Forgiving Pain, Omega Born Book 3

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Forgiving Pain, Omega Born Book 3 Page 20

by CR Guiliano

  Much to his surprise, though he should have known it would happen, his back end began to get slick, and warm, the liquid pooling under him. Vann was still rooted to the chair, his hands gripping the sides hard enough to make them crack, and Truin decided he needed to step up his seduction a notch. He gave his cock one last stroke, before turning over, and getting his knees under him, presenting his ass to his mate. Not a second later, Vann was touching him, one large hand caressing up along his spine, the other rubbing up, and down the back of his thigh. His heart rate nearly went through the roof, when he felt Vann pry his ass cheeks apart, exposing his most intimate area. He gave an undignified squeak, when he felt Vann’s warm breath, right before his mate’s tongue swiped across his hole. Oh fuck! He hadn’t expected this!


  Vann had no idea Truin had it in him, to tease him like this. Vann’s wolf was in a frenzy, the beast desperate to take what was theirs, and claim Truin all over again. It took everything in Vann to stay seated, and watch as Truin stroked himself. Vann narrowed his eyes at the sight before him, Truin sweaty, his skin glistening, low moans coming from him, and his fist tight around his engorged shaft, pumping it hard, and fast.

  Vann’s own cock was granite hard, and leaking in his sweats, and he finally pulled them down, and off, letting his dick bounce between his legs. His balls tingled, filling as he watched his mate. He lost it when Truin turned over, presenting. Vann’s wolf howled in approval, and Vann was off the chair, and behind Truin in the blink of an eye. He caressed Truin, sweeping his hands over his mate’s back, and thighs. Truin rocked a little, then whimpered in surprise, when Vann pulled his ass cheeks apart, and licked his weeping hole.

  Truin’s sweet taste exploded over Vann’s tongue, and he lapped hungrily at the slick entrance he would soon be pounding. Vann had never thought about having an omega as a mate, but holy fates, he was glad of it now, as his cock pulsed, and dripped pre-cum on the bed. He slid two fingers in easily, and rubbed across Truin’s prostate, the male’s whole body shuddering at the stimulus, and his tunnel clenching around Vann’s fingers. Vann pumped them for a few minutes, before adding a third. The low groan from Truin was all Vann needed to know his mate was ready.

  He leaned up, pulling his fingers from Truin’s chute, the walls of his channel trying to pull him back in. He placed the underside of his cock in the cleft of Truin’s ass, and rocked, letting his mate’s slick coat his shaft, before finally suspending the head of his dick at the pulsing entrance to Truin’s body. Truin tried to thrust back, but Vann grabbed his hips hard, holding him still. They were going to go at Vann’s pace, not Truin’s. His mate groaned in frustration, and Vann grinned. “Impatient, my little mate?”

  “Fucking fuck me already!”

  Such raunchy words from Truin’s perfect lips had Vann nearly going into rut, and Truin wasn’t even in heat. He pushed forward, slowly spreading Truin’s channel, forcing the male to accept him. Truin mewled, trying to twist, and get Vann further into him. He worked until his balls were finally nestled against Truin’s taint, and then leaned over his mate, blanketing him, and threading his fingers through Truin’s. He kissed Truin’s sweaty nape, holding still as Truin’s channel throbbed around him. “Ready?” Truin jerked his head, and Vann pulled back, only to slam hard into his mate. Truin cried out in ecstasy, and moments later, Vann had a firm, wanton rhythm going, the smacking of their flesh filling the air around them.

  Truin lost his hold on his arms, his chest falling to the bed. Vann leaned back up, grabbing Truin’s hips, as he pistoned in, and out of Truin’s tight hole. He watched his dick sliding within his mate, his heart thumping against his ribcage as Truin took all that Vann gave him. He could feel his balls pulling tight, but he held out, wanting Truin to come before him. He wanted to feel his mate’s chute clench around him, as he spilled his seed. Truin’s breath was ragged, and he started thrusting back against Vann.


