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Enchanter Page 15

by Joanne Wadsworth

  “I’m all good, and Faith will be there.”

  “If there’s any sign your fire skill is rising, then ’path me.” He snagged my school bag off the end of the bed and slung it over his shoulder.

  I eased into his side and ’ported us, not giving him another moment to change his mind. We arrived on the far side of the school field. “You’ll be in the outback?”

  “Yeah, I’m meeting Maslin there this morning. We’ve been mustering together.” He handed my bag across. “I’ll see you later.” He kissed me, a grin tugging his lips. “I wish I could take you with me.”

  “Later. You can show me more of your outback once school’s finished.”

  “You can bet on it. Be careful, and ’path me. I can come in an instant.”

  “So you said.” I backed away. “Go lasso some cows, or toss a spell or two around.”

  Chuckling, he shimmered and disappeared.

  Faith tramped out from behind another tree with dark smudges under her eyes. “Hey.”

  “What’s wrong?” I raced to her side.

  “Last night after the games, Nicolas pulled Hope and me aside. He had bad news, although I didn’t get any forewarning of it.”

  “Tell me.” I gripped her arms. “You should have told me straight away.”

  “Yeah, well. Nicolas said while he was speaking to Donaldo during the archery contest, that Killian and Abelard came up to them.”

  “The slayers.” Not good. “Okay, but what’s this got to do with Nicolas?”

  “He’s worried, and for good reason. Killian frankly asked Donaldo if he would grant permission for him to court me. The moment he did, Abelard requested the same with Hope. Nicolas is a healer. He can sense when someone is soul-bound, not that he’s ever come right out and asked Hope and me before.”

  “Did Nicolas say anything else?”

  “That Donaldo didn’t agree, but that he’d consider their requests.”

  “Holy moly. We’re running out of time.”

  “There’s more.” She dropped her head onto my shoulder. “Nicolas didn’t hold back. He came right out and asked who Hope and I are mated with.”

  “What did you say?”

  “I told him nothing, and neither did Hope. He left, suspicious.”

  “We have to talk to him. We can’t leave things like that.”

  “I know, but what’s worse is, whenever I focus on Hope and our problem, the silent feedback is deafening. It’s like I’m waiting for my forewarning to blare. I couldn’t sleep for fear it would.”

  “Silent feedback? So, there’s no new forewarning. That’s good, right?”

  “You’re the key. You’ve still got this under control.”

  “Guy’s just left for the station. We should organize a meet with Nicolas, one we’re all present at, including Hope. We’ve gotta halt his suspicions before they blow up.”

  “Let me check on Nicolas first.” Her eyes glazed. “Oh, I see him. He’s already at the station, talking with Guy and Maslin. Argh, this is becoming impossible.”

  “I’ve not met Maslin, but Hope’s spoken of him plenty of times.” Maslin Sol was distantly related to the girls through their mother’s Sol line. Maslin held the same water skill as Hope. The two were close because of their love of the outback.

  “Maslin’s a part of Hope’s inner circle. They’re really tight. Maslin was Hope’s first choice when Silas first released her.”

  “Of course.” I jumped with excitement, almost knocking her over. Hope and Maslin were almost a thing. Silas complained about Maslin all the time. “Okay, let’s look at this from Wincrest’s point of view. Ultimately, he wants you and Hope married. He believes neither of you to be mated, and Killian and Abelard have now stated their intentions. If they keep pushing, what’ll Wincrest do? Agree. Which is what you saw in your forewarning. We need to circumvent all of that.”

  “Circumvent is good, except—” Her violet gaze narrowed. “—why do I feel like I’m going to hate what you’re about to say next?”

  “Because you are. It goes against the grain for any mated one to be with another, but Hope could date Maslin and make it look real. Which means you’ll need to date a warrior too. We just need to figure out whom.”

  “No way. You did not just say I need to date a warrior.”

  “Actually, I did.”

  “Silvie, if Davio or Silas ever found out, Hope and I would be mincemeat.”

  “Then we’ll have to make sure they never find out. It’s not like they’re in Dralion. How would they ever know you’re dating warriors there?”

