
Home > Nonfiction > Enchanter > Page 18
Enchanter Page 18

by Joanne Wadsworth

  “This can’t be happening.”

  “I love you, Silvie.” His gaze, so focused, drained the remaining air from my lungs. “With my heart and soul. Finally I’m living again, because of you. Don’t make me hunger. I want you as my wife.”

  My legs wobbled and I gripped his shoulders to keep from slithering to the floor. “I love you too. So much, it hurts when we’re not together.”

  “Is that a yes?” He rose to his feet and lifted me off mine. “Please, tell me that’s a yes.”

  “If it is, we’re going to have a very long engagement.”

  “What about a week?” His smiling lips came down on mine. He kissed me, long and deeply, until my legs went to mush.

  “A year sounds better,” I finally got out.

  “I could do a month.” He grinned and slipped the ring over my knuckle to join his mother’s gold band.

  “Holy moly. I can’t believe I’m agreeing to this.” I turned my hand side to side. The diamond dazzled with its brightness. “Silas is going to freak when he sees this. You better make sure you remain armed for some time to come. This is the last thing he’ll expect.”

  “I’ll speak to him.”

  “Nooo.” I patted his chest, still staring at the ring. “Let me do that.”

  “Silvie, where love and destiny meet, where two hearts beat, so shall the giver adore. Where sacrifice is made, where fire and magic are laid, only one shall be restored. Her name shall be Moyer, with golden fingers and a heart so pure. Her man will bow down, and shall never go hungry before her.” He pulled me into his arms. “I wish I could see my father, and thank him for his spell. It’s one now etched on my heart.”

  “One day you will.” I held onto him for dear life. “I love you, Guy, and I’ll never be parted from you as your father has been.”

  “I’ll never allow it, either. I promise you that.” Then he sealed his promise with the deepest kiss, one that stole the last thought from my mind.


  Guy ’ported us into the formal dining room. My sheer happiness gave way to thumping panic in a blink. Four staff members moved around the grand table, aligning stemware and cutlery, making last little changes. “Where is everyone?”

  “We’re a couple of minutes early.” A waiter in black tie stepped forward with a tray and Guy accepted two fluted glasses. Once the man moved away, Guy leaned in, whispering, “I love you.”

  “I love you too.” I rolled my shoulders in an attempt to relax then took one of the glasses Guy offered. The sparkling fruity concoction tingled against my tongue as I sipped. “I can do this.”

  “Your heart is pure. Of course you can.” He led me farther away, where we wouldn’t be overheard.

  “Wincrest’s heart isn’t though, Guy. It’s as black as can be, and he’s a loose cannon waiting to fire.”

  “I’m here.” Faith raced through the engraved oak double doors in a one-shoulder amethyst lace gown. Her lips were pinched, her anxiety clear as she skidded to a stop before us. “Mum’s right behind me. She knows everything. Dad doesn’t keep secrets from her, not anymore.”

  “Everything, everything? Kate must hate me then.” The secrets I’d kept from both Faith and her. Argh, mind-blowing.

  “Silvie.” Kate burst into the room then swamped me in layers of fine, pale blue chiffon, her hug fierce. “I’ve missed you.”

  “You have?” Okay, maybe she didn’t hate me.

  “Yes,” she murmured, “I felt deceived at first, but then I came to understand. Nothing’s ever come in the way of yours and Faith’s friendship, and that’s the most important part of all. Even now you stand by her side. I love you for it.”

  “I’ve missed you too.” I hugged her back, my relief enormous. Kate was as easy to love as Faith, and had mothered me as wonderfully my own mum had.

  “Tomorrow we’ll talk more.” Her brown eyes sparkled, and her long chestnut-brown hair streaked with blond swayed as she nodded. “Come riding with the girls and me. We’re still trying to get Faith on a horse, although having you there might help.”

  Faith groaned. “Or not. I don’t like those thingies.”

  “They’re not thingies.” I tweaked her nose. “And you’re coming since your mother asked so nicely. We stick together.”

  “We need to set some boundaries on this sticking together deal. Horse riding shouldn’t be on it, not when teleportation eliminates my need for them.”

