
Home > Nonfiction > Enchanter > Page 14
Enchanter Page 14

by Joanne Wadsworth

  “She’s right, Guy.” Faith peeked out from her bathroom, cheeks flushed. “You’ve really got to learn not to argue with Silvie. You’ll rarely win a fight.”

  Hope nudged her chin over Faith’s shoulder. “Silvie’s loyal to all three of us, and when she’s here or at Wincrest Station, she can be a Moyer. Warriors will see her when she’s with you, and this is the only way around the problem.”

  “I can’t believe this.” Guy raked a hand through his hair. “You two are ganging up on me too.”

  “You have to agree.” I rubbed his chest. “We’ll make this work.”

  “I hate this.” He heaved in a deep breath. “But I don’t see I have a choice, although I’ll only agree on one condition. You never come to Dralion without me, even though you have the image of the dome room. That goes the same for the station. You have to ’path me first to let me know you want to come so I can pick you up. When we travel through the dome room, we’re together. When you visit the station, we’re together.”

  “Ah, I get it. Your condition is that we’re together.” I tapped his nose. “That works for me, big fella.”

  “Big fella?” He grabbed my finger and kissed the tip. “I’m so angry with you right now. You’re too sneaky for your own good.”

  Faith grinned at Hope. “Aww, don’t they make the cutest couple, sis?”

  “Yep, and I can’t believe our enchanter is settling down. Donaldo will be pleased.”

  “Talking about Donaldo.” Guy paced to the window and shoved the snowy-white curtains aside. “He organized today’s games. I haven’t forgotten the warriors are gathering in the field. The fire’s already lit.”

  “Did you say a fire?” I edged in under his arm. Oooh, orange and red flames flickered from a massive bonfire in the meadow beyond the gates. “Oh, we so have to go. What kind of games?”

  Faith joined us. “Any game involving a weapon, or the skill in using one. The spear, mallet, blade, bow and arrow. They even compete in horse riding.”

  “Ah, then similar to the games we have in Peacio.”

  “They’re so much fun to watch.” Hope nabbed a leather jacket from the end of Faith’s bed. “There’s food first. We cook meat over the open fire. Some of the warriors even play a few tunes if there’s time.”

  “You said Wincrest organized it?” I tugged on Guy’s shirtsleeve.

  “Yes, but he only comes once the action is underway.”

  “So, what are we waiting for? Do I need to remind you there’s a fire?”

  “No, you don’t, and neither will you leave my side.” He wrapped an arm around my waist, his grip firm over my hip as he ’ported us.

  When we arrived, he bent his head and kissed me. His lips moved over mine with stealth and precision. Loud hoots sounded.

  “Ignore them,” he murmured against my lips. “I’m trying to prove a point.”

  “Oh, prove away.”

  “Okay, enough of that.” Faith shoved between us. “The fire’s hot, but there’s also some heat now coming off you, Silvie. You two have to watch yourselves.”

  Fire. That’s right. I gawked at the flames which burned and sent out a wash of warmth. Two warrior women sat on fallen logs before it, and music floated into the air from flutes they played. Nice. A couple of men strummed guitars in readiness to join them, and many others chattered in groups with drinks in hand. They all appeared so normal. Warriors taking time to relax.

  “Are you hungry? We always eat first.” Guy closed the gap, stroked with a finger under my chin and brought my gaze back to him. “People are not always as they seem. You’ll give them a chance, won’t you?”

  “Of course she will.” Faith played with the top button of her violet shirt. “Or she better. Wait here while I get you both some food.” She and Hope walked off toward a trestle table which bulged with an array of food and plated meats.


  My name was an excited squeal, and as I turned, Vitaria plowed into me. Her blond bob fluttered across my cheeks.

  “I’ve been so worried about you since Guy told me of your nasty speed-jump, but you can ’port. That’s so cool.”

  I hugged her back since it seemed only right. “Nicolas healed me and I rested well. Thank you for the flower.”

  “The rose was from my mother’s garden. I picked one for her and you.” She eyed Guy. “Where have you been?”

  “With my mate.”

  She frowned. “Your mate?” Then she smiled, wide. “You’ve found her?”

