Forgiving Pain, Omega Born Book 3

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Forgiving Pain, Omega Born Book 3 Page 21

by CR Guiliano

  “Truin’s pregnant?”

  Vann nodded. “Turns out, he’s half-omega, and able to conceive pups.” Mia gave a large smile, and Vann was glad to see it. The female relaxed, and they chatted for a while, before Vann took his leave. He had one more person to see, and then he could go home to his mate. Dryden had told him his decision to send Rovyn, and Anrean to Border, now called East Woodlynn.

  They had talked well into several mornings, Dryden telling Vann all that had happened since he’d been gone, and Vann did the same. Slowly, over the last month, Dryden had calmed down, and they had agreed to put what happened in the farm house basement out of their minds. Vann was pleased he wouldn’t have to rehash it, or even think about it anymore. He had a new life, with his mate, and pups, and he didn’t want to think about the past anymore. Didn’t want the regrets, insecurities, and pain to swamp him again.

  Dryden planned on keeping Rovyn as lead beta, but only for East Woodlynn, not all of Woodlynn. Vann would return to being lead beta, well, alpha of Woodlynn—Dryden said he was going to start calling Vann, second alpha of Woodlynn—along with being alpha guardian. Dryden had also told him his plans of having Ashwin be alpha guardian to Arrden, though they both were wondering if that was a good idea, with the way Ashwin had been behaving lately.

  Vann shifted, and made his way back to his clothes. He changed, and dressed, then went to Rovyn’s suite. When he knocked, he was greeted by a very pregnant Anrean. The omega blushed, and looked down. He hadn’t seen Anrean since the night he’d given Arrden to him, and Truin to take back to Woodlynn. He had to admit, Anrean was beautiful, and he could see why Rovyn was so smitten with him, plus them being fated mates, of course.

  “Anrean? Who is it?”

  Vann heard Rovyn’s voice coming from further inside, and braced himself for the confrontation he knew was going to happen. He’d not had a whole lot to say to Rovyn after the debacle with Kale, unhappy with Dryden for leaving him out of his plans with Rovyn. He’d had a lot of time to think, when he was running from Dryden, and his pack, and after a while, he realized what Dryden had done was, not only smart, but the right thing to do. Now, he had to convince Rovyn of that.


  Rovyn stopped when he saw Vann in the doorway. He frowned, pulling his mate away, and behind him.

  “What are you doing here?”

  It hadn’t taken long for the entire pack to realize Vann had returned, so Rovyn had to have known. “I came to talk to you.”


  “Can I come in?”

  Rovyn was clearly torn, and Vann waited patiently. He couldn’t force the male to listen to him, but he was here on official business from Dryden as well. Rovyn turned to Anrean, and Vann was well aware they were talking mind, to mind. Vann felt a twinge of jealousy, wishing he, and Truin could have that connection. Anrean gave Vann a small smile, then left the room. Rovyn waved Vann in, shutting the door behind him, then turned, back to the door. He crossed his arms, and stared at Vann.

  “So, say what you came to say.”

  Vann turned to face Rovyn, leaving his arms down at his side. “I’m sorry, Rovyn.” The surprise on the beta’s face would have been comical, if Vann wasn’t feeling so serious right now.

  “You’re sorry? For what?”

  Rovyn actually looked perplexed, though his dark brown eyes were watching Vann intently. Vann wanted to chuckle, but refrained, wanting Rovyn to believe him when he spoke. “For being an ass. For not trusting you, when Dryden assigned you to shadow Kale. For being angry at you, when I should have realized Dryden knew what he was doing. For everything.” Rovyn relaxed, dropping his arms.

  “I was wondering if you would ever get around to that. I’m glad your back, Vann.”

  Much to Vann’s surprise, Rovyn stepped forward, and gave him a hard hug.

  “It’s been tough without you here.”

  Vann could feel his cheeks heat at Rovyn’s words, even as a warmth filled his chest. He’d been missed, even if, at the time, he didn’t think he deserved it. Maybe he didn’t, but he was touched just the same. He cleared his throat, uncomfortable. “Anyway, Dryden has decided to send you, and Anrean to East Woodlynn. You’re to stay lead beta there, and report directly to Dryden, or myself.” Rovyn nodded.

  “We’d talked about it before, but I think he was hoping, maybe waiting, for you to return. We’ll get packed up immediately, though I’d like to, at least, wait until Anrean has the pups. The travel would be too hard on him.”

  “Pups?” Vann stared at Rovyn, and the male grinned wide.

  “Yes, Anrean’s having twins.”

