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Crossworld of Xai

Page 81

by Steven Savage

  It was the surrounding events that were difficult.

  Slate and Garnet were Vulpines, humans on some Earths who had foxlike traits in their families, the result of experimentation centuries ago. Despite divergent cultures on different Earths, neither was happy with their own - Slate despised the paranoid maze of Colony, and Garnet’s world had seen her people as curiosities.

  Having no traditions, they largely made their own.

  The door to the Shaleson-Rubissom house swung open and two people walked into the foyer.

  Slate eased his way through the doorway. This was difficult as the hulking, gray-furred Vulpine was not a small man. This was difficult as he was wearing a tuxedo. This was difficult as a dufflebag was slung over one broad shoulder. This was also difficult as he was carrying his recent, red-furred bride in his arms.

  The challenge was more due to size than weight - Garnet was quite petite, but a small woman in a full wedding dress still wasn’t easily fit through a normal door when you were carrying her sideways. There was a certain logistics to wife-carrying that Slate was learning by experience, and those logistics were not easy.

  “I’m glad I remembered the key.” Garnet dangled said object from one slender finger, “Since someone I shall not name forgot his.”

  “I’m glad too. It’s freezing out.” Slate commented, closing the door with a well placed foot. He was blushing slightly under his fur. “Thanks for unlocking it.”

  “You insisted on carrying me over the threshold …”

  “I’ve got our coats in the dufflebag, along with everything else …”

  ” … why is the vacuum cleaner on the floor?”

  Slate gave Garnet a strained look. “Some Earth traditions have a broom in front of the door when the couple enters. I improvised. I … did a few other things before the festivities started, just for the sake of doing them.”

  “I …”

  “HuanJen’s saved some of the cake. And that smell is classic native cleansing herbs.”

  “Now that’s being complete. You can put me down, you know,” Garnet’s eyes twinkled affectionately.

  Slate smiled. The effect on his face was like watching mountains shift in a second. “I’m rather enjoying this. It is done, Garnet.”

  “I know.” Garnet nuzzled her husband’s neck. Husband. She was amazed she could now use the term. “I’d like to go clean up, and … you know … go to bed.”

  There was a moment of silence. Slate’s mind snapped into focus.

  “Yes.” The just-married man’s smile widened slightly. “I imagine you would.”

  “I’m out of metaphors Slate, love.”

  “I know. Go, go clean up, I’ll put everything away.”

  Slate set garnet down and watched her leap up the stairway near the foyer. They had a stairway, an upstairs …

  … Slate walked into the modest living room. He took a great luxury in tossing the dufflebag on the couch. Yes, the furniture was a mixture of salvaged, borrowed and donated with the occasional purchase, but it was home.

  It was home. He could use the word home in reference to himself. None of the tunnels or safe houses of conspiracy-laded Colony. No small apartments. No cramped quarters. A public house with enough room.

  He walked through the ground floor - the kitchen, a den, a quick visit to the restroom. A home.

  And he was married.

  Slate was not a religious man, though his sister’s apprenticeship to her lover, the cleric HuanJen, had made him thoughtful. There was, Jade had said, a Unity to things, and that was one of the things HuanJen had showed her. As much as he felt he’d never understand the holy man, or perhaps even want to, he appreciated how his sister had grown as a person.

  And he understood that Unity. Things felt correct.

  Slate checked his watch. Garnet had had enough time. He could give her a bit more. Perhaps.

  “No. No I think we’ve both had enough time,” Slate said to himself. He felt an electric fire flaring inside of him as he thought of Garnet upstairs, undressing. He thought of warm flesh and silky red fur, and blue eyes like the sky at twilight.

  Slate climbed the stairs gently - no use tromping up there and being impolite.

  He was also wondering if he was misreading any signals. Sex had been an odd issue with him and Garnet due to its relative nonexistence. This was rather odd around their friends; Rake who had been married, Brandon who was an unrepentant if gentlemanly womanizer, and HuanJen and Jade who had once destroyed a table under curious circumstances. Slate felt like a monk at an orgy.

  Still, no use worrying. There was a time and place for everything, and he had a very good idea of what time it was now.

