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by Robert Zimmerman

Kamanin, Nikolay. “I Feel Sorry For Our Guys” -- General N. Kamanin’s Space Diaries. Washington, D.C.: NASA Document TT-21658 1993. Karnow, Stanley. Vietnam, a History. New York: Viking Press, 1983.

  Karst, George M. Beasts of the Earth. New York: Albert Unger, 1942.

  Kelman, Steven. Push Comes to Shove, the Escalation of Student Protest. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1970.

  Khrushchev, Nikita. Khrushchev Remembers. Boston: Little, Brown and Co., 1970.

  ________. Khrushchev Remembers, The Last Testament. Boston: Little, Brown and Co., 1974.

  ________. Khrushchev Remembers, The Glasnost Tapes. Boston: Little, Brown and Co., 1990.

  Kousoulas, Dimitrios G. The Price of Freedom, Greece in World Affairs, 1939-1953.

  Lambright, W. Henry. Powering Apollo, James E. Webb of NASA. Baltimore: John Hopkins University Press, 1995.

  Lay, Beirne, Jr. Earthbound Astronauts, the Builders of Apollo-Saturn. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice Hall, Inc., 1971.

  Lebedev, L., B. Lyk’yanov, and A. Romanov. Sons of the Blue Planet. Moscow: Political Literature Press, 1971.

  Lewis, H.A.G. The Times Atlas of the Moon. London: Times Newspapers, 1969.

  Logsdon, John M. The Decision to Go to the Moon, Project Apollo and the National Interest. Cambridge: MIT Press, 1970.

  Lovell, Jim. The Development of the Liquid-Fuel Rocket. Thesis, United States Naval Academy, 1952.

  Lovell, Jim, and Jeffrey Kluger. Lost Moon, The Perilous Voyage of Apollo 13. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1994.

  Medvedev, Roy. Khrushchev. New York: Anchor Press/Doubleday, 1983.

  Medvedev, Roy and Zhores Medvedev. Khrushchev, the Years in Power. New York: Columbia University Press, 1976.

  Melosh, H. J. Impact Cratering, a Geologic Process. New York: Oxford University Press, 1989.

  Morgan, Edmund, ed. Puritan Political Ideas, 1558-1794. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1965.

  Morris, Eric. Blockade Berlin & the Cold War. London,:Hamish Hamilton, 1973.

  Moss, George Donelson. Vietnam: An American Ordeal. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice Hall, 1994.

  Murphy, Edward R., Jr., with Curt Gentry. Second in Command: Te Uncensored Account of the Capture of the Spy Ship Pueblo. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1971.

  Murray, Charles, and Catherine Bly Cox. Apollo, the Race to the Moon. New York: Simon and Schuster,

  Musgrove, Robert G. Lunar Photographs from Apollo 8, 10, and 11, SP-246. Washington, D.C.: NASA, 1971.

  NASA. Analysis of Apollo 8s Photography and Visual Observations, SP-201. Washington, D.C.: NASA, 1969.

  New Left Notes, newsletter for “Students for a Democratic Society,” 1966-1971.

  Newhall, Christopher G., and Raymundo S. Punongbayan. Fire and Mud, Eruptions and Lahars of Mount Pinatubo, Philippines. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1996.

  Newton, Michael. Bitter Grain: Huey Newton and the Black Panther Party. Los Angeles: Holloway House, 1991.

  Nixon, Richard. Six Crises. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1990.

  O’Ballance, Edgar. The Greek Civil War, 1944-1949. New York: Frederick A. Praeger, 1966.

  Oberg, James E. Red Star in Orbit. New York: Random House, 1981.

  Pearson, Hugh. The Shadow of the Panther: Huey Newton and the Price of Black Power in America. New York: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1994.

  Pehe, Jiri, ed. The Prague Spring: a Mixed Legacy. New York: Freedom House, 1988.

  Phillips, Lt. Gen. Sam C. “A Most Fantastic Voyage” in National Geographic, May 1969, 594-631.

