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Forgiving Pain, Omega Born Book 3

Page 11

by CR Guiliano

  “Alpha Hixon demands the omega be presented to him. His mother wants to see him, as is her right.”

  Vann wanted to laugh. Everyone knew in Woodlynn, that Truin’s mother left the pack soon after they arrived. She’d abandoned her family, and had no rights. Vann hadn’t known she was here, though, not until Jusine had said something earlier. “I don’t think that’s possible right now. He’s in heat, and I’m servicing him, as is my right as his mate. Hixon will have to wait, and it will mostly likely be a few days.” Vann didn’t bother acknowledging Taron’s brief look at his hard cock behind his sweats, or the shocked look on Taron’s face at him not using Hixon’s title, or the fact Vann was Truin’s mate. Vann was stronger than Hixon, and the male probably knew it. There was no way he was going to let the alpha anywhere near Truin.

  Vann wasn’t stupid. He’d noticed there were no same sex matings in the pack here when they’d first arrived, and been discussing the proposal with the male. For that matter, there were very few wolves here, or they were hiding. Hixon most likely wanted Truin mated to a female of his choosing, and use any gifts, and omega skills Truin had to his advantage. But, if what Vann suspected, and Truin was only half omega, he probably wouldn’t have those gifts. He had the heats, but that might be all he had, not that Vann cared. Truin was his mate now, and he would protect him with his life.

  “Alpha Hixon isn’t going to like this.”

  “I really don’t care what he likes, or doesn’t like. Truin is mine, and no one will be allowed to dispute my claim to him.” Vann slammed the door, and locked it, before turning to Truin. His mate was under the covers, his eyes wide as he stared at Vann. Vann could feel Truin’s shock at his words, and the rising need in his mate. He crossed to the bed, and pulled the covers off Truin’s body, tossing them negligently to the floor. His mate was hard, his legs still spread wide, and there was a pool of slick, and semen under him. Vann grinned, his wolf puffing up in pride. He would think about what had happened later, once he’d satisfied Truin until the male was nothing but satiated mush.

  Vann leaned down, and manhandled Truin, until he was on his hands, and knees. He caressed down his mate’s smooth back, reveling in the flawless skin over lightly defined muscles. Truin shuddered at his touch, making Vann’s cock throb to be buried inside him again. Dryden’s feelings were as strong as ever, and Vann knew his alpha was already inside his mate. He could feel it. But, instead of the usual disgust, and loathing at himself he felt when Dryden was being intimate with Arri, Vann’s need to rut with Truin grew stronger.

  Vann disposed of his pants, and kneed his way onto the bed behind Truin. He was pleased when his mate slowly lowered his upper half until his shoulders were flush with the bed, and his ass high in the air, legs spread. He was presenting, and Vann’s wolf howled its approval. Vann snarled his own appreciation, and mounted Truin in a flash, burying himself deeply, and thrusting so hard, his balls were slapping against Truin’s taint, making them sting, which only added to the sensations coursing through his body.

  Truin cried out at the invasion, and Vann saw his mate’s claws slide out of the end of his fingers to bury themselves into the mattress. Vann moved up further, until he had Truin encased under him, his hips never stopping, until he was flush to Truin’s back, his arms on either side of his mate’s shoulders, resting on his elbows, so as not to crush the much smaller wolf under him. He widened his legs, and drove even harder into Truin’s body, his own, and Dryden’s need too much to handle. Truin whined at the roughness, but when Vann reached for his cock, it was to find it hard, and leaking. He grabbed it, stroking with his thrusts, and suddenly Truin was coming once again. His channel spasmed around Vann’s cock, and his knot once more began to swell. He thrust one last time, hard enough to bury his knot without having to work it inside his mate. Truin’s sphincter sucked it in even further, then closed around it, holding him tightly as his own orgasm barreled through him. He roared this time, unable to stop it, then struck, and buried his fangs in Truin’s neck, right where he’d left the first bite. He was going to make sure the scar there was visible to any, and every one.