  Guy tugged me in front of him, his chest against my back. “We had a few issues to work through, but now we’re sharing the news.”

  “Wow.” Her eyes lit as brightly as her smile. “That’s wonderful. Congrats.”

  “Did I hear you right?” Nicolas strode in and clapped Guy on the shoulder. “You’ve finally come to your senses. There’s no further secrecy?”

  “You heard right.” Guy shook his hand. “Thanks for all you did.”

  “No problem.” Nicolas slanted his head toward me. “You’re fully healed?”

  “Yes. I rested as you said.”

  “Good, then this is a day for extra celebration. I’ll catch you both later. I’ve promised to play one of the guitars for a bit.” Continuing on in his dark leathers, he joined those nearer the fire.

  “Oh, there’s Hope.” Vitaria grinned. “She’s a hard one to catch, and I need to ask her if I can come out to the station. I’d love to see the outback. Later, you guys.” She raced off.

  “I can’t believe I’m going to say this, but it feels weird that I’m getting along with—”

  “Shh.” Guy pressed a finger against my lips as two warriors ambled past, the swords at their sides glinting orange from the firelight. “You truly can’t say it.”

  The strangest emotion rolled through me. It was one of unease, but not for these warriors. All my life I’d been told to hate the enemy. Even Guy’s father was imprisoned for bringing harm to my people, but I still liked him. Nicolas and Vitaria too. It was crazy to have these conflicting feelings, but all was not as it seemed. Not every warrior was bad.

  Silas had joined with Hope. Davio had accepted Faith. I was no different to my brother and cousin. We’d all found the good in warriors. Faith and Hope also wanted to bring about peace between our nations. Now, I wanted that peace too, so future generations wouldn’t have to suffer the loss of their mate as I might have, as Zayn right now did, and who knew who else was in the same boat.

  “Hey, you look deep in thought.” Guy stroked my nape, his fingers warm and firm around my neck.

  “I’ve had a revelation.” I wrapped my arms around his waist and snuggled.

  “And that is?”

  “We have a huge job ahead of us.”

  “We already know that.”

  “It’s more than what we spoke of.” Heat surged through my veins. “I feel driven, as the girls do.”

  “Silvie.” Faith jogged toward me, grabbed my hand. “Forewarning.”

  “Not again. Who and how bad?”

  “You. Guy, let’s go.”

  He grabbed me and followed Faith’s ’porting airstream.

  In a blink, I teetered on the edge of an indoor pool. Three lanes wide and seventy or eighty feet long, all surrounded by blue tiled walls. Okay, not good. I did not feel up to a dip.

  “Throw her in!” Faith screamed.

  Guy tossed me into the depths and the water closed over my head.

  Yuck. I shivered at the bottom of the pool, hating the cold. I pushed upward and broke the surface. Water bubbled and steam rose as I shoved my hair out of my face. “Okay, I would like to point out that cold water sucks.”

  “It’s not cold now.” Faith eased out from behind a tall stone column, wiped her brow. “It’s like a sauna in here. That was one hot blast, and with next to no warning.”

  Arm outstretched, Guy leaned toward me. “Come here, my little pest.”

  I swam and grabbed his hand. He lifted me out and into his a
rms. Water sluiced to my feet.

  “Your skill is gaining in intensity.” He threaded his fingers through mine. “Sometimes you can control it, and other times you can’t. That was certainly one fast flare you had no power over. Your rising must be close.”

  When one’s rising began, an overpowering assault wreaked havoc on all our senses. Adrenaline pumped through our bodies causing an all-time high. Hormones swung, and strength-levels three-times greater than normal hit us. I wasn’t ready for that. I hadn’t trained enough. Oh boy, during our rising our power was phenomenal. It was certainly an occasion we honored, celebrated and shared with our closest, but my skill was too unpredictable. “I don’t have a good enough handle on it yet.”

  “I know.” Faith came closer. “You’ve cooled again, but if your rising is near, then we need to get you out of Dralion and back home where we don’t have to worry about who sees what you can do. It’s gotta be close.”

  “No, you’re wrong. My rising could still be days away. My flares might look worse because I have the fire skill. I simply need to train.”