  Pistrak, Lazar. The Grand Tactician: Khrushchev’s Rise to Power. New York: Praeger, 1961.

  Reagan, Ronald, A Time for Choosing: The Speeches of Ronald Reagan, 1961-1982. Chicago: Regnery Gateway, Inc., 1983.

  Schick, Jack M. The Berlin Crisis, 1958-1962. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1971.

  Science for the People, Bi-monthly Publication of Scientists and Engineers for Social and Political Action, 1-7 (1970-1975).

  Seale, Bobby. Seize the Time: the Story of the Black Panther Party and Huey P. Newton. Baltimore: Black Classic Press, 1991.

  Shadrake, Alan. The Yellow Pimpernels: Escape Stories of the Berlin Wall. London: Robert Hale and Co., 1974.

  Shepard, Alan, and Deke Slayton with Jay Barbree and Howard Benedict. Moon Shot: The Inside Story of America’s Race to the Moon. Atlanta: Turner Publishing Inc., 1994.

  Shlapentokh, Vladimir. Soviet Intellectuals and Political Power, the Post-Stalin Era. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1990.

  Sinclair, Barbara. The Transformation of the U.S. Senate. Baltimore: John Hopkins University Press, 1989.

  Skolnick, Jerome H. The Politics of Protest, report prepared for the National Commission on the Causes and Prevention of Violence. New York: Ballantine Books, 1969.

  Slayton, Donald K. “Deke”, with Michael Cassutt. Deke! U.S. Manned Space: From Mercury to the Shuttle. New York: Tom Doherty Associates, 1994.

  Struve, Nikita. Christians in Contemporary Russia, London, Harvill Press, 1963.

  Titov, Gherman. Gherman Titov, First Man to Spend a Day in Space. New York: Crosscurrents Press, 1962.

  Tocqueville, Alexis de. Democracy in America. New York: Harper & Row, 1969.

  Unger, Irwin and Debi. The Movement, History of the American New Left, 1959-1972. New York: University Press of America, 1974.

  U.S. Department of State, Office of Public Services. Background: Berlin, 1961. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1961.

  Verne, Jules. The Omnibus Jules Verne. New York: J.B. Lippincott Co., undated.

  Vladimirov, Leonid. The Russian Space Bluff. London: Tom Stacey, Ltd., 1971.

  Vlavianos, Haris. Greece, 1941-49: From Resistance to Civil War, the Strategy of the Greek Communist Party. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1992.

  Von Braun, Wernher. Space Frontier. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1971.

  Von Braun, Wernher, and Frederick I. Ordway III. Space Travel, an Update of History of Rocketry and Space Travel. New York: Harper and Row, 1985.

  Whitney, Thomas P. ed. Khrushchev Speaks, Selected Speeches, Articles, and Press Conferences, 1949-1961. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1963.

  Wilford, John Noble. We Reach the Moon. New York: W.W. Norton, 1969.

  Williams, Kieran. The Prague Spring and Its Aftermath, Czechoslovak Politics, 1968-1970. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1997.

  Wolfe, Tom. The Right Stuff. New York: Bantam Books, 1980.


  Robert Zimmerman is an award-winning science journalist and historian who has written four books and more than a hundred articles on science, engineering, and the history of space exploration and technology. His third book, Leaving Earth: Space Stations, Rival Superpowers, and the Quest for Interplanetary Travel (Joseph Henry Press), was awarded the American Astronautical Society's Eugene M. Emme Astronautical Literature Award in 2003 as the best space history for the general public.

  His magazine and newspaper articles have appeared in Science, Astronomy, Sky & Telescope, Air & Space, Natural History, The Wall Street Journal, USA Today, Wired, Invention & Technology and a host of other publications. In 2000 he was co-winner of the David N. Schramm Award, given by the High Energy Astrophysics Division of the American Astronomical Society for Science Journalism, for his essay in The Sciences, "There She Blows," on the 35-year- old astronomical mystery of gamma ray bursts.

