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Forgiving Pain, Omega Born Book 3

Page 8

by CR Guiliano

  When things were finished, and the betas stood, Vann scooted over to go with them. A hand on his arm stopped him. He looked at Osric, then down at his hand, wondering what the alpha wanted.

  “Vann, a moment of your time?”

  The alpha looked up at the betas, and whatever they saw, had them turning, and leaving without comment. Vann relaxed against the booth, wondering what the alpha could possibly want with him alone.

  “I know the betas are from Rainier, but you aren’t. I can scent a different pack on you, one that is familiar. Where are you from?”

  Vann was surprised, but kept his face blank. He wasn’t sure he wanted to say anything, not wanting the Rainier betas to know he was a member of Woodlynn pack, even if he had no intention of ever going back. “What pack do you think I’m from?” Vann could play this game, but wasn’t going to give anything up.

  “Woodlynn Pack. Would you be familiar with a small wolf, with a big attitude named Kasp?”

  Vann was shocked to hear that name, and couldn’t quite hide it from the alpha, who laughed. “How do you know Kasp?” It didn’t even matter that he’d pretty much proved he was from Woodlynn now.

  “The little shit is my mate.”

  “Mate? He’s your mate?” Vann was stunned. He never thought anyone would want to mate with Kasp. The wolf was broken, had no soul, or conscious. He was vicious, and manipulative, and had made everyone in Woodlynn miserable, or wary. The whole pack had been happy, and relieved when Kasp disappeared.

  “I can see by your reaction, Kasp is known to you. Have you seen him lately?”

  Vann shook his head. “Kasp hasn’t been seen in over two years, and I’m sorry, but good riddance. He’s a menace.” Vann felt his face heat. It probably wasn’t a good idea to degenerate the alpha’s mate, but Vann knew Kasp was trouble. He’d grown up in Woodlynn pack, watching Kasp intimidate, and torture others. “Can’t you feel him, if you are mates?”

  “No, I claimed him, and lion bonds don’t work quite that way, even if he were to bite me back, which is highly unlikely. He was pretty angry with me for letting my teeth get out of control. I do agree he is, what you call, a menace. He killed a whole village in the northern part of my territory. He has gathered a few strong shifters of different species, and was headed east, last I knew of him.”

  Vann’s eyes widened. Shit! Was he headed back to Woodlynn? Just the idea had Vann itching to call Dryden, and warn him. But he couldn’t. Dryden would want to know where he was, how he knew that, and why he wasn’t coming home. Vann couldn’t handle talking to Dryden. The longing he had to return was enough for him to deal with, that and Truin being near. Vann took a deep breath, trying to calm himself. “I’m sorry. I don’t know where he is, and if he’s headed back to Woodlynn territory, Alpha Dryden is liable to kill him on sight.” Vann kind of felt sorry for the huge alpha. He seemed like a decent shifter, and didn’t deserve to be saddled with the likes of Kasp.

  “No worries. I would know, at least, if he were dead, and though my lion pines, I am well aware he is not to be trusted, and doesn’t make a very good mate. I haven’t figured out what the fates were thinking, just that maybe I’m the only shifter who can tame him. Not that it matters. He will be punished for his crimes, and if I find him, I will make sure he pays for the atrocities he has committed.”

  Vann nodded, not sure what more to say. Osric held out his hand, and Vann shook it.

  “You, and the Rainier betas have my permission to travel through my territory. I understand you will being going to the Zenith Pack next. Be careful. Alpha Hixon is another not to be trusted. The little omega you have hidden in your vehicle would be in danger there.”

  Vann snorted. Truin wasn’t an omega. But he was Vann’s mate, and he didn’t like the implications Osric eluded to. He’d have to be doubly vigilant now, and going forward. He wished he could claim the male, making it easier to keep him safe, but that wasn’t possible, so dismissed the thought. “Thank you, Alpha. I appreciate the warning, and will pass it on to the betas.” Vann gave the alpha a last nod, and left. He could see the betas in the car, ready to go, and neither looked happy.

  Vann climbed into the vehicle, passed on the information he could about what Osric had said, then settled back for the long ride north. He remained silent, thinking about any, and all ways to keep Truin safe against an alpha who couldn’t be trusted.