  Truin’s body shuddered as he cried out, his untouched cock spewing as his orgasm consumed him. Vann snarled, his lust overwhelming, and he dropped down to bury his fangs in Truin’s neck, right over his mating scar. Vann’s hips were thrusting so hard, the sting of his balls hitting Truin finally threw him over the edge. He howled as he emptied into his mate, filling him so full of seed, that it was forced out past his dick, and dripped down both his, and Truin’s inner thighs. Truin’s channel clenched tight, and Vann could barely move, his cock gripped securely by Truin’s body. Seconds later, Vann’s knot swelled, and he rolled his hips, until the rapidly growing nodule popped past Truin’s sphincter, effectively locking him inside his mate, and causing his climax to lengthen.

  To keep from collapsing on top of Truin, and crushing his smaller mate, Vann flipped to the side, pulling Truin tight against him. His hips were still rocking, making his knot massage Truin’s insides, and Truin groaned as he climaxed again. Vann pulled his fangs from Truin’s neck, licking the blood there, before nuzzling into Truin’s sweaty hair. He stayed quiet, allowing his breath to slow to normal. By the time he could breathe easier, Truin was snoring softly in his arms. Vann’s knot was still pulsating, his balls churning as they expelled his seed. Vann could feel the liquid still leaking, and they were going to have to change the sheets. He didn’t care, as he pulled Truin closer to him.

  That was when he heard it. A small, fast, barely there heartbeat that was not his, or Truin’s. Fucking hell! Truin was pregnant! He’d heard Dryden’s mother say it was possible, that half-omegas could conceive, but he hadn’t thought it would happen. Vann analyzed his feelings, waiting for guilt to settle in. He’d never planned on mating Truin, was dead set against it. But their biology had been impossible to ignore, and Vann had claimed Truin, had taken his virginity too. Now his seed had planted, and soon Truin would swell with Vann’s pup.

  But the guilt never came. Vaguely, he could feel Dryden, his alpha relieved over something, but there was no overwhelming regret as there had been before. Vann realized, with surprise, that he was…happy. He hadn’t felt joy in what seemed like forever, and it filled him with a warmth that had him pulling Truin even closer to him. This small male, a mate he hadn’t wanted, had healed him. Vann nearly wanted to laugh out loud at the sheer bliss filling him. He was going to be a father again. With his fated mate.

  Truin stirred, but didn’t wake, and Vann nuzzled his hair. Gone was the self-loathing, the hate he’d carried for himself. Gone was the pain he’d carried for so long. Dryden had forgiven him, Arri too, and though he knew it might take time for Dryden to get over Vann knotting his mate, he felt confident it would happen. He was getting his new start, and he was determined to make Truin the happiest mate he could.


  Osric watched Kasp in the rearview mirror. The small wolf had already tried to run from him several times, as they made their way back to his pride. Now, he had him tied up in the back seat, and gagged to keep the male from talking. The hate coming from his mate’s eyes was unmistakable, but Osric would teach him. He smirked as Kasp struggled, trying to get loose. “We will be home soon, my mate. And then your training begins.” Kasp glared over the bandana wrapped around his mouth.

  Kasp had a lot to learn. He wasn’t Osric’s only mate. He wasn’t even his second, or third. Osric had other mates, and Breton, Osric’s first-mate, was not going to be happy he was bringing home a wolf. As first-mate, Breton had certain perks, and being with Osric alone was one of them. His other two mates, Kassi his lioness mate, and Paj, his nebari mate he shared together, though Paj was heavy with cubs right now. Kasp would be part of the trio Osric fucked, and Kasp’s claiming would happen as soon as they got home. He’d bitten the male, but it was time to claim his body too. And if he had to force Kasp, well, then, it would be worth it. Kasp wasn’t omega, or nebari, so there would be no cubs with him, but he’d be a fun play toy for when Osric needed to release tension. Osric was looking forward to it.


  Truin sat contente
dly, watching his brothers’ coo over the pups that were their siblings, his hand resting lightly on his slightly rounded stomach. Turned out, he hadn’t had to confess to Vann, his large mate hearing the heartbeat of their pup before Truin could tell him. He’d been worried, but Vann had been ecstatic at the news he was to be a father again. The ‘again’ had thrown Truin, until Vann had told him about Ciltra. Jealousy had filled Truin, but Vann had fucked him until he didn’t care, and assured him Truin was the only one he’d ever be with from now, until they grew old together.