  In addition, he writes daily about space, science, politics, technology, and culture at his website, Behind the Black (

  He was born in Brooklyn and lives in Tucson, Arizona.

  1 Hoyle, pp. 9-10.

  2 National Geographic, 2/98, 44

  3 Gagarin, 193

  4 Julian Scheer interview, 10/23/97

  5 Clarke, 161

  6 Orlando Evening Star, 12/21/68

  7 Chaikin, 116

  8 La Mesa Scout, 1/2/68, 1

  9 Borman, 197-198

  10 Borman, 297; Aldrin, 123

  11 Both Andrew Chaikin’s A Man on the Moon and the hardback edition of Lovell’s Lost Moon describe how Susan expressed anger at Kraft because of NASA’s decision to send Apollo 8 to the moon. According to Susan Borman, this is incorrect. “I was never angry,” she explained to me. She told Kraft how she was sure the men would die in lunar orbit, and he tried (and failed) to reassure her.

  12 Borman, 66

  13 Borman, 303-304

  14 Milwaukee Journal, 2/21/69

  15 Borman, 196; Chaikin, 79; Life 2/69, 19

  16 Borman, 196-197; Life 2/69, 19

  17 Life, 2/28/69, 19

  18 Washington Post, 12/22/68, 1; Houston Chronicle 12/21/68, 1

  19 Baker, 292-294; Lay, fronts piece; Borman, 133

  20 Baker, 294

  21 Murray, 242-250; Chaikin, 86

  22 Borman, 201

  23 Chaikin, 87

  24 Collins, 288-300

  25 Borman, 203

  26 Borman, 204

  27 Gun, 268-270, 299-303

  28 New York Times, 1/20/46, 25; Gun, 268-270, 299-303

  29 New York Times, 7/14/47, 7

  30 Borman, 35

  31 Churchill, 359-362, 373-374, 400-407

  32 Davison, 8-10, 13-18, 27-30, 144-149

  33 Davison, 93

  34 Collier (1978), 59-83

  35 Collier (1978), 186

  36 O'Ballance, 118

  37 O'Ballance, 126-128, 130-135; Kousoulas, 164-165, 177-178

  38 O'Ballance, 191-202

  39 Lovell (1952), 24

  40 Lovell (1994), 66-72

  41 Newsweek, 2/3/69, 11; Washington Post, 8/31/69, 2

  42 New York Times, 7/25/59, 3

  43 New York Times, 1/25/59, 1; Nixon (1978), 206

  44 Khrushchev (1970), 13-35; Khrushchev (1990), 1-13; Medvedev, 3-24; Pistrak, 3-14

  45 Khrushchev (1970), 21-22; Medvedev, 13, 18-19; Pistrak, 15-18, 30-32

  46 Khrushchev (1970), 36-119; Medvedev, 25-39; Pistrak, 27-85

  47 Whitney, 1-7

  48 New York Times, 11/18-20/56, 11/20/56, p15

  49 Burlatsky, 76-78, 132-136

  50 Khrushchev (1970), 385

  51 Khrushchev (1974), 79

  52 Shlapentokh, 105-109; 149-151; Gunther, 55-57, 284-288; Brumberg, 360-390; Johnson, 1-89

  53 Anderson, 19

  54 Anderson, 19

  55 Anderson, 1-67; Bourdeaux (1968), 12-19; Bourdeaux (1970), 38-59, 65-84, 97-155, 304-329; Fletcher, 230-272; Corley, 184-243; Struve, 267-335