  Upstairs he could still hear Garnet in the bathroom. He shrugged, closed the door to the guest bedroom (it kept swinging open, he’d have to fix that) and walked into the bedroom he shared with garnet. Nothing special - though he knew the furniture budget would be required, as that dresser that Riakka had left over …

  Loose doors and old dressers was not what a newly-married man needed to think about. He needed to …

  “Slate?” Garnet’s voice called from the bathroom.

  “Yes love?”

  “I’m … almost ready.”

  “Of course.” Slate felt some of his libido cool. “Take your time. I …”

  Something to talk about. Something to talk about.

  “Lorne and Xianfu really seemed happy,” Slate ventured.

  “I know! Clairice has a shift after this so they’ve got the apartment to themselves.”

  “Really?” Slate nodded. “You think …”

  “It’s Lorne and you know how things are,” Garnet replied. Lorne was one of those people whose love life you discussed carefully lest you be surprised or embarrassed.

  “I do, I do.” Slate sat on the bed. “Well, they make a good couple, and …”


  Slate turned around to find Garnet looking at him. She was wearing a flowing white nightgown that was just slightly transparent and smiling at him sunnily. It was the kind of smile that reminded him he was alive.

  “A good couple..” Slate looked over his wife. “You look beautiful.”

  “Thanks. I picked it out myself. Jade offered to help but …”

  ” … no that’s quite wise,” Slate finished quickly. Jade had once commented to Clairice on lingerie, thinking he hadn’t heard. The word “thong” echoed in his head.

  “Still in the tuxedo? Isn’t that uncomfortable?”

  Slate smiled, and pulled his tuxedo in a few places. The top came off instantly in several pieces.

  “Lorne and I actually found these used. They’re stage props, but they were in our size.”

  “I see.” Garnet grinned. “Now why are we talking about Lorne? Do you still want to?”

  “Not at all …”

  Lorne Thompson and Fang Xianfu were, in the eyes of many, two good looking men.

  Lorne was tall. Lorne was broad-shouldered. He had blond hair with a wavy/curliness to it which he wore in a ponytail. He was a Gendarme, and people always loved a man in uniform, especially when there were muscles under it.

  Xianfu was a shorter, stockier man with broad oriental features, short dark hair, and a twinkle in his eye. A former Outrider, everyone knew the stories of what ladies men they were.

  People would remark it would be easy to fix them up with their female friends. This usually happened before they found out the two of them were already dating each other. It had led to some wonderful moments of humiliation for hopeful matchmakers - especially those who didn’t know how open-minded Xaian culture was about sexual preference.

  Currently, the couple were impeccably dressed in tuxedos, stumbling into the apartment Lorne shared with his friend Clairice, groping each other playfully. Their winter jackets were quickly thrown on the living room couch.

  “Done and over!” Lorne bellowed, slamming the door.

  “I noticed!” Xianfu threw his arms around his b
oyfriend from behind and gave him a hug. “I bet you’re proud.”

  “Proud?” Lorne seemed to sag. “Relieved. This has been a milestone that was a few miles in coming.”

  “They were happy …” Xianfu ventured.

  “Damn right. He’s … become one of my best friends …”

  “Because he’ll play golf with you … “

  ” … true. But still, he’s happy. And … so am I. “

  Xianfu spun around and gave Lorne a quick kiss. Lorne had a delightful scent that was part musky, part breeze.

  “Cologne?” Xianfu asked.

  “A bit. Our local Zone Cleric sells it on the side.”

  “Aphrodisiac?” Xianfu inquired with mock-seriousness.

  “No, that’s my natural charisma.”

  “Egomaniac. Should have never let you near the wine.” He reached up and ruffled Lorne’s hair.

  “Hey, you …

  “I had one.” Xianfu raised his index finger. “And you …”

  “Had two.” Lorne crossed his arms. “Hey, you know how I get when I drink too much. I wanted to remain sober, and focused.”

  “Why, it’s a wedding?” The former Outrider asked sarcastically. “Gods, when Barkelli got married I was comatose.”

  “Well, I feel it is inappropriate to get drunk at a friends wedding. And two … I knew Clairice would have to go to the hospital to work Brad’s shift, and you and I could be alone …”

  Xianfu raised an inquisitive eyebrow. There was a tone in Lorne’s voice that he hadn’t heard very often. It was a kind of extra rumble in his voice, a small purring thunder.