  Chapter 15

  Arri couldn’t move, his body aching in all the right places. Three, and a half days, with countless orgasms, huge amounts of sweat, semen, and slick covering the bed, and their bodies, and Dryden still buried inside Arri as they basked in their last coupling, Dryden’s knot still pulsing. There’d been one interruption, by Arrden, who had stormed in after being told he couldn’t disturb them. Arri had managed to grab the sheet, so his son wouldn’t see Dryden over Arri, thrusting madly. The little wolf had climbed up on the bed, and Dryden had switched to swiveling his hips, his long, thick cock rubbing over Arri’s prostate. He could feel Dryden’s amusement as Arrden babbled, and watched them until he got bored, and left. Arri had been mortified, but Dryden had laughed so hard, he’d had to lie down, and have Arri ride him until his knot swelled again. It had been…interesting, if damn embarrassing to have his young son watching them couple, even under a sheet.

  Now, Arri could barely keep his eyes open, and he knew his heat was over. Dryden was already out cold, softly snoring against Arri’s head. Arri had to pee, but there was no getting out of bed at the moment. Every time he moved, Dryden would pull him tighter against his body, and his hips would push forward, making his knot slide in further. Arri was afraid he was going to pee the bed by the time Dryden’s knot began to recede. He managed to pull himself off of Dryden’s cock, and work his way out of his mate’s strong arms, the male not even stirring.

  He was just coming back from taking care of business when he saw what awaited him in bed. Dryden had turned onto his back, his big body splayed out, covers bunched at his waist, and Arrden curled up on his chest, fast asleep. He couldn’t help the soft smile at his sleeping family, and laid his hand on his lower belly, hoping they might be adding to that.

  Arri’s stomach took that moment to rumble, and he hurried to grab some clothes. He was starving! He pulled on a t-shirt, and sweats, and headed out of the suite, intent on getting some food into him. He’d bring a tray back for Dryden, and Arrden too. When he reached the kitchen, it was to see Breccan, Saran, and Dyne sitting at the table, drinking coffee. They’d been talking when he entered, and suddenly stopped. He looked at each of them, Dyne with his usual blank face, Breccan looking sad, and Saran’s look as clinical as always. “What’s going on?”

  “Maybe you should sit down.”

  Arri shook his head at Breccan. “Just tell me.” What could have happened while he, and Dryden were busy? He hadn’t felt anything alarming, or dire, but he was in heat, and might not have noticed, since he was occupied with his mate. Breccan looked at his hands, then up at Arri.

  “Etham has passed. He died early this morning, about 3 am.”

  Arri waited for the sorrow, but once again, felt nothing. It was as if, after finding out Etham wasn’t his real father, and all the things the male had done, or failed to do in Etham’s case, there was no connection at all. Arri really didn’t care one way, or the other about Etham, or his death.

  “What would you like us to do, Alpha-mate?”

  Arri’s gaze went from Breccan, who looked as if he felt sorry for Arri, to Saran. He knew what the pack healer was asking. “Cremate him, then scatter his ashes over the east woods in Border Pack’s territory.” That’s the best he could do for the male. It’s where he met, and claimed Arri’s mother. All three males nodded, and left. Arri was alone in the kitchen, and he tried to analyze his feelings. He wondered what was wrong with him, to have none where Etham was concerned.

  “There is nothing wrong with you, my mate.”

  Arri swirled around, to see Dryden standing there, Arrden still asleep in his arms. His mate looked rough and exhausted, and thoroughly fucked, and Arri couldn’t contain the small, smug smile. He loved the look on his big alpha. Dryden chuckled, then moved forward to wrap his free arm around Arri, leaning down to give him a scorching kiss. When he pull
ed back, he whispered in Arri’s ear. “You look just as well fucked, my mate, and I hope my seed has left you ready to swell with another pup.”

  Arri shuddered at Dryden’s words, his hand going to his lower belly once more. He concentrated, but couldn’t hear another heartbeat besides his own, Dryden’s, and Arrden’s. It was too soon to tell anyway. Arri moved back, letting Dryden’s arm slip from him. “I do too, my mate.” He gave Dryden a smile, then moved to find food for his empty stomach. His thoughts went back to what Dryden had said. He wasn’t sure he agreed with his mate, after all, he was omega, and feelings were a big part of his omega empathy. But, Etham was gone now, and Arri had his family. There was no use dwelling on it. Arri hurried to fix something to eat, then sat at the table with his mate, as they discussed what Arri had ordered for Etham, and then chatted about less emotional things.