  56 Cate, 27; Gelb, 39-44; Dulles, 41; Survey v44-45, 10/62, 59-65

  57 Khrushchev (1990), 167

  58 Khrushchev (1990), 120-127; Burlatsky, 88-92

  59 Whitney, 5

  60 New York Times, 6/30/59, 1, 17; 7/2/59, 1; Barghoorn, 12-13, 92-94, 134

  61 Shepard & Slayton, 42

  62 Breuer, 150

  63 New York Times, 6/30/59, 16

  64 Chaikin, 39

  65 Beschloss, 701-706

  66 Baker, 250-255, plate opposite 273

  67 Borman, 203

  68 Collins, 60; Cunningham 204

  69 Borman, 194

  70 Hall, 122

  71 Houston Post, 12/22/68, 1

  72 Murray, 326; Phillips, 604-607

  73 Phillips, 642-643

  74 Houston Post, 12/22/68, 1, 25

  75 Milwaukee Journal, 12/23/68, 1:6

  76 Milwaukee Journal, 12/23/68, 1:6

  77 Armbrister, 33-78, 224-244; Murphy, 120-203

  78 New York Times, 12/23/68, 1

  79 Cate, 250

  80 Schick, 162-163

  81 Gelb, 63

  82 Khrushchev, (1990), 169

  83 Bourdeaux (1970). 65-84.

  84 Khrushchev (1974), 506

  85 Khrushchev (1974), 505

  86 New York Times, 8/25/61, 5

  87 Cate, 304

  88 Beschloss, 114-134, 143-147; New York Times, 4/16/61, 1; 4/18/61, 1; 4/20/61, 1

  89 Gelb, 74

  90 New York Times 2/22/61, 1; 3/19/61, 42; Baker, 63-65

  91 New York Times 4/13/61, 34

  92 New York Times 4/13/61 14

  93 New York Times, 5/26/61, 12

  94 New York Times, 5/26/61, 1, 12-13; Logsdon, 64-130; Lambright, 82-101; Beschloss, 165-167

  95 Lovell (1994), 180-181

  96 New York Times, 8/16/62, 10

  97 New York Times, 8/16/62, 26

  98 Galante, 170

  99 Galante, 178-186; Ausland, 59-63

  100 New York Times, 8/18/62, 1

  101 New York Times, 8/19/62, 7

  102 New York Times, 8/17/62, 4

  103 Life, 1/10/68, 80-81

  104 Shepard and Slayton, 172.

  105 Orberg, 80-82; Aldrin, 122-123.

  106 Shepard and Slayton, 174.

  107 Orberg, 75-79; Baker, 188; Aldrin, 110.


  109 New York Times, 10/13/64, 18.

  110 New York Times, 10/17/64 12.

  111 Aldrin, 120; Baker, 188-190.

  112 Borman, 133.

  113 New York Times, 12/7/65, 21.

  114 Borman, 137.

  115 Borman, 137.

  116 New York Times, 12/10/65, 22.

  117 Borman, 139.

  118 New York Times, 12/13/65, 1, 46; Baker, 219-225.

  119 Borman, 141.

  120 Borman, 129.

  121 New York Times, 12/14/65, 24; Baker, 224.

  122 New York Times, 12/15/65, 1, 28.

  123 New York Times, 12/17/65, 28; Borman, 144.

  124 New York Times, 12/19/65, 68.

  125 New York Times, 12/19/65 69.

  126 New York Times, 12/19/65, 69.

  127 New York Times, 12/19/65, 68.

  128 New York Times, 8/5/64, 1.

  129 New York Times, 8/6/64, 8.

  130 New York Times, 12/20/65, 6.

  131 Shadrake, 67-71, 77-79; Galante, 150-152, 167-170.

  132 Shadrake, 112-123.

  133 New York Times, 1/12/66, 12.

  134 New York Times, 2/3/66, 13; 2/4/66, 8.

  135 New York Times, 2/2/66, 3; Shadrake, 102-105.

  136 New York Times, 12/22/65, 7; 12/23/65, 15; 12/26/65, 72; 12/27/65, 3.

  137 New York Times, 12/5/65, 1.

  138 New York Times, 11/21/65, 60; 11/28/65, 1; 11/29/65, 3.

  139 New York Times, 8/12/65, 15; 8/13/65, 1; 8/14/65, 1, 8; 8//16/65, 18; 8/17/65, 1.


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