run.

  “Let’s go.”

jerked at Vann’s words, then moved out of the booth when the other male stood. Micky threw a few bills on the table, and they left the small diner. Truin took a deep breath, knowing they were headed to the car, for another long ride, with Vann’s scent filling Truin, and his body out of his control. He was really beginning to think coming with the others was a mistake, even if his wolf was happy, if frustrated, to be in the vicinity of Vann. His body too. It was just his mind, and heart that wished they were somewhere else.

  Chapter 7

  Arri grabbed Arrden, and headed to the kitchen. His pup was growing so fast! Just this morning, Arri had caught the small male toddling across the hall from his room, to Arri’s. He fell twice, then shifted, prancing up to Arri, and yipping, before shifting back. He’d lifted his arms, ready to go, and have breakfast.

  When Arri entered the kitchen, it was to find Dryden in a deep conversation with Dyne. He knew what they were talking about, Dryden’s mind open to him. Arri honestly didn’t care about the content of their discussion. Torturing Etham to find out information was the logical next step, no matter how harsh that seemed. It was the way of the shifter. Dryden would do what he had to, to protect his mate, son, and pack. And, Etham? He didn’t mean a damn thing to Arri, even if he was his father.

  Besides, Arri had more important things on his mind. Today was the day the challenges would take place. Arri’s dream, vision, whatever you wanted to call it, had shown him Dryden would prevail, and win the challenges, as long as they happened on Woodlynn soil. Dryden’s duel alpha power, along with his matriarch influence were tied to the land, giving him strength beyond measure. That vision had reassured Arri, even if the talent was a new one, and he wasn’t sure how much he could trust it.

  Dryden looked up at him, his face holding a small amount of guilt. “I understand, my mate.” Arri wouldn’t have his strong alpha worried he didn’t approve of what they needed to do. Besides, Dryden didn’t need to have that on his conscious when he would soon be getting ready to take on the four opponents later today. Arri wanted his mate focused on what was to come, and nothing else. He had a bad feeling about Kasp, convinced the wolf was up to something.


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