  Vann could feel Dryden was out of rut, and exhausted, which meant Arri’s heat was done. But Truin was still in heat, and it was just Vann’s rutting alone he was feeling now. The feelings weren’t quite as intense without Dryden adding to them, but Vann was still very much attuned to Truin’s arousal, and there wasn’t anything that was going to stop him from satisfying that lust.

  Right now, they were tied again, Truin sleeping in Vann’s arms. It had been three days, with, surprisingly, no interruptions, and it looked as if Truin was going to continue into a fourth day. Vann was beyond exhausted, and needed a shower badly, and maybe replace the dirty sheets, but he wasn’t willing to leave Truin alone, even for a short time. Truin stirred, and Vann felt his knot beginning to contract, the swelling going down, even if Truin’s heat was still in force. They would be rutting again soon. Things had slowed down though, giving Vann time to think. Something he really didn’t want to do.

  He was starting to regret his actions, no longer overpoweringly caught up in, not only Dryden’s, but his own biology, and the incontrovertible need to claim, and knot his mate. But thinking was the last thing he wanted. Truin would feel it, and he didn’t want to hurt his mate, any more than he already had. He watched as Truin’s eyelids blinked, and then opened, his blue eyes still dark, and dazed with lust. Vann gently pulled from Truin’s body, then leaned down, and did something he never thought he’d have the chance, or courage to do. He kissed Truin. Not the demanding, hard kiss to shut his mate up at the beginning, but a sweet, tender kiss, that conveyed how Vann felt for Truin, even if those feelings were wrong, and Vann didn’t have a right to have them in the first place. Truin deserved so much better than Vann, but they were bonded now, and Vann would need to remember that. He couldn’t despise himself, and what he’d done anymore, and certainly couldn’t hate the bond now formed between them. It wasn’t fair to Truin.

  It didn’t take long for the gentle kiss to turn heated, and Vann found himself on his back, Truin hovering over him, his hands wandering Vann’s body, feeling him everywhere. Much to his surprise, Truin used a knee to spread Vann’s legs, so he could settle between them, his hard cock sliding along Vann’s, and making him groan. Truin started thrusting, the friction exquisite, as they continued to kiss.

  Truin rocked, then moved to the side, and suddenly Vann felt a wet finger probing at his asshole. He jerked back, staring up at Truin. The silent plea in the man’s lust-filled eyes was Vann’s undoing. He’d never allowed another to penetrate him, for that matter he’d only ever had sex with Mia. But this, he could give this to Truin. He spread his legs wider, and nodded at his mate. The moment he gave permission, Truin’s finger breached him. It stung at first, but wasn’t unpleasant. It felt good really. Then Truin pushed his finger deeper, and nudged at Vann’s prostate, making him grunt with a new sensation, sparks flying along his nerves.

  He started rocking his hips, trying to pull Truin’s finger deeper, when another was added. The sting intensified to a burn, but it didn’t stop Vann from rocking his hips. He briefly wondered where Truin had gotten the lube, when he realized his mate was using his own slick to prepare Vann, and wasn’t that one of the most erotic things Vann had ever experienced.

  It didn’t take long for Truin to be thrusting four fingers in, and out of Vann, and an orgasm of epic proportions had Vann hovering on the edge. Vann was about to tell Truin to fuck him, when his mate withdrew his fingers, slicked his cock, and pushed into Vann’s body. He had to hold his breath at the pain, hoping it would abate quickly. Truin stilled, letting Vann get used to having something up his ass that had never been there before. He could feel Truin’s satisfaction at being inside him, and he pulled his legs up, and around his mate’s waist. He grabbed Truin’s ass, and pulled, letting the smaller wolf know he could move.


  Truin never thought in a million years, he’d be in this position. He could hardly believe Vann, a strong, dominant alpha male, would submit, and allow him to penetrate his body, that his wolf would tolerate it. He’d felt Vann’s misgivings over claiming him, and wanted to distract his new mate. It had worked, and now Truin was inside Vann’s body, and the need to move was overwhelming. When Vann lifted his legs, and pulled at Truin, he knew it was time. He pulled back slowly, then thrust forward fast, and deep. He wanted Vann to feel him, now, and in the next week, if he had his way.

