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Don't Lie to Me

Page 9

by Stacey Lynn

  I ignored the anger rolling off him in waves and sat down at my kitchen table, gently setting the coffee mug down and plastered on the most indifferent expression I could fake. He came barging into my apartment early in the morning. He could speak first.

  “I seriously fucking hate that word.” He exhaled loudly and walked to my fireplace, looking at the pictures of Logan and me all over the mantle.

  “Stop saying that,” I scolded and drank my coffee. I meant the f-word, but he probably thought I was mocking him based on how quickly his head spun around and he stalked toward me. I refused to show him how angry and hurt and disappointed I was, though. “I meant ‘fuck’ Jack.”

  He stopped, and roughly ran his hands through his hair before he walked to the kitchen and poured himself a cup of coffee. I hid my smile at his concession for a cup of fucking coffee.

  “You weren’t there when I got home.”

  No shit.

  I pursed my lips and raised my eyebrows slightly, looking at him from over the edge of my coffee cup that I held with both hands so he couldn’t see them shaking.

  “Did you really expect me to wait?”

  He had the grace to look ashamed for even thinking I would still be there.

  “I’m not going to wait around for you to screw me when you’re pissed at someone else, Jack. I deserve more than that.”

  And there it was. I needed more than he could give me, and we both knew it. I watched his anger subside slightly and his tense expression soften. The muscles in his neck and chest loosened as he sat down at the chair across from me. He leaned back in his chair and silently drank his coffee. I was almost surprised he didn’t just walk away right there.

  Finally he set his coffee down and leaned forward, resting his elbows on the table. “I told you I’d fuck this up, Emma.”

  “You did. And I’m not as upset at what you said, it was how you said it and what you didn’t say.”

  “I told you. I don’t talk about Brian.”

  I lost my ability to bite back my snark. “He has a name today?”

  Jack looked at me intensely. I couldn’t tell if he was angry or frustrated. Whatever it was, it left me speechless. I shut my mouth and went back to drinking my coffee while I tried to ignore the gorgeous brown eyes and scruffy haired sexy man across from me. I chided myself silently. I was pissed at him, and yet I wanted nothing more than to gaze into those eyes for the rest of the day. I hated the contradicting feelings inside me.

  I refilled my coffee cup, still ignoring the growing tension when Jack finally spoke. I froze instantly, not at all expecting his explanation.

  “We’re not really brothers.”

  I calmly set my hands in my lap, and waited, patiently for him to continue.

  Jack reached back to his neck and rubbed it, not removing his eyes from me. He sighed heavily and I watched his shoulders sag. Whatever he was debating to say, was important. I stopped the hope in my chest from rising too far. I didn’t want to get my hopes up that he would actually tell me something important only to have them dashed again. I simply waited.

  “Steven McMillan wasn’t actually my dad. I’m adopted.” My mouth dropped to form a perfect ‘O’ shape in surprise. As much as I wanted to maintain my composure, nothing prepared me for that. I had absolutely no idea. “Yeah. Brian is Steven’s biological son. We grew up together, but when I was thirteen, my parents died, and Steven adopted me because I was alone and he didn’t want me going into foster care.”

  “I had no idea.” My words were soft, along with my softening expression. This was more than I expected to hear.

  “I keep it private. Mostly because it’s no one’s business but mine. After my parents died, I started getting into a lot of trouble at school and Brian got sucked into all of it with me. I was an angry kid, fighting and not caring about anything in the world. When we were sixteen, we got busted by the cops at a party. We were both drunk and high. Steven finally knocked some sense into me. He took me to my parent’s graves and made me face them. Told me how pissed they’d be at me and how I was disgracing their memory and their love for me. It shook me up, but Brian was in so much more deeply than I was with drugs that nothing we said or did after that helped. He started hating me, blaming me for his problems, and that I was better than he was at sports and school. I grew closer to Steven, while he began to despise both of us. Slowly, our friendship completely deteriorated and he went off the rails with drugs.”