  “Did someone mention horse riding? I’m up for that.” Hope hurried across wearing a figure-hugging gown of royal blue. Another well-dressed young woman followed close behind her. Hope tugged the blond haired woman to her side. “Silvie, meet my aunt, Goldwyn Wincrest. Goldie, Silvie.”

  Goldie sighed and shook my hand, mumbling, “Another Carver. I can’t believe there’re two of you. Silas is bad enough on his own.”

  “She’s a Moyer now.” Hope nudged Goldie’s shoulder. “Be good, okay?”

  “I’m just about a saint with how good I’ve been lately.” Goldie extended her hand to me and I shook it. “Alexo has foreseen you’re of no immediate harm to us. Although, look after Guy and steer clear of Dralion business, and we’ll get along just fine.”

  “I can’t guarantee a thing.” There wasn’t a chance I’d steer clear of Dralion business, not now it was mine too.

  She snorted. “Yep, you’re clearly related to Silas. What is this world coming to?”

  “Ladies.” Maslin, impressively decked in a navy suit, joined us.

  Hope linked her arm through his. “Hey you. What do you think about putting Faith into the mustering team? Then she’d really learn how to ride a horse.”

  “What?” Faith flicked Hope’s arm. “Don’t try and turn this conversation back toward me.”

  “I have to distract Goldie somehow.”

  Maslin stroked Hope’s hand. “Mustering is a great idea. Faith would surely learn to ride if she joined one of the teams. If that’s what you’d like, I’ll organize it.”

  Oh, his adoring act was good.

  “Enough about the horses.” Faith darted a look at the door. “Dad’s coming.”

  “Kate, I’ve never seen you move so fast.” Dralion’s Prince Alexo Wincrest, crossed the gleaming black and white diagonal tiles. He strode toward us in inky dress pants, shirt and tailored jacket. Even his tie was as dark as the rest of his clothing. He wrapped an arm around Kate’s waist. “You didn’t wait for me.”

  She smiled at him. “Faith said Silvie was here. I haven’t seen her in so long.”

  His penetrating violet gaze clashed with mine. “I watched you and Faith as children through my forethought. Remain as loyal to my daughter as you always have, and we’ll never have an issue.”

  I leaned against Guy, his solid support unwavering. “I’ll remain loyal to both your daughters, as they have with me. And as I now do with my mate.” I wouldn’t let Alexo Wincrest get to me. I had to remain strong tonight. Faith and Hope were depending on me.

  “Your enchanter will keep an eye on you.” Alexo tipped his blond head toward Guy. “Correct?”

  “She’ll go nowhere without me.” Guy tightened his hand on my hip. “She holds my heart as deeply as she holds the other half of my soul.”

  “Yes, Guy. We live for our mated one.” Alexo brushed a kiss against Kate’s cheek. “I fully agree.” He glanced over his shoulder. “Nicolas comes.”

  The healer, suited in black, walked through the doors toward Faith. He lifted her hand and kissed it with a flourish. “Hello, my beauty.”

  “Are you still sure? I understand if you want to back—”

  “I’m sure, Faith. I sense the bond between mates because of its undeniable strength. That shouldn’t be taken away, not even because of whom you’ve chosen.”

  “You’re amazing.”

  Alexo gripped Nicolas’s shoulder. “Your loyalty goes without question, as does my gratitude to both you and Maslin. I don’t exactly care for whom my daughters are mated to, but I would never take their ch
oices from them as Donaldo did with me. The bond is too precious.”

  Kate gasped. “Shh, here comes Donaldo.”

  Chandeliers dripping in fine crystal swayed as Wincrest and the leading eight filed in. Killian and Abelard’s gazes shot toward Faith and Hope. Their lips twisted as Nicolas and Maslin stepped in front of the girls and made a very obvious stand.

  Killian marched toward Faith, and Nicolas countered his move until the two stood chest to chest. One fire-breathing dragon tattoo curled up Killian’s neck, just visible above his black collar. “What are you doing, Nicolas?” Killian sneered.

  “I don’t care for your request to court Faith.” He slanted his head toward Donaldo. “Your Majesty, Faith and I have been dating, although we haven’t spoken of it. It’s a fairly new relationship.”

  Abelard shoved through and heaved in front of Maslin. His single spiked piercing glinted, as did the two swords at his side he slapped his palms over. “Back off. Hope is mine to court.”