  The ginger had helped with Truin’s morning sickness, and he’d gained some weight, but the pregnancy was still hard, the pup taking a lot out of Truin. He was so tired most days, and Vann didn’t allow him to do anything strenuous. It was endearing, even as it was frustrating. Truin wasn’t used to just sitting around, letting others care for him. But, Breccan had told him, with Arri’s backing, it was necessary if he wanted to live through his pregnancy. Truin caved to their instructions, because he didn’t want to endanger Vann’s pup, or make his mate unhappy.

  He glanced over at Ashwin, his friend quiet. Something had happened while Truin was gone. Something that had Ashwin withdrawing. Truin had tried to get his friend to talk to him, but Ashwin had snapped, and told him nothing was wrong. Truin had let it go. He figured Ashwin would open up when he was ready, if he ever was. Truin just hated seeing his friend so down. If he didn’t know better, he’d think his friend was pining for someone, but Truin had no clue if Ashwin had found his mate. He’d not seen any she-wolves come around, so wasn’t sure what to think.

  “I’m going to go for a run. Will you be okay?”

  Truin rolled his eyes. “I’m sitting here, doing nothing, not moving, not using any muscles. I think I’ll be fine.”

  Ashwin chuckled, and Truin was glad to see the small smile on his friend’s face. “Go on. My brothers can help me, if I need to pee.” Ashwin left, and Truin went back to watching his brothers. They had been beyond ecstatic when they learned he’d returned, and even more so when they found out he’d mated Vann, and was now going to have a pup. It had been a long conversation regarding Truin being a half-omega, and he knew they both wondered if they were as well. Time would tell, since half-omegas were hard to detect until a rutting alpha, or beta pushed them into heat. Aybur he was pretty sure preferred males, but Jeshin was an unknown. He liked females, and alpha, and beta she-wolves didn’t go into rut. If Jeshin was half-omega, what would happen? Truin sighed. He was getting tired again.

  “Hey my mate, I think you’ve had enough excitement for one day.”

  Truin looked up, blinking slowly, to see Vann standing over him, hands on hips, and his familiar scowl in place. Truin wanted to giggle, but gave out a yawn instead. He squeaked when Vann leaned down, and picked him up. “I can walk, you know.”

  “Humor me.”

  Vann’s arms did feel nice around him, so Truin relaxed into his mate’s wide chest. By the time they made it to their rooms, Truin was struggling to stay awake. He allowed Vann to undress him, the big alpha caressing his skin. Truin’s cock valiantly tried to rise, but it wasn’t going to happen, he was just too tired. Vann turned him, and tucked him under the covers.

  “Sleep, my mate. I’ll be back soon.”

  Truin nodded, feeling the warmth of their mating bond pulse. He knew that was Vann’s way of telling him, he loved him. Neither had said the words yet, but Truin had no doubt how Vann felt about him, and Truin made sure to show his alpha exactly how much he cared in return. Vann kissed him on the forehead, then left, and Truin turned to the side, making himself as comfortable as he could. It was going to be a long few months.


  Arri snuggled further back into Dryden’s arms, their sweat combining, as their breathing slowed. Dryden was still hard, and his knot full as they savored their last bout of love making. Dryden’s large hand was resting over Arri’s pup bump, and Arri sighed in contentment. Two seconds later, Arrden came running in on four legs, only to shift to two when he reached the bed. Arri desperately tried to grab the blanket before their son climbed onto the mattress, and barely had them covered before Arrden climbed over them, and Arri wanted to groan as Dryden’s knot was jostled within him.

  Arrden sat on Dryden’s hip, and Arri wanted to sink into the floor in humiliation. Not that Arrden could tell they were tied, but Arri knew, and that was enough to fill him with embarrassment.

  “Why you hug Papa?”

  Arri elbowed Dryden…hard, when his mate burst into laughter. “Fine, Mr. Funny man. You can explain.” Arri couldn’t wait to hear this. “And don’t you dare tell him the truth!” The last thing Arri needed was for Dryden to tell their son they were knotted together, and why.

  “Someday, my son, you are going to meet your fated mate, and when you do, you are going to be very happy, and love hugging your mate.”

  “You love Papa! I love Papa too!”

  Arrden apparently had no problem with Dryden’s explanation, and Arri had to admit, it was pretty good, even as he muffled a groan when Arrden flopped down on them. Arrden hugged them, then climbed off, his small foot kicking Arri in the thigh, and making Dryden’s knot wiggle again. Their son shifted, and ran out of the room. “I swear to all the Gods, I am getting a fucking lock for that door!” Arri’s voice growled. Dryden’s booming laugh echoed around the room, and Arri couldn’t help the smile. Arrden was a pure alpha, and Arri knew Dryden was going to be the most wonderful teacher to their son.