  “Are you trying to seduce me, Mr. Thompson?”

  “Well …” Lorne pulled a part of his tuxedo jacket, eyes half-closed in a seductive glance.

  Nothing happened.

  Xianfu blinked. “Lorne?”

  “Just a moment.” Lorne repeated the operation, and poked and pulled a few apparently nondescript tuxedo elements. An increased amount of nothing happened, which seemed to upset him greatly.

  “Um?” Xianfu began.

  “Oh,” Lorne grinned sheepishly. “Well, see, Slate and I got our Tuxedos from a place that had stage props …”

  “Yes?” The Outrider-turned-scholar crossed his arms. He sensed an interesting story was about to be inflicted on him. Lorne was a font of such interesting stories.

  “Well, they’re sort of break-away - and they were in our size, and you know how hard we are to shop for.”

  “Yes, somewhat,” Xianfu tapped his foot. There was more. He could tell.

  “Look, we figured it’d be neat to, you know, ‘break it down’ in front of our loved ones, but I seem to be stuck.”

  “That’s …” Xianfu paused, “that’s really sweet, Big Guy. Ah … need some help?”

  “Er … all I can get?”

  Xianfu suddenly produced a small knife from out of thin, or at least marginally chubby, air. His Outrider training had never left him, even after his more genteel job at the University.

  “Er?” Xianfu asked, gesturing broadly.

  “Cause the least amount of damage possible to the tuxedo,” Lorne instructed. “Oh, and none to me.”

  “Of course.”

  Xianfu carefully judged the tuxedo’s various elements, and made a few cuts. Nothing happened. He made a few more. Finally, he made a few more slices, gave the tuxedo top a yank, and ended up with a handful of mangled cloth, and Lorne standing in his undershirt.

  “Fifty percent success rate.” Xianfu smiled.

  “I suppose I’ll have to live with that,” Lorne answered with mock sourness.

  “Hey, you still look great with the shirt off.” Xianfu dropped the handful of ex-tuxedo onto the jackets.

  “Probably.” Lorne shrugged. “Not as good as I could. Here.”

  Lorne tossed his undershirt aside, then struck a bodybuilding pose, though one that was self-mocking. Lorne kept fit for health and for his job, and decried people who sculpted their bodies out of ego.

  Xianfu put his knife back in its concealed sheath and applauded. “Bravo. Excellent. Flex. Yes, that’s it. I … hey, are you trying still to seduce me?”

  “I was but the tuxedo thing killed it so I’m going for sympathy seduction.” Lorne said honestly.

  “You’re six foot seven and built like Michaelangeo’s wet dream. You don’t get sympathy,” Xianfu retaliated verbally, “but … the seduction part is working.”


  Xianfu looked over Lorne’s body. It matched his personality - graceful and powerful. There was a symmetry to him that he couldn’t quite touch upon except without words. There was an air about him of a statue come to life, like the sculpture of some classic hero had come to life.

  “Really.” Xianfu smiled. “Look, I was an Outrider, most people think we were easy lays. You …” Xianfu touched Lorne’s chest. “Hey, you take the time. That means a lot.”

  “Well, please. I’m civilized. Cultured … “

  “Sounding like a Nexial Earth gay stereotype.” Xianfu interjected.

  ” … because I’m nervous. I get kind of self-mocking. I mean …” Lorne began.

  “You haven’t been out on a date in over a year and are probably pretty horny.”

  “That as well,” Lorne admitted, “OK, the tuxedo was a bust. Impression?”

  “You’re handsome. And you went to a lot of lengths for me.” Xianfu’s voice was serious.

  “Good I succeeded. Kiss me, OK? I worked up for this.”

  Xianfu stood on his toes and gave Lorne a passionate, loving kiss. Moments later when their lips parted, Lorne appeared to approve.

  “Not bad for me failing to be seductive.”

  “You failed to pull off a stupid trick,” Xianfu smiled archily, “Everything else is fine.”


  “Eight out of ten, easily.” Xianfu said, then thought for a moment. “No, eight point five. The tuxedo didn’t work but it was a nice touch.”