  “You’ve not been given our liege’s permission, and Hope and I have been being seeing each other for months. Make no mistake, she’s mine and no one else’s.”

  “It’s my decision who will court my granddaughters.” Wincrest jerked on the gold cufflinks at his wrists, his imposing height dominating as greatly as his presence. “This is not the right time. Everyone may be seated.”

  “Yes, I agree.” Alexo directed Killian and Abelard to their seats, separating them from the girls, who sat beside Nicolas and Maslin.

  Guy steered me toward the chair next to Faith. He opened our link. “I’ll be right across the table from you.” The place settings were named. I didn’t want him that far away, not that I had a choice.

  I met his gaze as he took his seat. “Do you think Nicolas and Maslin are up to this?”

  “So much is at stake. Alexo has made it known the girls were born tangled together, arms and legs holding onto each other when the doctor performed the caesarian and delivered them. Neither is the eldest. Both Faith and Hope hold equal positions in line to the throne. Donaldo will want the strongest warriors making a match with them. Two slayers against a healer and one with the water skill.” He sighed down our link. “I don’t know which way it’ll go.”

  Wincrest sat in his throne-like chair at the head of the table, his night-shaded silk shirt a glimmering backdrop for his devious violet eyes. Alexo took the seat to Wincrest’s right, Goldie to his left. If Davio and Silas knew where I was right now they’d freak. And if Wincrest ever learnt I was the prince of Peacio’s cousin, my life would be forfeit. Out in the blink of an eye.

  Faith, at my side, passed me my knife and fork. “Eat your starter, and tamp down your thoughts. You’re broadcasting them to me in a deluge, and I’m already on edge as it is.”

  “Sorry.” She’d easily catch them with her skill. “If you could look at Nicolas as adoringly as you can, then that’d make me feel better.”

  Nicolas slid his arm along the back of Faith’s chair, rested his hand on her bare shoulder. “Faith,” he murmured, low enough only she and I heard.

  She glanced at him. “Yes.”

  “As we planned.”

  “Okay. I need to make Silvie feel better, anyway.” She leaned in and kissed his cheek, no hesitation. At the other end of the table, Killian thumped his hands against the table and rattled the plates.

  “Enough, Killian.” Wincrest rose to his feet. “As much as it’s my decision who courts my granddaughters, I will take their wishes into account.” He eyed Faith. “It appears you have a preference. If that’s the case, I need to hear confirmation of it so we may all enjoy our meal in peace.”

  “Yes. I prefer Nicolas. He’s a healer and so compassionate and kind. I’ve been drawn to him from the moment we met.”

  Wincrest switched his gaze to Hope. “And you, my dear?”

  Abelard shoved his chair back. “Sire, I’ve not been given the chance to enjoy her company as Maslin has.”

  “Settle, Abelard. I will hear what Hope has to say.”

  Hope gripped Maslin’s hand and smiled at him. “I would choose the man I’ve worked alongside these past two years. Maslin wants the same things as me, and I want him.”

  “As I want you.” Maslin stroked her blond hair.

  No way. If Silas ever saw that, Maslin’s blood would spill.

  Crap, and Nicolas was tucking Faith against his side. Shoot. Davio would bust his gut to get his hands around Nicolas’s neck.

  Alexo rose. “I applaud the girls’ decision, and fully stand behind them.”

  “I do believe they’ve chosen well.” Wincrest lifted his long stemmed glass and raised it in a toast. “To approved courtships and—” His gaze moved to Guy. “—the newly married. My congratulations to you all.”

  “Here. Here.” Guy reached toward me with his glass in hand. “You truly are the key. Let’s seal the toast.”

  “Did we just do it? Was that truly Wincrest’s acceptance?”

  “He loves his granddaughters. We should have factored that into any decision he made.”

  “Okay, Wincrest might have one redeeming quality, but that’s it.” I tapped my glass to his as several others at the table clinked their glasses together too. All but Killian and Abelard. No surprises there.

  Faith gripped my hand. “We did it. That’s the hardest thing I’ve ever done. Hold on. Something’s happening.” Her eyes glazed over. “Oh my goodness. Another forewarning.”