  Chapter 11

  “You’re worried about something, and you’re hiding it from me. Why?”

  Dryden caressed down Arri’s naked back. They were snuggled in bed, basking in the afterglow of some spectacular love making, but Dryden couldn’t help thinking about Etham. “I learned something, and I’m just not sure how to tell you, without upsetting you.”

  “Just tell me, Dryden.”

  “After speaking with Etham…”

  “You mean interrogating.”

  Dryden held the smile he wanted to let out at Arri’s dry humor. “After interrogating Etham, I found out something surprising. It appears, he is not your biological father. Your mother was already pregnant with you when Etham claimed her.” Dryden held his breath, waiting for Arri’s reaction. He could feel confusion, anger, and then it was there—relief. His little mate was happy the male wasn’t his father.

  “Good. I didn’t like thinking he was my father, and the way he abandoned me. But that begs the question, who is my real father? Just like we don’t know who Vann’s real father is.”

  Dryden started caressing Arri’s back again, as he thought about what Arri had said.

  “Think out loud, mate.”

  Dryden chuckled. “I vaguely remember a time when Vann, and his family weren’t part of Woodlynn pack. It was a very long time ago, and I was really young, Vann even younger. When they came, Vann, and I became fast friends, and he spent more time at the alpha house, than he did at his own. I remember my father being hesitant to let them stay, Vann’s mother being an alpha. But she proved to be no threat, and Vann, and I grew up together. It was my parents who made Vann the Alpha Guardian when he came of age. We were close—are close—and were never apart for very long. Vann never talked about his family much, but I do remember his father wanting him to find an alpha female to mate with, not that Vann cared what his father wanted. There just weren’t any in the pack besides his mother, and mine.”

  “Is that why he always had females during the full moon?”

  Dryden shrugged. “I guess. As far as I know, the only female he was ever with, was Mia.” Dryden grunted when Arri suddenly sat up, using his stomach as leverage. “What?”

  “Oh! Just something Anrean said. He told me Ciltra has alpha blood, and we know Vann is alpha born now. That means, Ciltra has to be Vann’s pup!”

  “That still doesn’t explain who Vann’s real father is, and we have no clue who yours might be.” Dryden would love to find out both. Vann’s because his friend had the right to know, and Arri’s because it directly impacted his family. He just wasn’t sure it mattered anymore, after so long.

  “Well, mine has to, at least, be a shifter, otherwise, I’d be pure Fae, and not an omega wolf.”

  “True.” That left out any clan member belonging to Arri’s mother’s tribe, but that meant there was an unknown shifter out there, who possibly was a rapist, and Dryden didn’t particularly like that fact, or that it had happened on the boundary to his new territory, even if it was years ago.

  “What do you plan on doing with Etham?”

  Dryden sighed, thankful for the subject change. “He wants to go back to Border…to die. He said his mating bond with your mother is severed. I don’t know if that’s because she’s no longer alive, or her clan did something.”

  “Her clan?”

  “Yea, Etham said they were the ones who took her, when they fled Border.”

  “Why did he say they left in the first place?”

  Dryden could tell it was only curiosity that Arri even asked, though there was an underlying anger there as well. “He said it
was because Sbrel wanted your mother, and to keep her safe, they left. But they couldn’t find a pack who would take them in, without the alphas wanting your mother too. Then, they were ambushed in their travels, and Allisia was taken. I didn’t think there were any Fae left in the world. But if what Etham says is true, then they are still around, but keeping themselves well hidden.”

  “Well, I guess I can see why they left, if what he said about Sbrel is true, but I still don’t understand why they left me behind.”

  “That’s when Etham said you were not his son, and if Allisia hadn’t given birth to you, then the Fae never would have known where she was. Or so he says. I don’t know whether to trust his word, or not.” Dryden pulled Arri back down, into his arms, stroking his hair, and throwing a leg over Arri’s. “No matter what Etham says, you have a family now, a mate who loves you fiercely, and son of your own, and bottom line, it doesn’t matter who your real father is.” Dryden felt Arri nod his head against his chest, but his mate remained silent.

  “I love you, Arri, and you’re mine. That’s all that matters.” He hoped his small mate believed him, because Dryden meant every word. He would be lost without Arri. And he’d kill anyone who might harm his mate, and their son. Arri snuggled further into Dryden’s side, causing Dryden’s body to respond, the faint scent of his arousal starting to perfume the air.