  “Thanks. Rating me really makes me feel romantic. I’m practically swooning into your arms. Any moment sakura petals will drift in and my hair will be windblown dramatically.”

  “Oh, come on …”

  “No.” The Gendarme crossed his muscular arms, feigning disinterest “No, the numbers thing didn’t help. I’m feeling … unseductive now. I just … don’t feel pretty anymore.”

  Xianfu mock-sighed. He could play along. “OK. I guess it’s up to me.”

  The former Outrider reached up, gently took Lorne’s ear in hand, and began guiding him rather towards the bedroom. Lorne showed no resistance.

  “This is sexy?” Lorne asked.

  “I don’t have tearaway prop clothes, I have to improvise.”

  Xianfu finally got his boyfriend to Lorne’s disturbingly immaculate bedroom and shut the door. He leaned against it and smiled.

  “Alone,” Xianfu smiled.

  “Yes,” Lorne acknowledged.

  “You still look good.”

  “Thank you. You look fantastic.”

  “Unlike you, I am somewhat clothed.” Xianfu suddenly removed his tuxedo top and shirt in a matter of seconds. His smooth skin glinted in the moonlight coming through the lone bedroom window. “That can be remedied.”

  Lorne blinked. Xianfu had put some of the finest strippers on Evening Street to shame. “How …”

  “It’s a gift.”

  “I see.” Lorne shifted his weight nervously. “And …”

  “And …”

  “No games.” Lorne leapt backwards, bouncing onto the bed. “Come here. Please. Knowing us we won’t get another chance for a week.”

  “That’s not exactly romantic …”

  “Oh shut up and get in bed damn it,” Lorne snapped lovingly.

  Xianfu complied, and in the process lost his shoes and socks, shortly followed by his pants. “OK.”

  ” … you’re still going to have to show me how you’ve done that.”

  “Big Guy,
some of us have the skill, some of us don’t.”

  Lorne looked over Xianfu. He was solidly built, attractive despite a few scars - and smiling like he’d gotten the best joke in life. He was also noticeably aroused. Lorne, who had not been with a man or even a close equivalent for some time, felt himself suddenly far more aroused.

  “Hey …”

  “Noticing I got an reaction …” Lorne’s fingers danced up one of Xianfu’s muscular legs.

  “Oh, you … ah.” Xianfu gasped as one of Lorne’s long fingers stroked the head of his shaft.

  “Yes?” Lorne asked playfully.

  “That got my attention. And … oh. That got it too.”

  “Really?” Lorne gave Xianfu a quick kiss. “Do you know how long I’ve wanted to get you like this?”

  “Since you met me?” Xianfu asked in response.

  ” … a few weeks after actually.”

  “I suppose … oh … I take time to get to know.”

  Lorne’s hand gently curled around Xianfu’s manhood, his thumb toying with the head. “And … I’ve thought of this.”

  “Well, I’ve thought … of this.”

  Xianfu reached down and gently began to stroke Lorne’s groin.

  “Well, I can tell what you’re thinking.”

  “Yes.” Lorne began to move his hand up and down gently. “No one on Xai would blame me.”

  “I can see. Hmmmm. That feels wonderful.”

  “I’m glad.” Lorne kissed Xianfu a few quick times, then nipped at his neck. “It feels wonderful. Let’s see …”

  Lorne got on his knees.

  ” … how wonderful I can make you feel.”

  The blond man ran his tongue around Xianfu’s right nipple in a slow, wet circle, then gently began to suck, alternating with a few gentle nips. After a minute, he turned his attention to the other nipple, treating it much the same.

  Xianfu gripped his head tightly, his breath being pulled through clenched teeth. The feelings were like tiny shocks that ran across his body.

  Lorne kissed down his boyfriend’s chest and onto his hard belly, darting his tongue into the navel. Xianfu’s shaft brushed against his chin, still in his grip.

  “Hey …”

  “Hush. Man at work here …”

  Lorne ran his tongue up Xianfu’s manhood, fluttering it at the end of the head, playing with the most sensitive areas. He looked up at his lover, who looked back with happy, emotion-filled eyes. Something inside Lorne’s heart felt unburdened.


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