
Home > Nonfiction > Enchanter > Page 17
Enchanter Page 17

by Joanne Wadsworth

  “You scared me out there when you were on fire. You had no control.”

  “It felt amazing to wield that much energy.” I washed the suds from my hair and slumped against the shower wall in my swimsuit. “Not that I have much now.”

  “Here, I’ve got you.” He shut the water off and bundled me in a fleecy yellow towel. In my dressing room, he lowered me to my feet before my dresser. “I’ll wait outside.”

  “I’ll be quick.” I changed into a pair of pink sleep shorts and a white tank top then dragged open the door.

  “Let’s get you into bed. You look ready to drop.” He set a hand at my waist and guided me to bed.

  I crawled in and let out the loudest sigh as my head hit the pillow. I would never have envisioned this day. Having the fire skill rocked. “I want to thank you properly.”

  “You already have, but more sounds good to me.” He kissed me, his hot lips scorching mine. “Is this the kind of thanks you had in mind?”

  “Yep.” Oh boy. I’d never be able to get enough of his kisses. “You have magic lips too.”

  He flicked off the overhead light then returned to nibble his way along my jaw and down my neck. “That’s because I now have a very fiery muse.”

  “As I have my very own enchanter.” I stretched as he sucked my skin and drew it deep between his lips. “Are you giving me a hickey?”

  “A big red one on your neck. Your favorite color. You can take a look at it in the morning.”

  I sank deeper into the mattress and wriggled as my need for him intensified. “Well, don’t stop. This is my kind of rest.”

  “Silvie.” He whispered my name as he nipped his way to the other side of my neck. “I can’t stand the thought of being apart from you.”

  “Me, either.” I pushed my fingers deep into his silky black hair. “I can’t even believe we tried to end things.”

  He groaned and sucked on a new spot.

  “If you need me to give up culinary—”

  “No.” He lifted his head and a touch of moonlight tracing through the crack in the curtains played over his strong jaw and high cheek bones. It lit the silver in his eyes. “You’ll never give up anything for me. We have our telepathic link, and it takes no time at all for me to get to you.”

  “Or for me to get to you.” I clasped his face between my hands. “So it’s settled?”

  “Is what settled?”

  “I can come to you as necessary too. The station and Dralion are safe places. How can they not be, once news spreads we’re together?”

  “I’ll only agree to the station since Hope and Maslin are there most of the time. You don’t travel to Dralion unless it’s with me.” He lowered his head, blew warm air across my neck. “Excuse me. But I’m on a mission, a very covert one.”

  I laughed as I held him close. And it surely was a mission he didn’t deviate from.

  My warrior was wise, clever and very, very sneaky.

  * * * *

  Yawning, I rolled and bumped into Guy’s solid back. He lay on his front, one cheek pressed into his pillow.

  I snuck a look the time. Whoa. 8:30 AM.

  I bolted out of bed. “Guy, I have school, like now.” I ran for the dressing room and right into him. He’d ’ported that fast.

  “Let’s get one thing straight.” Not quite yet awake, he rubbed the sleep from his eyes. “From now on, our mornings begin with a kiss.”

  I tapped my watch. “School starts n—”

  He claimed his kiss, and with the same utter precision he’d done in giving me hickeys. “Okay, now you can go.” He grinned and swatted my bottom.

  I wobbled as I shut the dressing room door. That man knew how to kiss, and yay, he was all mine.

  I wriggled into a pair of denim cutoffs then tugged on a molten-red, scoop-necked blouse. I zapped to my bathroom and finger-combed my hair. The mirror showed a mess, but it would have to do. I jammed my favorite clip into the side to keep the worst of the wayward red-gold curls at bay then with no time left, flashed to school.

  I ran hard across the field and toward the mathematics block.

  Almost out of breath, I dashed down the corridor. Just ahead, the last of the students hiked it into class. Phew. Made it.

  Faith pushed off the wall next to the lockers in loose tan cargo pants and a slim white t-shirt. She tossed me my school bag. “You know how to cut it fine. I went and fetched this from the station this morning.”

  “Thank you.” I squeezed her hard. “You’re a life-saver.”