  I sat there, listening, while my mind spun with thoughts the entire time. I couldn’t even imagine what it would feel like to lose your parents, and then your friend. There was clearly much more to the story than he had already shared, but it was enough. It was more than enough for me. The story explained so much about the man Jack was, and why he refused to get close to anyone.

  “And then you took over his company.”

  I watched a look of sadness fill Jack’s eyes. The look was so foreign on him I almost didn’t recognize it. He took a drink from his coffee and shook his head slowly.

  “I never wanted to take it from him, but he was so far gone by the time we went to college that Steven didn’t have another choice. When Steven got sick, he told me he wanted me to take the company over one day. I always knew he wanted it to stay as a family business, so I changed my last name to his. Brian calls every once in a while when he’s in trouble and I help him out.”

  “And that’s what happened last night?”

  Jack raised his eyes to mine, slowly. His silence was answer enough. I didn’t need to know the specifics. Without him saying a single word, I understood. His guilt and pain written all over his face and in his defeated posture.

  “No one knows except Martin.” I smiled slightly at the mention of Martin. He worked for Jack’s company and I knew he’d been around for years. He was Jack’s mentor in the company when Steven died and was very much a father figure to him. I had met him several times and he was always warm and friendly with me. He reminded me of my own dad. “We promised Steven we would never let Brian - or his issues - be made public, so periodically we have to clean up his messes,” he sighed slowly. “I’ve never told anyone any of this before, Emma.”

  It was equal parts a declaration at how much he trusted me and warning to never mention this to anyone again. I nodded in understanding.

  “I won’t say anything. To anyone.”

  Without warning, Jack’s sad eyes disappeared. Instantly, the hazy look I was starting to know all too well replaced the sadness and regret. As much as I wanted to stay angry with him, I couldn’t - not when he just opened himself up to me so much. I pretended to ignore the look of desire filling his eyes and pressed my thighs together.

  He looked at the watch on his wrist, and then back to me. “We still have something else to talk about.”

  I cleared my throat and feigned innocence. “Talk?”

  I watched as he licked his lower lip and nodded slowly. I felt the wetness between my thighs, just watching his tongue slowly wipe across his lips. The things he can do with that tongue.


  Without a word, he came over to my chair. He crouched down and turned me toward him. My thighs opened for him automatically and a small victorious smile appeared on his lips.

  But he didn’t touch me; at least not how I wanted him to. Instead, his hands slowly rubbed up my legs, outside of my thick robe.

  “This robe is the most hideous thing I have ever seen,” he said softly, smiling right into my eyes. He slowly began untying the robe at my waist.

  I chuckled softly in agreement, my voice breathless when I spoke. “Is this what we needed to talk about? My choice in sleepwear?”

  “No, but now that you mention it….” his voice trailed off as he finished untying the knot at my waist. With his hands on my robe, he wasn’t touching me at all, but my skin felt like it was on fire as his eyes roamed all over my chest, stomach, and completely naked body. “This is what you’ll sleep in from now on.”

  Fine b
y me, especially if he always looked at me like that. Jack took my hand and slowly pulled me up so my chest pressed against his body. His erection evident as it pressed into my lower stomach. “We need to talk about you lying to me, and how it’ll never happen again.” His voice sounded ominous.

  “Lying?” I choked the words out.

  “You told me you’d be there when you got back. You lied.” He continued without waiting for a response. Both of his hands framed my cheeks as he pulled back slightly, and earnestly looked directly into my eyes. “I’m going to fuck this up enough for the both of us, Emma. I need your honesty.”

  Without waiting for my answer, his lips fell to mine. Softly, teasing me, nipping my bottom lip, and then my top, and then moved to the corners of my mouth. I wanted a real kiss. Passionate and hard, like how he always kissed me but as I tried to move to take it, he pulled back.

  “God I just fucking want you.” Before I knew what happened, his arms went back to my waist as he picked me up. I immediately squealed and wrapped my legs around him. He carried me down the hall to my bedroom without saying another word. I buried my head into his neck, excited, and scared – still trying to figure out what he meant by punishment.