  “That still doesn’t help us with Vann. Who his father is, and where he is.”

  Dryden’s ardor wilted at Arri’s words. He growled low in his chest. “I don’t think it matters who his father is either, it’s been too many years to worry about it. Besides, I’m getting heartily sick of wondering where Vann is. It’s been months, and he’s not bothered to contact us, or anyone. Obviously, he’s not coming back.” Dryden felt Arri’s sadness—for him. He pulled, and manhandled his mate, until Arri was draped over him, so he could look into Arri’s beautiful gray eyes. “I love the male, his like a brother to me, more than, even. I will forever be indebted to him for saving you, and Arrden. But, he’s gone. And no matter how much I miss him, I still have a pack to run, and now, more than ever, I need to concentrate on that. Plus,” Dryden wiggled his eyebrows at his mate. “You, my lovely, sexy mate, will be going into heat soon, and I really want everything settled, and running smoothly, so I can concentrate entirely on you, and that delectable body of yours.”

  Arri laughed, which was Dryden’s intention. He had to let Vann go, stop worrying about him, and where he was. Stop wondering why he left, and if he was ever coming back, especially since he was pretty sure he knew exactly why Vann fled. Dryden had forgiven what Vann had to do to save his mate, and son, in his heart, and his mind, and there was nothing more he could do. Even if he knew where his wayward alpha guardian, and best friend was, he couldn’t force the male to return. It had to be Vann’s decision. So, Dryden would push Vann to the back of his mind, and heart, and concentrate on the here, and now, with his mate, and pack.


  They were half-way to the Zenith Pack, about 2 hours north of Flagstaff when Vann felt it. A considerable drop in the intensity of the alpha beta link in his mind. Vann had no idea what that could mean. The link had always been strong, even when Dryden was asleep. It was as if…as if Dryden was forgetting about him. A sharp pain pierced Vann, where his heart was, and he rubbed it absently. It was probably for the best Dryden forget. Then, he and Arri could move on, with their son, and Vann could live with his guilt alone. Except moments later, the link pulsed, and once again, Vann could feel his alpha’s emotions. Only, he couldn’t really interpret them, like he used to be able to. They were muddled, and there were so many, it was hard to concentrate on any one emotion.

  “We’re coming up on Williams. We’ll stop there, and then head up to Zenith in the morning.”

  Vann nodded, but kept his focus internal, as he tried to puzzle out Dryden’s feelings. It was no use though, they were humming in the background, none more intense than another. Vann gave up, and watched the scenery as the made their way closer to the Colorado border.

  Once in Williams, they searched out a motel to stop for the night. Since they hadn’t known how long they would be at the Sonoran Pride, they hadn’t made reservations, so they each had their own room. Dryden was thankful. He didn’t think he could handle another night alone with Truin without losing control. Truin’s scent had changed even more, and Vann’s wolf was getting even more aggressive, wanting the smaller male, demanding they claim what was theirs. Something Vann couldn’t do.

  And what was the weird comment Alpha Osric had made, about Truin being omega? As far as Vann knew, Truin was a non-ranking wolf. Granted, he was small, not much bigger than Arri, but he’d never scented as omega. Until now, when Vann really thought about it. Except, the odor was muted, as if Truin was only half omega. Was that even possible? Vann had come across some strange things in his travels after leaving Crater Pack territory, but he’d never heard of a half omega.

  Vann sighed as he followed the others to their rooms, keeping his eyes off of Truin. He was probably way off base, thinking things that were not possible, given the confusing thoughts in his mind. He was overwhelmed with it all, and knew, once this mission was complete, he was going away again, to find another pack, so he didn’t have to struggle with his wolf every moment, of every day, with Truin nearby. His link with Dryden wasn’t something he could do anything about, but he’d learn to block it out…somehow, some way.

  Once alone in his room, Vann took a shower, and tried to relax on the soft bed, but his mind wouldn’t let him. He needed to sleep, but so many thoughts were crashing around, too many to count. Lots of questions, with no answers, and even more worries. Like, what was Truin’s connection to the Zenith Pack the alphas of Rainier Pack had mentioned? Would it make things dangerous for them? For Truin?