  “No problem. Mr. Houghton’s almost here.” She snatched my wrist and dragged me into class behind her. Next to the windows, we took the last two spare desks.

  “I’m just making sure you’re okay.” Guy’s voice held longing as it bounced inside my head.

  “Yep. I got to class in the nick of time.”

  “I’ll be there to pick you up after school.”

  “Sure, you do that, just in case I’ve forgotten the way home and all.”

  “Don’t be cheeky.”

  “You’ve barely seen cheeky. I’ll talk to you later.” Someone bumped the leg of my chair from behind as I closed the link.

  “Hey, how’s the firecracker?”

  I scraped the chair around, and with a grin, grabbed Belle’s hand. “You missed my rising.”

  “I know, but I heard all about it this morning from Davio and Silas at breakfast. Congratulations.” She inclined her head toward Zayn, who sat alertly next to her. “You’ve got two additional sets of eyes today. Silas wanted the extra support after all that happened yesterday.”

  “Thanks.” I nudged my foot against Zayn’s. “You need to slump a little if you want to blend in.”

  He scooted down in his chair and kicked his feet out to the side. “That better?”

  “A bit. You didn’t bring your dagger with you?” It was hard for our protectors to go anywhere without a weapon.

  “No, and I feel naked without it. I always have one concealed on my wrist.” He adjusted the long sleeves of his black-and-white-paneled shirt.

  “I have something that you don’t need to conceal, and it’s pointy.” Rummaging through my bag, I found a pen.

  “Hah, that is not a dagger.”

  “It’ll still keep your hands busy.” I tossed him a pad too. “Did you hear my mate is here to stay?”

  “Yeah, I got the update. I guess now I’ll have to get used to him.”

  Belle slid her elbows onto her desk, rested her chin in her open palms. “I want to hear exactly what made you change your mind, and don’t miss a detail.”

  A wave of satisfaction rolled through me. As an empath, she would have liked that. “We worked it out.”

  “Argh, give me more. That emotion was not enough. I like hearing all the good, gooey stuff.”

  Faith tugged one of my curls and it bounced up and hooked over the end of my nose. “I’ll give you the goopy scoop later, Belle.”

  I flipped the lock away as the door whooshed open. Mr. Houghton walked in. With a quick survey of the class, he lowered his pile of papers to his desk. “Open your textbooks everyone. We’ll begin at page one-hundred and twenty. Paragraph three.” He headed to his treasured whiteboard with his black marker in hand and scribbled across the board’s surface.

  “Hey,” I whispered to Faith. “Any word from Nicolas?”

  She opened her textbook and flipped to the right page then set the book between us. “No, and look busy. We don’t need detention slips for nattering.”

  I picked up my pen and tapped her nose. “Righto, busy. We’ll chat later. I haven’t forgotten your problem.”

  I read from the text.

  Yuck, calculus. How boring.

  The rest of the day was just as tedious. Mrs. Gray requested I join her special English lunchtime tutorial.

  Nice of her.

  Then after last period’s PE, I left the girls’ changing rooms with Faith and Belle, completely exhausted.

  Zayn waited ahead for us unde
r the shade of an umbrella tree in the small cobbled quad next to the fenced school pool. “Girls.” He tilted his head toward us. “What’s on the agenda now?”

  “Homework, and I’ve already had enough of school work today.” I wriggled my fingers in front of his nose. “Look, no unexpected fire either. You can report to Silas and Davio I was a model student.”

  He chuckled then stopped as his gaze bolted over my head. “Ah, your warrior is here, and it appears he’s brought company.”

  I swiveled around. Shoot. Nicolas was here, and in full battle leathers.

  Belle swayed into me. “Oh my goodness, that other warrior…wow.”

  “Wow?” She did not just say wow.

  “I— I—” She fluttered her hand over her chest. Her gaze danced over Nicolas as he approached.

  Why was Belle reacting this way? I studied Nicolas. He skidded to a stop and thumped his chest. His gaze jerked toward Belle then zeroed in on her.

  Faith gripped Zayn’s arm. “Forewarning. Get Belle out of here. Now.”