  He settled into a rhythm, Vann meeting him with every thrust. Sweat dripped from him, causing their bodies to slide together effortlessly. Sooner than Truin would have liked, he felt his balls pull up, and his cock harden further. He shifted so he could get his knees under him, which spread Vann’s legs wider, and started pistoning into his mate. Vann’s body was red from his face, all the way to his stomach, and when Truin looked down, it was to see his big alpha’s cock hard, and leaking steadily. He grabbed it, stroking from the tip down, matching their rhythm. Minutes later, he felt his orgasm starting, and then Vann’s knot swelled under his hand. He squeezed in, and Vann shuddered, before moaning loudly. Seemed his mate liked that.

  Truin’s thrusts grew erratic as he emptied himself into his mate. He wrapped his hand around Vann’s knot as much as he could, the nodule large, making him wonder how it ever fit inside of him, and squeezed hard. Vann roared, flipping them, before pulling off Truin, and entering him in one quick move. He pushed, and pushed until his knot popped past Truin’s clenching hole, and then sat back, bringing Truin into his lap, and making his knot go even deeper along Truin’s channel. Truin’s orgasm, which had started to ebb, grew in intensity, his body shuddering violently against Vann’s bigger strength. He leaned forward, and bit Vann’s neck, even as he felt Vann’s canines pierce his skin.

  Truin’s eyes burned with tears as he realized they were connected in every way a shifter could possibly be joined. Tied at groin, and fang, arms tight around each other, Truin’s legs wrapped like a vice around Vann’s waist, Vann’s legs bent behind him, holding him steady, and safe. He couldn’t stop the tears, and had to let go of his hold on Vann’s skin, before the sobs started. He never thought Vann would claim him, and couldn’t seem to hold in the overwhelming emotions that swamped him. He honestly didn’t know if they were all his, or he was feeling Vann too.

  When his crying had fallen to a few hiccups, Truin’s eyes drooped as he was held in Vann’s arms, his mate surrounding him. He’d smelled the dark, spicy bonding scent shortly after Vann entered him for the first time, and now it filled the room, strong, and soothing. He slumped in Vann’s hold, his body beyond exhausted. He wasn’t feeling arousal anymore, and guessed that his heat was over. His heat. Now wasn’t that something he hadn’t expected. He wasn’t sure what he thought of it, but since it had gotten Vann to claim him, he wasn’t going to regret it.

  He yawned, and was glad he had the presence of mind to lick Vann’s shoulder before he didn’t have the strength anymore. He laid his head against Vann, hearing his steady heartbeat. He knew he was falling for Vann. For that matter, he’d been half in love with the wolf for a long time. But, already he could feel Vann’s misgivings, his regret, and it hurt. More than Trui
n thought it would. He knew it was coming, he couldn’t fool himself, but he’d certainly take advantage while Vann was still holding him. His knot was still in place, and neither of them were going anywhere for the moment.

  Truin let his eyes fall closed, feeling comfortable, physically anyway. Mentally, and emotionally, he knew he was in for a very long fight. But they were bonded now, and Truin wasn’t going to let Vann withdraw from him, wasn’t going to let the alpha close him out. Not if he could help it. And, just maybe, he could talk Vann into returning to Woodlynn.

  Chapter 16

  Arri stood just inside the tree line, watching Dryden say a few words, before they would scatter Etham’s ashes. He wasn’t sure why he was here. It wasn’t like he cared about the male. His big alpha hadn’t wanted Arri to come, believing it dangerous with many of the former Border pack wolves still angry at Dryden, for taking over their pack. But Arri had insisted, and now stood waiting for them to finish so they could go home. It had been a week since his heat, and he knew he was caring another pup from Dryden. It thrilled him, even though he had other things on his mind. Enough that he’d not told Dryden they would be having another pup.

  Anrean’s own pregnancy was progressing well, and Rovyn, and Anrean had learned they were going to have twins. Dryden’s red-headed beta had been stunned, and was still in shock over that revelation. Honestly, Arri found it amusing to see the big male looking lost, and terrified. He knew, though, Rovyn would make an excellent father, and was looking forward to meeting the beta’s, and omega’s pups.

  Border Pack, now designated East Woodlynn, was slowly being brought into the fold, which left Woodlynn with no nearby hostile packs. Arri wasn’t sure what that meant for them, but he hoped it helped them thrive, and feel safe now with no threats.


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