  He stood me up on the floor right next to my bed and slowly let my robe fall to the floor.

  “I’m sorry for lying,” I whispered, my nerves increasing as he slowly scanned every inch of my body without touching me. I reached out to remove his suit coat, but Jack’s hand gripped mine.

  “You need to take that off.” It was the same suit he wore yesterday to work, and then for our date. Essentially he’d now been in that suit for almost thirty hours, and it looked ragged.

  Jack didn’t move and didn’t speak. Instead, he dropped my hand to my side and took one step back from me. I swallowed, slowly. His jaw hardened like it had last night in the elevator on our way to dinner. Was he doing the same thing again - staying silent to show that he was in control? Or was he trying to regain control? His silence unnerved me.

  A slight twitch of the right side of his lip was his only movement. But as I watched his eyes, I didn’t see any anger. I saw only lust, and a devilish sparkle in his murky brown eyes that told me he was planning something. I swallowed again, and resisted the urge to reach out to touch him, or myself. I was no longer afraid. His eyes told me he wouldn’t hurt me; and the anticipation of what would come aroused me.

  “Turn around and place your hands on the bed.” The command was so similar to last night on the terrace I didn’t hesitate to obey. If he wanted to take me hard and fast again, I would enjoy every punishing second of it.

  I obeyed, and dropped my head just enough so I could see him standing still behind me. He had yet to move. I stood there, bent over at the waist for who knows how long until I finally heard the rustling of his suit jacket and then it dropped to the floor. His shirt, his pants, and the rest of his clothes followed it until he stood, in the same spot, too far behind me and completely naked. I pressed my thighs together to try to quench the heat in between them. The silence drove me crazy, not knowing what he was going to do, or say. He was so close, but so far away and the entire moment had my nerves crackling with a tension I didn’t know possible.

  “Don’t do that,” Jack scolded.

  “Do what?” I asked breathlessly. I had no idea what he was talking about.

  It took one second for him to reach me, I saw his legs moving towards me and then felt his fingers push into me smoothly.

  “Don’t tighten up. I like watching your pussy throb and your juices drip down your thighs.”

  Oh my god. That was the most vulgar thing I had ever heard, and yet at the same time, I had to resist tightening my thighs again. How can this be such a turn on? I had to move. I had to do something.

  I jumped again when Jack’s hand began rubbing my ass cheeks. The tender caress set off a humming of pleasure that only increased my arousal with every gentle brush.

  Slowly, his fingers began moving roughly inside of me. I moaned with the instant pleasure of finally, having something there to take the edge off. I wiggled my hips, wanting and needing more. Much too quickly, he removed his fingers just as roughly.

  I moaned again but this time, dissatisfied.

  “You like that, don’t you?” Jack was now so close, I could feel the heat of his body as he lined up behind me. “You like it rough.”

  I couldn’t see him, but I knew from the tightness in his voice that his eyes were black from desire. I could picture his large cock, standing at full hardness. I licked my lips and nodded in answer to his question. My throat too dry to speak.

  “Answer me with words, Emma.”

  “Yes. Apparently I do.”

  I felt the tip of Jack’s cock lined up perfectly at my opening. I could feel myself throbbing, expectant at the pleasure that was sure to come. Soon, hopefully, because I was already so close to coming from the words he spoke to me. I needed him inside me.

  With his hands on my hips to steady me, Jack pressed slowly into me, his cock taking the place of his fingers. He pulled me back onto him as he pushed himself all the way in and I felt the tip of his cock hit me all the way into my stomach.

  “Ahh!” I cried out. In pain or pleasure, I didn’t know. But he didn’t stay long enough to let me figure it out either because just as my muscles began to relax around him, he pulled out completely. I groaned in frustration at the empty feeling he left inside me.

  Silence filled the room except for the noises of my heavy breathing and a soft, amused chuckle from behind me. Jack enjoyed this game. It gave him control, and the power. I wanted him to have it, because I knew as soon as he released whatever he had planned, I would enjoy it just as much as him. But I still wanted him to hurry up and release it onto me.