  And his anxiety over Dryden, and the alpha beta link, and knowing Arri’s heat would be coming soon. Dryden’s feelings when Arri was in heat were too strong for Vann to fight. He’d need to find someone—someone strong—to rut with, or he’d go mad with lust. He’d barely managed the night Dryden had claimed Arri, guarding them in the hallway the only reason he hadn’t propositioned someone—anyone—who was in that small bungalow. And hadn’t been able to stop his own needs enhanced by Dryden’s lust ever since. He wasn’t sure finding someone in the Zenith Pack would be a good idea either. Not to mention, the full moon was only a few days away, which made everything even more intense. He only hoped he could persuade the two betas to head back to Rainier before the full moon. He didn’t fancy spending the ceremony in a strange pack, where he didn’t know anyone.

  Then there was the imprint from his alpha’s small pup. He could sense it, and it had been growing stronger. It had taken him awhile, but he’d figured out what the feeling was some time ago. It was the last thing he needed, when he was trying to disappear from Woodlynn. That link also brought back memories he’d much rather forget. He’d hoped, while in that basement, the pup would imprint with Arri, and maybe he did, but he’d found Vann to be the stronger wolf, who protected him…who had saved him. He’d thought he’d be proud of that fact, but his guilt wouldn’t let him. The pup’s imprinting should be only with Dryden, and Arri, not some desperate beta, who just happened to be in the right place, at the right time.

  Vann’s stomach rolled at the implications going through his mind. There was too much to think about, and he tossed, and turned, unable to quiet his mind. Finally, fed up, he abandoned his bed, and left the room. They’d picked a motel on the outskirts of the town, and there was a large stand of woods behind the building. Vann moved into the shadows, removed his sleeping pants, and shifted. He bit his own tongue to keep his wolf from howling at the freedom. He’d been denying the beast for a long time, ever since Truin showed up, too afraid the creature would take over completely, and claim the smaller wolf, with no control from Vann.

  He quickly launched into the trees, and away from the temptation the building held. He ran, and ran
, and ran, until his muscles ached, and his breath was coming in harsh pants, before finally stopping at a ledge that gave way to a river far below him. He plopped down, resting his head on his paws, his wolf pleased at the exercise.

  Before he knew it, he was waking up with the sounds of birds, and pink staining the sky in the east. Surprised, he stood quickly, shaking out his fur, and headed back to the motel. He felt refreshed, having slept as his wolf, his mind a little more at ease while in the more simplistic form. By the time he made it back to the motel, and his clothes, the sky had lightened considerably, the pink morphing into yellow, and orange, the rest of the sky brightening to the blue of day. It was still too early for any human activity, so Vann shifted, put his sleep pants back on, and carefully slipped back into his room. He took another shower, and when he left the bathroom, there was a text waiting for him, letting him know the others were awake, and getting ready to leave. Vann took a deep breath, shoring himself up for another long day of being around Truin.

  Chapter 12

  Arri sat drinking coffee, and debating what he wanted to do. Dryden had left this morning, headed for Border Pack. After winning the challenges, he was off to let the other pack know of the permanent leadership change, and that Border Pack no longer existed, and was being absorbed by Woodlynn, with the new name of East Woodlynn Pack. Arri was proud of his mate, though he’d known his alpha would win the challenges. He did wonder what Dryden planned on doing with Kasp, but for now, his thoughts were on the male who claimed he was not Arri’s father.

  Arri agreed with Dryden, it didn’t really matter who his real father was, but Arri couldn’t help being curious. Arri’s omega gifts were growing, more than he thought they would. More than he ever dreamed of. He was able to heal on command now, and without his hands glowing, and heal much more lethal injuries. He could sense familial bonds, speak to any with his mind, had the power to influence others, including Dryden, though he never used that skill on his mate, except maybe sexually, but he hardly thought Dryden would care about that. His omega empathy had grown exponentially, and he’d begun having visions of the future. His old ex-beta friend, Burnett, had never mentioned any of this. Just that he should seek out an alpha mate, and hope he, or she was his fated mate, and that he could have pups with that mate. Well…he turned to watch Arrden coming prancing into the kitchen in his wolf form, and smiled. The old male had been right about that.


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