  “Or it could take hours. What if I’m right? You know the drill.”

  “Know what drill, Faith?” A man’s booming voice traveled to us as he walked through the side doors. “Hell, it’s hot in here.”

  Who was he? Wearing an impeccable red shirt with silver chains looped from his shoulder to his top pocket and long legs encased in tough black leather pants, he appeared a leader of men.

  “Ah, there’s my granddaughter.” He gripped Faith in a firm forearm embrace. Gold insignia rings on his thumbs glinted under the overhead lights. “You and Hope are difficult to find, and none of the staff ever seem to know where either of you are.”

  Oh boy. This had to be Donaldo Wincrest.

  “Hope’s out enjoying the games.” She turned and acknowledged Guy. “So was I, until Guy insisted he knew of a spell to heat cold water, so I dared him to, um, heat the pool.” Her gaze locked with mine and she opened our connection. “I have no idea why I didn’t get any forewarning he was about to walk in here. Play it cool, okay?”

  “Cool? Are you sure I can’t use a little heat on him?”

  “He’s my grandfather, so no. The blood-bond pulses strongly between the Wincrests. I can’t harm him anymore than I can harm my mate.”

  Yeah, frustrating. “Just chill then, I’ve got this.”

  Except this was exactly what I’d waited for, and I barely bit back the need rising within me to hurt him as he’d hurt my people. Only, I couldn’t go down that road and do the same. I wasn’t like him, and I never wanted to be.

  Wincrest swiped a hand over his dark beard then eyed Guy. “That would explain the heat, although ensure you return the temperature to normal once you’re done. Nice spell.”


  “Who is this?” His gaze speared on me.

  “My mate, Silvie Moyer.”

  “You’ve found your mate? I hadn’t heard.” A sly grin lifted his lips. “She’s a Moyer already? You’ve wed?”

  Yep, I had this. “We did.” Hopefully if Wincrest believed we had that would solve one problem. “Guy was rather insistent.” Holding out my hand, I showed him the band of gold.

  He rubbed his hands together. “I’m well pleased, Guy. Notify Killian, and ensure you receive larger quarters in the barracks.” He regarded me. “What skills do you hold, Silvie?”

  “Telepathy, teleportation, and…I’ve yet to discover the rest.”

  Guy tugged me back to his side. “She’s a warrior, a recruit in training. She’s yet to go through her rising.”

  “Make sure you inform me of any further developments then.” He squeezed Faith by the shoulders. “How has school been?”

  “Not too bad. Finals are close.”

  “Good. You’ll have to accept your role here amongst your people once they’re done. I’m off to oversee the games. I’ll speak to you later.” He shimmered from the room, leaving as quickly as he’d come.

  Her shoulders sagged as she faced me. “I think we’re running out of time.”

  “Well, at least I’ve met him, although what I do to sway his mind is still as much of a mystery as ever.”

  Guy cleared his throat, his gaze targeted on mine and eyebrows arched to his hairline. “So, now we’re married? Would you care to explain?”

  “He would have demanded it next. Now that problem is out of the way.”

  “You should have consulted me.”

  I tweaked his nose. “I’m sorry, honey. Are you saying you’d like a divorce? Already?”

  “Divorce? We just started dating.”

  Faith stepped past me and dipped one hand in the pool. “This is cooling down on its own, and I’d better get back to Hope. Guy, get Silvie out of here like we discussed.” She flashed away.

  “Hey, no fair.” I turned on Guy. “I’m staying. Don’t listen to her.”

  “She’s my princess, and she’s right. You can’t stay here, not right now.” He ’ported us, and we flashed through the dome room then straight to my bedroom.

  “I didn’t get to see the games.”

  He opened the door to my sitting room and led me toward my redwood desk piled with papers. “You’ve missed so much school. You should study, and while that keeps you busy, I’ll organize our new quarters. I can’t believe we’re now wed.”

  “Do you want a hand?”

  “No, I want you to remain here where you’re safe.” He kissed me, so fiercely my toes tingled. “Be good, and don’t forget our deal.” He zapped away.