  “I’m on it.” He snagged Belle around the waist and flashed away. So fast.

  “What’s going on?”

  “I’ll tell you later.” She tugged me toward the men. “Let’s deal with one forewarning at a time.”

  Nicolas eyed Faith as he stepped up to her. “Who was that?”

  “Who do you mean?” She scratched the back of her neck.

  The woman with the long locks and deep brown eyes.”

  “Oh, you noticed her, huh?”

  “She had a dimple each side of her mouth, and a mole above her left eyebrow.”

  Faith wiped her forehead. “Yep, you noticed her all right. Belle’s a protector, an empath, one in the know.”

  “Damn.” Arms crossed, he drew his dark brows together.

  Heck, Nicolas had noticed Belle just as greatly as Belle had noticed him. Could he be her mate? The one who’d never—

  “I came because I’ve made my decision.” Nicolas nodded. “Alexo and Goldie were adamant your secret and Hope’s be kept. I’ve considered everything presented to me, and I’m in agreement.”

  “You are?” Faith let out a shuddering breath. “My father protected my mother’s whereabouts for eighteen years when he knew Donaldo would never have accepted her Earthling status.”

  “Yes, he told me, and of Hope’s journey in discovering your mother’s true Magioling heritage. He spoke of all those lost years, and the pain he endured. Already so many of our people suffer the same loss of their mated one because of the dome. As it is, you and Hope are full-blooded, and if Donaldo hadn’t forced your parents’ separation, then you wouldn’t have had to live here on Earth, but in your rightful place. I’m in accord, that you and I will provide a united front before Donaldo.” He leaned in, kissed her cheek. “It seems we’re dating.”

  “Thank you.” She hugged him, tears slipping down her cheeks. “You and Maslin are amazing, and you won’t regret your decision.”

  “We better not. We’ll make this work, somehow.” He rubbed her back and glanced at Guy. “We’ll catch you later. Faith and I need some time to plan.” He zapped away with her.

  Guy pulled me into his arms. “Hey, you’re crying.”

  “I am?” I wiped my eyes, finding my cheeks wet. “This is such a relief. Everything has hinged on finding an answer, and Nicolas and Maslin stepping up provides part of it.”

  “They still have to convince Donaldo, and then there’s Killian and Abelard to get around.” He tipped up my chin. “Alexo’s arranged a formal dinner for tonight. He wants to ensure Donaldo sees the girls with Nicolas and Maslin. It begins with pre-dinner drinks at five sharp. We’re all expected.”

  My heart skipped a beat. The dreaded Wincrest and the slayers in one room. Great. Yet this was what it was all about. Faith’s forewarning. “That doesn’t give us much time.”

  “Yes, we need to get ready. You also have to put your clothes away.”

  “My clothes? What do you—”

  Everything darkened as he ’ported us. We passed through the stinky dome room and straight to his new quarters. “While you were at school, I moved some of your things here.”

  A large pile of my clothing lay strewn over a king-sized bed covered in a thick white comforter. Plush red pillows rested against the graceful curve of the wooden headboard. “You got a new bed?”

  He grinned. “Yeah, you broke the old one, and it was my favorite out of the two. What do you think of the desk?” A chunky oak desk held two wonky piles of very familiar looking cookbooks. “The books are copies of the same ones you had in your sitting room. I found replicas on Earth.”

  “You did?” I lifted the top volume and thumbed through it. Yellow squares of paper marked several pages. “What are these for?”

  Brushing up behind me, he skimmed my hips with his hands. “You’re welcome to make anything I’ve marked, and anytime you’d like.”

  “Hmm, southern fried chicken and corn and cheese bread.” I flicked to his next marking. “Mama Maria’s meatballs in spicy sauce.” Continuing through, I hit the desserts, and almost every page in that section was marked. “Interesting. I think there’s only one you’ve missed. What’s wrong with the caramelized apples flambéed?”

  He nuzzled my ear. “Knowing you, you won’t want to put the flambé out.”

  “Good point.” I laughed and set the book down.

  “Did you see the bed?”

  “You know I—” He swung me into his arms and dropped me across the pillows. “—did.”

