The Notorious Groom (Desire)

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The Notorious Groom (Desire) Page 19

by Caroline Cross

“Sometimes you have to take drastic measures to get my attention. Not that I’m suggesting you do what you did every time we have a fight.”

  Hope stirred to life as it dawned on her that he was talking as if they still had a future. “Of course not.”

  “The thing is, I thought about what you said, about Chelsea and me staying here until my place is rebuilt.”

  “You did?”

  “Yeah. But I’m afraid it won’t work—”

  Her heart plummeted.

  “—unless you’re willing to take this.” A little self-consciously, he reached into his coat pocket and drew out a small, exquisitely gift-wrapped package. His fingers tightened around it just for a second and then he offered it to her.

  Norah didn’t move. She couldn’t. She swallowed. “What is it?”

  He shook his head. “You’ll have to open it and find out.”

  Her fingers shaking, she did just that. She glanced at him again, then pulled the ribbon off and tore away the glossy red paper. Inside was a small, velvet-covered jeweler’s box. Her heart racing, she carefully lifted the hinged top.

  An engagement ring glinted up at her, its diamond glittering brilliantly as it caught the light.

  “Oh, Eli...” She looked up at him, incapable of speaking.

  He stared straight back, and everything he felt—tenderness, wonder, love—was openly reflected in his beautiful blue eyes. “I never bought you a birthday present,” he said softly, closing the distance that separated them. “And I thought... if you’re really going to be my wife, we ought to do it right.” He swallowed. “I love you, Boo. I’m sorry I was such a jerk. Marry me? This time for real?”

  “Oh, Eli, yes.”

  There was a sudden, joyous whoop from Chelsea, who was jumping up and down in the bedroom doorway.

  And then Norah was in Eli’s arms, kissing the man who had once been the baddest boy in town, but who was now her heart, her future...her love.

  ISBN : 978-1-4592-6492-2


  Copyright © 1998 by Jen M. Heaton

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  All characters in this book have no existence outside the imagination of the author and have no relation whatsoever to anyone bearing the same name or names. They are not even distantly inspired by any individual known or unknown to the author, and all incidents are pure invention.

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