  Stupid deal. Still, I’d honor it. I grabbed a sandwich and ate as I slogged through Faith’s endless pile of notes. The girls’ problem weighed on my mind. Time was running out as Faith had said, and I had to come up with an answer.

  As dark descended, I trudged to my dressing room and changed for bed. I had to sort what I could, and fast, which meant plan.

  In bed, I played with Guy’s mother’s ring, twirling it around my finger. Because of the spell Gerritt Moyer had cast, it had brought Guy and me together. Such a beautiful spell, and Gerritt had told me never to forget the fullness of it.

  I’d made the sacrifice and committed to being with Guy, to withholding the dome room’s location from Davio, Silas, and the rest of my people. I was the fire and Guy was the magic, and together we were one as Moyer. I even understood his fellow warriors in a way I never had before, but—

  Guy shimmered into the room. He kicked off his boots and shucked his shirt. “How’d the studying go?”

  “Terrible.” Oh goodness. His wicked abs were on display. My fingers itched to touch.

  He unbuckled his belt and dropped his jeans. Wow, now those were some hot red boxers. Hot. Hot. Hot. “Why terrible?”

  “Huh?” Had he said something?

  “Never mind, with all you’ve been through I can guess.” The bed dipped as he slid under the golden covers. “I’ve moved my things, and I’ll grab some of yours tomorrow and make it look more lived in. You okay with that?”

  He’d taken a shower. His black hair was wet and his glorious spicy scent washed over me. “I’m the one who got us married, so I better be.”

  His breath tickled my cheek as he wrapped his arms around me. “Our lives together have just begun, and since you’ve agreed to keep the portal’s image from any other, so I’ll agree not to harm another Peacian. I don’t think I even could, not now we’re together.”

  “You no longer hate as you did?” I nuzzled his neck. Clean-shaven. Nice.

  “Your heart is so pure, and when you could have harmed Donaldo, you didn’t.” His lips brushed mine. “I’m going to strive for the same.”

  “I wanted to hurt him, but I can’t be like him. Even your father being behind steel worries me. What do we do about him?” I wish I could do something, anything.

  “He’ll be freed by my hand, not yours. Although, I’ve had one thought, but I’ll need your help with it.”

  “You got it.”

  His gaze lowered to the band of gold around my finger. “Pass me my mother’s ring. I’m going to add an enchantment as Dad did, but this time one for him.”

  “How would that work?” I slipped it off and pressed it into his open palm.

  “By using the same endless circle of love he did. Place your hand over mine. We need to seal my mother’s ring between us.”

  “I like your idea. Your mother probably would too.” I linked our hands.

  “She would have loved to have known you, and I’ll be forever grateful for what she did.” His eyes sparkled, and then the silver swirled to life. “Where love rises strong, where two souls join for one cause, may fire and magic burn, and all who bear witness be completely drawn. May hate melt away in the blaze of truth, and may freedom be granted for the man who saw to my birth.” Leaning in, he kissed me. “I bind this spell to my mother’s ring, and through the passage of time to their love which still sings.”

  Tears welled in my eyes as the ring heated. A warm golden glow shimmered from the small space between our thumbs where our hands didn’t quite meet. “T-that was so beautiful.”

  After it cooled, he took the ring and slipped it onto my finger. “Thank you for aiding me.” He pushed me back against the pillows. “Now, for one more thing. It’s time to enchant you.”

  He kissed me, and oh boy, so tantalizingly sweet.

  Yeah, my mate had enchanting down to a fine art.

  I’d certainly be pestering him for more of this.


  My fingers glowed and I shoved my hands under the cold running water in my bathroom. Not my favorite start to the day, but I couldn’t let Guy know I was having problems controlling the heat. He’d confine me to my room, and I’d missed too much school to lose another day.

  I flicked off the tap and tugged on my ponytail.

  “I’m back, Silvie.” Guy rapped on the door.

  “Coming.” I adjusted the hem of my sunshine-yellow tank top. The white cotton pants were perfect for the spring day. I strode to the door, cool and breezy.

  Guy paced my bedroom in hip-hugging black jeans and a red muscle-tee. He tilted his Stetson forward on his head as he eyed me. “Are you sure you’re up for school? You’re not having any flare-ups?”


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