  He looked down, rubbing the small bump, wondering if it would be a male, or female he would be having this time. He’d originally wanted a female, but now he didn’t really care. Just a healthy pup was all that mattered. At least this time, he’d be having it here, in their room, with healers ready, and Dryden primed, and waiting to rut with him. As grateful as he was for what Vann had done, Arri wanted his mate with him this time around.


  Vann made his way down the stairs until he hit the kitchen, his heart seeming lighter than it had in months. He’d wanted to leave Truin satiated, and practically in a sexual coma, thanks to Dryden’s lustful activities, but his mate was exhausted, the pup they had created taking most of his energy, so Vann had stopped by the bathroom to relieve the raging hard-on he had, leaving his mate to sleep.

  He grabbed an apple, and headed out the back door. Once he finished eating, he stripped, and shifted, his almost black wolf snuffling the warm air. Summer was in full swing, and he could hear the buzzing of insects, chirping of birds, and the rustle of small animals in the brush. Ever since he’d found out Truin was going to have his pup, everything around him seemed so much more…alive. Snorting, he trotted off, and navigated his way through the compound, until he was in front of a small, modest home, with flowers along the path.

  He barked, until the person he wanted to see came out the door. Mia stood there, looking uncertain for a moment, until Ciltra rushed past her. She made a grab for their daughter, but couldn’t catch her.


  Vann snorted in amusement. Every wolf was “wolfy” to Ciltra, and probably would be until she could distinguish who, was who in their animal form.

  “Ciltra! Come here!”

  When Mia started down the path, Vann moved until he was between them. Mia narrowed her eyes at Vann, but Vann stared her down, feeling his alpha power rippling. This was his daughter too, and he wasn’t going to let Mia keep him from her. Not now, when she would soon have a new brother, or sister. He still didn’t understand why she was here, and not living in the mansion, even after hearing what had happened. She had to know Dryden would never hurt Ciltra, or use her for her omega powers. He had an omega of his own, a Fae omega, who was a lot more powerful than Ciltra would ever be.

  Mia’s face fell, and she motioned for him to follow her. Vann nudged Ciltra along, the small pup clinging to his fur. They made their way in, and Mia went into another room, then came out with a pair of sweats. Vann shifted, and put them on after M
ia handed them over.


  Ciltra’s squeal had Vann ready when the small pup launched herself at him. He gave Mia a look, asking with his eyes, if he could tell Ciltra who he really was. Mia didn’t look happy, after all, they hadn’t talked about changing the decision they had made when Ciltra was born, not allowing anyone to know she was his daughter. However, things had changed dramatically. Vann was alpha, for one, and more than capable of protecting his daughter. And then there was Truin. Vann was sure Mia had heard Vann had mated the male, but Truin’s pregnancy was not common knowledge. Vann wanted Ciltra to know both Truin, and her new brother, or sister. Mia sighed, and nodded, then left to go to the kitchen. She came out a minute later with coffee, and some small cakes. She set them on the coffee table. Vann hoisted Ciltra higher in his arms, then sat on the sofa, with her in his lap.

  “Ciltra, I’m not a beta anymore, but an alpha, like Alpha Dryden.” Vann glanced at Mia to see the shock in her face. That wasn’t common knowledge either.

  “Alpha, alpha, alpha!”

  The little female chanted looking up at Vann with a grin. “Ciltra, I’m also your daddy.” The little female stopped chanting, and stared at Vann. She patted his chest with her little hand.

  “I know.”

  Vann was surprised, and looked over at Mia. The she-wolf shook her head.

  “I didn’t tell her.”

  He looked back at Ciltra. “How did you know that, sweetie?” Ciltra patted his chest, then patted her own.

  “I felt it. In here.”

  A true omega. His daughter was a true omega, and Vann smiled at her. “I have someone I want you to meet later. He’s my mate, and very tired right now, so he’s sleeping. He’s got a little pup in his tummy, and soon, you will be a big sister.” Ciltra’s whiskey brown eyes, identical to his own, widened. When he looked at Mia, her eyes were as large as Ciltra’s.


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