  “I would know.” She shivered from head to toe. “Yuck, I don’t even want to think about dating another man, let alone touching one.”

  “You could do it if there wasn’t a choice, and right now, there’s no choice. You don’t want this war to escalate, right?” I squeezed her hands. “C’mon, think about whom you could possibly see yourself trusting, someone Wincrest would give his consent to. We’re talking inner circle here.”

  “There aren’t any other warrior men who know of our circumstances. Hope and I have kept the knowledge to a bare few.”

  “There has to be someone on your radar. A possible match.”

  She leaned against the tree for support. “The only possibility is Nicolas. He’s one of the leading eight, but healers are different. The compassionate side of him is strong. But I can’t talk to him, not on my own. What if it all goes wrong?”

  “Nicolas is a good choice. I like him, and I’ll always be here for you. We stick together.” I linked my arm through hers, and without giving her a chance to say no, ’ported us into the glorious, baking heat of the outback.

  “Ugh, I feel sick.” All color drained from her face. “I don’t want to do this.”

  “I know.” I dropped my bag beside the stable’s back entrance and helped her remove hers. “Lead the way. Where’s Nicolas?”

  “You are like the worst best friend ever. I can’t believe you’re asking me to date another man. After Davio kills me, he’ll kill you. So don’t say I didn’t warn you.” She sighed then trudged around the holding corral. Breeding mares swished their tails, and newborn foals pranced up and down the long dusty run. “There he is, out in the field with Guy and Maslin.”

  “Hey.” Hope jogged toward us, her blond hair swinging about her shoulders. “What are you two doing out here?”

  Faith hugged her sister. “We’re about to fix our problem, or at least try to. How about we walk and talk. Are there any other warriors about?”

  “Everyone’s out on the range except for those three.” She pointed to the men we headed toward. Guy sat on the edge of a water trough, and Nicolas and Maslin stood to the side, all three immersed in their discussion.

  I looked at Hope. “Faith told me what Nicolas said to you both, and my plan is we’re going to beat Wincrest at his own game.”

  “What do you mean, beat my grandfather at his own game?”

  “Instead of you two having to accept Killian or Abelard, or anyone else who asks Wincrest if they can court you, you’re going to take matters into your own hands.”

  “Ew.” She shook her head forcefully. “I already hate the sound of that. I can’t believe this is your solution. Silas will kill me if he thinks I’m dating another man, and after me, he’ll kill you for suggesting it.”

  “Death and disaster. Nothing I’m not used to. Anyway, that’s why we’re not going to tell them. None of us. Not if we all want to live.” I kept walking. “Now, I think Maslin will be perfect for you, Hope, provided he agrees to the ruse.”

  “Silvie, don’t you dare tell me I have to date Maslin.”

  “You have to date Maslin,” Faith grumbled as she hooked her arm through Hope’s. “And it appears I have to ask Nicolas.”

  “Nicolas? But he’s one of the leading eight. You can’t ask him.”

  “You don’t think he’s trustworthy, sis?”

  “Of course he’s trustworthy, but he’s still one of t
he leading eight. I’m not sure he’ll agree.”

  “We don’t have time for him to say no.” I slipped two fingers between my lips and whistled out. “Hey, boys.”

  Guy jerked upright, his gaze jumping to me. “What are you doing here?”

  I skipped ahead. “If there isn’t one problem to fix, there’s another. You know me, I’m the problem fixer.”

  He glanced at my fingers then shot me a confused look.

  “No, not that problem. The other one.”

  “Ah, I see. Then you should have called me for a pickup.” He tucked me under his shoulder then turned toward Maslin. “Maslin, meet Silvie, my mate and pest-extraordinaire.”

  Maslin tipped his stone-colored Stetson toward me. “Nice to meet you, Silvie. Guy was speaking of you just before Nicolas arrived.” He switched his gaze to Hope. “Okay, why didn’t you tell me what Killian and Abelard said yesterday? Instead, I have to hear about their request to court from Nicolas. Others at the games heard their request too. The news is spreading among the warriors.”

  “Um, I didn’t know how to tell you, but it appears I’m about to now.”