  One serious expression darkened his eyes as he crawled in overtop. “You must be careful with what you say at this dinner. The entire leading eight will be there.”

  “Okay, why don’t you prepare me?” I wrapped my arms around his neck.

  “If anyone asks you a sensitive question, direct it back at me.”

  “I can do that.”

  “Don’t burn any of them.” He kissed me, nipping softly at my lips. “No matter if you want to.”

  “No fair.”

  “Let’s hang your clothes before we run out of time.” He swept me onto my feet. “We have a dressing room.” Scooping an armful, he inclined his head toward one of the two side rooms. “It’s not much, but it’s more than I’ve ever had before.”

  “I had no problem with your last room. You and I being together is what matters.”

  He led the way and added my clothes to the rail opposite his. The space was small, but just perfect. I snuggled against his back. “I like our new quarters.”

  “We need to get moving.” He backed out then returned with another armful of clothing and speedily hung each piece.

  “There’s still enough time, and slow down. Did you bring all my clothes?”

  “Half. I didn’t want anyone to question you lived here. I’m going to take a shower while you finish putting your things away.” He raced off to the bathroom.

  What was his rush? I knocked on the bathroom door. “Guy, there’s moving, and then there’s moving. Is there something you’re not telling me? What’s wrong?”

  “I’m nervous about tonight.”

  “Faith would have told us if there’s a problem.”

  “Sometimes her forewarning gives next to no time. I don’t want anything to go wrong.”

  Well, he had a point there. Faith rarely gave much notice, but that’s because people had free will, and our futures were always in flux. I trudged to the bed and sorted the last of the clothes. I pulled out a slinky white dress and nude-colored heels to wear for the night.

  I shimmied into the tight number and smoothed it into place. With a little adjustment to the side-split, the fit was perfect.

  The bathroom door opened and a rush of steam escaped. Guy stood in the doorway, a fleecy blue towel slung low on his hips. Water dripped from his dark locks onto his wide shoulders and trickled down his chest.

  I adored his chest. “Okay, you better get dressed before I take a bite out of you.”

sp; “That dress—” He gripped the edge of the doorjamb. “You have to change.”

  “Because…” I glanced down. It was an evening gown, one I’d worn to formal dinners at the castle. I liked it.

  “I’ll never keep my hands off you in that.” He stumbled to his dressing room and shut the door with a loud clunk.

  “Well, that’s really not an issue for me.” I knocked on his dressing room door. “Are you all right? Your nervousness is going rub off on me if you’re not careful.”

  “The bathroom’s all yours,” he yelled back.

  “Well, that’s obvious.” Hah, men. I headed there and searched the vanity drawers for his brush. Instead I found mine and my favorite gold hair clasps. He’d also brought various bits and pieces of my makeup, enough to do an admirable job for the night.

  Using a hand towel, I rubbed the steamy mirror clear and eyed my reflection. My cheeks were too pink, so I dabbed foundation on and covered the freckles. I tidied my hair and secured a clasp at each side. Some lippy, and I was done.

  “Are you ready?” Guy, dressed in pressed black pants and a starched, white-collared shirt, looked deliciously edible. The golden tie around his neck sizzled with color.

  Oh, I wanted my mate. Advancing on him, I grinned. “I am now.”

  “You didn’t change.” His gaze roamed my body as he backed out of the room. “You should change.”

  “I like the way you look at me in this. I’m keeping it on.” I sashayed toward him and lifted my arms, only, he grabbed them and kept a firm foot between us.

  “Silvie, without my father, you’re my only family, no matter it’s an act before Donaldo. Having you here, and your things...” He looked deep into my eyes. “I can’t lose you, not now, not ever.” Lowering to one knee, he clasped my right hand tightly.

  “Whoa. What are you doing?” I tried to yank him up. He wouldn’t budge.

  “Her man will bow down, and shall never go hungry before her.”

  “The last part of your father’s spell.”

  “Yes.” He dug into his pocket and pulled out a red velvet box.

  “What are you—” No, he couldn’t be doing that.

  He flicked open the lid and turned the box toward me. Cocooned within was an impressive square-cut diamond, glittering bright.


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