  Vann shook his head. “It’s all I can do to handle Truin having one, much less two.”

  “Wait, what? You mated Truin, and he’s…pregnant? I didn’t think he was omega?”

  Vann shrugged. “He’s not. Not full omega, anyway. He’s half-omega, from his mother’s side. He can conceive, but doesn’t have the rest of the omega gifts. And being only half-omega, this pregnancy is hard on him.” Vann worried, but refused to feel guilty for planting his seed. It was inevitable, with Truin in heat, and Vann in rut. There was nothing they could have done to stop it. Well, Vann could have worn a condom, but that would have inhibited his claiming of Truin, something Vann, not to mention his wolf, would not have tolerated while in rut.

  “Oh, wow. Congratulations, Vann.”

  “You too. I’ll let Dryden know you want to wait long enough for the pups to be born. When are they due?” That way, he could give Dryden a time table.

  “He could go into labor any day now. Breccan is standing by, the prick. He’s so damn happy about these male pregnancies, he’s driving me, and Anrean nuts.”

  Vann laughed at the disgust in Rovyn’s voice. He knew the feeling. Breccan had been chomping at the bit to see Truin again, after they had him settled, and finally able to eat. He’d practically broken down the door wanting to examine Truin, and Vann’s wolf had not been happy. He’d growled at Breccan through the whole thing, until Truin had growled at him, and banished him from the bedroom. He’d been even more upset when it had been explained to him, in terms that had him snarling, he needed to knot Truin as often as possible, and spill in him, including plenty of blow jobs, to keep Truin’s hormones high, and level.

  Vann had gladly complied, even if he hated anyone else knowing the details of what needed to be done. Now he knew, sort of, what Dryden must feel every time he was with Arri, and knowing Vann can feel his emotions. Vann had taken to rutting with Truin every time Dryden was with Arri, for the distraction. It worked, and made everyone involved happy, and relieved. The only time he didn’t was when Truin was too tired to engage in sexual activity. So he took care of himself, like he’d done earlier. He kind of hoped Arri’s heats would align with Truin’s like it had when he’d claimed his mate. It would make things so much easier.

  Vann left Rovyn, and went to Dryden’s study. He could feel his alpha, and knew he was there, working on paperwork. He knocked, then entered when he heard Dryden’s summons.

  “How’d everything go? Did you talk to Rovyn?”

  Vann sat, and leaned back. “I talked to Mia, and have things worked out with her. As mentioned, you, and Arri figured out Ciltra is my pup, and I wanted Mia to understand I wasn’t going to continue denying her to protect her. I think, between myself being an alpha, and you, my daughter is well protected.” Vann smirked at Dryden’s continued surprise at his rank. “Is it going to be a problem, Dryden?” Dryden gave him a sheepish smile.

  “No, not at all. Just trying to get used to it. After all, you were supposedly a beta for a lot of years. I’m also still trying to wrap my head around you being my brother.”

  They hadn’t really touched on that subject yet, but, as always, Vann could feel Dryden’s emotions, and knew his alpha was actually pleased with the fact. Vann knew Dryden loved him, was almost as devoted to him, as he was Arri, which had been what had made things so hard for him, and why he’d run. This wou
ld be one of those times he wished Dryden could feel his emotions as well, so his alpha would know he felt the same, even if he couldn’t put it into words. “Me too.” Vann really didn’t know what else to say, so changed the subject. “I, yes, I talked to Rovyn. He’d like to wait just long enough for the pups to be born, before they move.” Dryden nodded, sitting back.

  “Of course. It would be difficult for Anrean to make that journey, being as big as he is.”

  “Like a freaking house!” They laughed together, though neither would say anything to Anrean’s face. The omega was very timid, and sensitive, or so Vann had been told by Arri. The alpha-mate was frustrated, and maybe this move would be a good thing for both omegas. Dryden had called the small male, submissive. Vann had been surprised Rovyn would be attracted to the type, but then the fates knew what they were doing. Vann was certainly happy with his fated mate, as Dryden was with his. Vann suspected, when it came right down to it, it was Arri who wore the pants in their small family, not that Vann would ever say that out loud.

  “Alright then, Vann. I think we’re done for the day. Go back to your mate. I’m sure he’s missing you.”

  Vann grinned, and nodded, before leaving Dryden to his work. He hurried to his suite, anxious to see Truin, and cuddle around him. It was late afternoon, and he wanted nothing more than to be pressed up against his mate, possibly even inside him, and spend the night making love to the male he’d been fated to love.

  The End




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