  “Then get to it. Donaldo believes he has the final say on who you two girls can date. He’s about to go too far.” Maslin’s nostrils flared, his displeasure clear to see. He and Hope were close.

  Nicolas eyed Faith and Hope. He looked imposing in his battle leathers. “I haven’t told Donaldo you’re bound, but you have to come clean. The only question bugging me, is why you haven’t already. I thought since you two were so tight with Maslin and Guy, they might know who your mates might be.”

  Faith wiped her brow. “Ah, we are bound, but we can’t speak of our relationships.”

  “Why not?”

  “Can you keep an open mind?”


  “Okay, well—” She sucked in a long breath. “—our mates aren’t from Dralion. Hope and I are bound to protectors, the very men Donaldo would keep us from.”

  Deathly quiet, he turned his stare on Maslin and Guy. “You two had to have known about this.”

  Maslin lifted his chin. “We can’t deny the girls their mated ones. Even Alexo and Goldie keep their secret from Donaldo.”

  Nicolas snorted. “That’s crazy. They can’t be mated to protectors.”

  “It’s the truth.” I had to convince Nicolas of our plan. “Hope is mated to my brother, and Faith to my cousin.”

  “What? Hold on. Are you saying you’re a Peacian?” His gaze jolted to Guy. “Is this the truth? You’re mated to a Peacian as well?”

  “Silvie’s loyal to the girls and me. She’d never speak of what she knows, nor give our portal away.”

  “She’s still a Peacian.”

  “Nicolas, she’s also my best friend.” Faith wrapped an arm around my shoulders. “We’ve known each other our entire lives, and as Maslin said, Alexo and Goldie keep our secret. Dad and our aunt have given us free choice, but we take extreme care. In Peacio, my mate’s family and closest also know and keep it to themselves.”

  “Who exactly is your mate?” Nicolas thumped his chest. “Do I even want to know?”

  “Davio Loveria.”

  “What? You’re mated to Peacio’s prince?”

  “Yes, and Hope is mated to Silas Carver.”

  “What the hell.” His face turned bull-fighting red.

  “Calm down.” Maslin gripped Nicolas’s shoulder. “They’re mated, and to two men who would die to protect them. That’s what’s going on. When Hope was searching for answers about her mother’s lost heritage, her journey led her to No-Man’s Land. Goldie, Guy and I were there with her, as were Davio and Silas. Their mates wouldn’t allow any harm to come to them, and now you have to decide if that’s what you want too.”

  “I can’t. I’m one of the leading eight. My position will be in jeopardy if I withhold this.”

  “Prince Alexo knows. You don’t think Donaldo’s son doesn’t jeopardize more?”

  “Nicolas.” I stepped up to him. “You healed me, a Peacian. Faith and Hope are your princesses, and they need your aid. You can’t walk away from them, not when we need to buy them some time. We need more from you than simple withholding.”

  “I can’t believe this. What exactly are you asking?”

  I was the key. I could do this. I had to convince him of the plan. “We need you to step in as Faith’s boyfriend. In front of Wincrest, you have to appear as if the two of you are together.” I glanced at Maslin. “We need you to come in to bat for Hope.”

  “You don’t even have to ask.” Maslin swung around to Hope. “Whatever you need, I’ll be there.”

  “Thank you.” Her bottom lip trembled. “Silas can’t know. He’d never be able to handle this news.”

  “He won’t hear a thing from me.”

  She sniffed and hugged him. “This means so much to me.”

  Faith rubbed Hope’s back then turned her gaze on Nicolas. “I know Silvie said I need your help, but I’d never force you to give it. All I ask is that you keep our secret as Guy and Maslin do.”

  He ground his heel into the hard-packed soil. “I’ll speak to Alexo and Goldie first. I’ll give you my answer once I have. If that’s all, I need to leave.” He flashed away. So fast.

  “He really didn’t take that very well. I’ll just make sure he’s doing what he said.” Faith’s eyes glazed over as she activated her forethought.

  Guy gripped my hand. “I didn’t want to tell you this, but your fingertips are glowing.”

  “What?” The tips weren’t yet alight, but close, very close. “No. No. No. I don’t have time for this right now.”