  Alexo bolted to his feet, his gaze clearing too. “Did you get that, Faith?”

  “Gerritt Moyer’s on his way, but how, Dad?”

  “Divine intervention.” He ran to the balcony’s glass doors and flung them wide as Gerritt shimmered onto the landing.

  Gerritt’s clothes dripped, all muddied and ragged. Wincrest joined them, clasped Gerritt’s shoulder. “You’ve escaped?”

  “No, Your Majesty, I was freed. Where’s my son?”

  “Dad?” Guy struggled to his feet. “Is that really you?”

  “Yes. I’m back.” Gerritt stumbled toward Guy and pulled him into his arms. “I love you.”

  Holy moly. How was Gerritt back? “Silas?” I threw open our link. “Gerritt Moyer’s been released. Would you care to explain?”

  “Hey, I was just going to tell you what happened. Davio felt conflicted about keeping Guy’s father locked away. He decided to make the first move, to ensure Guy understood our working together would not be broken by us. One protector and one warrior at a time, remember?”

  “Oh, trust me, Guy already understood that, but, wow. Thank you. Tell Davio I love him, and what’s he’s done means the world to me.” Tears streamed down my cheeks, my relief and happiness too great to withhold. “I love you too. Tell Davio he won’t regret this.”

  “I know he won’t. Love you.”

  Guy gripped his father’s face between his hands. “How are you free? How is this possible?”

  “I was told nothing, just blindfolded, taken from my cell then ’ported. I wasn’t sure where to until I scented fresh air and heard gushing water. The guard slid my blindfold free and told me it was my lucky day, that Loveria had granted my freedom.”

  “Just like that?”

  “The guard flashed away, and with my freedom, so did I. The river was right there. I used it to mask my ’porting airstream through to the dome room.”

  Guy’s gaze whizzed to mine, a hundred questions burning within their depths. “Come. Meet my father.”

  “Silas just told me Davio released your father.” I scurried around the table and he wrapped me between him and Gerritt.

  “Thank him for me.” Guy nuzzled into my hair. “Amazing. Our spell worked, Silvie. Where love rises strong, where two souls join for one cause, may fire and magic burn and all who bear witness be completely drawn. May hate melt away in the blaze of truth, and may freedom be granted for the man who saw to my birth.” He feathered kisses over the top of my head. “You and I have to spell together more often. We’re a power
house when we do.”

  “Davio wanted you to know he’s committed to working together.”

  “My commitment will never waver, and now it stands even more firm.” He eased back a bare breath of space. “Dad, meet Silvie, my mate, and the woman I can’t live without.”

  “Nice to meet you, Silvie.” Gerritt kissed my cheek. “Welcome to the family. I believe my wife would have wholeheartedly approved of you.”

  Cheers boomed and echoed around the room.

  Wincrest raised his voice above the din. “Welcome home, Gerritt. Let’s celebrate your return. This is certainly a night for revelry.”

  Warriors thumped their feet, and Hope and Faith squealed as they joined in our hug.

  My heart overflowed with joy.


  “Guy, you need to lie still so I can sleep. I have school in the morning.”

  “I can’t.” He rolled into me, his midnight black hair flopping forward over his brow. “My father’s home. He’s home.”

  I grinned as I kissed him. “Yeah, I know, and if you wanna go sleep with him, I don’t mind.”

  “Careful, or I might take you up on that.” He tickled my lips with his fingers. “I love you, and I can’t wait for the rest of our lives to begin.”

  “There’s a war to end. Never forget that.”

  He picked up my hand and traced the two bands, his mother’s and mine. “Ours will be a journey for sure, and not all smooth sailing, but I promise you this, I’ll never leave your side. Not once. Not ever. You’re my home, and wherever you are is where I long to be.” His mouth closed over mine, his kiss sending my pulse skyrocketing through the roof.

  Oh wow.

  A heat built in my veins.

  Love, it was hot and all-consuming, and he was all I’d ever dreamed of. Slowly, I pulled back, my breath coming fast. “Give me a minute.”

  “A minute’s too long.”

  “I have to master some control over my skill and before we get hitched, otherwise I’m going to set fire to something, or everything.”

  He chuckled. “I’m going to help you with the mastering. I have an idea.”


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