  “I have to pick Logan up in a couple of hours, you know.” He laughed softly, most likely at the begging tone in my voice.

  His hand lightly rubbed the back of my thighs causing me to shiver for his touch again. I leaned in to him, and he pulled away, just slightly. I could still feel the heat from his hand, but I needed it back on my skin. I stilled my legs from moving, hoping I would feel his touch again and it worked. Again, his hand moved along my thighs and I resisted the urge to moan, or move, or whimper. I bit my lip to stay quiet and still so I wouldn’t lose that touch again. Slowly, his hand moved around to my front and I could no longer stay silent.

  I moaned in pleasure and arched into his hand as he began rubbing my clit. The tight bundle of nerves pulsated against his fingers. I felt my orgasm beginning to build. I wanted to hide it from him so he would continue.

  But I couldn’t. I moved against his hand fiercely, craving the only contact with him that I had. Really, I wanted his body all over me, his cock pounding into me, and his arms holding me tightly but I would greedily take whatever he had to give me.

  “Damn it, Jack!” I cried out as his hand disappeared from mine again right as I was beginning to come. I was panting and sweating and all sorts of turned on. I was annoyed and pissed and wanting. My head spun from the overflow of heat and emotions rushing through me. I wanted to scream at him, kick him out, and have him throw me down on the bed and screw me like he had threatened to do last night.

  I did none of it. This was what he wanted, what he needed. As much as I hated the feeling, I wanted to give it to him.

  “I’ll never lie to you again, Jack.” The words came out choppy as I spoke between my deep breaths.

  “Promise me.” I sighed when I heard his voice. It sounded soft and smooth and exactly how I wanted him to sound when he talked to me – kind and loving.

  I nodded, but then remembered his earlier warning. “Promise.”

  His hands came down instantly and turned me around to face him. My painfully hardened nipples tightened even further when they pressed against the light dusting of hair on his chest. His kiss was rough and passionate and everything I wanted. I linked my fingers behind his head and pulled him towards me as I slowly mov
ed onto the bed. Thanking whoever could hear me that he came with me, and crawled onto the bed above me, lining up his body and pressing it into me as I laid down on my messy covers.

  “I could leave you like this. If I left you now, frustrated and so close to coming, you’d understand exactly what I felt like this morning when I got home, wanting to sink into you and finding you gone.”

  I shook my head. “Please don’t.”

  A small gentle smile tugged at Jack’s lips. “Do you want it fast or slow?”

  I thought about it for a split second, loving that he was actually giving me a choice when so far, he’s just taken me however he wanted it. I don’t know why I felt a sense of pride and achievement that he was letting me have my say. We hadn’t had sex slowly yet. It had all been lust filled and demanding and I wondered what slow sex with Jack would be like. He might have sex however I asked, but in the end, he’d enjoy it more if he was in the control of it. I didn’t mind either way; I simply wanted him.

  “I’ll take it however you want to give it, Jack.”

  He exhaled slowly and lowered his mouth to mine. “Thank you for listening to me today,” he said as he softly brushed his lips against mine.

  Slowly, his hips leaned back and then forward, lining up at my opening. I widened my legs further and arched into him, once again feeling the tip of him against me. In one, long, drawn out movement, Jack inched into me. So slowly, I thought I might explode before he was fully inside me. If this was his idea of slow, it was more torturous than what he did before. I tried to arch into him, to take more of him, but he stilled and admonished me with his eyes.

  “You said however I wanted it.” I felt scolded, but only until I saw the amusement flicker across his eyes.

  “You’re killing me,” I moaned as he pushed the rest of the way in, completely filling me.

  “You amaze me,” he said as he slowly pulled back out, and then quickly rocked back into me. Then moved again, out --- slowly, in – as quickly as possible. By the third thrust, my insides were quivering and I was a mess of need and so close to coming. Every time he thrust into me, he spoke to me, his lips right on mine, but never kissing me, and never pulling away. It was the most erotic experience ever.


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