  “Think cold stuff. This is the outback, Silvie. One spark can set fire to what little grass is left and race across miles within minutes.”

  I conjured a snow field, one with a fresh fall, only my fingers still glowed. “Damn, I’ll think of something else.”

  “You have the fire skill?” Maslin gaped. “That hasn’t been seen in generations.”

  “She does, and her rising is close.” Guy clasped Maslin’s arm. “Thanks for your support just now.”


  “I’ll dip my hands in water.” I leaned into the water trough. Great. Bone dry, the base caked with a layer of rock-hard dirt. “Well, that’s not very helpful.”

  “There’s plenty of water at the river.” Maslin nodded at Guy. “If you take her there, I’ll keep the other station hands busy.” He flashed away.

  Hope stepped forward. “I’ll come and douse her if needed.” She grabbed Faith’s hand and squeezed. “How’s it going with Nicolas?”

  She blinked and cleared her sight. “He’s with them now in Dad’s study. There’s nothing more we can do.” She fanned her face and stared at me. “You’re getting hot again.”

  “I can’t stop it.”

  “Then let’s get to the river now.” She flashed away with Hope. I followed her airstream and Guy arrived hard on my tail.

  Wow. Gone was the barren red dirt and instead fields of green surrounded a mighty river. It throbbed with life. Ducks and birds took flight along the waterway, sweeping low into the rushes either side with a cacophony. And far into the distance, thousands of head of cattle grazed. Now, this was the outback as it should be.

  Hope removed her Stetson and the breeze lifted the sweaty strands of her blond hair from her face. “Here Maslin and I use our water skill. We drive the water further inland from the river during the controlled river releases. This area is alive, Silvie, so take care and don’t set fire to it.”

  “I’ll do my best.”

  Faith bent at the river’s edge, scooped a handful. “Let’s cool you down, Silvie.” She tossed the water over my sandaled feet. Steam gushed into the air. “Whoa, you are very, very hot.”

  The lush grass at my feet curled. “Maybe this isn’t the best place for me.”

  “It is.” Guy motioned toward Hope. “Let’s see you in action. More water is needed. That’s all.”

  “No.” I backed away. “I can’t stand Hope’s kind of action. I’ll just dip my fingers in like Faith did.”

  “You don’t have a choice. You’re getting hotter by the second and we need to cool you down.” With a sweeping motion of her hands toward the river, Hope made waves ripple. Through her skill alone, a huge mass rose, bubbling around the edges until the water poured in on itself. She drew it into a controlled orb.

  A pool-full of water, and far more than she needed to cool me down, levitated over the river toward me. “Hey, that’s not even remotely funny. Stop that.”

  Faith sighed. “It has to happen.”

  “Let’s think of another way.” I darted further back, but the rolling sphere soared to block the sun.

  “Stay still,” Hope warned.

  I ducked and ran, only, Guy caught me and swung me around. “What are you doing? Let me go. You’re supposed to be on my side.”

  “You have to cool down, and this is the only way. I’m going to help.” His beautiful enchanter eyes swirled. “With legs of lead, you will stand still. Let this spell take hold so no harm can be—”

  I shoved a hand over his mouth. “Don’t even think about finishing that spell.”

  A deluge hit me, sluicing over my head and down my body until it pooled in a hissing puddle at my feet. Guy jumped clear of the hot water with a yelp.

  Uncontrollable fire flared at my fingertips. “Um, that should have stopped that.”

  “You have to stop the flames, or I will,” Hope yelled. She flicked her fingers and another large pool of water rose from the river.

  “Put that back. I can’t get control under this kind of duress.” I glared at Faith. “Tell her to stop.”

  “Hope has a mind of her own, and you must be moving into your rising.” She jerked back. “You’ve gotta rein in your temper. Every time it flares, so does your heat. It pulses in waves.”

  My anger surged and the grass around me rippled, flattened and became browned.

  “I’ve got this.” Hope’s bubble of water shot at me. It knocked me onto my butt.

  I spat out a mouthful of sandy yuck. “Okay, that’s enough.”

  “I’ve barely started.” She collected another rolling sphere, and I so wasn’t going to stick around for that.


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